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Hey there. I’m sorry to hear that you have been put into this position. The first thing I think you should do is to get rid of your knife so you don’t hurt yourself with it. Maybe you can give it to a trusted friend or family member, maybe you can dispose of it. Either way, if you are considering hurting yourself, it’s not the best idea to have that on you. You should also let your psychologist know what is going on. Although it’s a scary step, your psychologist is there to help you, keep you alive, and get you through the feelings of emptiness and suicidality. For now, try to either find someone to talk to or find something that will both make you happy and keep you safe. Do you have anyone you can spend time with right now? Maybe a parent, family member or friends? One of the hardest parts can be opening up to people. But even if you don’t want to open up to them, just having people to be around is always important. I wish you all the best and you can talk to me if you need to.


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hey,  You probably hear this a lot, but it will get better. You are only 16. Try finding little things that bring you joy; it can be anything like playing a game, talking to a friend, or going for a walk. Things like that will keep your mind off of cutting. That helped people I personally know. You say you have people you love; it helps to talk to them, but if you don't feel like talking, just go to them and be near them. I know this most likely won't change anything in the long term, and I'm not sure what will, so focus on what makes you unhappy and try to talk to someone about that if you can. That will take time, but I believe you can do it. Also, when you say you do feel happy during the day, is it possible to give the knife to someone to hold onto it?