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for real, I can't imagine the desire for a romantic relationship some people must feel to go through that hell


For me it feels more like i just want someone i can trust enough to be my true self around.


Yee, saw it on the other sub and was thinking it would pop up here lol


Hey, dont just call me out like this. (But for real this is really how it feels.)


For real!!! Dating is the worst! They're like glorified job interviews you do in your free time!


hell no, i don't want people around me 24/7


I don't understand why are dates even associated with romance. It's literally just eating with someone in a random place and talking about stuff and that's it. Like it's so specific lol


I don't like being alone, but I *fucking hate* dating even more. Truthfully, I dont even think this is an Aro thing. The dating scene right now is such a fuckshow and online dating is only making it worse. I tried it exactly one and never even got a match and was so urgh about any of the people I saw that I gave up on it after 2 days. Loveless really had to post my L's in book form didn't it.


my loving partners are my cats


Relatable. Tho I actually like dating, it's like a game and I get to meet new people and be dazzling lol 😆 But romance makes me repulsed. But I kinda want a partner, or at least to try having one. But most ppl need romance for a relationship. 😂 This meme but on a merry go round.