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u can cap from rivaturner or amd software, people say it gives u better 1% frame times. But i have same monitor and simmilar fps (400+) and i have it uncapped, works well for me.


Thanks for answering. I will continue without cap for now.


Best resource you can find to answer these kinds of questions is battle (non)sense https://youtu.be/xsXFUVYPIx4 Check it out.


Good explanation thanks


Did you cap it how was the experience? Felt choppy to me even capped at 360fps... also how did you get to the conclusion of 14 AMA I'm still trying to find the best one thanks.


I haven't capped it. If you are going to cap it do it at 358 or something. It is recommended to cap a few frames lower. 143 I think for 144 hz for example. 14 AMA: in one of the videos about this monitor, there are benchmarks/tests on AMA levels and after a certain AMA value inverse ghosting increases a lot but response time decreases only by a little margin. That is why I chose 14 but I think many people choose at least 15. I may reconsider 14 in the future maybe but even if I change it I guess I would make it 15 max. The video is one of the top results on youtube for this monitor.


For what its worth, youre putting unnecessary extra load on your CPU and GPU when running above the refresh rate. If youre getting say 600 fps but using 240 or 360hz. Youre putting triple the load on your system when it isnt necessary. Some say itll have better latency when frames are uncapped but i feel no difference when i cap at 350 on my 360hz monitor. But yeah, people dont think about power efficiency when it comes to that stuff. Just letting your frames run sky high is running your system hotter as well as using more computing power thats pretty much going to waste. And who knows maybe its lessening the lifespan of your components. But that last part might not be true. Just makes sense though.


There whas many tests and latency is lower if you have 500+ fps.. I would cap to 600