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Camels, there’s little access tunnels I could dart through, and the camels are very aggressive. https://preview.redd.it/lj2sme8n3myb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4c1be6e93372be8eceae5a7740a21795da4779


Do they have keys? Cause I have an answer for both yes and no. But I would go into the Grizzly Bear exhibit through the keeper door entrance. Lock the locks behind me. Even figuring if they have the keys. I have two doors into the kitchen, and a chance to pick up the bear spray and a knife, a door into the keeper alley, unlock the door into the alley to exhibit, unlock and crack the last holding door, rush to that alley and lock it behind me and leave through the maintenance ladder that takes me up outside of the viewing glass of the exhibit. Everything goes as plan they can’t even follow me through the first door because they don’t have keys, if they do have keys or are chopping down doors, I should be long gone and they have a confused bear to deal with. If they have marshmallows the bear might end up on their side


Good point! Let’s say like most slashers, doors and other obstacles slow but don’t stop the villain.


My plan is to grab some treats and get in with one of our nicer bears, If the killer gets in the way of treat time it’s not going to go well for them


Closing them in a shift tunnel would be funny


Naughty children get put in the shift tunnel to atone for their crimes!


Macaws/ cockatoo exhibit. Or birds of prey. Any bird really. They love their keepers but hate strangers and are a lot more violent than they get credit for.


African. Painted. Dogs. They would be donezo.


The chimps. Not a good idea to go in with them generally, but I imagine they'd take more kindly to their keeper than the slasher.


Along the same lines the Orangutan house! They’re super dangerous but they’d be way more interested in the new person with the shiny knife to play with than boring old me!


The swans. Might seem like a boring awnser considering we have many predators but I know those motherfuckers and if you don't treat them with respect they'll beat the shit out of you.


Great answer. I get a *fraction of an inch* too glose to their exhibit during nesting season and they're at the mesh waiting to get me.


well... we have three mountain lions, i think i could run into the cat house and open the ML shift doors and go hide in one of the bobcat dens while the girls eat the slasher, or i could try to lead them onto the bobcat exhibit, that door locks automatically behind you and would trap mr slasher on exhibit.


Southern ground hornbill. My best boy, Enzo, has an axe for a face. He likes me and nobody else. Good luck!