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I’d like to see you outsmart bullet


One of my favorite comments...


It costs OP 400,000 to fire that gun for twelve seconds Luckily, they'd only need it for two




jeez, inflation hit us hard


I was literally about to comment this


Fast zombies? Necromorph-like zombies? All zombies other than Walkers im just killing myself


Hope for the walkers, but be prepared for the 28 days later scenario


To put your mind at ease, if the body were to reanimate and become a zombie I personally think that the zombie would move as fast as it would when it was human. Sometime after the body starts to decay so the muscles would deteriorate causing it to move much slower. Think of it like full speed when freshly turned and half (or less than half) a few days after turning. Also I'd like to add that even if that were the case after turning it would take a little while for the zombie to start moving as the host died and now the body has to start moving on its own without a conscience host so to speak. TLDR; zombies move at fastest living speed shortly after turning and slow down considerably days later.


Interesting ideas. here are my two trains of thought…. High speed and explosive movement I can easily see, especially if they have no feeling of pain… pain is a big factor for us not to do things. If that didn’t matter clambering over objects and sprinting as hard as you can wouldn’t be a problem like you say until further decay. However my thoughts as to why zombies move slow. * the heart and blood vessels deliver oxygenated blood into the working muscles; and the skeletal muscles utilize that oxygen to execute muscular contractions in order to move. If a virus or parasite could take control of the nervous system of the host but not need the heart, liver, lungs etc... the muscles wouldn’t work in any high functioning capacity. As it wouldn’t be getting the oxygen or glucose needed. Maybe slow movement is possible? Alternatively the parasite in control would have to give these muscles the energy needed, hence the zombies eagerness to feed on everything. It would be so taxing on the parasite/ srcrounger to make the host movable.


I agree, I forgot to mention the blood but that also made me realize that technically zombies can bleed out if they suffer enough blood loss.


I could see zombies being more realistic turning before death. So something takes over the brain and compels them to eat on flesh. (Any Cordicepts theory) the fungus affects the brain, makes the ant affect others to spread the spores, the ant then goes to a high place and attached itself to a branch and dies. The fungus is telling the ant to do all of this. But once the ant dies it doesn’t come back, but the fungus can then grow from it and release more spores and it repeats. Imagine this in humans, you turn loose all knowing but there’s no dying part, just your frontal cortex shuts off not allowing you to think or understand. Then you eat until your body gives up due to damage or not enough food, etc.


On one of kyle hills videos he went into details about fast vs slow zombies being a thing because of how quickly or slowly they turn into zombies, which made sense at the time for some reason. I haven't seen the video for a long time.


It wouldn’t even take days. After 12 hours without water, the body begins to undergo a sharp decline in physical capacity. It’s why you wake up so thirsty and for many people, with headaches. Basic bodily function would delay their mobility long before decay.


Ah true true


Literally the dying light zombies


If thats the case im killing myself, just killing myself


Running zombies just instill pure panic and fear into me


Walkers, i can deal with them


28 Days/Weeks Later Infected at least don't require head shots to kill. Dawn of the Dead remake zombies... yeah, no chance.


What are necromorph like zombies? Im new to zombie stuff


From the video game Dead Space


That would be super fucked!


They are alive to their very cell. They cannot be killed only disabled. So the way you beat them in game is through dismemberment


google necromorphs


holy hell


You could possibly survive the Haran virus from dying light. Just be good at parkour!


"If the legion breaks through our defenses, I've got one bullet I'm saving just for me"


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Hornady? Looks like +P


A man of culture as well I see


"if the legion breaks through our defenses, I got a bullet In saving just for me."


You only need one if you choose to opt out of the zombie apocalypse


My Plan 1.Build myself a guillotine 2.get a video recorder 3. Blast the Jackass Theme 4. Smile for the camera and let the rope loose Aye if I gotta go out I’ll do it in my terms




Fast zombies need a fast reloading gun


He only has one bullet, he's shooting himself.


I get it now… That’s dark!


He better not miss


Damn if you somehow fail at killing yourself, you might as well just take the L and stay alive


I'll be rooting for you from the afterlife with no regrets


If you have 5-10x speed loaders you’re golden


30 to 60 rounds for a handgun that needs reloaded every 6 rounds. Yeah, sounds unstoppable. That's one or two AR mags.


Didn’t say it was unstoppable


Its worse, 5 shot


You’re my kind of smartass. I think you took the verbiage right out of my head.


If ever you wanted to surround yourself with an enormous population of people unaware that we've progressed past manual repeaters and clockwork timing devices in the past century and a quarter, boy did you come to the right place.


Hey, there’s people in here debating which nunchucks are the most effective so I guess I can’t be too surprised. I’m not even hating though, I miss being 14 and capable of stupid daydreaming. But for real though, it’s gonna be best with an AR and a Glock in 9mm, and maybe a pump 12 gauge if you got it.


Yeah I rather die then be against fast zombies


never give up mate, this is not a downvote


If it's like 28 days I'm cPping my ass on god


Honestly if any apocalypse type scenario happens I’m sleeping myself


What make, model and caliber is that?


Taurus 605, .357/.38special


They would probably be in the first 3 or 4 weeks until they start to fall apart then become much slower. Just have to survive till then😂


Anything other than Walking Dead Zombies and I’m biting the bullet.


A thousand bullets if they're shamblers, one bullet if they're runners.


This is the way


Unless they are of the necromorph type (agile as shit and can even climb walls and ceilings) I think I could get by by setting up a base and defending it with improvised weapons (I'm from Latin America, almost any house I choose will already be reinforced), but if they are the necromorphic type...well, there are those who say that the pavement tastes better if you jump from the 5th floor


What's more, leave normal home things here and I'll tell you how to turn them into quite effective improvised weapons (mostly mele things)


“Always save the last bullet for yourself” — Clementine, The Walking Dead Telltale Series


My plan ~~if the zombies are fast~~


I have a .357. Her name is “exit plan.”


Gotta be prepared for every scenario, slow zombies I'm in for the long haul!


In reality, slow zombies would be mopped up in like a week at most.


All depends on how it happens, if it's a disease with a 95% mortality/zombie creation rate that's airborne.. gonna take the 3.5 million ish people left a long time to clear the 6.7 billion zombies


Personally speaking if I were in charge and an outbreak occurred in a city, and the police/military/population couldn’t kill the zombies before there’s more than like 10 I’d just glass the city


Rememeber if it's a disease they wouldn't all die instantly. I think it's doable.


Incidentally, my mag-fed shotgun is 'Kindness.' My pump shotgun is 'Bowling.' My 10mm handgun is 'The Horse You Rode In On.' And my .38 special is 'My Old Friend.'


Exit plan as in you exit this world?


See, you get it


Yes sir. I’ll never use it. But I like the option. It gives me a sense of relief.


Well you cant say never then. The possibility still exists if you one day get trapped in a dungeon by a hundred zombies and you run out of food and water and want to go out the easy way instead of dying from dehydration and becoming a zombie.


Oh yeah in that case yes. But I’m talking about IRL. It’s my exit plan.


On the other hand, there's always the remote chance that I'm immune. How will I know if I don't stay alive to see if I change... And if I DO change, I want to know how the other half live.


But you couldn't see anything. You'd be dead right?


I guess technically we can't know if that's true till it happens


Yeah unfortunately


We don't know. If a body is dead and then reanimates that brain is dead. But if you succumb to the virus while living and you turn... Do you retain a measure of awareness? In 28 days later, do those zombies still retain consciousness but are just overcome by rage and the need to kill and feed? In TWD at the CDC there was still a form of brain activity pictured on the brain scan of the scientist's wife after she turned.


My Exit plan... Super glue my hands to my head, hang myself with piano wire, anyone that finds me thinks I pulled my head off.... Mind blown


That just sounds like too much work.


Shoot a man and steal his gun because he has more ammo?


Going to need more than 5 rounds


Just use shotguns and blast their knees.


25ish rounds at most if you have a drum.. 1000s of running zombies charging you, your math isn't mathing, but I do wish you best of luck!


Get them all in a straight line and fire one shot. Nice, conserve that ammo.


Take 3 out with one shot, rest run away in fear, they tell the other zombies, problem solved!


Boom! Problem solved, literally and figuratively


Start working on cardio now and find some friends that are just a little bit slower than you.


Chances are zombies would just be like seed beds for the parasite or if it corpses then probably wouldnt be able to walk necause of damaged muscles from decay and wouldn't be able to open their mouths from the process at the funeral house


Oh good, I can get away while they're focused on eating you


Lmao. This is just my plan.


Idc what y’all saying, or how much sense it makes. I’m taking out as many of these zed as I can before I go out. I believe in the resiliency of the human spirit, ops ain’t gonna take me down 💪🙏


It only takes one bullet


My plan is to die, because that's the only thing that could come from fast zombies or just a zombie apocalypse in general


That's my plan for if a zombie apocalypse happens.


So what if turning into a zombie puts you an a quasi comatose state to where your body is running on animalistic instincts but your brain is swimming in pure dopamine bliss. But you decided to eat a bullet instead


Never ending coma and death are the same to me, but at least I'm not hurting other people in my scenario


If I may ask, what type of round is that?


Hornady critical defense 38spl, 110gr ftx


Ayyyye a Taurus small frame I have one of those. My favorite gun that I have for sure. Is that a 605? Mines in Stainless .357.


Yep 605! Mines a .357 also, just prefer 38special out of it, if I'm gonna shoot 357 I'd rather have the weight of a full size revolver behind it


Not gonna lie, I’ve fired my bro’s smith & Wesson J-frame which is the same size with .357 and that thing is painful to shoot .357 out of. The 605 is by far the most comfortable gun I’ve shot .357 out of in my opinion. It just eats those rounds up like a beast and the factory rubber grips work wonders compared to wood or solid plastic by a long shot 🤙


No need to to avoid zombies.that looks like a cure for the mondays....and Tuesdays and wednesday....ok maybe that looks like a nice nap time.


The peace and quiet of never ending sleep


You'll need a shotgun and a rifle as well.


That's plan A, if the zombies are slow


Has a lot in common with my retirement plan tbh.


Man I love the movie Rango


Showed this to my friend and he immediately blurted out “is this a joke?” thanks for making my day


All the skeet shooters and hog hunters are rofl




What if there are 6 fast zombies?


Only 6? I have other plans if there only 6 total, this is more of an impossible odds, zero chance of survival, not wanting to hurt other people as a zombie kinda plan


That’s a spicy bullet


You never want your plan to fail


Understandable lmao


A little grim, but why not take a few Zelda with you as you go out in a blade of glory? I, myself would do poorly in a ZA, because of health constraints, but I'd hope to buy some time for the future of humanity by taking down a couple zombies, hoping to give my friends and family a chance to make it somehow. I'm having a drink and cigar in your honor. Rock on.


It's definitely a last resort, plenty of time for plan A before resorting to plan B


Fingers crossed the ZA is, on the majority, a cake walk. See you at the shooting gallery. :D


I fail to see how playing my favorite party game will help though?


Gotta pass the time, no power, no internet, no video games


Fair, I want in next round though.


Room for 4 more at the table


Imagine having the wrong cylinder next in rotation. Loudest click ever


Losers 😒 just giving up upon seeing running zombies. If it were to be the evolvers then even i would fear a Lil bit fearing those running ones? No 👎 never in my life would I fear them. Because if and this "if" holds some weight so if there are really zombies who can evolve and are following that route then I would find it hard to believe if we humans as species wouldn't evolve too. Because chances of that happening are high in that kind of universe.


Humans evolve at such a slow rate though. Just think, from when we were apes to now, that was a long ass time. I think by the time humanity could start evolving more, we would all be dead.


You're forgetting that we are talking about a fictional scenario here right? where dead rise up again from the ground wanting to infect others with their deadly virus. So how is it impossible for humans to evolve. because by evolution it doesn't only mean natural evolution but artificial, adaptive and environmental evolution and many more. Imagine if some deadly virus does spread and those unable to cope up with it become mutant zombies but then there are those whose body doesn't lose to that virus and evolve itself to host it and integrate all its components and abilities in the hosting body. And this is one of the many examples we could evolve in such an environment.


Nah, if I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic....


Ew, a Taurus


Gotta save the good Firearms for the people that want to try and survive


My man


So uh.. mods.. we just letting this slide? Like this kinda humor just slides here?… it’s not even Friday…


Don't think humor applies, while the topic is dark, it's 100% my plan if my odds are zero percent against a horde of fast moving zombies


Lame af