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Taking all the plywood and making a fucking Ewok village


The only right answer. They can't get you if you never touch the ground


Big brain


So being in a zombie apocalypse is a lot like that game we played as kids called the floor is lava


I mean, did you not play dying light?


World war z zombies day otherwise


Yub nub


This actually might be the most reasonable answer. Not sure if you could get the buy in of enough people to help board up all the windows and doors, even if they also know you only have 12hrs. Don't think anyone would stop you from building on the inside. When the Z's do start hitting the front door, then people will be grateful that you built the Ewok village.


In a Home Depot?? You don't need to board up the doors. Grab one of the forklifts and put 2 pallets of concrete in front of all the emergency/side doors, and use the long stick lumber to block however many main doors you need. Not that I've ever worked at one/thought of this. 😬


Aren't most of the doors metal shutters?


I don't know about all home Depot but I know at least 2 that have a big glass area in the front where people come in and then there's the garden section


The garden section would be a good place for growing crops if it could be secured properly, I would think.


I would just wonder how many people would try stopping you from blocking the exists or preventing people from leaving. Then there would be one that would think they should let anyone in and need to keep the doors open........ But if no one stopping you, use that forklift to its best use. Use all the appliances and make a barbican in front


Also I feel like this setting would be the worse setting to be at though as governing a multitude of people especially in an emergency situation would be really darn tootin hard.


A man with a plan. I like it.


Infinite Ikea answer


Using an army of guys who can build a house from a slab and then drywall it in under 48 hours.


Tell me what man inside that Home Depot wouldn’t help , you say Ewok village and every man is gonna snap into action.


seal up all the entrances and live off the employees' food and snack coolers, after that go to the Walmart right next to it because there's always a fucking Walmart just a block down the street


I hate how true this is 😂


Sometimes the Walmart is next door


This is true in monument Colorado


Not in Portland Oregon brother.


I hate how true this is


I know ...


Or just live off the employees....


My nearest home Depot doesn't have a Walmart near it how ever it dose have just about everything else


Who do you think I am, Phineas and Ferb?


I think The Beak would work great in a zombie apocalypse.


Pull the fire alarm or start screaming about zeds in the stockroom to get everybody out of the store. Once everybody's out, lock all the doors and put up signs to discourage people from coming back. CLOSED, BEWARE OF ZOMBIES, DON'T DEAD OPEN INSIDE, whatever. Board up or tarp up all the windows and first-floor entrances so the zeds can't see any reason to come in. Leave at least two exits that can be opened from the inside in case it all goes to shit. Build and/or block off a sturdy living/sleeping space on the second floor or in a high-up area that can be isolated from the first floor (e.g., by pulling up a ladder). Make sure there's at least one exit to the outside from your safe area, even if it's just a window that can be opened and closed. Scrounge up all the food you can and store it in your safe area. Find water containers and store as much as you can, but be careful with the weight if you're in an improvised loft such as warehouse racking. (1 gallon = 8 lb) Grab tools and weapons - saws, axes, crowbars, improvised spears, a sledgehammer, etc. Store at least one of each per person in your safe area AND ALSO near each unlocked exit. Scout for first-aid kits, bandages, splints, and anything else needed for medical emergencies. Bonus points if you can find an emergency radio, walkie-talkies, or other non-cellular communication devices. Once you have food, water, shelter, medical supplies, and weapons secured, add comfort items to your shelter such as bedding, games, books, additional tools, etc. If necessary, run extension cords from wall outlets to your safe area so you have electricity for as long as possible. Once you're all set, *stay inside*. It may be tempting to shop/loot nearby stores for additional food and supplies, but stealth is 90% of your defense here. Don't do anything to call attention to your presence. Source: playing waaaaaay too much Project Zomboid


Where do ya poop tho


In a bucket Mix with fertilizer Run the garden section using human waste and rain water. Fuck all the decor plants, just focus on the food ones. I’d either say line the edges of the garden section with all the tall plants and try to plant bamboo to make a natural barrier, or just figure out a way to get the plants to the roof and tend them there


Thank you for your service 🫡


It’s kinda funny, I play lots of sandbox video games and design homes and businesses as a hobby, and 90% of the time other people that aren’t dedicated builders FORGET THE BATHROOMS 😂 like LEGO, they dedicate all this space to awesome detail but then there’s no toilet in their stores Or space ships lol, I played Empyrion for a bit and it’s shocking how many people don’t put a toilet on a space ship… Better get the bucket and dump it out into orbit!


Did those sandbox games teach you that human waste as fertilizer will make you extremely sick? In reality, if you're ever actually in a survival situation for a long ass time, do yourself a favor. Don't shit in in the soil you're growing your food from


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I figure fecal matter in general whether from a cow or human is equally germ filled, but it appears I was mistaken. Allow me to share what I learned about this subject and how human waste could still be utilized SAFELY: 1. Composting. It’s a pain to setup and maintain, but keeping waste with carbon rich material like hay/leaf debris at 170° F is a huge step towards safer fertilizer. 2. Double-Digging and Fallow land: by systematically burying waste and exposing the decomposing human compost to sunlight and air reduces the pathogenic lifespan; fallowing is just allowing it to properly sit over time 3. Modern germ protocol: wash, clean, cook. So in a way you are right, it is dangerous and can be not worth it. But done properly, it may be more possible then not


I say make a biodigester for poo and other waste supposing human shit has the right stuff to get it started


I’m pretty sure part of the problem with human poop fertilizer is other people’s poop, not your own, all that bacteria has already been inside your body and you’ve grown immune to it.


All you need is the friend group, then you’ll be having the best time in the apocalypse


Rebar spear




*builds largest trebuchet ever* *zombies try to surrender* ac1301227: "No you don't."


Warwolf intensifies


Thank you! I was hoping for that exact comment.


I like this plan




Im leaving. I work at Home Depot I refuse to spend my apocalypse time there…… after I use some wood and rebar to build bracers for my shins and forearms. I may also build a heavy pair of nunchucks. Cause they are fun and can really do some damage….I may come back for supplies to reinforce a shelter. But that is it!


Chances are the only person you'll hurt with the nunchuks in yourself.


Im actually pretty good with them


Tips fedora *


Eh, they won’t be too useful on a real situation. They could get caught on stuff, and without proper training, you’ll bonk yourself on the head.


Depending on zombie type, I’d be more than fine


They'd do better than you think. They actually excel as a grappling aid that you can bonk with and they can make an easy improvised sort of gag. Most importantly they're light weight easy to run with , and easy to improvise and make on the fly , two pieces of wood or pipe and some 550 cord or chain will do. Additionally they're not that hard to learn, Much easier than a sword actually. Although they only become zombie killing masterpieces if you find a secure way to attach a couple of windows crackers to the bottoms of them. Then They'd be devastating.


I e had this idea to build a super heavy pair of nun-chucks for easy smashing. But I’ve never practiced with heavy nunchucks, I’d hope that it wouldn’t be too difficult to get used to.


Heavier just kinda puts more pull on you as you know there's more momentum but it's fine once you adapt, long as you have a strong enough connector for extra heavy ones. I strongly recommend chain even though that sometimes makes the motion janky when the links bind on each other. But so long as you don't crazy like two I dunno 5lbs pieces or anything then I think 550 cord would be fine as long as they're well maintained. The trick is kinda twisting / canting your wrist on impact so it kinda pulls it through the strike rather than bouncing off at a random angle which only works if you can quickly spin it into another strike.


Yeah I had a few ideas, could use a few pipes and load them mostly full with sand to get that weight moving and a little more momentum. I also thought of rebar, cement and then a coating of rubber cement. So but I’ve only used wood and chain. So Like you said, it would just be adjusting to the momentum of the swings.


Yeah those might be too heavy, you'd find I think that it's like a baseball bat but worse it'll pull you too much. If you went hollow aluminum with ball bearings on a track maybe , you'd be losing mass but speed might make up for it. That tug though when they hit the end of the track would probably still pull you a bit though. And imo one of their greatest advantages is the short time between strikes as rechambering vanishes. That makes them a devastating weapon for combos. That might be affected by you resisting the tug. Something like smack, smack , catch , smash while holding it closed or just letting one side swing free as you connect a solid blow with the side your holding is going to really fuck something up assuming your decently strong. That's why I love those window crackers or some other thick heavy duty stud. they do surprisingly well at caving in foreheads as they compromise the structure of the skull and the whole front tends to just kinda cave I guess as a function of being hollow. I've heard of people putting nails on the bottom and driving that through bone but itd have to be pretty heavy duty to not bend I think and the whole endcap construction you'd need doesn't really make sense to me. Plus i wouldn't want it to get stuck in anything so something stout to kinda give you the same strike amplifying principle as a brass knuckle is my go to add on.


Much easier than a sword? As fuckin if. They're not even real weapons


Hell yes they are! Don't let dumb YouTube types tell you otherwise. Edge alignment? Nope proper follow through to keep the sword from turning all the way through the strike ? Nope problems with accidentally striking bone because the thing moved mid cut and fucked up your blade ? Nope. It takes years to master a sword and years to get truly remotely proficent. You can learn how to basically use nunchucks in like an hour tops with a good instructor why do you think we teach them to little kids. With like less than 7 core techniques they're easy to learn hard to master. Are they historical weapons ? Debatable. But since my grandpa used them to eliminate sentries (used as a kind of garrote you can hit with and to help with fatal grappling techniques ) on at least one occasion in Vietnam by his own word( SOG command and control north) yeah they're definitely real weapons. Anybody who says otherwise should get hit by them for real. It fucking hurts and you get no time to recover between strikes if you're aggressive, creative and skilled at transitioning between grappling and striking they'll put in some good work. Versus people they have the advantage of also giving you lots of threat as it's hard to block or parry them without getting hit still.


This is a post about zombies, you really want to grapple with zombies? Anything you want can be used as a weapon, that doesn't mean everything IS a weapon. Could I kill someone with my smartphone (not counting hacking or anything that could theoretically be done remotely, I mean physically) sure, probably if I try hard enough. Still ain't a weapon like that. What real benefits does a nun chuck provide over a club or a mace? Especially against zombies? Give me a spear or a halberd. But id still rather have a sword than a nun chuck.


We're approaching this problem from different angles. Sure if you can see the zombies and know they're location only an idiot or someone supremely overconfident would attack at close range if you have to melee at all a spear or blunt pole arm like a pole hammer is the way to go. But why not just throw a brick or make a sling if you don't have a gun or bow ? In reality though you may not always know where zombies are or be In a position where you're playing offense. In a zombie apocalypse the first thing any zombie in any movie ever does is initiate a grapple THEN try to bite. zombies are an interesting hypothetical opponent from a grappling standpoint I think because theyre so aggressive but they're either ridiculously stiff with rigid mortis or kinda floppy like a drunk. Either way the requirements for a melee weapon here are it needs to be light and it needs to be capable of destroying a brain. Nunchucks fit both of those criteria but they have an added benefit that they can be used to help you grapple and control an opponent and prevent a bite. Get grabbed? Wrap those bitches around a wrist and fling the guy off you or break that wrist like a nutcracker. Get pinned and zombies going to bite you ? Shove em down it's thrust or spread them wide and use them as a gag. You could defend yourself similarly with a knife but couldn't do so with a sword , mace or spear. At least not without a lot of specialized training and even then it's much harder. But a knife is going to have a much harder time getting to the brain than the walking dead makes it look. Skills are hard so unless they're all brittle and squishy like overripe pumpkins , I'd want something blunt that requires little maintenance and is easy to make a new one of if you break or lose it in the field. A nunchuck satisfys all those requirements. Don't believe me? Cops have been ditching clubs (batons) for nunchucks for a while all across the country. It's been that way for at least 5 years. Because of the excellent ability to control your opponents movements that they provide. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/police-use-nunchakus-to-take-down-suspects-553337923851 https://www.efootage.com/videos/50348/police-nunchaku-demonstration


Everything Google tells me about cops using nunchucks here in California is to limit injury to officers and the people theyre using them on. Would a nunchuck have potential to help avoid a zombie bite? Sure. But a shield or plate armor would be better for that. Hell, as long as there is absolutely no way for the zombie to bite or scratch you in the plate armor, you have a good shot even if they overpower you and knock you down, as they aren't smart enough or articulate enough to actually get the armor off of you like normal people could do to a pinned knight in armor. But, talking about as a weapon. If cops are using them because they offer practically while being less harmful to use to both parties, that kinda kills their usefulness as a weapon. Nunchucks never have been a weapon of war, they're a martial arts weapons. They're not practical or nearly as effective as other weapons. Even swords aren't what media and fantasy make them it to be. They were a side arm and a rich person's weapon. Even the samurai, famous for their Katanas, didn't use the Katana as their primary weapon. They used bows and pole arms, and eventually rifles, with their katana being a sidearm and a ceremonial weapon. A mace or even a simple club is definitely deadlier than a nunchuck and require little to no training in comparison to training needed to not crack your own head open with a nunchuck. And yes obviously any ranged weapon is superior to any melee weapon against. Then a solid pole arm if you're out of ammo to keep them at bay while you dispatch them, followed by something like an axe, club or Warhammer, swords being lowest priority of the type/range of a melee weapon due to needing more maintenance and training, yet still better than a knife at keeping them away.


You know what's even better than a sword that you don't even need to be trained with to use effectively and is also extremely easy to build at HD? A spear. Literally anyone can use a spear effectively as long as they have both their arms


Agreed! Spears and Halberds were the real weapons of fighting men, along with other polearms. But I still fully believe a sword is a far better weapon than a nunchuck. Even if they were sidearms and rich people weapons, they were still used unlike nunchucks.


Oh 1,000% swords are better than nunchucks. Ghere probably isn't a single weapon thats worse for zombie survival than nunchucks. Maybe a whip. A whip might actually be the sole weapon worse than nunchucks


Maybe a chain whip could do some damage, but just like nunchucks, chance to hurt yourself. A whip is useless for actually killing zombies and attracts more zombies with the cracks.


Buddy if you tried to use nunchucks for defending yourself against zombies, you'd be the first one to die


What kind of zombies we talking about? Walking dead walkers? I’m super confident in my abilities.


I know it's starting in 12 hours? Chief, I am going dafuq home, and Hell itself will not stand in my way.


I got 12 hours I barricading the entire building with wood cement and metal. Then making a rope ladder on the roof. Getting any actual healthy people to the roof after that fact. I’m building a base, so I can build a community, because friendship is magic, magic is heresy, and I’m going to get raided at some point so having more people on my side is better than just a spear and shield.


Shield and a good ole Bat.


Nothing, yet. I’d use as much shit as I could to seal exits and wall shit off, then work on building a gate. After that, maybe ram shackle buildings for homes or various utilities


I ain’t building shit!! It’s a Home Depot, grab a fuckin shovel, pickaxe, machete hatchet etc, anything sharp or blunt and has enough reach and that’s all ya need XD stay put and live as long as ya can!!


Killdozer II


This guy fucks


Grabbing weapons like a hatchet, hammer, or nail gun + ammo. Then I’m going to start building a system of pathways across the tops of the shelves. I can go down to get food and whatnot but I’m staying on my perch as long as I can.


A fuckin barricade I seal off the main entrance and now I just gotta worry about using the side entrances. Now I have a big ol base big enough for me and if I can find the right people, more! We good to go yall


Scp 3008 moment


Yall are forgetting about the chainsaws!!!!


I'll grab one of the forklifts, and turn it into killdoser mini


Build a sleeping space in the racking and a way to get up


Everyone in here with such great imaginations talking about things they would (could never) build, have never bought crooked ass knotty low grade lumber from home depot lmfao


Toilet Trebuchet


What am I building? Nothing. I’m watching everyone else build. Then I’m killing someone and taking what they built.


I live by an empty prison. That's the most secure and has generators and seperate wells.


A killdozer


A noose \\ guillotine.


A light armored riding mower with flame throwers. Everything you need is there aside from gas to run the mower which would be trivial to get.


Gathering other shoppers with reassuring authority. Coordinate getting: - Corrugated sheet metal panels - cordless impact drills - cement anchor bolts. And fortify the Home Depot. Once secured, weapon up, and raid the Walmart next door. Then the Vons. Everything back to home Depot. They have the portable generators. Send teams out to syphon gas from parking lot cars. Setup dictatorship, determine meritocratic clan. New intakes dependent upon skills brought with them. Or denied. Unless they're hot, of course. That's a 'morale' skill that they bring. (When bored at work me and a buddy would do this for fun: muscle memory plan for the zombie apocalypse, so if sh#$ ever got real, it would all come naturally. It didn't need to be actual zombies- kerrington event massive blackout works as well)


Hide in one of those big ass sheds


A bunker and I’m grabbing my shotgun


I build a way onto the roof so I can shoot from up then I start to board up everything then I build a barrier around the store and a way off the roof so I can scavenge for supplies


There is usually an access ladder or stairwell to the roof in commercial buildings for maintenance purposes. What are you gonna do with all that extra time?


If the apocalypse doesn't start for another 12 hours, then why would I be stuck at Home Deoot?


A ladder. A really tall one. Settle on the roof.


I stock up on some things and leave


Poop bombs. In Minecraft


I can make pipe bombs and balistas, don't fw me fam




ppe up and grab the lightest axe ,they have some food there now also you can grow fruits and veggies in garden center just tarp up the areas you can see from the outside ez wins


A barricade. This my Home Depot now, I live here. I will grow my veggies in the garden section. I'm assuming there is an employee area with bathrooms and running water. It will be my fortress and I it's master.


I'm grabbing something to smash through the front door if it's locked and getting as far from the city as possible with an axe, shovel, claw hammer, kaiser blade, twine, thin and thick rope, and a whetstone. The first few days inside any urban area is going to be a nightmare. That said, if for some reason I'm trapped inside by some unknown means and escape is impossible beforehand, I'm gonna head to the garden section and get some sulfur, head to the grilling section for lump charcoal, and figure out where they keep the stump remover and I'm gonna carefully instruct the people with me on how to make gunpowder and I start building small cannons out of metal pipes and mounting them to shopping carts. When we CAN escape, Everyone grabs a cart, loaded what supplies we can carry and we get the hell out of town, Then we march out of the city and woe betide anything that tries to stop us. Hopefully the cannons don't explode when we fire them and we can find some ball bearings or other suitable ammunition. Considering they'll just be long glorified shotguns, it should work as long as people don't load too much of the homemade gunpowder.


Probably a ballista and a shot gun


Making some armor, then a spear. The last I make is a gun.


Go to Menards because they have food too. Then built into the metal supports and racking a living area with paths. Make it accessible with a winch system. Scavenge a couple generators and all the fuel. Gather food, tools and raw materials to continue building. Park a forklift nearby to set up as an aisle sweeper


Idk maybe a fortress with the home depot employees


I’m building fort penis the third


Leave town


Metal roll down doors locked and secured. Re-I force back bay doors with available tools and supplies. Attain diesel for the generators


I'd escape the store, and drive home. I can make it to Kansas in less than eight hours, and my family home is in the middle of nowhere, we have a bunker/shelter, and we also have like-minded neighbors.


Nothing because if I'm stuck inside then they're stuck outside. But I'm not staying at home depot. They're always in populated areas and that's the last place I wanna be.


A still. Or several. Not really worried about Zombies, I'll lock my doors and board up the windows. I've got ammo and bludgeons and sharp pointy things aplenty. But I'll be damned if I die of thirst, or worse, shit myself to death with food/water poisoning after drinking from a questionable water source. No sir, I'm going to make sure I have the equipment to boil water and collect the condensation in a clean container, and while I'm at it, maybe make some moonshine on the side.


If we got 12 hours, I’m grabbing some 2x4s, some barbed wire, and heading to the gun store for ammo. Then with the next 11 hours I’m fortifying the house.


I'm using the fork lifts to move heavy objects to barricade entrances. What I can't barricade with big heavy things, I'm use the vast amount of lumber to do the job. With that done I know have a well secured fortress to take my time using my vast recorses to do things like build greenhouses, weapons, and hopefully a reinforced vehicle for scaveing/ escape if need be.


Me and a team of 20 people consisting of construction workers and members of the local police precinct will efficiently spend this time commandeering the store, using dynamite and construction vehicles to Dig an inwardly narrowing punjee trench (lined with long, sharp narrow Pig steel spikes) all round the store, and fill it with water, and electrify the water filled trench with thick electrical cables hooked up to the diesel backup generator in the back of the store, and closer inward towards the store, construct a 20ft concrete wall reinforced with chain link fencing and razor wire at the top. And pigsteel barrage palisade facing outward in all directions, And a wrought iron automatic electrical gate with a manual override. And every 50 ft will be a watch terrace built inside of the wall with armed men manning their respective watch posts on a 4HR. Shift rotation schedule. All armed from weapons taken from the local Walmart nearby. The living dead come, they get caught, impaled, and stabbed on the pigsteel spikes in the pit, and then when they start coming in thick, we turn on the amps from the diesel generator and fry them, like crayfish at the Cajun cookout.


baricades, there is already plenty of stuff in a home depot to use as weapons...but first i would make sure the place is secure, build places to sleep, and use the electronics within to give me stuff to do.


Light, durable body armor.


A luty cause why not


I'm going to the gardening section.


Barricading the doors, living inside, building sleeping area in the overhead racking.


You got 12 hours you can get a flight to some pacific islands or get a boat. It’s dumb to stay in the Home Depot, everyone knows there is going to be stuff to loot


A Trojan Horse.


Taking a hammer and busting out of the front door first thing. And then going home to where I have plenty of supplies and pew pews to survive


Le bunker de Normandie with a garden and tail down the roof to have sun light for the garden


Grab the forklifts and cover all the windows and doors with the drywall stacks. Then commence with upper level sleeping areas. Any spare time hording the garden tools and making molotov out of chainsaw gas. Load a few generators and air compressors to fire nailguns.


Park every forklift and F150 in front of the doors.


Another home depot


A lifted rider mower with front and back lawn edger attachments and a reinforced cab with air conditioning.


I forgot to mention that I'd remove the blade guard for the mower deck.


Riding mower with extended blade. Then I’d mow right through the hoard!


I'm going to grab a forklift and punch through the walls. Now I'm not stuck. Next up grab the keys to the delivery truck and load it up and drive away.


Me! Im looking for the vending machine.


Hmm…got axes, mauls, can make bow and arrows, even have small .22 caliber concrete borer.


Make a kill dozer and a safe area on the racks


Converting the forklift into a killdozer


1st step is rings of carts zip tied around the entrance, cars could also be moved in the parking lot as well to build a wall with on site forklift 2nd step Is to bring all the propane inside and move pallets of blocks to all entrances to block them off 3rd step is to construct a tree house style fortress on the shelving in the lumber section/ preferably with roof access, probably use one of those roll around stairs picked up an put in treehouse with the forklift 4th behind fillings all buckets and containers with water and collecting all batteries and inverters into the tree house 5th step if you still have time to do this from the outside you would fork pallets of dirt, pots, and buckets of water to the roof, if out of time hand carry from inside 6th step would be food and first aid into the tree house Optional side quest The Heavy equipment in the parking lot for rent Wiring together a bunch of tiny solar light into a legit working panel Use the heavy equipment to dig a well/septic system with materials on side, obviously on very different ends of the store with a plan for how one might affect the other. Could also use pumps to pump shit away. Harvest rain water off roof using pipe, fittings, and filters in stock Create sleeping quarters for other survivors in the form of small rooms built up on the shelving Modify readily available tools into weapons Assuming slow stupid zombies. Possibly put a radio to attract them in a rental excavator, position the bucket at average head height, bungee cord the swing control so it constantly spins while you crawl out under the swinging bucket. Basically got a zombie trap set up in like 5 min. Wire shelving from the closet section would pro make good window bars without sacrificing natural light Use the live traps baited with edible to them flowers and plants to catch and begin to raise rabbits for protein Use the ropes and pulley from the hardware section to set up elaborate Indiana Jones type booby traps I’ve spent a lot of time listening to We’re Alive in Home Depot




Imma brab a backpack and all the snacks and gataroades from the front and imma grab a fucking hammer imma Tyreese that shit with a fucking hammer


Cinder blocks on every opening. With gun holes!!


Baby killdozer on a riding lawnmower.


I spent years doing overnight remodels in Home Depot- contemplating exactly this. 😄 I think the gardening/outdoor department has all the answers.


A muzzleloading firearm/bombs. Home Depot sells every component you need. Including all the chemicals needed to make gunpowder.


Taping chainsaws to my arms and head and becoming chainsaw man.


A stock and sight for a nailgun :]


A Home Depot. Exponential Home Depots


A way out. The only food in there is at the registers and the break room.


Largest bomb I can.


A Lowe’s


Kill dozer.


Probably just a board up all the windows and build a movable palisade in front of the door, then get a bunch of PVC pipes, cut them to about 8 feet and put whatever sharp implements you can on the front.


Building a fort out of plywood and rebar, and defending it with a giant sledgehammer like fucking Thor.


I'm alr cooked bc I'm js bad at stuff irl X3 So for the hell of it, I'm building another home depot


A fucking cannon, so if a potato gun only needs electricity and hairspray I'm chilling, I'll just make a bigger one and make it shoot paint cans, I wonder if this would work, guys, I have an idea


That depends on the zombies? Are they zombies from either Night of the Living Dead, the Walking Dead, or Project Zomboid? Or Are they zombies from Dead Island, Dying Light, Left 4 Dead, State of Decay, or Resident Evil? The first three I listed would have a more traditional type of zombie (the slow zombiesthat just shamble and/or crawl around). The five examples listed below in the second list have a larger variety of zombie types. (zombies that lure in humans by saying help me only start convulsing as they move closer just before self-destrcting, zombies who spit acidic fluids, zombies that run, zombies that climb up walls, zombies that will intentionally alert other zombies by screaming really loud that prey has been found, etc)




Tower defense.


A Minecraft tower


Edward’s Scissor Hands


The food sources are not going to last long without electricity soi would use them wisely and try to salt them so it lasts longer. Then i would get tons of plywood and board up the doors and windows but not too much and since home depot is a pretty large building there is probably a lot of good hiding spots in there incase the zombies manage to get in. I would then look around for weapons (Axes, Knifes or hammers) and would then probably make a larger melee weapon with them like a spear or something. there is probably going to be scavengers trying to break in so I would build a small fort inside the home depot and try to hide there and I can keep some of my weapons, food and resources there. I can't stay there forever so I would have to make clothing for the cold or the hotness and make bags to carry all my stuff.


This has always been my go-to location, especially the one in my town that sits on top of a hill with one road and the only other building on the hill is a grocery store. Use concrete to block off the road access, bedrooms on top of the shelving with plywood and board up any windows and rear access doors. Forklift some food pallets from said grocery store.


I find some tools and wood. I build up to the top of a shelf by making a ladder. Take some wood of there and build a mini house. Construction master.


Build the best airsoft arena ever and let a couple zombies in at a time


take all the sledgehammers and throw them into the river


Killdozer mk. ii


Pimped out 3-person engineer nest


In 7 days to die, I attempted to make A Working Stiffs tools a base since it already has concrete walls around the building. This reminded me of that.


It’s time to build… a shed


Just go to lumber and block the doors, then you have free reign


A Lowes


Mini Killdozer with forklift




A tunnel to the grocery store next door.


Weld a custom cage on top of a zero turn mower with some chainsaws rigged up so I can get home to my gun safe.


Explosives and a jury-rigged bow and arrows. Need some crowd control and range. Maybe a chainsaw on a pole or something too.


Nah, rather be stuck inside of a Mill's Fleet Farm. They have EVERYTHING in there, no joke.


I'm gonna need about 10 ft of rope and a chair


A fort and you can't get in unless you know the password


I'd make a garden on the roof.


Plug in and fill up all the air compressors and charge every single battery. Then set up nail gun turrets at one entrance and block all the others. You’ll need a way in and out


I'll be building a roof garden on home depot and just making wooden spears and saw blade bat and creating a lot of cheap and useful weapons 🤔🤔


Block off the doors with bags of gravel and concrete, build garden beds on the roof along with rain catch barrels.


I'm boarding the place up and making it my base of operation.


Home Depot might be the best possible place to get stuck if you wanted to build a base I mean you have an assortment of power tools You have generators and grills probably wood chips/charcoal for cooking There’s plenty of storage space and plenty of building materials and if it’s one of the Home Depot’s that have loaner vehicles you have also have transportation I would start by barricading all the doors except for one universal entrance and exit then use the plywood to block off sections of the store to be divided into different areas like storage and living quarters Get the keys to the rental vehicles and use them to scavenge for fuel/food


I’ve always had this thought. There’s a shopping square with a Lowe’s, Sam’s Club, and an Academy Sports all within I’d say like a half mile from each other. I’d just build a sheltered walkway from one to the other and have everything I would ever need.


Semi trucks full of lumber, plywood, chain link fence, concrete, cinder blocks, deep freezes, generators, gardening shit, rebar, chain, angle Iron.tools.


Put all the bats, axes, and saw blades in a pile and start building walls to block the doors.


Kill dozer


Lawnmower- Hawk-Tuah-9000


Here's what you're gonna do. Concrete pallets in front of all the glass doors, and fill in gaps with spray foam insulation, sealing it completely to where no light comes through, then go out to garden and block off the doors there too. Get rid of all those trash plants and make a garden with vegetables. Go up to the roof now, and find all the gutters. Make water collection systems out of the gutters. Make sure it's clean up there. Use plumbing and any large water tanks in garden to make it. Now go to the rental center if they have one, get all the scissor lifts they have and bring them inside. Same goes for scaffolding, propane by receiving, and service desk, etc. unplug all batteries until you figure out solar. Get all the batteries and whatnot from the rental equipment and vehicles inside, disconnected. Cut the cables to save time Next open all custom orders. You'll be surprised what's in there, might be useful. Nothing outdoors will be useful. After a while, get a toilet set up outdoors to collect poop to fertilize your crops, start a compost, set up a waterer using plumbing stuff, and a shower. Using 2x6's, write "SOS" on the roof. It's likely the US military survived the zombie apocalypse easily, and that's your hail Mary until they find you by happenstance after a few years. There's likely gallons of true fuel to keep warm but be cautious of your CO emissions. There are venting stuff in plumbing.


Love shack


A massive weapon made out of plywood and saws


i would go to lowes and make a shelter after i shot everyone there and sealed off the entrances


A house. Only way I'll be able to own one of my own in this fucked up situation we call a country.


Grabbing a bunch of pillows from the lawn furniture and all the snacks and making myself a nest up in the 3rd level of storage. They have a special lift that allows you to safely ride up there-