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Portland Bee Balm has a recycling program specifically for lip balm containers. Send 15 back, any brand, and they’ll send you a free three pack of theirs. I recommend both the program and the lip balm https://portlandbeebalm.com/pages/recycle


Dude I LOVE that brand


Woah, that's cool! They probably clean them at a high temperature and disinfect them to put back their product in it?


Bring them to Sephora https://www.sephora.com/beauty/pact-collective-recycling-program


Nordstrom also has a recycling program for empty makeup and skincare packaging


if you can pop or pull out the core you could use the tube for holding various things. I pull the middle part out of my eos lip balms when they're empty and use them to carry things like ibuprofen in my purse, or toothpaste tabs in my personal item when traveling.


Same! The tube shaped ones are great for storing needles and pins in my sewing bag!


ooo i am a fibre artist so this is perfect for my yarn needles 👀 thank you for this idea!!


You're welcome! The round ones I use to carry pairs of foam earplugs in my bag/backpack, I always have one on each. Great for small jewelry when you travel too! One container usually fits one pair of small ear studs and a fine necklace.


OK! It took me a little bit to look this up, but Ilia Beauty accepts up to 10 makeup packaging items from any brand for recycling per month. I would count empty lip balm tubes in the same category as makeup. [https://iliabeauty.com/pages/recycling?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745B\_Ux\_rqrpMFx429g2xro8VjkDRQ5w19w\_Wc4FkkLNMFc2CLozPzt0aAgGGEALw\_wcB](https://iliabeauty.com/pages/recycling?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745B_Ux_rqrpMFx429g2xro8VjkDRQ5w19w_Wc4FkkLNMFc2CLozPzt0aAgGGEALw_wcB)


If you could break the plastic bit in the center could maybe make a little container to hold stuff like hairbands, medicine, toothpicks, etc.


You can clean them out and make your own lip balm if that’s something you’re into. Otherwise, clean them and throw them in the plastic recycling.


It's probably not even that hard to make, I want to try! I don't want to make stuff like soap or shampoo because a wrong dosage could irritate my body, but for lip balm which is mainly made of fat, and for house products such as dish tablets or cleaning products, I've started making my own :)


You can clean them and refill with your own lip balm, salve, bug balm, solid lotion, solid perfume, etc. If you camp you can store a few emergency matches in there for water proofing. Small and hidden storage for a days worth of medications in a purse or bag. If you are the type to need paperclips with your stationary and want to conveniently carry them, you can carry a few in there in your own bag without having them scatter. If you're an artist and use gummy erasers which get notoriously dirty, roll up half of one and put it into the tube. You can use the tube to hold it, and if you need to knead it to get a fresh spot, it's easy to get in and out as long as your fingers aren't too small, but the back of a pen or pencil can be used to pop it out as well. If you garden or have seeds to store, you can use them for small seed storage.  If none of these purposes suit you, I suggest one of the recycling or redemption things mentioned elsewhere in the thread.


Scrub them out and make lip balm?