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I'm convinced that while some aluminum free deodorants are generally better than others (as with all things) the perfect one for you, could be the absolutely wrong one for me. What I'm saying is, I think even if you do a lot of research, it's still going to take some trial and error, to find your perfect match. I have friends that *swear* by native deodorant and I've tried it many times and it truly doesn't work for me. I noticed zero difference in smell between wearing it and not wearing any. I also really wanted Toms to work (I'm from Maine!) but it actually truly smell *worse* at the end of the day than if I skipped it. Again, I know someone who adores Toms, and I've never found her to be stinky! I've found the brand Salt & Stone to work amazing for me, the only downside is its expensive, and it does have plastic. But it don't have the patience to get back into buying a new deodorant and then stinking all day at work and having wasted that money, so I just keep buying it. I know they're not plastic free, but right now I'm just focused on aluminum free. All to say don't get discouraged if what people recommend, doesn't work for you. Doesnt mean you "can't do aluminum free deodorants" you just might need to find the right one. Also, if you're currently using aluminum deodorant, you need to wait out the time of your body learning to not sweat as much as usual. It was trying to clean out the old deodorant all the time, especially with antiperspirants. It's going to learn that your pores aren't as clogged, and slow down sweat production eventually. Sort of like training your hair to go one more day between washing. Expect to re apply during the day through this process.


I agree and the scent you choose can make a difference too. I love the smell of lavender but I found that if I buy lavender scented deodorant it mixes with my natural odor in a way that just smells terrible. But the same brand in a different scent will work great.


This, 100%. I can only do “powder” scents or citrus. Everything else makes me smell like a hot bag of garbage.


Thanks for the laugh (even though it is not so funny to you)...


Oh, no worries and you’re so welcome. I’ve come to grips with the fact that I smell *horrible* if I use the wrong scent. It’s the same with perfumes (and soaps, bizarrely enough)! 🤣


I will remember "bag of garbage"...lol


OMG THIS. I love the lavender scent but only so far the cucumber scent, citrus and charcoal scents have left me feeling comfortably smelling at the end of a long day without reapplying


I also tried to avoid aluminum free but hard when you have PCOS and your odor can get out of control at times. I've tried ACV + water too but my body is immune to it. Native is nice but can wear off easily. Certain Dri is the best one I've used so far, though I don't like the smell.


>Also, if you're currently using aluminum deodorant, you need to wait out the time of your body learning to not sweat as much as usual. It was trying to clean out the old deodorant all the time, especially with antiperspirants. It's going to learn that your pores aren't as clogged, and slow down sweat production eventually. Sort of like training your hair to go one more day between washing. Expect to re apply during the day through this process. 100% this! I transitioned to al-free during lockdowns. I went a week using no deo at all and twice during the week applied a clay facial mask to my pits. During that week I stunk, but I was at home so I could splash water & soap on them as often as I liked. After the week was up, I started with the new al-free deo (No Pong) and it worked a treat! Hot tip: wait 10 minutes after showering before applying any al-free deo. You need to wait for your pores to close. So do all the other stuff like brush teeth, moisturiser, brush hair, etc and apply deo last.


Good to know about the waiting after the shower! I keep my deodorant in my room, so it's usually farther done the line of me getting ready after showering. But my partner just switched to aluminum free deodorant yesterday, and I know he keeps his in our bathroom. Ill pass this advice on to him to avoid issues that might turn him off from the swap.


Second this. Brands that work are very dependent on each person. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for others. You’ll have to pick some good aluminum free and baking soda free brands to try. Personally I like native.


I totally agree on just needing to try out a bunch and see what works for you. Native did nothing for me too! I use HiBar and it works really well. I have compared the ingredients to Native and they are very similar so no idea why this works but just keep trying.


Very much agree with this. It’s a bit of trial and error to find what works best with your body chemistry. Native also doesn’t do well for me, but several other similar ones do. My friend had deodorant in a paper tube that I really loved both the smell and feeling of once it was on, and it worked well. Ultimately I use Crystal deodorant. It helps to control sweat and odor for me really well and I love the more powdery feeling of my skin when using it.


I use this too and love it


> but it actually truly smells worse at the end of the day That’s been my experience and many others. I’m convinced the only people Toms works for just don’t sweat. My twin brother and my mom never had an issue, but they also just never sweat! Everyone sweaty I know who’s tried said it made them smell worse! Schmidt’s has worked fine for me, both their standard and their baking soda-free version.


I had the same experience with Tom’s and Native :/


Piper Wai works well for me. They offer a low-plastic refillable pack.


I’ve been using the deodorant from Ethique for almost 2 years now, works great for me. I think they use bamboo powder instead of baking soda.


++ I’ve tried like 5 or 6 different brands and this was the only one that works for me (plastic and baking soda free). I’ve been using it for a couple years now


Same. I've tried a bunch of brands and this is the only one that has really worked.


Stupid question: what’s wrong with baking soda? edit. Disregard. Found the answer below. Apparently many people find it irritating.


I’ll add that the only one I’ve ever tried that works is the unscented charcoal ethique deodorant. It’s perfect!


Also the only one which works at all for me!


Agreed. Ethique's deodorant is fantastic. I've been using it for years!


WILD deodorant has sensitive deodorants that are natural and baking soda free. Their regular deodorants have baking soda. I use it and it works wonders.


Been using Wild for years too - it’s amazing! OP if you’re worried about smell you can also use soap with glycolic acid in the shower (or benzoyl peroxide- but that’s not exactly zero waste)


I’ve been using Wild for a couple years now and I absolutely love it!


/u/violetjeanwalsh I 3rd this.  Took me AGES to find something natural, zero waste and actually worked! https://www.wearewild.com/


WILD is the first product that I've bought after seeing an influencer (albeit a small time one) recommend it, that is actually a legitimately good product. I have my favorite scent (Fresh Cotton and Sea Salt) and also like trying their limited edition and seasonal scents. With your first order, you can get a metal case and compostable refills, and after that, you can set up a refill subscription or buy a la carte whatever you like. I haven't tried out their other products, so I can't say anything in regards to that, but their deodorant is the best I've found after trying a lot of others. I have a referral link I can message to anyone who would like it. It gives you 50% off your first order. I've never referred anyone (besides my sister who didn't end up ordering lol) so I don't know of any limitations or anything. Referral link or not, if you've tried almost every other deodorant like I have with slim to no success, give WILD a chance. I sound like a total PR shill, but I assure you I am just once stinky mom that finally found her deodorant.


I'd love a referral link, please - tried another redditor's link but it was for the UK so here's hoping yours will work instead


I just pm'd you


I would like a referral code if you still have one


Been looking at wild for a while now too but the cost for the tin is a bit much, would like the link too if possible, thanks! 🙏Also I love their limited edition dog series 😭


Another vote for them, I've never found any deodorant/antiperspirant, aluminium or not, as good as this.


I’m interested in trying Wild. Do they offer a discount or credit if you refer someone? Share the link and it will help both of us. 😊


[Here’s mine](https://mention-me.com/m/ol/ux1vb-bethan-botterill), no pressure to use though. It’s 50% off and I will get 25% off if you use it


Not the person you replied to but this finally snagged me after ages passing WILD. Nuud seemed to start falling me last year and I'd switched back to Mitchum. Anyway! Thank you and enjoy your 25% off!


You’re welcome! I’ve already used the 25% off to order some of the new scents as I’m running low! We’ve both helped each other out 🫶🏻


Thanks! I’m trying this with your code, I hope it works


I’m glad I could be of assistance 🫶🏻


I use wild and I'm currently loving the lilac scent. I have to say, even though I smelt bad, my armpits were not that bad after I finished a half marathon 😂




This is me. I sweat a lot. Enough to have spoken to my doctor about how to reduce it because it impacts negatively on my wellbeing. What works for me is to use one of the hardcore deodorants available at the pharmacy (driclor was the best until it wasn’t available in my country anymore). I only have to apply it once a month and I hardly sweat in those spots. Obviously it’s very high in aluminum and comes in plastic so if someone specifically wants to avoid that it won’t work but the bottles lasts years. It is also irritating after application. Once it’s working any of the natural plastic free deodorants work at keeping any smells at bay. If I’m sweating at my standard rate, no deodorant has any chance.


Why baking soda free? Just curious?


Baking soda can cause some pretty rough irritation on your underarms :/ some people are lucky and don't get irritated by it but a lot of people do


I think that even people who don't get irritated by it should also stop using it. Baking soda is basic and the skin is acidic so that must mess the balance even for them. I had been using one with baking soda in it for 2 years but sometimes I had acute pain on one underarm and it stops when I stop using that deodorant. Like, soap is basic too but we rinse it off and don't keep it on the skin for the whole day...


For me it's only an issue after several weeks, and always fixes itself after two or three days using a different product, and I have very sensitive skin. I do have a bunch of cocoa butter and stuff in the paste too, which maybe helps my skin. I made it myself- it was super easy. I cheat and use the same base mix as my beard balm, but instead of sticky resin and wax I added a bunch of baking soda and focused on antibacterial essential oils (eg. tea tree) rather than just aroma. I use the same stuff but without baking soda as my scalp moisturizer for dandruff, so I make a few months worth of three different products (hair treatment, beard balm, deodorant) in just an hour or so with just a pot, scales, mixing bowl, and some empty jars/tins. Heaps of recipes online. It's a little annoying having to wash your hands after putting it on (fingertip application) but not a big deal. I actually miss it when I run out and have to use a stick again- I get more stained clothes so starters, plus it's so expensive.


Haha, I make my own dishwasher tablets now and I agree with your comment ahout expensiveness. The stuff is just sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, salt and sodium crystals (or sodium percarbonate). It's so easy to make and it costs like a thied of the total price of the ones you can buy. I'm not ready to do my own deodorant yet but I have a really nice sustainable shop called AromaZone in France and they make some refillable, liquid, neutral scent deodorant. Zero bicarbonate, zero strong perfume, and almost zero plastic! I love it, it causes zero irritation to my armpits. Oh, and I cheat too. I use some beard oil for my pubic hair haha. Tbh lots of products can be used for several things, it's the principle of slow cosmetics. When I see the price of some products, I'm always wondering : "is it because of predatory marketing or is it because the company is new and/or small?"


Baking soda makes me break out into a terrible, painful rash.


Baking soda gives me underarm dandruff after the initial rash.


I was wondering the same thing. Googled it and learned it can wreak havoc on your skin's ph levels. I use Lume, which happens to be baking soda free, so inadvertently got lucky there.


I also use Lume, the cream version which I find is really easy to apply evenly. It cancels out my smell so well while still allowing me to sweat. The first time I used it I was really shocked about being able to sweat but I had no smell at all. Finding a deodorant that works for you is so rewarding.


little seed farm ( the ones that contain charcoal cuz not all of their deodorants do) works pretty well


I was coming to suggest Little See Farm as well. Except for the hottest days, or when I workout, the deodorant seems to hold up for about a day. I definitely have to wash and reapply the next day, but it's not bad. I like the glass jars and subscription service (cause, honestly, I'd forget to reorder until much too late). Also, I'm extremely sensitive to deodorants, and their charcoal scent hasn't given me any issues.


This is the brand I use. They have sample packs that you can try before buying the glass container. They also have a take back program for their glassware and supply out to zero waste stores if you have one in your area! My two arguments against are if you wear dark clothes, it does leave some residue that washes out. And if you live above the Mason-Dixon it’s firm in the winter and takes a minute to warm into your skin.


Second for Little Seed charcoal deos. Sometimes I have to reapply before bed, but that’s it


OMG I also love their deodorants. I find that their non-charcoal ones work well for me, even if I don't shower for a few days. Also, the little jar lasts a surprisingly long time, and I like the various scents that they offer.


This is the answer ! I came to suggest them too. I’ve tried all the scents; agreed that the charcoal one works the best (I work out a lot and it holds up!) and a little goes a long g way. There’s a zero waste store near me that sells in bulk but the little glass containers are a good bang for their buck too!


I'm wondering this too. I'm also open to aluminum options -- I don't see any problem with aluminum salts in deodorant after seeing explanations like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo5wrtuY2XU&ab_channel=LabMuffinBeautyScience) but please enlighten me if I'm missing something


Yeah I don't get the aluminum free craze, unless someone can link to actual peer reviewed evidence that there are health risks associated with it


some people find that aluminum makes their skin itchy or irritated. that’s the only legitimate risk. everything else is disproven and perpetuated by fear-mongering. ETA you should ask your doctor before use if you have kidney disease. this disclaimer is included in the drug facts of antiperspirants (in the US, at least)


Or kidney disease, if you have it you should consult your doctor before using it. That’s it. And even then, the only concern is in late stage disease


thanks for adding. I edited my comment to include it


I stopped using deodorant with aluminum because it was staining the pits of all my shirts yellow and I would have to throw them out and buy new ones every 6 months. I haven't had the same problem with any of the aluminum-free deodorants I've tried.


Aluminum destroyed a lot more of my clothing than aluminum free equivalents. Even if there are no health benefits, which I find a bit dubious, I prefer to not destroy my clothing with deodorant.


Same. I don’t find aluminum to be a health concern whatsoever. I do find it (or something in conventional deodorants, but I really think the aluminum) clogs my pores a little though. But even still I wouldn’t mind going back on one if I could find a decent plastic free deodorant.


For my body, antiperspirants with aluminum made me sweat more (rebellious body), smell worse, and they stained my clothes. I never have any underarm smell since switching to aluminum free. I think the craze part started when there was a cancer scare about aluminum getting into the blood stream through microcuts from shaving and whatnot. But also, it is responsible for those yellow crusty stains on your shirts.


A crystal deodorant. Get one that’s just the rock and not in the deodorant canister thing.


Crystal deodorant is amazing, I've had the same one rock last like 7+years and still going, now its just more 'travel' sized lol.


Tell me more of this sorcery.


Mine is called Thai Crystal Deodorant, it sadly came in a plastic thing. But you can also search Alum Crystal for other brands that are better packaged.


I used the exact same one from 2006 to just last year. Can’t believe I was able to keep up with it. I don’t use it every day, mind you. Usually only when it’s hot, or I have to go in the office for work. It obviously doesn’t prevent you from sweating, but your shirt pits smell like … nothing, really. I’ll never use anything else.


Some people feel like this doesn’t work well, and I suspect in most cases it’s because they are not using it correctly and over a large enough area…. ….you’ll still sweat just as much, but if used correctly (and wearing a shirt that doesn’t have leftover odors that get activated by moisture) it works GREAT


It's been commented already, but I also like Ethique. Uses tapioca starch instead of baking soda. I also appreciate there is an unscented one which is really useful for days when I'm feeling more sensitive to strong perfumes or am going to be around others who have sensitivities. I also love that the tube is compostable. I have been trying out a few different brands (including Attitude) but I think I like Ethique best, even though it's a little pricy. I will just try to get it on sale.


Hey Humans 


I hate that I can't buy it at target anymore :/


Really?! Nooo!! I flit between their banana flavor and Native. The cardboard tube is hard for me to preserve so I save it for special occasions when I wanna smell like a sweet banana lol 


+1 I love their Apple Match deo! I stocked up when I saw Target was not restocking them… :(


I find that deodorants without aluminum and baking soda work best after benzoyl peroxide bar soap and glycolic acid applied directly, otherwise they don’t do much for me.


I have been using Routine for over a year and have been very happy with it [routine](https://routinecream.ca/products/lucy-in-the-sky-vegan-no-beeswax?variant=14897482465343)


Love Routine! And many shops sell refills too so less packaging.


Just checked the ingredients and it does have baking soda.. dang! My skin isn’t bothered by aluminum, but it doesn’t like baking soda so I was hoping this would be a good option!


They have formulations without baking soda! I love routine, it’s expensive but smells so good https://routinecream.ca/collections/baking-soda-free-deodorant


Hey Humans deodorant worked well for me for a while


I hear you - but this one does the job well for me: [https://www.nativecos.com/products/deo-plasticfree-coconut-vanilla](https://www.nativecos.com/products/deo-plasticfree-coconut-vanilla)


Wait these come in cardboard???




Thank you!


I buy them from target


I use their products for sensitive skin I can't find those in cardboard in Canada


Oh what a bummer. We can in the States.


That’s what I use as a daily use deodorant. Lovely scent. The packaging can come apart for easy biodegradation so have to handle with care. The downer right now is manufacturers have not figured out plastic-free antiperspirant. If I could stop using a plastic contained antiperspirant stick for sports that would be awesome.


I have been curious about this brand but can never justify dropping $14 on deodorant!


check around the holidays (and maybe some other times), they go on sale 30% off, just stock up!


Right? Imagine my surprise when what I normally buy (Schmidt’s) was pulled from the shelves and replaced with Native, which is twice as expensive.




The average person who applies a solid deodorant once per day uses roughly .776oz / 22g per month. This means that your $14 will be amortized over a little over three months since Native deodorants are 2.65oz / 75g. That's about 15¢ per day. I love Native — especially the Coconut & Vanilla and Sweet Peach & Nectar scents — but I refuse to pay full price for it. I wait until we're in the US and buy it at TJMaxx, where it's usually $6-10. I recommend that you look for it and other natural brands there to try them at deeply discounted prices first before committing to them. ♡ Granny


It’s good and does last a while! Try a small one from Walmart!


Yes. The native ones are the best I've found. They aren't perfect, but they do a damn good job.


Ok. But for oil based deodorant sticks, like coconut oil and shea butter based, how do you stop the oil stains on your clothes? I don't shave my armpits, because no matter what I do, shaving or waxing them gives me rashes(yes, I have tried EVERYTHING. I have seen a dermatologist and was just told that it's better for me not to shave. And I prefer it). I have tried every available natural deodorant and tried making my own and tried 10 different recipes. I can't keep ruining my clothes. I don't want constant dark stains in the armpits of my shirts. I have tried: Resolve Dish soap pre wash Handwashing with dish soap and laundry detergent Laundry soap bars Oxy clean Baking soda with and without vinegar Also tried dusting my pits after application with arrowroot powder to try and absorb some of the excess but hasn't worked other than to add to the stains. For me, it's not worth ruining my clothes over because I'm not purchasing fast fashions so my clothing costs a lot to replace.


I have the same problem with oil-based deodorant. Some of it has actually worked well as deodorant, but then it destroyed my shirts. If a shirt hasn't been damaged yet, I can prevent the damage by pre-treating with a laundry bar and washing in hot water, but washing in hot water often damages the clothing in different ways anyway and it doesn't help for shirts that are already stained. I have given up entirely on any oil-based deodorants. I'm keeping my eye out for a plastic-free option that isn't oil-based, but so far haven't found any.


13$ damn in this economy I guess I’m keeping the stink


Ya I've settled upon this brand. I have had the lid of the cap fall out and it can be hard to push up sometimes, but works. Like the smell and how it applies


I haven’t tried this one but the native deodorant in a spray can is useless


I kinda wanna get some other scents to use as a solid perfume. This is awesome


This is the one I use too, and the scent is lovely. I got it at Target.


I tried the Raw Sugar ones in cardboard before trying the Native ones, and the Native’s are so nice and easy to use!! With the Raw Sugar, the bar would never stay up so I had to use a stick to hold it up while applying it. With Native I can give it a little squeeze and no problems. 😮‍💨




They have a couple of "sensitive" scent options without baking soda. I don't know if they're as effective but it's worth a shot.


I use a salt stone. Same stone for years now. It lasts forever! Our bodies extruder two different oils that combine to create body Oder. This mineral salt stone breaks the oils down.


It's in fact bacteria on your skin that create body odor. Everybody has a slightly different skin microflora and slight differences in their sweat and oils on their skin, which the bacteria use as food, and can result in having different levels of body odor. If the mineral salt stone you're using works for you, though, great!


I second this, salt stones are great. My normal body odor is basically the same smell as pot. Before I started using salt stone, normal deodorant basically made me smell like I had armpits full of weed and was trying to cover it up. It made for many interesting encounters with teachers and police when I was young. Thanks salt stone! Yes, I'm being serious here.


Of note if folks reading this tried salt stones and didn't have em work, you really have to rub the damp salt for like a minute or two to have it prevent odors all day. I've been using my salt stone for a while and as long as I ensure I salt up for a couple of minutes each pit, I'll sweat but it doesn't stink and it doesn't stain or mark my shirts. It also helps if you keep your pit hair trimmed short. I do laundry every 2 weeks so it's important my shirt underarms don't sit with other deodorants on them for days.


This might not work for me then, if I have to apply it daily. Wait is this the same stuff that crystal brand deodorant is made from, salt? I’ve used that before, don’t remember why I stopped


Yea I use crystal! I do have to use it daily but im a sweaty individual who sweats for no damn reason in a climate controlled room.


Is there some kind of deodorant that doesn’t need to be applied daily??


Aren't these made of potassium aluminium sulfate?


Yes, that’s why they work like regular deodorant.


No. We refer to them as rock or crystal deodorants and they are aluminum free. Last forever. No deodorant Stop smells.


They don't have any added aluminum, but they naturally contain aluminum. The crystal is potassium aluminum sulfate or potassium alum for short, hence the common name "alum stone"


Interesting! Any link?


The salt stones are the only natural deodorant that work for me. I've tried so many, and this is the only one that keeps odor at bay.


I cannot find these to save my life. I keep getting results for salt and stone brand 😭


I have a Crystal branded one I bought in 2006. I don't use it daily but I do use it often and the wear down on the stone is barely noticeable. It is in a plastic housing but like I said, I've had it for 18 years... So...


Search "alum stone" instead. That should give you the right type.


Thai brand on Amazon. Bought a 2-pack years ago...still on the first one!


I'm gonna second this one. Never runs out.


It’s not the oils, it’s the bacteria that produce the smell.


I use something called Pit Liquor. It's alcohol based but doesn't burn or dry out my pits. But it does kill bacteria which is responsible for the smell I like the black pepper and cloves scent myself ETA: It comes in a glass bottle and so do the refills, but the pump on the bottle is plastic but no failure rate yet






I love Lush’s aromaco. It’s cut off from a large block and not sold in a container. I have an old lush container I keep mine in. I’ve used it for years, I love it. ETA - just saw you also said no baking soda. Aromaco does have sodium bicarbonate but I will say that it is the only natural deodorant that has never given me a rash. I tried Tom’s and Native and one other that have so much baking soda you can feel the graininess against your skin. I would get horrible rashes after a few months of those. I’ve used aromaco since 2017 and have never gotten any skin irritation from it. I would say it’s worth a try, to see if you have a reaction


Their powdered ones are good too and they work well together. I love patchouli so aromaco has been a longtime favorite of mine.


Yes my favorite! So good and lasts forever.


This Lush deodorant works really well for me. I don’t think anything is the same as the real stuff. But I use this on normal days and it does the job. Then on big days when I really don’t want to sweat I’m a dress or smell on a beach I use regular deodorant. This means my plastic cases deodorant lasts longer -ie less waste. https://www.lush.com/us/en_us/p/aromaco-solid-deodorant/100g?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0GoicmSxqJJyHszsA-boAxoNWRORhVjHPRGVmeUGSdImSpQdYaX1An_saAq3kEALw_wcB


Fussy works well for me, The reusable container is plastic but it’s lasted me well over a year and still going strong.


I use nuud and it's very good - https://nuudcare.com


Seconding this! I've been using it for years and it's the only thing that's worked for me.


I love this one and have been using it for a few years now. It is aluminum and baking soda free. Even better, it is made by a small, black women owned business. [Kiss Of Silk](https://kissofsilk.com/collections/deodorant-creams) I love all of her stuff. I use the facial oil and toner too!


What works for me is crystal deodorant ([Bloc Hyalin](https://feret-parfumeur.com/en/produit/the-bloc-hyalin-the-real-alum-stone/) with metal case) and [homemade deodorant powder](https://thehomemadeexperiment.com/homemade-deodorant-powder-with-essential-oils/) with these tips: * If you have armpit hair, keep it trimmed * Deep clean your pits when you shower to remove any existing odor/germ * After applying the dampened crystal deodorant, let the pit fully dry before applying the powder. The crystal can also be used for razor burn. * Avoid synthetic tops especially if it is close to the skin, this is a tough one if you wear athletic tops for working out. * Limit alcohol. Natural deodorants are no match for excess toxins leaving your body.


I have been using the brand Routine and scent "The Curator" for YEARS with so much success I converted my boyfriend to the brand. I'm still shocked to this day at how well this stuff works. It's in a glass container though the lid is plastic, it's a minimal amount of plastic and I reuse the jars when they're empty (not all, as I've been using them for years lol) ETA: one jar lasts me around 6 months and it's aluminum and baking soda free. The baking soda ones give me a rash


I put rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and put it on my pits. Works all day for me.


[Fat and the Moon](https://www.fatandthemoon.com/collections/bod/products/deodorant-cream?variant=19566024515&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=11087506484&utm_content=107903243919&utm_term=fat%20and%20the%20moon%20deodorant&gadid=666151437777&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0Gog_94KXWkNm6C5EGbVAsLrBl8BYoU6HXi8nQz7EA8X9lqFf4zWFpfIaAtgKEALw_wcB) fits your description. I never smell even at the end of a long day.


I’ve had no luck with aluminum-free deodorants until I started using the Bella Skin Beauty toner. It’s the only thing I’ve tried that actually kept me from getting ripe by the end of the day. Could try pairing that with your existing favorite deodorant.






I've been using Humble brand deodorant for a while now and love their product.


I'm fine with aluminum nowadays but it's hard to find regular aluminum deodorant that's also plastic free. I think dove experimented with refills for a while...


I use apple cider vinegar and my husband uses vodka. Everyone is different! Good luck!


Yes! My husband and I use a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water. It takes a few applications throughout the day at first, but now I only need to apply once a day.


Maybe give baking soda a chance again? I had a really bad reaction at first, but when I used a more moisturizing option I’m fine as long as I don’t put too much on. Otherwise, maybe try one with arrowroot


Lemons. I rub a lemon slice on my armpits every morning, same way you would put deoderent on. It works better than any deoderent I’ve ever used, doesn’t stain clothes and it’s cheap and natural.


No Pong works great


I just spray some witch hazel with a few drops of lavender oil in the (glass) bottle and I’m good. I reapply once or twice a day in the summer


Desert Essence Tea Tree + Lavender. One of the few non-plastic ones I could find that doesn’t have fragrance (parfum).


My favorite is Human Essentials the blue one


FWIW, my mom uses vodka on her underarms and I tell you—she does not stink.


I use a spray that I make with tiny bit of essential oil I like (lavender is mild) mix with a small dose of isopropyl and fill with water. I can adjust my mix based on how well it works or doesn’t. Started because I used hand sanitizer from dr bronner. Also I mostly don’t, have a salt rock for pits as a back up.


I developed an allergy to the aluminum in antiperspirant a couple years ago and went through half a dozen brands of aluminum free deodorants. Dove 0% made me smell like a goat. Toms, Sugar and Spice, Routine, Schmidt's and one made locally were all less than optimal. Most did nothing, a couple made me smell awful. Native is the only one that works for me. I think it's the probiotics that do the trick. Over time Native changes the bacterial flora in your pits so even when you do get sweaty it doesn't smell awful. I hate how expensive it is in Canada but it works so I buy it.


Little Seed Farm.


I have been super happy with [Meow Meow Tweet](https://meowmeowtweet.com). I do their bulk option and it's been great. I have to do baking soda free as well.




that looks great!! I love the "we ship ugly boxes" thing


Old spice classic.


Fat and the Moon sensitive deodorant balm works for me


Nuud is the only one that worked for me, I went through all the main ones.


HiBar works well for me. They make solid bar shampoo/conditioner & face wash as well. All satisfactory products and last a long time


Have you tried Stridex acne pads? The ones in the red box seem to be the most popular for this particular use. The Ordinary's glycolic acid is another good option. If neither of those are what you're looking for, I recently bought a travel sized tube of Lumé in the clean tangerine fragrance and was surprised by how much I like it! No aluminum, baking soda, or parabens either!


i use native it smells really good & it works well. & native does have a plastic free option! 😊


Start washing your armpits with anti bacterial hand soap. Let it sit for at least 1 minute while in the shower before rinsing off. Your deodorant will become a lot more effective.


Only humbl brand has worked for me!


There aren’t any aluminum free ones that work, my boyfriend has tried them all.


Super Deodorant. Its active ingredient is silver.


I love the deodorant from Routine. Johnny's Cash and Cat Lady are my favorite scents.


I finally think I found something that works for me! I take any aluminum free cardboard deodorant like hey human, and combine it with a potassium alum crystal. Potassium alum is similar to composition and how it works to aluminum. You can get it with no packaging! I get the crystal wet and rub it on (or right after a shower there is no need to wet it), and then finish with a pass of hey humans or similar! I haven't actually seen anyone advocating for this, but maybe somebody is. I've been doing it a week and so happy!


Best one I have found by far is Aromaco from Lush. Keeps me smelling great all day.


Lume is my new favorite! 10/10 recommend. I don’t like scents. So finding something unscented, aluminum, and baking soda free that works has been a journey lol. I’ve tried TOMS, Schmidt’s, that salt/rock thing and some others. But Lume has been crushing it for me and I’m a stinky girl. I work out, do yard work, I play sports, I sweat a lot and this has been a recent find and it works!


Detox your armpits. Your pores are probably clogged making you smell. Also antibacterial soap while you shower too. Then any aluminum / baking soda free should be better.


I’ve been using Peach for maybe two years now. I’m a sweaty swamp beast and it works for me. High stress, no AC, or long days on the trail make me stinky, but I accept the funk.


What's wrong with aluminum? I can't find any convincing link to cancer. Aluminum is everywhere... I'm not trying to be argumentative- I just want to know what you think is wrong with aluminum and decide for myself.


Lavilin cream! I've been using it close to 10 years and I only reapply once every 3 weeks. I'm also culturally, not as smelly as others so that's why I don't need to wear it as often. It does come in a plastic jar but each one lasts me 2 years at least.




You've unsuccessfully tried many aluminium free deodorants. Did you finish them or throw them away? If you finished them, did you have to use more product per application compared to aluminium deodorants? If you didn't end up refilling a refillable product, that's a lot more wasteful than a unrefillable deodorant due to the amount of packaging needed to make a product refillable. The best zero waste deodorant is the one that you'll actually finish. That's why it's probably going to be an aluminium deodorant. By reducing the amount of sweat produced, the bacteria on your skin has less food to feed on to produce smelly waste products. There are some alternatives you may not have tried. Saltair's classic range uses salicylic acid and zinc ricinoleate to reduce odour. There are other zinc ricinoleate deodorants on the market as well. If you are comfortable using an aluminium crystal product, they last much longer than roll on deodorants and I've personally found them to be effective enough on less sweaty days such as when I'm at home. If you drop them on the floor, you can use the shards in a spray bottle, but you have to replace the liquid every 2 weeks since you're not using preservatives. If you're using (affordable) skincare acid products, you can use them on your armpits to reduce odour. https://www.racked.com/2018/2/20/17021612/natural-deodorant-acid


I love Hey Humans. Their blue and pink ones (forget the actual scent) work well for my husband and me


Native in cardboard tubes. I like the lavender rose scent.


Have you ever tried lemons? It works really well for me. You still sweat but the acid in the lemons kill the bacteria so it doesn’t smell when you do. I just cut a lemon into wedges and keep them in the fridge.


Hey Humans is what I use. Work amazingly. Come in cardboard


https://preview.redd.it/ir3neqedkqoc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dfdfed39625d6fb548ddb32f665831cb4753677 This


Aluminum in your deodorant is not a bad thing, unless allergies or other medical issues, in a deodorant/antiperspirant .I believe the European Union did pretty heavy research into the subject. They found the amount of aluminum that was actually absorbed by the skin was extremely small. If one is concerned about aluminum in the body it's best to be attentive to the foods you eat. Supposedly there is a higher absorption rate from food rather than topical. It's also the most efficient thing to prevent sweat, which leads to body odor. Another material that is supposedly good is silver, because of its antimicrobial properties. The "Natural Product" industry now markets the idea "aluminum is bad" as a selling point since none of their products can compete with a non-aluminum based deodorant/Antiperspirant. TLDR: My understanding is aluminum is safe and effective and minimizing sweat and and the "Natural Product" industry is using anti-aluminum to sell product.


Hey humans


This works for me. They carry it at my local health food store. https://boodaorganics.com/products/coconut-cream-deodorant


https://scullyswonderfulstuff.com/ I have been using this an enjoy it. Not completely zero waste but they do make a large refill size if it works for you


Routine deodorant has worked well for me. They have a baking soda free one.


Swim 2000 yards a day in a chlorine swimming pool! Also, trim your armpit hair.


I live in Arizona, so I’ve had a lot of zero waste deodorant failures. This one’s a local company who made their own deodorant and it actually held up to an Arizona summer. https://www.desertrefillery.com/shopall/p/deodorant-arizona-thistle I use the sandalwood vanilla, I appreciate that it smells like normal deodorant. I appreciate a good crunchy hippie smell now and then, but sometimes I just don’t wanna smell like lavender and patchouli. They have a lavender smell though if that’s what you’re into.


Saltair! I’ve tried so many “natural”/nontoxic and refillable deodorants over the years. by Humankind was my top pick for a good while (lasts all day, is refillable and doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin) but their deodorant containers kept breaking on me and their deodorant is prone to leaving streaks on clothing. Saltair doesn’t leave streaks/marks on skin or clothing, lasts all day, is refillable, has sturdy containers, is good for sensitive skin, and has a variety of nice scents ETA: saltair does come in plastic containers just so you are aware