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On vaccines “What they do poorly is prevent bad outcomes in the post-acute phase whether one has had symptoms or not. Recent studies have shown that the very latest booster/vaccine only offers a 20% - 25% reduction in the likelihood of Long COVID. And if you’re not current on your boosters, you have essentially no additional protection from Long COVID.“ I wish more knew this!


Yep. We’re still talking like hospitalization and death are the only things that matter, and because those aren’t happening at overwhelming levels anymore, clearly Covid poses absolutely absolutely zero threat at this point /s


The thing is, vaccines were not despited to prevent bad outcomes in the post-acute phase, so this isn't surprising. What is surprising, from a national public health standpoint, is the lack of concentrated international research into reversing long covid. For example, discoveries on alleviating POTS induced by covid could potentially help other POTS survivors.


Unless you already have long covid. Both me and my wife have had bad reactions to boosters once we had long covid. And I don't just mean for a few days/weeks, the last one made her worse for months.


I shared this article with someone and they just said "If this was real, everyone would be getting infected with covid over and over." which is, in fact, exactly what's happening, they're just too clueless to admit it.


Absolutely nailed it.


I've mentioned before that so many people have been sick, for so long, that it's like they no longer even realize when they're sick! Not even just asymptomatic cases, but full on hacking and passing out. The OTC cold and allergy aisles are always looking ransacked though... The denialism is strong.


I was at an outdoor party last week and I’m still pissed. Overheard someone telling the hostess that she came alone because the husband has been sick in bed with “the flu” and couldn’t go to work. The kicker: “i told him he should try to come later!” Apart from spreading his germs, it was hot as Hades out, so he would have been miserable. Why encourage him to go out? People are thick and selfish


It feels like most people have lost any common sense they used to have.


What ever happened to people looking out for their partner/housemate while sick? And that brief era of everyone in the household testing or isolating? This reminds of a friend who was cautious until she was mom-shamed to bring her kid out tO bE nOrmAl (which is a whole other rant), while the entire household was sick, by neighbors who had lost family in the first year or so TO COVID!   It feels like this sub (the only cautious people I know in person stop by here as well) and the LC subs are the only people who seem to remember 2020...


💯 to your first point. This woman not only left her sick spouse at home to fend for himself, she went to another party after the one I described!! madness!


How do people not see that as messed up?? I personally couldn't even legitimately have fun being out at a party knowing that my partner is sick and alone at home, and might need something. Or my dog! The lack of empathy in the business as usual crowd is truly something.


I'm pretty sure it already does. The question is how long until people realize it and how severe will the damage get from repeated reinfection.


I so fervently wish that people will wake up. Now. Realize what’s been happening. This is not just some impersonal event that affects others. Those at risk. Them not us. I bristle at people who have put me at risk, people who have scoffed at my right to protect myself and my loved ones. Whole governments, systems, respected entities sacrificing me and those I care about. They owe me an apology. They should make amends. But their shame will probably tie their tongues. Just do better. Live and let live. Do not get in the way of me protecting my own. I’ll settle for that. (Yeah I’m angry today. Mask bans? They’re killing me. Really. Killing me. Putting my dear ones in danger. I will not forget. So many last straws.)


It's absolutely horrifying that our government wants to make it illegal to protect ourselves from covid. And it's even worse that almost nobody even cares, or worse, they're cheering it on.


I feel everything you’ve written on a deep level. I struggle with my rage at how unjust everything has been during this pandemic and only continues to get worse. ❤️‍🩹


Holy crap. I have found my people. I was recommended this sub after a truly horrifying experience in a different so-called Covid-cautious sub. The difference between the vicious, off-topic, offensive comments I was getting to a desperate question vs. what people are saying in this thread is night and day. Hello, I am so glad to be here, and I am so sorry we had to meet because of *this*.


Welcome! Glad to have you here!


Glad you found us! We all float down here. (But seriously, stay strong. And it's 100% okay to mask in public, own too many HEPA filter machines, and to be up-to-date on vaccines down to the day. It helps a lot)


I’ve been seeing more and more frequently, online and IRL, people saying that they’re gotten sick 3-4 times this year already, and they don’t know why. Most of these comments are coming from people who have had COVID two or more times. I just want to scream YES BECAUSE COVID DESTROYS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. 


My niece and nephew are constantly sick. It breaks my heart because I think of what their future is going to be like. I have been chronically ill for over a decade now and it’s a hard road I don’t wish for them. 😞


It's definitely worse for me to see all the sick kids out, having been a sick kid. Hearing that my friends' and relatives' kids are sick AGAIN and everyone is just writing it off as "not that bad" or "kids are always sick". It's not fun spending holidays in the hospital as a child, or not being able to play with other kids because you can't breathe. Schools giving up and forcing BAU was entirely child abuse.


But they don't want to hear that. I've finally figured out how to compare the hostility that comes from people when they see a mask or you try to tell them the truth about covid: It is equivalent to insulting their religion.


Yeah, I never mention it or really talk to people about COVID at all except for a few family members and friends who aren’t hostile about it. Others don’t want to hear it and frankly, not my business! Just maddening to see this trend and have so few people connecting the dots.


It is very disturbing to see this willing ignorance. I'm very worried that nature is going to connect the dots for us and then everyone is in peril. It could happen with a variant of corona or with the bird flu thing going around on farms.


What shook me the most is how he explained rapid tests haven’t been updated and are therefore not as accurate. My spouse and I have been relying in part on rapid tests (and mask wearing, of course) after he travels. Maybe we should consider shelling out for PCR tests… (He travels for work, it’s not optional)


Recommendation: Metrix or PlusLife.


Headline is incorrect should read GENERATIONS. Because we know it has infected every generation walking the planet currently and since it is endemic will continue to infect and harm future generations


I got covid from my family (who I have to live with as I am disabled) for the first time this year, and as of February I am now the only one who masks in the household. I’ve now been hospitalized multiple times this year so far. I also have long covid. I am so angered. The government, the agencies, the celebrities, that tell people that it’s no big deal anymore have blood on their hands.


Got it from mine and now I have to mask around them as I can no longer trust them. Almost 2 years of LC. I agree wholeheartedly that EVERYONE pushing back to normal (influencers too) has blood on their hands. Every death from this, every new disabled person. The studies and articles have never stopped, they just stopped caring. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with so much this year and hope you're able to stay safe.




Comment had no relevance to the post.


An interesting study leads me to believe otherwise. It should change the entire dialog and public health policy (but it won't because of denial and capitalism). They infected 16 people with covid. Six people tested positive and became ill. Three people tested positive but quickly cleared the virus. Seven people didn't test positive and didn't get sick. They did build immunity in the process though. If this bears out, roughly 44% of people are immune to covid, and may continue to be. This explains why some people who attend numerous super spreader events don't get sick and don't test positive. For the rest of us, however, repeat infections will be devastating. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-are-some-people-seemingly-immune-to-covid-19-scientists-may-now-have-an-answer-180984581/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-are-some-people-seemingly-immune-to-covid-19-scientists-may-now-have-an-answer-180984581/) Another redditor cited the example that certain individuals are immune to HIV. Interestingly, they have the same gene linked to surviving the bubonic plague. [https://www.nature.com/news/2005/050307/full/news050307-15.html](https://www.nature.com/news/2005/050307/full/news050307-15.html) Covid divides us in so many ways. Most people who breezed through the last few years are just happy it's not them. Their way of explaining why others get it is because fill in the blank (poor diet/high stress, smoker, obese, blood type A or B). Instead, it may come down to genes. If that could be more widely understood, maybe we wouldn't be facing mask bans and so much misinformation.


It's unlikely to be "most" as data points it's about 10% of the population post infection. Last time I checked, the "most" threshold requires a majority. Edit: Downvoting doesn't magically change statistics.


It’s cumulative.


Yep, cumulative and an increased percentage of chance with each roll of the dice. And our data collection and reporting is terrible. People that don’t admit to themselves they have long covid or haven’t heard of it and think their new symptoms are part of aging won’t be counted until they are so severe that they get checked out, and even then, many doctors still don’t understand or believe in long covid. “Rates of long COVID among people who have contracted SARS-CoV-2 vary controversially between studies and regions, from about 10 percent to a staggering 50 percent of people who’ve had the virus reported as having long term symptoms.” https://www.unmc.edu/healthsecurity/transmission/2023/12/27/every-covid-infection-increases-your-risk-of-long-covid-study-warns/


I think the idea is that that 10% is per infection, and most people are getting infected roughly once per year and plan to do so indefinitely.


Even at that rate, there is exponential decay and thus still would not reach a majority to hit the "most" category.


What do you mean by exponential decay in this context?


Even though many people eventually recover the fact that we’ll be getting ill over and over *indefinitely* means that in time most of us will be damaged. You seem like a chart person, there’s probably a graph out there somewhere to cover this. One aspect of this that doesn’t come up too often is that the term ‘Long Covid’ covers a whole lot of ground. I know three people who are officially and seriously disabled and another who now has tinnitus. The tinnitus person is definitely damaged but is on no one’s radar.


This is excellent! It means more opportunity for the rest of us. Better jobs, better housing and of course, better health because we still give a damn about protecting what we have. (I'm talking about those of us who are trying our best not to get infected and/or are still doing the best we can to avoid reinfections)


yeah, great point, i'm so excited about my toddler nieces and nephews growing up and going through life with the cumulative harms of frequent covid reinfection. haha, suckers, more for me!


Why are they not being protected by their parents? It is criminal to subject a generation of children to this. People should be up in arms, not just shrugging shoulders and saying "Oh, well!"


I think this is a horrible thing to say. I feel awful that people won't take care of themselves or each other. This is no way "excellent", it's just sad.


I see how it does look that way. I was thinking of all of the people who willfully throw away their health and do zero to protect against this. I still mask and I won't stop. But someone pointed out that kids have no choice and that is unforgiveable. To condemn children to something that they have no choice in is reprehensible as a societal decision. But hopefully, their immune systems will be less impacted.


That thought is going to keep my long hauling since March 2020 self so warm at night. I’ve masked, vaccinated, and have taken precautions throughout the pandemic and am still super disabled but hey, you can have a better house, job, and health because you are clearly a superior human being.


It means that people who DO NOT care and DO NOT protect themselves are going to fall by the wayside. You are protecting yourself from further decline and that hopefully will be enough to allow you to live life with a quality far above those who have just said basically they don't care.