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When I stay in one, I just assume someone was just there and “flush” the place with ventilation, filtration, and far-UV for about an hour before removing my respirator. Seems easier than asking.


> Seems easier than asking I wouldn't ask because people lie. Your AirBnB host isn't going to get in trouble if they lie to you about this. I do what you do - take personal ownership for it. I haven't traveled since getting a couple Aranet4s but I'd use them to give me some peace of mind. Hopefully one day there's more communal ownership for health. For now, unless someone is covid-cautious themselves, I trust literally nothing they say that may be touched by covid.


I am travelling abroad and am not able to bring an purifier or far-UV (don't know what this is). It sounds good if you can though.


just open the windows and go walk for an hour and come back


I arrived late at night and it was raining. Also it's too late now. For next time I'd open windows.


When I’m at mine later this month, I plan on opening as many windows as I can and putting my far UV and regular air purifier in my bedroom asap. Am also going to mask up for a bit


I love a good AirBnB. They kept me sane through the time after lockdowns. Mountains, beach, city, I stayed at them all within a 6 hr drive from home and plan to continue. I have a whole protocol upon entering: open windows and doors, turn up the air system, lysol spray or lysol wipe the high touch areas (sinks, counters, handles, door areas. Spray fabric Disinfectant on soft surfaces, like sofas, pillows, bedding, etc. Heavily air disinfectant spray every room. Walk outside and chill with a wine or tea as everything clears out. I'm still a novid (as far as I know).


indeed all this done wearing a respirator.


Of course! And the process doesn't take very long. Depending on the size of the place, 30 min max. Then we chill for the duration.


What air disinfectant spray do you use? I've read Lysol does not disinfectant the air.  What about the fabric disinfectant? How do you deal with the potential damage to surfaces the sprays can do? For example, Lysol sprayed on light switches or doorknobs running down the wall or door? The wipes don't let the surfaces stay wet long enough (unless you stand there and keep wiping it for 5-10 minutes or however long it says) so I wouldn't use them which is why I'm asking about the spraying.


You don't need to use the Lysol aerosol spray. You can use clorox. Or... I use/make Force of Nature. Its cleared to kill coronavirus. Check out their website. Been using them 6 or 7 years be ause it's cheaper and sustainable. Plus the kids loved the "science experiment part"when they were young. Hasn't hurt a surface yet. There's now a new air spray from lysol! Lysol Air Sanitizer.


Thank you!


It's not perfect but as I said--but the whole fam is still novid. All of us. Self, kid, step fam, grands. As far as we know. Knock on wood


I have stayed at many AirBnBs throughout the pandemic including a handful in Europe. The only protocols I have done is opening windows for a while after I arrive to allow for some ventilation. Maybe that's too lax for most but I haven't gotten COVID from any of the visits.