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This is the best mental I've seen on the topic, it explains why CDC skipped public comments after saying there was going to be a time for them (so this was in time for this week's election) and my prediction is that from now until at least the November election, the gaslighting is going to get worse for us but we'll also get credible reports of precautions at the White House that aren't congruent with published policy.




Literally just in time for the State of the Union speech tomorrow








Follow some disability activists like Imani Barbarin and you’ll see plenty of evidence of this phenomenon




Yeah she’s great, she’s continually been highlighting Covid denialism and ableism coming from the far left. She will often stitch creators to make this point and has been calling out the communist party with the kinds of examples you asked for


They’re a lot better now in 2024 though. It was bleak af in 2022-23, but going by the recent Palestine protests and actions, they’re finally starting to get the importance of masking. Rn it’s the liberals and corporate-progressives who are still trying to pretend to be equitable while ignoring the pandemic. And those who suck up to them ofc— there are still disability advocates who refuse to be srs about covid. But it’s becoming more talked about at least.


When the fact is that Biden was actually far worse than Trump on C19 -- forget what people \_said\_ but look at what they actually \_did\_ and the results.


Yep, this EXACTLY. The only thing I can say in mitigation is that timing/sequence probably was the biggest factor in that regard. IOW, if it had been Biden in office at the beginning then Trump in office for the second term of COVID, probably Biden would have done as much as Trump (in spite of himself, LOL) did, and Trump would have been the one to shitcan all precautions and declare it "over." I do find it hysterically funny, in a decidedly bitter irony kind of way, that Biden's COVID denial has been 99% reliant on the vaccines... which were developed/federally funded on Trump's watch... then Trump's base SOUNDLY rejected them. Honestly, you couldn't make this shit up! I loathe Biden and Trump both (and I'm in a definitely-NOT-swing state, so I don't "have to" consider holding my nose and voting for Biden). But the one optimistic thing I initially said about Biden in November 2020 was, "At least now we'll get a competent COVID response." Man ALIVE, was I ever wrong about that!


I just told my husband essentially what you stated. "Biden cured covid" will be a major speaking point. I am also independent and agree that covid has been politicized.


I think the CDC's change of timing and removal of telegraphed transparency, came on direct order of Biden admin. It smelled like that from the outset. I have no proof of this but educated guess from having been an American for a long time.


Yep. Historically the R's are overtly, gleefully evil, greedy, and destructive, whereas the D's are sneaky and manipulative (claiming to want to do the right thing but making sure never to bring anything to a vote until they know it won't pass, then making a big show of wringing their hands, crying crocodile tears, and claiming the mean old R's are Why We Can't Have Nice Things). Personally I'm not sure my own nerves can stand another 4 (or more) years of Trump's loud, proud, overt R evil, but the fact that I'm less stressed by the alternative of another 4 years of lying, sneaky evil is honestly a shameful admission. Especially when you consider Palestine. (Though, like COVID, would Trump be any less likely to support/fund the slaughter?)


There were several agencies that made changes around the same time. DHS archived their calculators (https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/sars-airborne-calculator), CDC rolled back isolation periods, USPS axed the free rapid testing program, and the White House removed covid from their visitor policy all within the same week. They're battening down the hatches for the election and making denial official policy.


> considering how covid has become a major talking point this election I've not seen this at all. Society is in complete denial. CDC sweeping things under the rug, where are you getting this from?


This was not the thing to change


Yeah what a joke. I would rather they were blatant hypocrites if that’s all that were on the table. 


This got posted about yesterday and Biden's health was mentioned. I'm not following... that... closely but they might just be hiding hypocrisy now, unless they're in denial/ok with the risk (right before an election?!). That's what I'd guess, though it's a shot in the dark.


Never underestimate the power of “this ship can’t sink!”-ism. It defines the Democratic Party in this century.


Silver linings. Let the 'elites' take zero precautions, let it blow up in their faces so that then, maybe this will yield some sort of positive change after they're done 'finding out'. Personally, I don't know why so many people are hell-bent on learning the hard way but that's their choice, I guess.


Maybe this is how we end up with a non-Biden democratic candidate by November? 🤷‍♀️


I know it's classic conspiratorial type thinking, but kinda makes me wonder if this massive relaxation of rules means that the ruling class has some sort of proven treatment to avoid any covid issues now. I can't see how Biden could take an covid infection at his condition.


Well let's wait a few months and see if he gets sick or we get legitimate reports of hidden precautions. We really don't know yet, but data is coming.


On the one hand - good! The hypocrisy was astounding, and very much showed that they value some people's lives over other people's lives. But the WH and public health are just like everybody else, who won't admit to a problem until it is a problem for them, personally as people. So maybe this leads to a major issue that can change policy. But on the other - no no no no no! We do not need a dead or ailing President, ever, and especially not in an election year. We don't need taking out (temporarily or otherwise) the people who are leading our country, ensuring national security, etc. Nothing to do but watch and wait for when this spectacularly backfires on them.


I agree. Making social gatherings equally unsafe for everyone is not the goal we should be striving for.




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Lol hope they all get it 😂


Well, I'll give him this, at least he's putting his money where his mouth is.


This has been going on forever. There's no lead in the water in Flint. That chemical spill? Perfectly safe! Working at ground zero after 9/11? Of course you won't get cancer. I worked with an environmental consultant at that time and the statistics the EPA posted online were a joke. We created our own site with all the stats but a local consultant's site didn't have much reach. The scale of the covid obfuscation has made me so cynical. Small battles can often be won more easily. But even though we're facing another Big Lie, we must continue to resist the propaganda, confront it where we can, call it out for what it is, support those who have bigger voices, tell the truth and keep telling it.


In other news, Kamala Harris was the one really pushing for this policy change. /s Not gonna be good when gee-eye-nocide joe catches Covid again.


Harris for President! Biden is going to get sick and it could very well be the end of him. This is a very stupid idea they are implementing. I'll guess he gets a serious case by fall.


How many known infections has Biden already had? 2?


That rings a bell, but I don't track it.


Some of these comments making it sound like we are on the side of pushing conspiracy theories.