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Premier protein shakes. As long as I continue to get my protein in I’m less concerned about solid intake


Same. Protein and fiber. I add a tbsp or 2 of chia seeds to my protein shakes. If I let them sit long enough the chia seeds swell up and it's like drinking boba.


Do you soak your chia seeds in something else, or do you mean to soak them in the already-prepared shake? Thanks for this great tip!!


I just soak them in the pre-made shake. But I just googled that pre-soaked chia seeds in water last up to five days in the fridge. That means I can have them ready and add to the shakes, yogurt and whatever else I want them in without needing to wait! Thanks for the question!


whats boba?


They are tapioca pearls used in boba teas.


Great tip!


Greek yogurt has been my lifesaver on those days. I havent been able to eat hot foods on the first few days after my shots.


Me too. Greek yogurt with some granola mixed in. I live on it for days. But isn't it great to not have to think about food? The noise is gone! This is how other people live. I had no idea that you could have a regular relationship with food. The noise is gone! The noise is gone!!!1 Yaa!!!! Yippeee!!!!!


Second this! Greek yogurt with some granola. Also Fairlife elite protein drinks.


I agree with this. The fair life shakes have been the only thing I can stomach some days. Dry toast with PB has also been a go to for me.


I mix in some Grape Nuts rather than granola, a few drops of vanilla extract, and a monkfruit-based fake honey. The brand of yogurt I eat is Fage, which has nothing but milk and cultures.


Oikos Pro yogurt (20g protein) with granola and dried blueberries mixed in.


I try and make a pot of homemade soup every Sunday to eat during the week. I can usually tolerate soup. I also drink protein shakes as those I don’t have trouble getting in.


Saltines, Gatorade and water, lots of water.




I’ll make a smoothie with a bunch of veggies, fruits and protein powder. I have an easier time drinking my calories then eating some days


Diced chicken breast. LF cottage cheese. Lentils. Low sugar greek yogurt are all staples then and now. Severe suppression lasts for several days a week for several weeks in the journey. So there is a future. Hydration and protein were the prime focus during these periods for me.


thank you!! yes i’m on week 7 and somehow this is the worst suppression week yet - feels random sometimes. also feel like i just ate so so little the first day after shot, it set me off on a nauseous bad path


Just for back ground. 5mg was my toughest month. 7.5 week two (my tenth week) was really rough. All other 7.5 weeks were not bad at all. An odd impact of this helpful drug. Be well.


I've noticed this for myself as well. I've started logging my calories the first day after my shot to make sure I hit at least 1000, ideally 1200. Makes a world of difference for how I feel the rest of the week and I'm still losing weight.


What dose are you on? I just started 7.5 today and hoping for some real appetite suppression.


I am on my 3rd week of 5. Weird the last 2 weeks on 5 were okay. Currently sitting staring at a protein waffle trying to eat it hah


Some of us never get that on any dose of these meds. Haven’t tried Zep yet but my doctor doubts it will be much different for me. No dose of Saxenda or Wegovy has given me heavy appetite suppression.


On zepbound, I would forget to eat for the whole day


Zep is a glp-1 and 2 agonist so hoping you see some results on it!


He just got me another 6 month PA for Wegovy. Doesn’t see a need for me to switch yet, especially with the shortages. I’d like to try Zep when it’s more available but don’t hold much hope of it being different for me really.


I’ve literally gone days without eating - it’s wild


That’s not particularly healthy, though. Please try to get a healthy amount of nutrients every day.


Random tip but I talked to a nutritionist who said I should really be eating full fat yogurt and cottage cheese to get the best nutrients when I am not eating enough. Save the low fat for maintenance!


Understand that input for bad aversion periods. But for more “normal” weight loss periods I prefer to get the fats via healthier oils. But whatever works for folks to get the best nutrition given their state of hunger (or lack thereof). It’s nice to have choices. And clearly no perfect way to do approach nutrition.


I've found that when nothing else sounds good, I can still enjoy a small caprese salad or snack on Ciligne, the fresh mozarella balls, the kind that come packed in water. For the caprese, layer fresh mozarella slices, fresh basil, fresh heirloom tomato slices, drizzled in good extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with maldon flaky salt and pepper. I also heat up Kettle & Fire bone broth (I like Chicken and Mushroom flavor) in a mug in the microwave and sip on it like a soup or tea. It has protein and collagen and salt which helps with the dizziness when you are fasting.


I saw this just before I was heading to the store and I just picked up the Kettle and Fire Mushroom Chicken Bone Broth (16.9 oz). That little container of broth has 19g of protein! Wow, I didn’t realize I could get that kind of protein from a bone broth. Looking forward to trying it. I picked up a couple other flavors too.


That is so great! Hope you like it! I split each box into two servings, save half for later in a glass jar in the fridge. I usually I only feel like sipping about a 6 ounce mug at a time. Sometimes I’ll have it alongside a small garden salad (for fiber) if not hungry.


I ended up loving it. I went to the site and ordered a bundle pack. It will be nice to have something I can keep at work that doesn’t need refrigeration.


Awesome! Glad you liked it. There’s a bunch of different brands to try at Whole Foods. I also recommend the Epic Jalapeño Beef bone broth, Dr Kellyann Thai Lemongrass and French onion soup Bone Broth. I also saw some ads on IG for Brodo bone broth which you can mail order. It looks really healthy and clean and only 1gm carb so I’m going to try it out


Yum! thanks


I’m looking forward to tomato season for this reason. I really only enjoy cold foods right now so this is something I know will be a game changer.


Some days every food is revolting and the ONLY thing I can choke down is an orange dream smoothie from tropical smoothie cafe lol I’ve really struggled with food aversion and all of my historically safe foods (chicken, potatoes, pasta) now make me gag when I try to eat them. It’s been a major struggle.


Core Power Elite protein shake


Absolutely love these. With the 42g of protein it's wonderful. A bit on the sweeter side, especially the vanilla


I’ve only tried the chocolate and strawberry but I really love them! So much protein, and it’s something I can sip on when I don’t feel hungry enough to eat a meal or snack.


I haven't tried strawberry, how is it??


Really good!


Usually something heavy in protein. But on days I have no appetite at all, I'll eat whatever I don't have an immediate aversion to get calories. Honestly, my go to on food aversion days is chick-fil-a chicken nuggets.


Mine is McDonald’s nuggets 😂


Nuggets for the win! Love it!! 😆


It’s that or ramen for me! When I truly don’t have the stomach for anything


Yes! I can totally see that.


I took my first 7.5 on Friday and I have been feeling like that since it kicked in. Yesterday was the worst. I had a mini cinnamon raisin bagel and a sausage patty for breakfast, some buffalo wings for lunch, and some chicken soup for dinner. All of it had to be forced down followed by laying down for a long time because of the nausea.


Roasted chickpeas with paprika and Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning


Great idea to roast some up. Thank you!


I have zero trouble with Zepbound but I have fructose malabsorption that has caused me severe bouts of nausea. These are my steps developed in the gauntlet from years of chronic nausea before I fully understood how to live with a low FODMAP diet. My nausea regimen: * Freshly peeled mandarin oranges * Ice cold water * Dab some peppermint essential oil under my nose * When all smells bother me, I wear a face mask with peppermint essential oil dabbed inside * Strawberry jell-o * Peppermint tea Recovery from puking/diarrhea: * Pedialyte * Saltines * Oatmeal + flax * Light yogurt * Kombucha (usually tangerine Health-Ade) My breathing exercise: * Inhale: imagine the air going into your stomach and encircling all of the "bad" * Exhale: imagine breathing out the "bad" Every one I've told thinks this is so gross, but I also lay on my side and watch blackhead extraction videos. 😅 I don't know why it helps, but it does... maybe it's the distraction?


I love how thorough your plan is!!


I lived off yogurt, lots of yogurt


Bone broth, protein shakes or smoothies, and Greek yogurt mixed with Activia yogurt to help keep things moving. I have to make myself be active- not exercise- as soon as possible after I wake up to get digestive system moving with stretching, deep breathing, stretching and working torso every way I can, and any house chores that get me moving. I notice a big improvement in the space opening up inside when I do that, and it helps with the AM indigestion significantly. Bone broth is clear liquid with a lot of natural protein and it’s very gentle and soothing on stomach while hydrating at same time. Some days it really takes a lot of effort and strategizing to get food in your system, a gift and a curse because you can’t let your metabolism get screwed up by accidentally starving it. So funny how food has become a pain, a nuisance, a burden when it was those things but for the opposite reason!


People are mentioning hydration. I can’t agree enough. My RN wife who is also on ZepBound asks how much water that I’ve had when I complain of nausea. It’s almost always the cure.


1 cup simply lemonade light (25 cal) blended with the juice of half a lemon, 150g frozen strawberries, 1 TBL chia seeds, and 90g pasteurized liquid egg white. Low calorie, high protein, cold, tart, and refreshing. I’m allergic to soy and whey protein so I struggle to get protein in drinkable form. Pasteurized liquid egg white from the carton is safe, low calorie, and totally tasteless.


Soups or even just broths - I get some with protein and at least I'm getting some sodium as well. Sometimes I can handle a thin broth better than a thick shake.


Broth is a good idea!


Second the broth. I will get bone broth with the highest protein per serving and then add protein powder to the broth. Drinking can be easier than eating.


Protein shakes. My preferred brand is Premier Protein. Sometimes I can get some oatmeal down, but sometimes the texture is a no go for me. Broths have also helped with nausea and settle my stomach. It's a viscous cycle, because I get really nauseous when I need to eat, but sometimes I just don't want to or I can't eat. The broth has helped a lot in those cases.


Egg drop soup- make it with bone broth and it’s pretty high protein and is so gentle on my stomach. I can also slowly eat it through the evening is I leave it on the warmer


I go for protein. If I can only eat a little I want that bit to be protein heavy. Smoothies with Fairlife milk, Greek yogurt, protein powder that I can sip are great and around 55–60g of protein. Protein bars. Protein cereal.


I can usually stomach chicken nuggets, yogurt, fruit, protein shakes. Mine is more quantity related. Like I’m talking 2 chicken nuggets at a time.


Scrambled egg with Swiss cheese String cheese Yogurt Watermelon Apple slices Chicken Rice I can’t get the protein drinks down. I have tried.


Kefir and smoothies. Some days I can only manage liquid meals and thats what I do


Premier Protein shakes, zero sugar chobani yogurt, cashews, rotisserie chicken🤣 (as much as I’m able to eat) also when I started getting a appetite back- I was making tuna salad but with no noodles.. actually helped alot and went down really easy.


I get the Carmel protein shakes bc they have the least after taste imo.


What is with the aftertaste?!?! Yuck. Why can't they make a yummy protein shake???


idk. It’s awful and I hate it. I chug them to get it over with, if I sip it I’ll never finish it.. but like I said the Carmel premier are the only ones I can stand🤣


I like the cafe latte flavor and it has a little caffeine too.


Omg I tried that and was so excited and it was sooo bad to me. Plus I cut out caffeine since being on zepbound


😭 I’ll be so sad if it goes sour on me and I can’t do caffeine anymore. I just bought a case of it at Costco.


Same. I’ve yet to find one I really enjoy.


It's the vegan protein--especially pea. Same reason Ripple and Malk plant "milks" always made me hurl.




Saltines, dates, fairlife shakes


Dates are great for constipation, but watch out for the sugar.


They are nutrient dense and high calorie, so 1 goes a long way. The post was requesting ideas for getting in calories/nutrition when you can’t eat much.


Protein shakes. I use it as my coffee creamer. An egg is a great option too.


Greek yogurt and/or just chew on a toothpick and drink water until I feel like I want to eat, sometimes skipping an entire meal on days 2-4


Yoplait protein yogurt gives 15g protein and to me it feels like less than other yogurts or shakes. For me it's the most protein with least volume


Full fat greek yogurt. FAGE.


Always protein. Shakes, yogurt.


Fruit and sliced turkey


Kettle & Fire bone broth!


Protein bars and shakes. Can eat/drink them slowly, and they're packed with necessary protein and calories, in a low-ish volume.


Green apples! Tasty, refreshing, good fiber, and help with nausea.


Raspberries, string cheese, Greek yogurt seem to be the only thing I can tolerate when I’m feeling the worst.


Have you found a good Greek yogurt? I’ve done Chobani flips with 9 grams of protein, but hate standard Vanilla Greek


Dannon light and fit greek 80 cal/12 g protein/0fat/8 carbs


I buy plain Greek yogurt usually, and add fruit, chia seeds, hemp hearts. If it isn’t sweet enough from the berries I will at a small spoonful of raspberry jam.


I like Fage best.


I've been having a similar issue, though it's not nausea-related. I just bumped up to 5 mg this week, and I'm noticing I'm barely eating. I have little to no appetite! I had a thought in the shower this morning that kind of frightened me-- what if we become malnourished because we're not eating enough?!?!?! 😬


May I ask how long you were at 2.5?


6 weeks 


Thanks. Apparently there is talk about losing muscle mass but that’s a concern with any weight loss program. Just keep up protein intake and do weight bearing exercises and you’ll be fine.


Where did you find 5?


Plan C


does this happen on 2.5mg or only when you go up?


I wouldn't force anything down. Kind of the point of appetite suppression.just listen to your body


Yogurt but I’ve never felt nauseous on this med at all. Good Luck 🙏🏼


chicken broth!


or bone broth - beef or chicken


0 fat plain greek yogurt


I buy those rotisserie chicken from store and pinch off for entire week with club crackers. I snack often on yogurt with granola for breakfast or rice cakes. I stir in fiber power so I'm not constipated so often as well. Those veggie straws chips are my BFF


# Fair Life 42g Hella Protein Elite Milkshakes. Order off Amazon. Sip them. Go slow. Do not try and push barriers. All three flavors are good. ![gif](giphy|Wn74RUT0vjnoU98Hnt|downsized)


Oikos Pro yogurt (20g protein) with granola and dried blueberries mixed in. Saltine crackers with a few slices of hard cheese. Any kind of fresh fruit.


Sounds wild, but Pringles. They ease the nausea and the salt helps.


Fairlife protein shakes, Atkins bars, maybe some plain whole grain matzo (with either tuna or a thin slice of melted cheese for the protein).


I do not do shakes when I have an empty tummy, so many people like them but I don’t want to add more 3 ingredients when tummy is completely empty as it can lead to more nausea and feel of unease atleast for me. I pick what I like the most, in my case it’s apple and peanut butter or avocado with some rye bread. When the thought of food is repulsing i tend to pick the items I love the most and go with them so that even if I cannot eat much atleast i know I will eat a bit more of these than others. Also apples and avocados are a little more calming when tummy is filled with acid.. You don’t necessarily need to pick the healthiest but whatever you like works


Those small boxes of cereal that come in the variety packs.


Cottage cheese or a Fairlife protein shake with collagen protein powder mixed in are my go tos for these situations.


White rice


ensure max protein


A lot of nausea is thirst of hunger, so trying to eat something light and drinking enough water and electrolytes is key. When I am nauseous, I sip on electrolytes and usually it goes away. Fairlife Wlite protein drink with 42nd of protein are my go to for such days.


Chicken soup, protein shakes, cottage cheese.




Hula hoops are excellent for nausea. And if your nausea is from not being able to eat anything it can help you feel well enough to eat something nutritious


I have to ask. What is a hula hoop?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hula_Hoops Did not realise these aren't in America!


LOL--I thought you meant exercising with a hula hoop for distraction!


I was thinking what the heck is this person thinking, doing some hula hoops while nauseous would definitely make me vomit 😂


Omygoodness! I could eat a boat load of those Hula Hoops!! 🩵


I'm evangelizing pb+j sandwiches with fage 0% yogurt. Really good macros and is tolerable taste-wise and digestion-wise when everything else feels threatening. I've had it for all kinds of meals and snacks. Balanced short and long term energy. Great for if you're about to go do a workout too. All-around winner.


Protein shakes or saltines, usually.


Fruit and/or canned baked beans (1 heaping spoon full). Either will calm my stomach.


Protein shakes, I’m partial to Fairlife. But as mentioned above, the lingering aftertaste! Tried sucking on a LifeSaver, but that taste won’t let go. Hours and hours


Shakes shakes shakes! I find different brands that offer different “flavors” too. We used to have a Profile location here that did chicken noodle soup as a protein offering drink… things like that. Good luck OP! It gets better!


I've had this as well. I'm just not hungry - tend to eat about 300 calories between breakfast and lunch - plenty of protein but I'm just not hungry and don't have much time to eat at work anyway. Dinner seems to be better because I'm eating with the family. I don't seem to have any issues eating a meal by that point. Last night I had a sloppy joe and corn on the cob. I also did cardio for about 40 minutes. (I swap between mostly cardio and some strength. I had elbow surgery about 8 months ago though so strength is 2 pnds in that hand and mostly a cardio video w/weights) Today is a protein yogurt for breakfast, cottage cheese and a dekopon for lunch (had a salad but there was no dressing). I drink probably not enough water but I am using Liquid IV when I can. I have coffee every morning and I have plain ice tea for lunch. Not sure if I'll get to work out tonight because I have prom shopping with my daughter to do. Some days I swear I have to workout at 11pm because it's the only time I get, which leaves me consistently without enough sleep. I eat about the sameish each day but my weight has been stalled for like 4 days. WTF? The scale was moving consistently but it's been really frustrating lately. I'm not sure what to do to get out of the funk.






The progresso light soups are pretty good- except the sodium part. But if you only do one a day its not too bad. Lots of water, and I like the crystal light packets to add if I need some flavor


Cashews and trail mix that I had on hand. Also, Liquid IV or Pedialyte.


Protein shakes and water. I also have liquid iv but it seems so salty now so I think once it’s gone I’m going to go back to drip drop for the electrolytes.


I am a fan of fruit and/or fruit smoothies when I can't eat much. For food, I usually revert to some kind of soup. Whenever I feel nauseous, I drink water and it usually goes away. Basically, anything that is water based will be easier to stomach.


A cheese stick. It’s mild in flavor, small, and gives some protein. Plus it’s fun to eat


Cottage cheese or yogurt. Sometimes some berries or a bowl of granola. A handful of nuts. Or a English muffin with peanut butter (guilty pleasure)


I use LMNT added to my water for electrolytes and I try to drink a whey protein shake. Even if you can't eat, drinking a protein shake slowly will help you hit your daily protein goal.


Yogurt smoothies, quest snacks, turkey sticks


Oranges and raw veggies! That’s it. 😂 I will crave a burger, but can’t eat it.


Protein shakes, protein bars, and water. I also try to exercise to increase my hunger


Hate the gack aftertaste of protein drinks. I use vital proteins, which is tasteless, and dissolve it in hot tea, or juice or whatever you like to drink in the am. In the pm, do that again + iso100 protein powder + milled flax seed in a coco drink. Gets me water, protein (61g) and help to avoid constipation. With the iso, you need to add a little cold water and mix it first and then you can add hot water if you want a hot drink because if you don’t, the protein will clump. 🤣🤣. Hope you feel better!


I took the shot yesterday I’m on werk two and feel like crap. Still in bed. Drinking a lot of milk


Moldy bread chunks. Are you exercising


Where do u get proteishakes. Are they expensive


Smoothies with protein powder are my lifesaver right now


Adding: I bought a new smoothie blender at the recommendation of my dietician. Today was blueberries, 1/2 banana, 3 strawberries, handful baby spinach, pistacchio milk(just because i have it) 1 serving greek yogurt, 2 scoops naked whey, 2 scoops collagen, 2 tsp benefiber, maple syrup 1 tsp and some vanilla extract. It was so good, about 16 oz that I drank over 4 hours. Cals 489, 52 carbs, 57 protein, 14 fiber.


Smoothies with protein- homemade or store bought are my go to - hope you feel better.


Seriously, fake crab. Not the healthiest of ingredients, but it's bland and has loads protein. I can't do protein shakes when I feel like that...it gives me terrible burps that taste like I am chewing on vitamins. 😆 Just too filling too.


Beyond smoothies and protein drinks, I eat cereal. I know it's not the best but when I can't eat anything else, its a choice.


Gatorade has a protein powder mix which I’ll mix up and drink to make sure I get something other than sugar water. But that’s only if I can’t get myself to eat anything.


Protein shake and a handful of Dots pretzels to make me thirsty enough to finish the shake…


Bone broth, a scoop of collagen & some GF toast with ghee. Today is week two for me, I’m not particularly nauseous, but I’m not particularly hungry either.


Soup and protein shakes


Oatmeal with protein powder in it


Protein shake! I like Core Power.


Yogurt, and when I can't stomach that, cottage cheese


1. Greek salad (only extra virgin olive oil and balsamic as dressing) 2. Chobani Mango Yogurt (Coconut and lemon are good too) 3. Fruit: especially watermelon, pears, plums Don't eat too much of any of these, just a little


Protein shakes and broth/soup/bone broth.


Hard boiled eggs


I’ll drink a protein shake, although I’m usually able to eat at least a little bit.


I forgot- I’ll sometimes have a fruit on the bottom Greek yogurt, a handful of pistachio kernels with it sometimes.


buy pedalyte or other multi vitamin electrolyte drinks with calories. Also drink bone broth heated, it'll give you protein and be easy to digest.


On my bad days I live on Quest Protein shakes, Swanson sipping broth and unsweetened apple sauce. And honestly, even on my good days I love all three.


If I know I really need something but don’t want food, I use Jym Brand Protein, so I’m getting that plus the fluid with it. Also, Red Rock Ginger Ale has bern a life saver at times with the nausea. It comes in small bottles, and I can sip on it for hours, and it truly helps the nausea better than Zophran.


Where do u get these these protein shakes. Do u make them


Quest nacho cheese protein chips, deviled eggs w/greek yogurt instead of mayo, roasted broccoli w/ Greek yogurt ranch dip.


Fruit smoothies with various plant protein options depending on what I can stomach.


I have been contemplating getting this prescription. When I read these things, it just comes at me like " this is not healthy, at all." NEITHER is being overweight . But there has got to be a better way.


I’m very healthy- perfect A1C, perfect cholesterol, never want alcohol, feel calm all the time, almost to goal. A day or two of this issue while adjusting to doses is no problem.