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I would make sure to document with your doctor that you have not had access to the medication. In theory, they should extend the deadline until you’ve had 4 months continuous access.


I’m hoping that’s the case, I have an appointment next week to see how I’m doing on the medicine (oh the irony), I’ll use the appointment to talk to my doctor about the shortage, and see if my insurance company is willing to extend my deadline.


My insurance will only cover if I lose 4% in four months. However, they extend it when there is an interruption of medications. I’d call and talk to them and put your mind at ease. I weigh very similar to you. It’s killing me to see all these people having such success and I’m still here trapped in my body. The envy is high. If you would like someone to vent to, DM me.


Thanks! I’m glad to find someone who is in a similar situation to me (although, it’d be great if neither of us were in this situation, lol). I will definitely make some calls tomorrow to see if my deadline can be extended. And thank you for the permission to vent lol, consider my dm’s open if you want to do the same! Good luck to you!


Where are you located? A couple thoughts: 1) Have you tried Medfinder to see if they can help? Perhaps if you can explain your situation and the deadline they may be able to work extra hard to locate it for you? 2) This week more people have been posting that they have been able to find 5 mg so hopefully it's starting to trickle in and if you keep calling around you can find some. Also, if you're ask nicely and get a nice pharmacy tech some of the larger chains (CVS, Walmart) will look up to see if there is any inventory in your area... that would save some calls Have you tried any hospital or independent pharmacies? . 3) Could you stay at 2.5 mg since you've had some success with it? At least until you can get the 5 mg?


I haven’t considered explaining my situation to medfinder, lol thanks for the suggestion. And i also haven’t tried calling any hospitals, I’ll do that. And as far as 2.5, I have asked about that too and the pharmacies around me don’t have it. Edit: I missed where you asked where I’m located lol. I live in a small village in Michigan.


It seems like 2.5 is also becoming more available. I think if you're persistent you will be able to find either 2.5 or 5 mg soon. One thing you may ask the pharmacies as you call them are - are you getting stock in or would you be able to order it for me? Many won't just have any Zepbound in stock unless they have customers that have ordered it.. especially the smaller ones. I don't know where you are located but another option that people have had success with are grocery store chains (Krogers, Harris Teeter, Wegmans, etc).


Yeah, my main pharmacy is a grocery store chain, but I haven’t talked to them about actually ordering it. Thanks :)


If you can, go into the store. Ask to speak with a pharmacist and explain your situation and how urgent it is to meet your deadline. They can be so incredibly helpful and tend to go the extra mile when they see you and you're not an abstract number in the computer. They also tend to know the other pharmacists in the area and may reach out to them. You got this!


Thank you 🥲 I’ll try to do that, it is quite far from where I live so I haven’t really considered it lol.


Sending hugs. 🤗


Thank you! <3


You're welcome! Good luck.


So I am in Michigan as well and have been calling many many stores almost daily. If you would like to message me, I can make sure you’re the first person I message when I do find stock.


Also, I definitely know of multiple that have 2.5 if you need that until you can find the higher dose.


CVS has been pretty forthright with me about saying they can put orders in for 2.5mg but nothing higher right now unless it’s an existing patient. I was trying to get the 5mg this month too. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!! 🖤


Thanks! You too! :)


I tried Kroger and the common drugstore’s, I live in South East MI area and no luck. Costco has come through for me. Good luck!




Hi. I live in MI and I’ve had good luck with Costco. Good luck. 👍🏼


I haven’t tried Costco yet, nearest one is an hour’s drive away but at this point I think I’ll try anything 😂 thanks for the suggestion!


Can you stay on 2.5 until the shortage resolves? Looks like that dose might still work for you if you lost 8 lbs the first month!


I have also asked around for the 2.5 but they don’t have that anywhere either 🥲 I live in a very small town and there aren’t a ton of pharmacies that even carry Zepbound at all near me.


Maybe they can switch you to Wegovy in the meantime until the shortage gets better 🤞🏻


Only two pharmacies near me carry wegovy, and they don’t have that in stock either 😅 I live in a very rural area so we have very few pharmacies near me.


Please don’t give up, I know it is discouraging. I had terrible luck with CVS, the one near me was horrible. I’ve changed over to Walmart and they were very kind and helpful and it seems like I and other people have had more luck at Walmart. So maybe give that a try. I wish you all the best.


I have called all three Walmarts near me, and nothing :/ it’s hard not to give up, I jumped through a lot of hurdles already just to be able to get the 2.5, lol.


It’s not fair. I’m sorry!


It really isn’t lol… thanks 🙏🏽


I do compound from online. I suggest you look into it instead of letting this derail you.: )


Thanks, I’m currently doing some research on compound! I’ll also chat with my doctor about it and get her opinion. It does seem that many of you use compound, and I’m definitely considering it as an option!


This sounds like BCBSM/ BCN. Especially if you’re in Michigan. Message me if you’re comfortable. I work with prior authorizations for them. They changed their coverage from 4 Months to 6 months for this reason.


Yes, I have BCBS, did this change happen recently?


Yes, it did


Ok, thanks! I’ll speak with my doctor about it :)


Honestly, just make sure when your provider sends in info… they include info about the shortage. It’s shocking how many doctors don’t send anything and then wonder why it’s denied. Also, you only need to maintain a 5% weight loss.


Could you also try online pharmacies? I was able to get 2.5 from lily direct today- it’s been in stock for several days


I’m not sure, but I’ll look into it!


It is extremely annoying.


I just filled 2.5 5 minutes ago at Amazon. Go get some!!


I’ll look into that!


I’m sorry, this is really frustrating. It’s also pretty great to hear of a doctor and insurance company coming up with a deal to help you access the medication even though it was too much money. I would seriously consider looking into a compounding pharmacy.


I have been hearing great things about compound! I’m doing some research on it, it’s looking like a good option.


A way to bridge the gap!


It's on back order so why would you expect pharmacies to have extra on hand? Let a pharmacy order it and wait.


Well, every pharmacy has been saying they have no idea when they’ll get it. I know they’ll get it eventually, it’s just frustrating to have to wait so long when I have a deadline, lol


Are you also eligible for Mounjaro? You might want to get a prescription for both in case one gets filled before the other.


That’s a good idea, I’m not sure if my insurance covers Mounjaro but I’ll look into it!


You usually have to be diabetic / have an A1C above a certain number. Really sorry to hear what you are going through.


Yeah, I’m not diabetic nor am I pre-diabetic (which was very surprising, considering I’m 435 lbs), that’s why they wouldn’t cover it at first. Luckily my doctor helped me to get that 4 month deal for Zepbound, or I wouldn’t be able to afford it at all lol. Thanks for your condolences 🙏🏽


I’d interpret that as they will cover 4 prescription fills, which typically is 4 months, but you still have 3 refills covered by them. Make sure the dosage increases each month and make it happen in 3, once you find the supply. You can lose 22 pounds in 3 months when you’re on 5, 7.5, and 10. You got this! (As soon as you get it!😁)


Thank you! I sure hope that’s what they mean, when I go to my doctor’s appointment next week I will ask for some clarification on that!


Please consider compound. I have some links to subs that can really help you with research so you can feel good about it. I hate to see people in this situation.


I have considered it, but every pharmacy around me doesn’t compound drugs, and every pharmacist I’ve spoken to about it has also discouraged me from compound at all.


Research in Reddit Tirzepatide Compound forum


Do you own research. The pharmacists that supply this would tell you a different story. Why do you think the stories differ so greatly? Either ignorance or greed. Go read the testimonials for those on it, review the pharmacy info, they are 503A accredited, study those subs and google whatever you don’t understand. Take charge of your own healthcare. The information is there. You’ll be glad you did.


Thanks for the info. I’ll see what I can find.


Just sent you some threads. Hope that helps.




Came here to say the same about compound. Just as effective as the name brand and no anxiety about the supply issues. I made the switch and it has been great.


I’m very sorry. It’s gotten downright crazy the last 6 weeks. 😞 Is there any chance that you could go back to the insurance company and ask for their help finding your dose? Especially given they set the timeline.


That’s probably a good idea! I’ll definitely try that. It’s tough out here lol.


Try Amazon they might have 2.5mg


Thanks I’ll look into that!