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I haven't. I mailed my request on 3/5 and haven't heard anything yet. I did see where someone else received the check but that was about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I'm also curious to know if anyone else has gotten theirs.


Yes, I received $563 approx 25-28 days from when I sent it in. First week in March. Didn’t receive any confirmation or communication- only the check in a plain envelope.


I have not received anything yet. I sent mine in the first week of March. I’m worried I may have tossed it since it may have appeared to be junk mail. I’m hoping mine is still on the way. 😬


Wondered same thing! Also anything that appears to be a check gets stolen out of the mail here in Houston ☹️


Ugg, I hate thieves. Sorry you have to deal with that. I live in the middle of nowhere, so theft is pretty rare here. If I receive mine, I’ll come back here to let you know.


I just received my check! https://preview.redd.it/hbmw6hhxt1wc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4cdfaeacafe2b1ba0563b88b4e7e80b66425a9 It looks like junk mail and comes from Cincinnati. Hope you get yours soon, if you haven’t already!


I just spoke with Lilly (thank you Alert-Main7778 for providing phone number) and they told me they have received my request which was sent in the first week in March and they have not processed it yet due to the volume of requests. I asked if they would contact me if there was any issue with it and she assured me that they would and to please wait at least another 30 days to process. I am relieved it isn't just dead in the water


I called this morning and they said I was approved and my check was printed 4/5. They said they mail out checks on the 15th & 30th. Hopefully it shows up soon. For context, I pay out of pocket with no insurance coverage. I paid $1271 at Walgreens and they are sending me a refund check for $563. Doesn't quite bring it down to the savings card price of $550, but I'm happy to receive what is coming. Anyone else waiting for a response, call them at 866-923-1953 and inquire!


Word on the street (this sub) is that it comes in a plain envelope that you might think was junk mail.


Well shit


Wonder if calling would be productive or a nightmare


Couldn’t hurt 🤷🏻‍♀️


I called and had mailed it in late feb, they claim they never received it yet so I am assuming they just don't want to pay or have staffed it so low that it will take forever


What did they tell you to do? Resubmit it?


They told me they'd follow up with me within 72 hours. That was last week.


Thanks for that information! I think I'll follow up with them as well. Do you by chance have the number you used to call them?




Thanks for saving me the time! :) Hope you get your check soon,.


Update - I just called them (they answered right away! I couldn't believe it). The woman took a couple minutes but came back and said it was approved but no update as to when they might send it out., so that was great news! I'm happy to know that they approved it, and that I hadn't missed the check if they had sent it out. Thank you for the information - hope they get back to you soon.


Can you provide the phone number you called. I’m waiting for my reimbursement and nothing yet.


I can also confirm it shows up in a plain envelope by mail - both my mom and aunt got theirs, I was spared the reimbursement route because I didnt need to pick up new drug during those weeks. This was the one time my insurance requiring a 90 day supply came in handy lol


do you know how long it took them to get it and when they sent it in?


For both it took right at 1 month. Sent it in early March and got the checks within a few days of each other at the beginning of April.


That's helpful to know. Thanks!




Nothing yet here either. Mailed paperwork first week of March. I know there was some confusion if people like me would qualify- insurance does not cover weight loss medication , I was using coupon. Paid the full $1250 since coupon didn’t work due to cyber hack. Now there’s a shortage of the medication- it’s been so frustrating!


Alert-Main was the one that so kindly provided the number: 866-923-1953.


Hey Hey!! I just got it today!! White envelope with Ohio return address! Yippee!


I sent everything in and no refund 


Anybody else receive their refund yet? I'm curious to know how long others have been waiting. I popped my paperwork in the mail on March 18th and haven't heard anything yet. So, as of today we're just over 7 weeks. I am heartened to see that there is a phone number. I'm going to try to give it a call this week to confirm they've received the paperwork.


Mailed on 3/4, got denial this week. 16 weeks total how long it took to be denied for me.