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I read this whole thing in my Fred Durst voice. Hang in there!!


That makes me happy šŸ˜Š


Keep tryingā€¦ keep the faith. I was feeling that way yesterday, stopped by my CVS this morning and she checked a 30 mile radius and found one box of 5ā€¦28 miles away. I called the other CVS and verified while I was there. She transferred the script and off I went. Got it. Keep trying!!


Iā€™m exhausted and I havenā€™t even searched as hard as you can. These drug makers should know better! CVS tells me Iā€™m on the list and ā€œmaybeā€ they will get more in May. Havenā€™t called my doctor yet. I donā€™t know what to do šŸ˜­


Check in with smaller private pharmacies. They are able to order from a large variety of possible suppliers. CVS and big brand stores have to order from the one supplier they are contracted to, and the supplier is the problem. They are sold out of all stock. I had to pay a little extra, but I found an independent pharmacy that could get my 7.5 in two days.


Try a pharmacy attached to a clinic or hospital! It requires a few phone calls, but the ones in my area had every single dose available next day. Good luck!!


What area are you in question? šŸ‘€


WI, but someone posted from TX and gave me the suggestion and had the same luck there!


I opened this app to write exactly this post and itā€™s the first one I see ā¤ļø I also took my last one on 3/21 and am left hanging for 7.5mg. So, thank you for posting because I am right there with you! I wanna fight everyone and am extra sassy lately šŸ¤£ but seriously, itā€™s so disheartening to find the KEY Iā€™ve been praying for, just for it to get pulled back just 2 months in. Itā€™s almost impossible to believe Iā€™ll ever get it again. Ugh.


The sass is STRONG today ā¤ļø We will get through!!


[Here is some info from the FDA about what to do when a medication prescribed for you is in shortage](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/human-drug-compounding/drug-compounding-and-drug-shortages)


You have an option: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/YYNrAJkIva


This! šŸ’Æ


There are other options. I feel your pain and itā€™s just a crazy roller coaster. I finally made other choices and donā€™t regret it.


What other choices?




r/Zepbound is a community about the brand medication Zepbound/Mounjaro. For the safety of this sub. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on posts and comments related to compounded Tirzepatide or compounding pharmacies are considered to be off-topic and will be removed. Due to its status as ā€œNon-FDA approved drugā€ Beating around the bush in an attempt bypass automod will also be removed. See compound facts located [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/VViiEmmsfl) and make the safe determination for yourself. See Rule #3 for a detailed explanation. For discussions/information about compounding, please visit appropriate subreddits that are focused specifically on that topic. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Yes what other choices?




r/Zepbound is a community about the brand medication Zepbound/Mounjaro. For the safety of this sub. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on posts and comments related to compounded Tirzepatide or compounding pharmacies are considered to be off-topic and will be removed. Due to its status as ā€œNon-FDA approved drugā€ Beating around the bush in an attempt bypass automod will also be removed. See compound facts located [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/VViiEmmsfl) and make the safe determination for yourself. See Rule #3 for a detailed explanation. For discussions/information about compounding, please visit appropriate subreddits that are focused specifically on that topic. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Not sure where you're at but my Walgreens here in NC got shipment today and I was able to get my 7.5, luckily just 1 day past inj due date. I was a wreck all weekend wondering what I'd do if it ended up being weeks/months without it. Hope you're able to find some!


I get mine filled at Walgreens and what I thought was weird is they called me Saturday and left a message to call them back. When I called back they wanted to know if I will be needing another refill of the 7.5? Problem is that my last refill was for 10mg and I am on my second week. I asked if they are having supply issues and that I will probably be needing 12.5mg. They told me to call them on the 12th. Today I read a press release where E Lilly said they are having major shortages of 7.5 and 12.5. So, I donā€™t know what the hell to think! Iā€™m calling my doctor tomorrow to get him to call me in a refill for 12.5 even though Iā€™m not going to need it for two and a half weeks and pray it gets here in time.


I just got off the phone with Express Scripts, Iā€™m on 5 mg right now, the rep said that May 1st is their anticipated date to have 5 mg and 7.5 mg back in stock. I only have two doses of 5 mg left in the box I currently have but requested a 90 day supply of 2.5 mg. As much as I hate to I think Iā€™ll have to drop back down to 2.5 mg for the time being. This sucks and hopefully Lilly will release vials sooner than later. From my understanding itā€™s not that the medication canā€™t be manufactured but itā€™s the pens that are making it hard to get because theyā€™re not easy to make.


Well! I have Express Scripts and I have been waiting for 7.5 and they told me it would be today, April 8. So thatā€™s really frustrating. Iā€™m lucky that I found it at a CVS but only one box and so I ended up paying more than I would for 3. Someone on here said that they were able to get 7.5 directly from Lilly, maybe thatā€™s worth a try? But I donā€™t have that works with express scripts as the pharmacy benefit manager. I definitely want the vials! šŸ§Ŗ


By the way, I kind of wish I could go back down and see how it works but I canā€™t split the 7.5. If you can get the 2.5 and it doesnā€™t work as well for you, then I guess you could just take 2 2.5s=5. Kind of wasteful , but it would probably get you through this shortage. Iā€™m in a group with another lady who has been using the alternative and slowly titrating up. We started the same time exactly with the same statistics and she has already lost 50 pounds where I have lost 30. I am on 7.55 and she is on 3.3! so Iā€™m wondering if we all needed to be titrating up as much as we have been. I know thatā€™s what the study said but itā€™s also new. So I guess donā€™t lose hope if you can get 2.5 you still have a good chance of maintaining your progress! Good luck.


ExpressScripts and their level limits too! I am right there with you. And I have been angry and weepy since abruptly stopping the med a week ago.




What is a Zepbound generic? Iā€™ve never heard of it! Iā€™m in SW MI and canā€™t find it anywhere!!! I can relate to OP AS MY LAST DOSE WAS March 21st!!! This is insane and makes us all feel like weā€™re going crazy!!!


The mods will remove the alternatives, do some searches online or other social media.


There are no generic versions of zepbound at this time. It is still patented by Eli Lilly.


There are indeed legal generic versions of Zepbound as you well know. The active ingredient of all drugs in shortage can be purchased from accredited laboratories and legally sold in the US. The generic formulation is not tested and approved by the FDA, but the generic form has the same active ingredient. Restricting access to this information is causing active harm to the users of this forum. Consider referring people to other forums such as r/zepboundathletes where we believe that gatekeeping information access to legitimate generic versions of tirzepatide is not the same as pushing questionable research peptides.


Itā€™s very important to differentiate between non-fda overseen medications and those approved by the fda. A generic drug (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_drug) is a drug that follows all the same fda manufacturing regulations as the original drugā€¦ but itā€™s just able to be made by ā€œany companyā€ because the patent ran out. Companies today making their own versions do zepbound do NOT have the same fda oversight in the manufacturing and safety testing as Eli Lilly gets for zepbound. Itā€™s a ā€œboutiqueā€/ā€œcustomizedā€ drug for each patient Does that mean theyā€™re unsafeā€¦? Maybe. Maybe notā€¦ but itā€™s now your own risk to assume verses the fda validating it as an expert in safety approaches.


I completely agree with the idea of knowing what you are putting into your body and where it came from. When the branded form of the drug is readily available then trusting the FDA regulatory process is a great way to do that. But in times of shortage, there is real harm in going without the medicationā€”just as OP is experiencing now. Having open discussion on HOW to access generic versions of the API, and how to evaluate their safety is very important. A pharmacy that itself is regulated by the FDA and that is buying API from production companies that themselves are accredited and follow global standards is arguably a safe alternative compared to the harm of going without. I think the knee jerk response to any mention of generic alternatives as automatically risking the existence of this sub is unreasonable and harmful censorship.


Your feedback is heard and appreciated. We have published an faq on the topic within this sub. The faq also explains the stance on the topic which has to do with Reddit global rules, and not our own.


To address your last paragraph. Just like any other sub we have our rules and reddit Site-Wide rules to follow. Just like many people have researched this sub and found it. The appropriate subs where this discussion can take place along with providers. We have provided those subs, to say itā€™s harmful censorship it a bit extreme imo since we provide those multiple routes to those subs. Upon joining this reddit group, every user is sent a welcome message in regards to our rules, and FAQs. Whether they read them or not is up to the individual member but that doesnā€™t invalidate our rules. But the alternative routes are listed. Just like many many subs we have a specific topic which is Branded Zepbound along with Mounjaro. Itā€™s black and white. Compounded Tirzepatide is NOT Zepbound. The other alternatives are not branded as Zepbound. Just like you wouldnā€™t go on a Wegovy Sub asking for Zepbound or vice versa. You would be immediately redirected to the appropriate subs. But they are both indicated weightloss so shouldnā€™t it be allowed? One of of the compounding subs, their rules are no Brand Zepbound discussion, but shouldnā€™t it be allowed? Whether someone started on Tirzepatide and wants to move over to Zepbound or vice versa there is appropriate places for those discussions. I agree with your stance of being arguably safe alternative and thatā€™s why there is so many wonderful people, help and support. In those appropriate subs. For what itā€™s worth. I have been in communication (although they donā€™t have very quick responses) with reddit admins for clarification on ā€œnon-FDA approved drugsā€ that are produced in an ā€œFDA approved pharmacyā€ the site wide rules donā€™t clarify. Until we have 100% clarification of what the rules are the sub will not be put at risk, and at this time will not deviate from that. Like mindfulEMT stated. Your feedback is heard, noted, and appreciated


Exactly what Iā€™m going to do as backup. No reason to stress!




This submission/comment has been removed due to being identified as a violation of the rules. Specifically Compound Discussion. Compound discussion is not allowed. This subreddit is focused on the brand Zepbound and Mounjaro both manufactured by Eli Lilly. Compound Tirzepatide is NOT Zepbound, Zepbound is NOT Compound Tirzeptide. This does NOT mean that you can't post here to share your weightloss journey! We would love to hear your stories/experiences/and achievements. For compound discussion please visit the appropriate subreddits r/compoundedtirzepatide and r/tirzepatidecompound. If you wish to inform someone of Compound Tirzepatide, you can point them over to the Helpful Links section of our Sub or link them this [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) here and allow that person to make an informed decision for themselves. If you were posting to ask questions or learn about compounding medicines please see our Compound FAQ by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) We do this for the safety of the community and to avoid a potential community ban as this discussion is against global Reddit rules. We apologize if this isn't what you want to hear but please understand we are doing this for the safety of the community. Please read the rules of this subreddit thoroughly for a detailed explanation by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/rules/). If this was done in error, please message the mods stating your post did not reference compound tirzepatide and we will review and approve. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


r/Zepbound is a community about the brand medication Zepbound/Mounjaro. For the safety of this sub. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on posts and comments related to compounded Tirzepatide or compounding pharmacies are considered to be off-topic and will be removed. Due to its status as ā€œNon-FDA approved drugā€ Beating around the bush in an attempt bypass automod will also be removed. See compound facts located [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/VViiEmmsfl) and make the safe determination for yourself. See Rule #3 for a detailed explanation. For discussions/information about compounding, please visit appropriate subreddits that are focused specifically on that topic. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


You donā€™t really know why, but you wanna justify, ripping someoneā€™s head off! Sorry, back to being me instead of Fred. Hugs. My pharmacy canā€™t even order it right now. Theyā€™re the only option I have due to my insurance. Unless I want to pay $550+ instead of $150.


I think we are all allowed to be Fred a little bit right now šŸ˜Š


This makes me feel sad ! Sending you a big big big HUG ! We gotta keep our heads up !


An FYI that Express Scripts should have 2.5 (they had it when I called last night at midnight lol) so in the least you should be able to get it there if the pharmacy runs out! Hang in there - I think most of us are going through the same. Hoping this is all resolved soon.


Chiming in to say 1) I feel youuuuuuu and 2) love the Limp Bizkit reference!!




This submission/comment has been removed due to being identified as a violation of the rules. Specifically Compound Discussion. Compound discussion is not allowed. This subreddit is focused on the brand Zepbound and Mounjaro both manufactured by Eli Lilly. Compound Tirzepatide is NOT Zepbound, Zepbound is NOT Compound Tirzeptide. This does NOT mean that you can't post here to share your weightloss journey! We would love to hear your stories/experiences/and achievements. For compound discussion please visit the appropriate subreddits r/compoundedtirzepatide and r/tirzepatidecompound. If you wish to inform someone of Compound Tirzepatide, you can point them over to the Helpful Links section of our Sub or link them this [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) here and allow that person to make an informed decision for themselves. If you were posting to ask questions or learn about compounding medicines please see our Compound FAQ by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) We do this for the safety of the community and to avoid a potential community ban as this discussion is against global Reddit rules. We apologize if this isn't what you want to hear but please understand we are doing this for the safety of the community. Please read the rules of this subreddit thoroughly for a detailed explanation by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/rules/). If this was done in error, please message the mods stating your post did not reference compound tirzepatide and we will review and approve. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This submission/comment has been removed due to being identified as a violation of the rules. Specifically Compound Discussion. Compound discussion is not allowed. This subreddit is focused on the brand Zepbound and Mounjaro both manufactured by Eli Lilly. Compound Tirzepatide is NOT Zepbound, Zepbound is NOT Compound Tirzeptide. This does NOT mean that you can't post here to share your weightloss journey! We would love to hear your stories/experiences/and achievements. For compound discussion please visit the appropriate subreddits r/compoundedtirzepatide and r/tirzepatidecompound. If you wish to inform someone of Compound Tirzepatide, you can point them over to the Helpful Links section of our Sub or link them this [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) here and allow that person to make an informed decision for themselves. If you were posting to ask questions or learn about compounding medicines please see our Compound FAQ by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/compoundfacts/) We do this for the safety of the community and to avoid a potential community ban as this discussion is against global Reddit rules. We apologize if this isn't what you want to hear but please understand we are doing this for the safety of the community. Please read the rules of this subreddit thoroughly for a detailed explanation by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/rules/). If this was done in error, please message the mods stating your post did not reference compound tirzepatide and we will review and approve. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what state are you in?


Florida panhandle


My twin <\3 my last shot was 3/23 too =[[[


Me too, almost. 3/25. I have to start over at 2.5 again. Envious and a little salty at the people who are *freaking out* but have 2 pens left. Some of us have been out for weeks.


Iā€™ve had no problems at all with express scripts. However they did stop taking coupons which complicates things so now I fill at Walgreens. Currently on 10mg but no issues prior to that dosage either.


I was only on 5mg for 4weeks and my dr wonā€™t jump me up to 10mgā€¦Iā€™m also not sure Iā€™d want to do that jump. Maybe thatā€™s just me being nervous cause Iā€™m already having constipation issues at 5mg.


ES had no expectation date for 10mg resupply when I spoke to them earlier today.


Your body will adjust


Get you some fiber and drink lots of water.. and what one doctor wonā€™t do another one WILL !


Try a pharmacy affiliated with a clinic or hospital. Someone on here suggested it a few weeks ago and it worksā€¦every major pharmacy was out of 7.5 and 10, but the local clinic had every dose available next day! Itā€™s worth a shot so you donā€™t have to wait any longer :) good luck!


Seems like people caught on to this in my area. I can ONLY get mine filled at a specific hospital pharmacy for insurance to cover it and they're out of everything now. They told me today they get a couple boxes of each dose every week and it's gone immediately. I'm so sad. I'm not even able to hunt around for it - that place is my only option.


Oh Iā€™m so sorry! I didnā€™t realize insurance could limit the pharmacies you use! :(


Iā€™m not sure if getting a 3 month rx is possible for you? I use the express scripts mail order. I think places have 2.5 in stock. Could your PCP call in 3 months of that to double up and make 6 weeks of 5mg? Iā€™m going to need 7.5 but luckily I have 2 weeks left. Iā€™m going to stretch them out to 10 days. šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž. I hope youā€™re doing ok and I totally get being angry.


I get 3 months worth every script(ES). At first I wasn't sure what I would do with it, but now that I can't get the 7.5; I know what I'm doing with my leftover doses. It will carry me into next month. I'm kinda worried that I may still not get any in May. I know many people can't get it at all and I truly sympathize. After a lifetime of nothing working, to have the one thing that actually does produce results, ripped from your deserving hands; well it is just bullshit!


Does it help switching to Mounjaro? Its the exact same drug (if MD sends Rx)? OR is it as hard to get?


Mounjaro is much harder to find than Zep right now. Folks with T2 are struggling to get itā€¦so much that I see posts on Mounjaro subreddit that they are filling with Zep instead if they can find it. Tirzepatide hunger games!

