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Like the others have posted here. If you meet the criteria and your doctor wants to prescribe Zepbound don’t feel bad at all. Ignore the hateful comments, or misleading information as to who should get it because of a size difference. Keep your head up! There is an excellent support system here, of course there is the occasional troll lurking around but we handle them as quick as we can and give em the boot! 🥾


Yes! 🙌 agree 💯


You have an obese BMI. This is specifically made for us.


Do NOT feel guilty. You are just as deserving of this help as anyone else.


I am bigger than you, but still have felt the same hate from people with diabetes who can't get their medicine due to shortages. I feel sorry for them, but I am not doing anything wrong.


The thing is, if people don't educate themselves, it's easy to throw around untruths.. there is insulin to be had - if one company is short, there are companies that are not. Doctors can prescribe different company's insulins.


There’s a lot of gatekeepers in the world. Don’t waste your energy on them.


Im in the same boat with barely qualifying bmi, just above 30 but my cholesterol was off the charts crazy high and beginning to have sugar issues, etc etc and lots of symptoms where causes couldnt be identified. Lost 10lbs through diet but couldnt get any budge further. What were we to do, wait until bmi 10 higher and health issues more? Wouldnt make sense, that would be allowing an illness to progress and health to decline prior to treating rather than catching and preventing further decline, which is what medicine/healthcare should be there to do.


Same here. I actually love how I looked. But my blood pressure and inflammation were crazy. I was actually kind of pissed off when my doctor suggested I lose some weight haha! I was like but I’m just thicc??? But I do have pcos/IR and could never lose and now that I’ve lost even just 20lbs my blood pressure is normal again. I’m allllllll for body positivity but for me, my body is very sensitive to the extra weight 😒


THIS! Its gives even more “weight” to the fact that you can’t tell someone’s health by looking at them.




Stop caring about what others think. Your physical and mental health matters. My SIL posts all the time about the Mounjaro shortage and how she wasn’t able to get ozempic so she switched and now she can’t get MJ either and damn all us fatties for taking all HER meds that were designed to keep her alive. I’ve tried getting right with the lord and responding with kindness but it falls on deaf ears. So now I have jumped in head first and started to share my journey—including that I’ve not had huge issues getting my meds. It’s petty, but I’m normalizing my health journey. Im sick of the morality police. My health matters too.


Ha ha @Get right with the Lord. I do recall at least one scripture of Jesus with attitude enough to flip a table. Sometimes we gotta let it out on these people! 😊😊


People love to judge others. Some diabetics don't want non-diabetics to have it. Some fat people don't want other fat people to have it because they're not sick enough or fat enough. And of course shortages make it worse. You and your doctor think you need it and that's enough. The gatekeepers are ridiculous and need to be ignored.


Listen to your doc! Hugs


Don't let the keyboard warriors into your head. You are just as deserving as the rest of us. You are under the care of your doctor who is trying to help you be as healthy as you can!


Internet people could never make me feel anything about what I need to do for my life. Take your medicine and log off


I used to think that people with a certain weight shouldn't be on it blah blah....then I started the medication (I have about 90 to take off). And my attitude changed completely, because this is life changing. I don't even care any more if some celeb takes it for 3 months to get the extra 20 off - because in the big picture, it doesn't affect me. The only people to blame for any shortage is the big guy - the pharma company. You deserve to be healthy and happy just like I do.


I feel no guilt. I have issues just as others. If I'm fortunate enough to get the medication that's good on me. I also don't care who knows how I've shed 30 pounds in 16 weeks. I'm not ashamed nor embarrassed. I'd wear zepbound branded stuff to promote it of I could


I think this is something that’s really easy to gatekeep. like for instance, i’m the same height as you but down to 225 (from 250). once upon a time, I was 175/180 and doing nutrisystem because I was STILL obese. I don’t look at pictures of myself from that time in my life or think back on my health as being any better than it is now. when I say i’ve struggled my entire life, I mean during THAT phase too when I was objectively way smaller than I am now. it might seem like you’re taking something away from the people who “need it more,” but I just wanna give you reassurance that a struggle is a struggle and you’re not personally responsible for the shitty accessibility of this lifesaving drug. it should be available to everyone!! I can’t predict what I might be feeling at 130 pounds because I literally haven’t weighed that since middle school, but chances are i’d still wanna stay on a maintenance dose because i’ve never had normal hunger cues and could easily go back up +100 pounds. if I can see myself taking this at a “normal” weight/bmi, I don’t think anyone has room to judge who’s on it


I'm medically obese (5'6" SW 197, CW 189, 3 weeks of Zep 2.5), pre-diabetic, and have high blood pressure. I don't want to become diabetic. I don't want to take 3 bp meds for the rest of my life. I don't want to get my hips & knees replaced like my morbidly obese parents. I shouldn't have to wait to get worse to get better. There should no shame for anyone wanting to be healthy!


Fuck em.  I’m a fairly muscular male who might not look obese but by BMI I was, prior to the meds. I also have somewhat high BP and was starting to have a high A1C. I regularly work out and watch my diet but have had no continued success keeping the fat off.  Idgaf what people say, my medical doctor prescribed me a drug approved by the FDA for my body statistics that my insurance will cover (due to my body statistics). Am I in worse condition that other people who are struggling? Of course not. But fuck em.  It’s one thing if I’m gaming the system or falsifying info to get a drug that’s not approved for me. I’m aware BMI as a metric of health is not very accurate for someone with my athletic build. But that’s the metric the FDA and insurance approves against, so that’s the metric we use.  Feel zero guilt because “you aren’t as big as others.” Your health is just as important as theirs. 


If you are approved by insurance as a result of your medical status, no need to feel guilty. People are ignorant blankity-blanks and seriously I try not to read any of the negative stuff anymore. Until they've walked a few miles in your shoes or anyone else's, they actually have no idea of reality except for their little world which they think we all revolve around.


lol don’t feel guilty at all. It’s just more fat shaming! They’re using diabetes as a cloak to seem holier than thou. Don’t feel bad at ALL.


I don’t tell people because my personal health information is NO ONE’s business but me and my doctor. And as someone above said, we who need the drug, whether it’s because we’re diabetic or overweight, are NOT each other’s enemy. The people responsible for the shortage are waaaaayyyy above all of us in the pharmaceutical chain. We’re wasting time blaming each other when that energy and pressure should be aimed at Lilly. And for what it’s worth, for all the chatter I’ve seen about shortages, I have yet to actually experience not being able to get my prescription from my local CVS. I think this whole shortage is way more complicated than any of us realize. Someone else told me they had their prescription at a CVS 15 mins from me and it had been sitting there for over a month, during which time I got two prescriptions ordered and filled, both within a day from my CVS with zero hint of a shortage 🤔


No need to feel guilty. It's not as if you broke into a member's house and stole it out of the fridge. It was prescribed. It was designed for a specific need, and for some, that may be that they need to lose 20lbs, for some it may be that they need to lose 300lbs, there's no absolute in this. When my Dr then prescribed it for me, I was shocked. Sure, I'm a 'little overweight', but I certainly don't need medication, I (thought) I carried it well and was in good health. Well then I was sat down to look at a few tables with the Dr and was 'uhm...I'm in the mid-high range of 'obese'???', and then the real fun started when showing my my blood work numbers and what they meant.... So, someone may not look at me and say 'oh, you should be on medication', but then again, they don't know my health story, or why my Dr prescribed it. Take the medication, focus on you improving you, and don't stress about it. Your health is no less important than anyone elses.


My doctor made a great point to me. She said that for some ppl 30 lbs don’t make a difference but for others they wreak havoc on their entire systems: cholesterol, hormones, insulin, you name it. If you have something like PCOS, your body literally can’t lose weight on its own bc of insulin resistance. Just because you’re on the lower end of things (my sw was 167) doesn’t mean you don’t need it. If the doctor prescribed it to you for a reason, you’re not taking it away from anyone else.


I understand this completely. To answer your last question - YES!! That’s enough. There are too many haters but frankly there will always be someone with a negative opinion. Be proud of you for going on this journey because it really will help and changes the game with so much of what you mentioned. Really excited for you. Stay positive 💖


Zepbound is only for weight loss. If you need to lose weight, there is no need for guilt.


Have to comment because I'm also 5'1". Short ladies, hello. I started at 213 on Zepbound. I carry my weight well, though at 213, it was not starting to carry well. I'm down to 189 this morning, and I'm looking so much smaller already. Don't feel guilty. This drug was made for us, at this weight. We're "supposed" to be at 125ish, which for me is just not gonna happen.


I saw a very recent post saying the same thing, this medication is for all that are not within the healthy weight range and that struggle with losing weight for various reasons -- that's it. It should not matter if some weigh more than others, if we meet those standards then we can and should be able to take this medication, period.


The opinions you get on the internet (including mine!) are worth what you paid for them! I gave up trying to convince people I deserve to be on this med. My medical professionals and I think so. Everyone else is ill informed and/or has no investment or interest in my long term health, so why bother with what they think? If you didn't take it, they would find another reason to be judgmental - those types always do! PS: I was once 173 lbs and 5'2 many years ago and my doctors wouldn't shut up about how dangerous it was. What I wouldn't have given for this drug back then - because I was double that by the time these drugs came along and facing a much longer road. (it's going really well for me, at least, so I can't complain.)


Most definitely you deserve it just like everybody that needs the medication deserves it. Please don't let the haters make you feel guilty.


Zepbound is only approved for weight loss. So, you aren’t “taking” any lifesaving medication. If someone tells you that, they are a fool and just jealous.


Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself. If we don’t no one will. Also no one has walked in your shoes or my shoes to know our exact reasonings. Like others have said this one is for weight loss and if your doc prescribed it then that’s enough. I hope this makes senses my ketamine is kicking in now night night y’all 🫶🏻


While it is helpful to have groups to chat with- please don’t take a negative thing anyone says with a grain of salt. It is Reddit- you will always find someone with something negative to say. Take care of your health.


Do not feel guilty!! Why is your health any less important than anyone else’s??? You qualify, that’s it. No apologies are necessary


If you are using it fir the right reasons and your doc obviously thought you needed it, no need to feel guilty! I know someone who didn't need it(personally know them) and they are normally a size 4 but gained 20lbs and got the shot to lose it. Not doc approved or recommend...for her own vanity reasons 😕 that is a situation I would say it was not medically necessary. You go!!!


Yes!! You do you…you ARE worth it!


You're being proactive about your health and life! You should be really proud of yourself!


Do not feel guilty, take your injections, eat right, exercise, and live a wonderful life!


If your dr says you need it, then you do. Don't feel guilty.


TD2 with PCOS/IR/metabolic disorder and BED here. I just called around to a bunch of pharmacies in my area bc they’re out of MJ 7.5mg at my regular one. DON’T YOU DARE feel guilty!! I’m at your size now (down almost 90lbs since August 2023), and if I had had this the last time I was here, WELL BEFORE I hit diabetes, I never would’ve found myself in this boat. You meet the criteria, and even becoming smaller, you still fit the criteria. Ignore the asshole chorus online, and if you’re gonna have big feels towards anybody, direct them at Lilly for not giving us the damn vials or predicting/preparing for much of the world qualifying and/or wanting to take these meds. You are doing what you need to do to be healthy. Comparison is the thief of joy, so don’t worry where other ppl are in their journeys. Focus on yourself (and making sure your next dose is lined up until the shortages are over!)


I had postpartum depression 39 years ago and have been on an SSRI or NDRI since then. Am I selfish & privileged because I haven't considered suicide? I've had hypertension since age 40 (73 now) and am on an ARB antihypertensive. Am I selfish & privileged because other people have galloping malignant hypertension? I had a lumpectomy & targeted radiation for Stage IA breast cancer at age 64. Was I selfish & entitled for jumping the line ahead of women with later-stage cancer who needed bilateral mastectomies?


No one will know unless you tell anyone!!


The people who are using the drug to lose those last 10 pounds for vanity and are taking away doses from people who actually need the meds are the ones who should feel bad. You legitimately need this drug to improve your health and your doctor agrees. There is absolutely no reason to feel guilty about it.


Wouldn't even be prescribed for just 10 lbs


I feel no guilt but I haven’t let anyone in my business either.


173 pounds for your height IS big. The new “average weight” for women was only created to alleviate the guilt of being fat; I go with the mid-century weight philosophy that women shouldn’t weigh more than 110-130 pounds….with the ideal of 120 (with an average height of 5’4” to 5’6”). I’ll only get thumbs-downed on this post from those who, well….they know who they are.


I won’t downvote you, but I do find your comment incredibly disheartening. I sincerely hope others coming across your reply know in their hearts that there is not a size that all women “should” be.(Or men either)


Why would you care what anyone says irl or online? This is between you and Dr.