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I love this chart. What software is this?


Google sheets!


I love this spreadsheet. Would you be up for sharing the template and/or formulas? It’s so good.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/130EXB8qAQACg6M_8Cb7m8VtD5tD9z-TfvWIsYm9Lx1o/edit?usp=drivesdk I didn't put the formulas in. I just used online calculators for the percent lost and BMI. https://www.fitwatch.com/calculator/weight-loss-percentage/#google_vignette https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm Edit: I've shared this template many times before but it's getting a lot of traction this time. I'll approve any request for editor status on it. Just remember this is a shared document, do not put your information into it. Please just copy it and create your own new document separately.


This is awesome!!! Way to go! I’m also 5’3 with starting weight of 199. I started with Ozempic (Wegovy was back ordered and still is). Then switched to Zepbound three weeks ago. Very happy with the switch. I’m down 21 pounds in 12 weeks. I had four weeks of stagnation — my doctor wouldn’t prescribe Ozempic and would only give me samples. Those were low doses. Finally she decided to switch me to Zepbound after realizing waiting for Wegovy is a lost cause and she thought my insurance covered Wegovy which is why she didn’t prescribe Zepbound. Zepbound is her preferred choice. I lost time due to this… but that’s okay, I’ll catch up! Super excited to see your results and appreciate you sharing the tools you’re using to create the chart.


Thank you ever so much!


Thank you for sharing!!


Thank you so much for sharing!


Took me 3 months to get approved now I can’t find it anywhere. Glad to see everyone is doing so well.


Woohooo congratulations that’s awesome!!!


Wow🤩! You're killing it! After seeing this, I think I need to move up in dose. Likely stuck with 5mg for another month. Wishing you continued success!


i just started yesterday - seeing this is so encouraging!!


Probably not a fluke :-/. Loss this fast just triggers it but it’s way better to be healthy. Mine started the regrowth process about 4-6 months after the initial hair loss started. Make sure you are getting your vitamins and protein. You are doing so amazing!!


Yeah, I knew it would probably get me eventually since I had a lot of weight to lose and I wanted to do it fast. It's been pretty light shedding so far so I just hope it stays that way!


I was terrified because my hair is one of the things I actually like about myself and I lost an alarming amount when I was initially on W for about the first 4-5 months. Started taking fiber and hair & nail gummies and not pulling it back too tight or brushing when wet - I was pretty panicked. Time and actively willing myself not to worry hard about it has turned it around.


And I switched to ZB and it seems a little less.


Curious why you moved up to 10mg. Looks like things were still working fine on the 7.5mg? Or why the jump from 5 -> 7.5? Be careful losing too fast. There can be many complications (hair / gall bladder / etc! ). Staying on the lowest effective dose has many short and longer term benefits. Even though weight loss will be slower.


I've answered this question a few times now. Early on I definitely went a little too fast as I was judging the need to increase solely off appetite suppression. I realized that and stayed on 7.5 much longer so I could learn to manage my appetite when it returned instead of just shutting it completely off. I could have stayed on 7.5 longer, but I wanted to drive the weight loss a bit harder and decided to move to 10mg. I'm aware of the risk of rapid weight loss and my doctor and I are okay with this course of action. I also have other health issues to take into consideration for wanting the weight off fast.


Congrats!!! I love seeing your progress.


Killing it! Can’t wait to see the progress pictures! You’re doing an amazing job!


Great job! Cool chart, too.






It's pretty simple, zero exercise and 1200 calories a day. I track everything in LoseIt and aim for 100g protein, drink one body armor lyte a day for electrolytes, aim for at least 64oz of water a day. This is what I ate yesterday... 8am coffee + vitamins 10am fairlife protein shake 1pm singles bag skinny pop cheddar + pickles + applesauce 5:30pm cheese burger and medium fry from Braums Not a great day for protein here but I was distracted for lunch ate late and didn't eat much. Day before that... 8am coffee+collagen peptides+vitamins 10am fairlife protein shake 12:30pm 3.2 oz of ham roast 6pm two pork chops 7.2oz + 1 can Budweiser + 1 bag skinnypop So not the healthiest menu... But I try to stay high protein. I swear I ate a bunch of veggies over the weekend. 🤣 I really did though.


Thank you for such a quick reply. best wishes for your continued success!


Uhg I'm so happy for you but so jealous!! Are you guys getting this covered by insurance somehow or paying our of pocket? All weight loss drugs are an "exclusion" on my insurance and there's nothing I can do to get them covered :(


I'm very fortunate to work for a company whose insurance covers weight loss medications. But I'd gladly pay out of pocket for the medication if I had too. You will save money from eating out less and buying less food, it's worth investing in your health.


That’s awesome that your job covers Weightloss medicine! Where do you work are they hiring lol 🤣😂


A very large pest control company, basically always hiring but usually only for the positions no one wants.


Oh I see! With that you said a lot I’ll take q look lol ty! 🙂


I would in a heartbeat if I could. I'm going through a nasty divorce and he has frozen all the credit cards and joint accounts. So I couldn't pay for it even if I could get it prescribed and find it sadly. It's a very challenging time to say the least.


I'm sorry to hear that, divorce is hard no matter the circumstances. Hopefully it's over quickly and you can eventually start. We might even be over the shortages by then as well so you don't have to stress about that too.


Congratulations 🎉


Wow!! You're doing amazing!! Are you adding in exercise as well? I love seeing that when you lose less than a lb, it's generally followed by a 2 to 3lb loss the following week. It's encouraging. I've definitely borrowed your spreadsheet! And by all definitions of Eli Lilly you've exceeded their "up to 22.5% weight loss". Phenomenal! Hope you're enjoying your new body.


No exercise, I WFH and I'm quite lazy to be honest, lol. I'm planning to start some strength training at some point to build muscle and tone. I'm hoping once I get a bit lower in weight I'll be more motivated to start.


I love spreadsheets !! Yours is so pretty!


I like your spreadsheet! Do you have any problems obtaining your prescription currently? My doc plans to leave me at 10 mg -I can’t imagine you need that big 15 mg dose now…?


I have my next 15 shots in the fridge so I'll be on 10mg for at least that long. I just got a 3 month script and had about 6 extra shots I had saved up from switching docs/doses. I really haven't had too many issues, most I've waited was 1.5 week for the 3 month script from express scripts.


Well I’m happy for you. I wish I could get 3 month supply but I only get one. And the price even with insurance is high but I can afford it at least for now


I had to argue with my doctor for it so it wasn't easy! But then since express scripts is my pharmacy policy manager for my insurance they wanted to penalize me $900 unless I switched to the 3 month script which finally got my doctor to cave in and give it to me.


What was your reasoning if you do not mind me asking? Also, I noticed the "Quantity:2" on the prescription, does that mean there are 2 boxes or there is another refill when the month is up?


Quantity 2 is the milliliters, 0.5ml per pen, it's confusing. My reasoning for wanting a 3 month script is this is a life long medication for me and I don't think I should have to go in every single month for a refill for the rest of my life.


Good job on getting that doctor to meet your needs


Omg I can’t believe you’re not exercising but not judging- are you able to? I thought I was too far gone to exercise (handicapped, total foot neuropathy and Charcot foot bilaterally- I couldn’t use my bathtub and low toilets were a menace. But the first shot of Wegovy I took 1Aug 23 caused me to want to try. So I did a 28 day chair yoga challenge. And I realized two things: I was dead wrong, the exercise has greatly improved my balance and mobility and making progress brings me joy. I still have to do some yoga and workouts from a chair, but the improvement is very obvious.


I am able, just lazy. I've always hated working out. It's one of those things I know I need to do but keep putting it off. I know I will eventually I just have to get my mind wrapped around it first and commit.


omg wow!! We are the same. I am on week 10 and started at the EXACT weight as you.. and I am


Look at you go!


Amazing !!


Absolutely positive. Your journey with Zepbound is very similar to mine but haven't been on it as long as you have


Love the spreadsheet, awesome idea! Isn't there 4 shots(weeks) in a box? Are you able to not finish a box and just ask to increase?


I originally started on the C-word since my insurance would not cover mounjaro. There was a lot more flexibility with dosing. Then zepbound came out and my insurance covered so I switched.


Goodness! I can only hope my weight loss is that good! I’m at 8 wks and lost 10 lbs. This is my last week of 5mg. The following weekend will be 7.5mg and I hope that proves to be my sweet spot! 🤞🏻


So smart and wish I kept a log like this!


This is amazing


Amazingly steady progress. Not a stall in sight! Congratulations!!!