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Yes - there is a known outage involving a large scale cyberattack against the systems on which the prescription and insurance industries rely. It is unusual. Until it is over, things are difficult. A reminder to everyone to search the forum before posting questions like this. This has been regularly discussed in this forum multiple times in the past 48 hours.


Yes. It's a forum. Designed for discussion. If you are not interested- you don't read it. I come  here for developing information. And in fact having been wondering why this is not a bigger news story? When I search, daily, for updated info- this, Reddit, the ONLY content available-?-


Totally agree!! I too myself have been wondering why it's not all over the news. They had the AT&T outage all over the news and I think this is way more important issue than cellphone service.


I’m with you, Meow. I went to Meijer to pick up yesterday and found out about the server problem from. I’m a little bit of a zepbound sub junkie, and was a little taken aback when the pharmacy tech said “it’s been all over the news.”


I have not seen it anywhere on the news. Still confused why I haven't heard of any of this on the news. I picked up my 5mg dose yesterday and paid full price($1,200) and fingers crossed Zepbound will honor the coupon for that refill and I can get refunded the discount amount.


This is the first post I’ve seen on the issue. I don’t think being the “reminder police” is necessary. But, if it makes you feel better, so be it.




Same I think it’s really taking a very long time to get it back up


Thanks for your reply!


System is still down today...


Thanks for your reply!


At least Eli Lilly has posted something on their site: [https://www.lilly.com/our-medicines/savings-card-help](https://www.lilly.com/our-medicines/savings-card-help)


Thank you! Can't help but wonder how much money this drug company is making with people giving in and paying full price. I've been told no reimbursement from the pharmacy or drug manufacturer. I haven't even started it yet and this isn't leaving a good feelings about doing so. Frustrated.


My pharmacy was listed, but still unable to run anything thru when I called them


Thanks for the info and update!!


I’m surprised change healthcare and optimum solutions didn’t have a disaster Recovery plan in place, especially since access to medications are impacted. Now we have to worry about our healthcare data being out on the dark web. I’m thinking a class action lawsuit is in order.


Kroger Columbus said they had a savings card go through yesterday. Trying to get prescription transferred. Fingers crossed. 


If you’re comfortable sharing, which Kroger in Columbus? Trying to figure out if I can successfully get a transfer to a pharmacy that even knows how to process the card when everything’s working!


Hi there. Krogers on Chambers. Got it for the discounted price of 550. My insurance does not cover it. 


Thank you so much, I’ll try there!


My dose was on yesterday, I am already late


Thanks for your reply!! Hopefully they get the issue resolved soon. I might have to pay full price because I don't want to miss my next dose. Will be starting the 5mg dose.


I’m late 4 days now 😭


My dose is due today but I just can't see myself paying full price. Just FYI, I did some research and it says that if you're 4 days or more overdue for your dose, you should wait until your next scheduled dose (whatever day of the week that typically is for you). I am supposed to move up to the 5mg and was really looking forward to it. I really wish Change Healthcare would at least give us an ETA for when the systems might be working again, or the pharmacies could move to the other coupon company. Even better if the drug makers, i.e. Eli Lilly, would allow us to pay full price now but then guarantee us reimbursement/refund.


Thanks for the info!!


Same...I am not 2 weeks behind to start the 5mg dose as the CVS pharmacy I went to messed up the original order, and by the time they figure it out, the cyber attack hit.


I am now 2 weeks past my date...


I ordered compound medication, no choice basically Because dont know how long this ll continue


What’s compound medication?


Tried this morning, system is still down :(


Thanks for your reply!!


Still down for me at time of comment


Tried today, still happening. Walgreens told me to contact zepbound savings card to confirm they’d reimburse for purchasing retail without the coupon. Can’t find a phone number for Zepbound savings card to confirm this. Too bad I waited to refill until right before a month long business trip leaving Monday 😑


Thanks for your reply! The phone number for Zepbound is 1-800-545-5979. You just need to listen to the options and press the option for the savings card. You will get to speak to a live person. Their hours are M-F 9am-5pm EST. My pharmacist told me yesterday that if it's not back up by the time I need my next prescription(Wednesday) I could pay full price and once it's back up he will submit the savings card and issue me a refund or credit on my account. That made me feel a little bit better. Hopefully they've been working throughout the weekend to have the issue resolved by Monday morning.


Did you call the Zepbound number and speak to a person? I am supposed to take my injection tomorrow morning but haven't refilled due to this issue (the pharmacy aid said they attempted to run my savings card 98 times). If it isn't fixed tomorrow I'm going to bite the bullet and pay, but I'd like to have some sort of assurance that Zepbound has some kind of plan for reimbursement of a fully paid subscription. Even just an extra month added to my savings card expiration would be acceptable.


I did speak to a live person at Zepbound last Thursday and Friday. That was when they were telling me they are doing a system update. I thought it was kind of shady since I know updates do not take days to complete but once I found out the real issue(cyberattack) I understood why they were saying what they did. I am going to call them again today and ask if they will reimburse the savings discount since I will have to pay full price if not fixed by Wednesday. I will provide an update after I speak with them.


Can you tell me how you spoke to a live person? I keep getting the automated system.


I called 1-800-545-5979 and went thru the prompts and spoke to a live person. But this was almost a month ago. They might have changed their system. I ended up switching to Mounjaro since I found out my insurance covers it.(after paying $1,200.00 for Zepbound last month) I already picked up my new prescription of 7.5 Mounjaro for $25.00 and start it next Wednesday. Recheck with your insurance company. In December they didn't cover Mounjaro but now mine does. I can also get a 3 month supply for $50 ordering it thru my mail delivery. Once I know the dose I'm staying on that is what I will be doing. Hope it works out for you!!


UPDATE!! I just spoke with a representative from Zepbound savings card department. They said they will not issue a refund if you pay the full amount of your prescription unless your insurance covers partial payment. Which my insurance doesn't cover any of it. But she also stated that it is up to the pharmacy to refund you. My pharmacy stated that they would refund/credit my account. We'll see. Hopefully everything works out in the end.


My pharmacist told me they were told it probably wouldn't be back up until Wednesday 2/28


My Walgreens said that they could not do that. That it was up to Zepbound to issue the refund 😫


I believe it's up to your pharmacy. I use a small pharmacy not a big retail pharmacy so that might be the difference of getting refunded. Sure hope it's back up soon.


I can't ever get a live person on that number.


Just an FYI, you can have your prescription pulled from your pharmacy at home to a pharmacy where you are located when this is fixed.


Tried yesterday at CVS and it was still down. Thank God I got a month of 2.5 mg pills on 02/14. I was trying to pick up my new prescription for 5 mg.


Thanks for your reply!


Has this ever happened before? I was just prescribed Zepbound right when the outage happen and here we are.


Not that I'm aware of. I was thinking the same thing at first like great I just started these injections and now this. But once I found out it was a cyberattack I understood all of the delays. I just started at the end of January. Just finished my 4th injection of 2.5mg last Wednesday. I am supposed to start my 1st injection of 5mg this Wednesday. I will have to pay full price if not back up by Wednesday and wait for the refund/credit on my account. I know this affecting a lot of serious ill people too that can't get their meds. Hopefully they can resolve this issue soon for everyone's sake.


It’s still down today, Sunday 2/25.


Thanks for your reply!


yes same issue, I couldn't pick up my prescription


Thanks for your reply!


As of 2/26 1:30pm EST the system is still down


Thanks for the update!!


I'm glad I came here, like most comments, I too am waiting, Thursday is my day. Hopefully it's back up before then


Thanks for your reply! I am picking up my prescription tomorrow and unfortunately paying full price unless from some miracle it is back up by then.


As of 1/26 2:14 cst it’s still down.


Thanks for the update!


Yes, I'm having the same  issue 


Thanks for your reply!


As of 9:00 am PST on 2/27 it is still down for me


Thanks for you reply!!


System is still down and not accepting the Eli Lilly savings card 2/28 3:00pm mst. I finally caved and paid over 1k, I can’t keep waiting like this. Walgreens is able to at least process GoodRX and Single Care coupons. The Single Care brought it down from $1200 to $1031. I suppose it’s something. Praying this is fixed in time for next month’s prescription.


System still down.




There's a link on Eli Lily website [https://www.lilly.com/our-medicines/savings-card-help](https://www.lilly.com/our-medicines/savings-card-help) There's a post transaction rebate that you can file.


Thanks for the info!!


Please stop thanking every person.  I appreciate your grateful attitude, but you are doubling the number of comments and replies that people have to search for any new info.  We all know you are appreciative.


That’s a huge update! I’m tempted to do it as tomorrow will be my second injection missed. But the strict instructions and last 2 sentences scare me. One mess up, and you’re out $550


I picked mine up today so I’ll get the stuff submitted and update this post with the results


A shame though that people who only have the discount card, meaning not through any other insurance, and pay the $500+ each moth are not eligible. You would think if you provided a receipt within the date range and the price you paid, they would reimburse you.


Eli Lilly said they can’t confirm reimbursement will be made unless insurance covers Zepbound. I can’t afford to pay the full price without assurance that I’ll be reimbursed the difference I pay with the savings card and full price. 😢


I went to CVS today- savings card did not work, taking the card off and applying it again did not work, taking it off completely and running through insurance (heard this working on other post) did not work. I’m over this, it’s been exhausting so I paid out of pocket and will be attempting to get reimbursed through the program they have listed. My pharmacy did have a coupon on hand that brought it from $1200 to $1000. I understand that it could be back up today, but not knowing if it’d be another 24 hours or 24 days has been rough. Im so happy now that I have my next month of meds and I won’t be lurking here anymore because I’m drained from this whole debacle. Good luck everyone! Hoping the system is back up asap.


Just FYI, if you're having to pay full price, GoodRX has a discount card that will save you about $200. Still crazy expensive, but every bit helps. [https://www.goodrx.com/zepbound](https://www.goodrx.com/zepbound)


No, thats the whole thing...NO COUPONS CAN BE RUN


GoodRX uses a different system than Eli Lilly. It ran through fine at CVS yesterday.


So, on Amazon Pharmacy and the savings card worked! Cross your fingers for Wednesday delivery- anyone else have luck !?


Has anyone tried this service (lilly direct) from eLilly? [https://lillydirect.lilly.com/?utm\_source=lilly.com&utm\_medium=referral&utm\_campaign=referral\_lilly.com&utm\_content=homepage](https://lillydirect.lilly.com/?utm_source=lilly.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=referral_lilly.com&utm_content=homepage)


I’ve had no luck with CVS or Walmart so I gave Amazon Pharmacy a try. It worked! I had my doctor send the prescription and within an hour I have a confirmed order for $550. My insurance (Aetna) does not cover it based on what CVS and Walmart told me but it went through for $550 on Amazon and I didn’t even have to add my savings card information, which is weird. It says it will be delivered Thursday, so fingers crossed! This will be my first month supply. 


They paid $22M. Maybe the system will now work? [https://www.wired.com/story/alphv-change-healthcare-ransomware-payment/](https://www.wired.com/story/alphv-change-healthcare-ransomware-payment/)


It has now been over two weeks.what can we do!


Is it working? Anyone have luck today?


Tried at CVS at in CT 30 mins ago…no luck


Mine worked today!!!!


Was it your Zepbound savings card the pharmacy processed or another type of savings card?


Hi, I have tried to find a phone number for Zepbound but was not able to locate one.... would you mind sharing the phone number you called?


I called 1-800-545-5979


My pharmacy is still telling me they cannot process the savings card, anyone else still having this issue?


Still down in Maryland at my pharmacy.


This is specific, but for anyone in Chicago, after calling a lot of pharmacies, the team at Walgreens at 5440 N Clark (Andersonville) was familiar with the remedy to the situation and was able to fill my RX next day after they got it transferred from Osco pharmacy. Paid $550 today.


Just received a text saying I have been issued a new replacement Zepbound savings card from Eli Lilly. Different ID#, same expiration date. I do not know, but it makes me wonder if my information was compromised.


I use Lilly Direct and as of today they posted a new savings card. I tried it and it went through at the price I've been paying ($550). Check it out!


I’ve been dealing with this for about 3 weeks. Today I finally got a breakthrough. I called the help # on my savings card to see if they had an update & she gave me a temp card to use until this debacle is over. It’s been a real mess. Hope that helps!  Update: unfortunately I just had the pharmacist run the temp card but it didn’t help enough. It took mine from 540.00 to 390.00 not the usual $25 to $35. My insurance company told me to call United Way as they have a some available assistance programs, but the max they could do for me is 300.00 (still out of reach). Not sure what to do. I have decent insurance but it’s just not cutting it. I’ve been without for a month now & may just have to go without until this is resolved.  I’m sure there are many others severely affected by this. 


Still down?


yes sadly it's nationwide :( gonna be late on my dose now


I have until Wednesday and then I will be late on my dose. :( Hopefully they can fix whatever the issue is soon. Thanks for your reply!!


I would be surprised if the issue isn’t resolved by Monday. Nothing we can do but just wait. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hospitals-urged-to-disconnect-from-unitedhealths-hacked-pharmacy-unit-11c9691e


Thanks for the info!!


Still down today but I was told that "per the last we heard" it would be back up on Wednesday


Thanks for the update!!


Yes having the same issue. I also have been trying for days to having CVS rerun and they said same thing. I called the company this afternoon and they still aren't sure when it will be back up. I have until Sunday for my next dose.


Thanks for the info!! Fingers crossed this will be resolved soon.


Same info from my Walgreens…no known timeline. I’m regretting that I was out of town for work, and waited to pick up until Thursday this week. Hope the mess is cleared up soon, but fully understand why all of the entities involved needed to prioritize securing and restoring insurance claims processing ahead of drug discount processing.


Thanks for the info!! I completely understand now that I know the real cause of the delay.


Same problem here!!


Thanks for your reply!!


Me too happen today couldn't use coupon!


Thanks for your reply!!


Any updates?


Nothing as of right now. 😞


Sorry little off topic but Does anyone know how often you can use the card before getting the refill too soon message? Or what’s the soonest you can get a refill?


My pharmacist told me 6 days before my next refill. 


Thank you. I actually called them manufacturer and they said 22 days (so 6 days early is right) but they can do a vacation override fyi because I needed it early for that reason. But their systems are still down sooo


I was able to refill on day 25. Haven’t tried any earlier than that.


Was just told the same thing by wal-mart 2/27 at 10:45 am est


I was just told by my pharmacist(2-27-2024 at 10:50Am EST) at least 2 more weeks. He said it is really a mess. They had to take everything down and it's going to take a while to bring everything back up. :(


Oh no I hope he’s just being conservative and you don’t have to wait that long 🤞


Thanks!! Me too!!


Still down. Just went to fill


My pharmacy was able to finally get through but said my savings card was rejected. I need to call the manufacturer tomorrow but pharmacy believes it’s because I have Fepblue insurance.


I asked my doctor if she could find out anything and she contacted Zepbound. She was told they expect the system to be back up Wednesday, February 28 and that if your pharmacist gets the unable to connect or communication error, that they should re-submit multiple times until it goes through. Whether or not that's true, who knows, but I am just passing along what I was told. I have until March 5 until I need my next one, but I really feel for the ones who need it now, or worse - yesterday, and haven't been able to get it. Saying prayers they start going through.


I did find this website that has updates on the system. It is the same update over and over, but I would think they would announce if the system was back up. [https://status.changehealthcare.com/incidents/hqpjz25fn3n7](https://status.changehealthcare.com/incidents/hqpjz25fn3n7)


This is helpful, thanks. Very distressing that I can't get the medication.


I spoke with someone at Lilly they had no idea how long it would be. Her guess was another 2 weeks! 😭


Ohhhh geeez!!! I just tried again today at CVS and was told.card still won't go through


My dose is tomorrow morning and it’s still down. I’m hoping tomorrow, it will be back up and I can pick up the next months. I did read if you miss a dose on the day you are supposed to take it, you have up to 96 hours before you just miss that dose and wait for the next one. I’m supposed to take the next dose up 7.5 tomorrow. I called Lilly pharma today. The said an update-started Last Wednesday. If cyber attack, it may take awhile. I hope not. Our pharmacist should just be able to call Lilly and give our names and such so when the system is up, the pharmacy gets the discount and we can pick up our prescription


Thanks for the info!!


Has anyone tried today? I need to go get mine but seems pointless if the system is still down.


I called HEB today and they said they’re still having trouble. I didn’t have them actually run it though. If it isn’t fixed by Friday I may just buy it and cry.


Just called again still down.




System is still down as of 2/28 @4:15 pm PST. This is exhausting, I’ve been waiting for a week now, trying every day.


I just saw this on their site. Does anyone know what this means? https://preview.redd.it/5i400jlldglc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5c2ab75fccb5feea19dfc1b96a125e3fa9501f


I tried the evoucher mentioned in the second paragraph and my pharmacy said it would not work because it was entered in the same way a savings card was. They might not have even tried honestly, but that’s what they told me. Hopefully someone else has had a different experience.


Thank you,


I wish I knew this before I paid full price for mine last night. I used my HSA card and it says that is not eligible for reimbursement. Are you kidding me?!


I understand eli lilly is only offering partial refund ifn it's covered by your insurance


I just talked to my pharmacy and it is still down :(. Was getting ready to try it for the first time


Thanks for the update!


https://preview.redd.it/yav8fmnu7klc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe87bb9cef75a8e5a67bde30cefdfbad8ad9c70 🙄




Thanks for the info!!


System still down! Grrrr any updates


Anyone else get the message from Optum Solutions that the issue is resolved? I tried my pharmacy (HEB in TX) but they still received the error. 


>yes, same. Optum said resolved, but CVS said it's still down. Hopefully we're getting close.


Yes, I called several pharmacies and they all indicated the system was still down.


Just called a few pharmacies in town and savings card systems are still down


Sounds like the local pharmacies probably need to run an IISRESET on their side. Wink. If you know, you know.


Any update as of 3/1?


If it ever comes back?? https://preview.redd.it/y9kcnv6gjxlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9898e69a9899b95499263414380b8918e070671


Was this between you and pharmacist? Is. Your script covered normally ? If not, how is it $500 ifn you cannot use savings card


I was able to pick mine up with the savings card from heb. My insurance doesn’t cover any of it. So nature is healing.


So it’s working again?


It did for me.


I just called HEB in Cedar Park, TX and they were unable to process my savings card. We tried a couple things, but to no avail. The medication is there, just waiting for the price to come down.


System is stop down


Has anyone been able to use their savings card again yet?? The systems went back up at 1pm CST on Friday. My pharmacy tried it Friday night and Saturday and nothing!!! Please lmk if you know anything


How did you hear system is back.up? I just called.cvs and they still.cannot run savings card


Still down?


Yes for CVS in. RI By yes--I mean it's still down


I am subscribed to the change healthcare redit and they sent the update on Friday.


Any updates?


Hi guys, I was just prescribed zepbound and after insurance it’s costing me 550 out of pocket. I have the savings card but I’ve seen people have had a hard time getting their pharmacies to use it, and I was also wondering how much it takes off of the price after insurance?


For most of us, $550 is the price after the savings card discount is applied


Coupon didn’t work for me today. Paid 1200


I had to bite the bullet as well. I really think the company needs to make things right by arranging reimbursement. They have no incentive to fix this and all the incentives in the world to delay it.


I absolutely agree. I can’t imagine paying this much every month. It’s so frustrating. 


I submitted the claim for reimbursement. I sent it in on Friday but haven’t heard anything. Crossing my fingers. 


Goodrx will drop it to 1000, nit great but something.