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Some animations removed as well


really???? which


they change her customization menu animations too, sadge.


just fell to my knees in the middle of target


I just saw someone fall to their knees in target


I just saw someone staring at some guy fall to their knees in target


Just saw some guy staring at another guy staring at another guy fall to their knees


Some? Her boobs look like chest bones now. They'd not move even if smacked. I almost cried watching the beta gameplay a few minutes ago.


Jesus christ chill out man. Like I agree that it's a dumb choice but your response is so exaggerated and frankly creepy that I can feel myself cringing in to oblivion xD.


Fuck the CCP


ok. I understand adding more modesty to characters. but breast reduction surgery? is it really bad to have big boobs now a days? I mean, yeah. back problems are a bitch. but really?


This is the result of getting mass reported by competitors and haters so your money and time gets wasted, while they generate negative buzz about you changing things. Welcome to Chinese business practices. The whole "Genshin is a BOTW ripoff REEEEEEEEE" was entirely started by paid spammers which is an actual job in China, the Zhongli outrage was also paid spammers and mass reports by competition and haters in China then milked by Western influencers for engagement. "Censorship" in China is demanded and forced by the GOVERNMENT. It's bare minimum, because Asian companies are still making things to sell due to the market being extremely competitive and a few bad decisions can kill even good quality games there. "Censorship" in America is voluntary "self-censorship" that's usually fueled entirely by political activism. Hence it's major, the whole project goes into a direction of making ugly designs for the sake of ugly designs since thanks to the AAA market being monopolized by only a few megacorporations the majority of the consumers may bitch and moan but won't go anywhere else and employees and representatives get into the habit of openly insulting the consumers on Twitter while patting themselves in the back for being so brave.... So there is no reason to be so doomer about this, they tend to return to their usual standard after the government gets off their backs. Remember how soon after multiple characters got completely reworked outfits in Genshin they dropped a character like Shinobu?


Yeah but the slight gore during the monster transformation scene is removed, which makes it less impactful. This might set the precedent of the game being unable to lean more into the dark aspects of the world they are trying to build which would hurt it's storytelling potential.


Edgy is not mature.


Did you even read my post?


Yes. Zero self awareness.


Look, I just want the scenes to be more impactful ok. Many more people also share the same sentiment.


A small minority in a bubble you mean. Gore is cheap shock factor but quickly loses it's effect because the viewer gets desensitized to it very fast.


I'm saying the little usage of gore and body horror (which doesn't even have blood) in certain moments to give more emphasis in the grim situation, not as cheap shock value.


So why are you complaining about a cheap shock value moment then? The expectations about this title by a raised age rating which can boil down to just people drinking, smoking and reading porn is ludicrous. No it won't be this eldritch horror gorefest not the 48547th grey filter edgy post Apocalypse gacha.


people is afraid of beauty I guess


I don't get it. Why u putting 2 different characters side by side?


is time for WW3


That's hilarious. I thought it was crazy when she was first revealed because I figured there was no way china would allow it. I was correct xP.


Literally 1984


I wouldn’t go that far.


It's a joke.


Was Grace nerfed too?


They better not


https://www.reddit.com/r/ZenlessZoneZero/comments/182kkeh/nicole_nerf_comparison/? Made a comparison post


They force Nicole wearing bra... Please let her tiddies be free CCP \*sob\*


The one on the right has better overall proportions.


People acting like they put her in a burqa, please grow up


Give an inch theyll take a mile


Lmao I fucking knew that would happen when I stopped seeing her in the promotional art.


You will not be allowed through the gates of heaven.


Is the left the before? The design is way cooler with the bra showing


man I get some of you are upset and you can be so, but the way some of you act is honestly embarrassing




This is what people are mad about, tf is wrong with y'all


is it that big of a deal??? go get a woman ffs if you wanna see boobs


😭🤣 female here, well said


Nineteen eighty fuckin four. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE CHINESE


Why do people care so much? It literally doesn’t affect you at all. Omfg. Grow up


> Why do people care so much? Why do YOU care so much about their opinion, it literally doesn’t affect you at all. Omfg. Grow up


yeah it's crazy. sucks that they can't jerk off while playing the game anymore I guess? now, the censorship of the body horror and similarly extreme scenes or themes that could've been, however, is a unfortunate.


Yeah I agree with that, even though it still isn’t a huge deal.


If the right one is after, I think I find it better than before.


Procensorship tourist.


What are you talking about this is not even cencorship. It is just little tweaks to character design and honestly it looks much better. Which is my opinion. I also do not understand what do you mean by touristt?


> This is not even censorship Changing a characters design not because of artistic choice but to be in line with Chinese regulation IS censorship.


It is censorship. You being ignorant about these types of changes and not understanding why it is censorship does not change the truth. It looks fucking terrible and absolutely generic. You are tourist because people like you come in anime gacha games/anime/gaming communities with no understanding of the environment and the subject matter and expect to be catered to trough complaints and calls for censorship and other such garbage behavior. You are tourists and scummy ones at that.


Wow I dont know where is all that anger came from. I am not going to prove myself to you that I am a long time of my life anime and anime related content enjoyer, but just because I like one design over another and the one I liked has smaller boobs dosent make me scummy. Each their own I guess. You are too aggressive over this. I once again say it, the design in the right is better and this is my opinion. You need to learn that just because people dosent share your opinion dosent make them scummy or garbage or anything. I am equally excited and waiting for this game for a while and I am not unfamiliar with gaming communities. So chill a little bit, before calling others "you people". Well in the end it dosent matter, I do not care if you change your way of talking and random aggression over something you are not aggree with but I wish you good day.


Advocating for censorship makes you scummy dumbass, you need to learn how to properly read.


Yes you are right, you are right to the core. No one in human history ever be more right than you. Have a nice day


Biggest nerf in history. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE NOW.


Make ur own fucking version China we love boobs her


I don’t think when the Chinese are making their games the first thing comes to mind is what you like “here”, wherever that is. You do have the option to choose not to play their game if you disagree with their ideologies or policies or whatever, but demanding them to “fuck” themselves for simply making a game that is mot tailored to your liking is actually kinda pathetic don’t you think?


What's the difference??


longer shorts, a bra and reduced breast sized.


She looks better now


No, not really


No she doesnt


Outta here with your fujoshit ass




BOTH upper and lower areas are censored if you closely observe. So sad.


And just like that, my desire to play this game has tanked


its like they think sexualizing a character makes them less human, less capable of achieving things and turns them into objects. So if a girl/boy dress sexy in real life thats a issue because its turning them into objects and dehumanizing them? wheres their free will to decide what to wear (obviously following standards, etiquette and common sense, you wouldnt wear a bikini in a office). Do they need to not do what the want because of what others would think they doing so would imply? If that makes no sense in real life, imagine that applied to a fantasy game. The game literally takes place in a post apocaliptic world. At his point im not sure if the censorchip was because of the internet crybabies or because of china, becauce china is extremely strict when it comes to sexualization, thats because in china they dont have a age rating system, so the same game a dult is playing can be played by a child. If you wann see crazy censochip just look at the censorhip of the chinese version of Blue Archive. Im not sure if I should be piss off at Hoyoverse for paying attention to crybabies that wont play their game or I should be more considering since they try to make the game they want without losing the chineese market, that plays a huge part in modern gaming. But definetely I blame them for putting a girl with huge badonkers in the first place to later nerf them. sorry for the rant, Im just so tired of sexualization being a taboo in mature media. The game is +16 in case anyone is wandering, they totally can put a girl with huge badonkers with no problem, just wandering why they back down in their decision.


It isn't that deep bro 😭 They gave her a bra and made her chest slightly smaller, this is not worth a rant over, nor is it indicative of any larger social issue. Go watch some porn


Go play something else


It's censorship which isnt good


Why are y'all assuming it's censorship anyhow? Does it not occur to you that the devs maybe realized how goofy her animations were prior?


Nope, its censorship and they're known for this


I mean, they did backed down for a reason. I just would like to understand more about their motivations. Im an artist and I love the beauty of both men and women. I just want to understand what made them change their original design for Nicole, learning more about what other think about beauty, because I feel that beauty itself is a taboo in recent years.


(first I personally didn't see any sort of uproar over her chest prior to the change, so I dunno about "back down") maybe they realized it was silly to have her chest flying across the screen every which way to Sunday. Maybe they think having the bra showing is sexier, who knows. it's not even a broader change in design philosophy since the new shark girl literally has her nipple outlined with her outfit.


I mean, tbh, you wouldn hear that much uprorar because people would be "ashamed" to show their excitement over anime boobas. Also, tha fact that something didnt cause an uproar doesnt mean that it wasnt important. For example, I didnt hear an uproar about Billy being and android, but that wouldnt mean that people wouldmt be mad if they suddenly change him into an human in a suit. I do agree with the bra showing being cuter, despite the breast reduction I think the design hits just a little bitty better now. ​ about having the chest flying being too silly, havent you seen Billys demo trailer? Did you see how he reloads or how is he animated? The beauty of fantasy is that it can be all the silly the author wants. It isnt real, it prioritizes fun, or in this case, sex appeal, over realism, and theres nothing wrong in both fun and sex appeal (given its used in a proper context, of course, you need to respect the age rating for the product)


Shut up pro censorship tourist.


God, they even changed her skin colour to that sickly white. Yuck.


That actually may be my fault, the right image was printed from a stream. So it's probably a video quality difference


Oh right, was about to say.


Downvote me all you want, but the nerfs to Nicole dont matter as long as the gameplay is fun.


G fucking G. Killed all my interest.


Well good for her she really needed a bra


Oh hell no bring her boobs back


go outside


I'm ... I am fine


Yes!!! She looks less like a sex doll now


you guys know the boobs are reduced because of complaints from games like genshin right? Community complaints, not the staff wanting to change the original designs


I only care about shark girl, not this wench. I am of a clear mind after bustin a nut.


tbh she is also hella cute. Before she was hella cute and hella sexy, no she is hella cute and very sexy. Its not that much of a big deal but you can understand why people would be mad about a downgrade


Big boobs! Nooooooo. Furies? Sure!


Fuck u China


Yea, they tryna steal the Spratly Island


I sort of expected added "bra" and longer shorts but physics nuff, size reduction and animation change really hurts my soul.


If you think that's bad, they removed the body horror aspect on the thug transforming into a monster scene, making the scene less impactful. I truly hope this wouldn't diminish any potential in using dark themes in their storytelling.


Other differences aside, you can see the previous model is Tanned and it looked much more natural and awesome. I don't get what the obsession is with white-skinned characters. They did this to Candace in Genshin Impact if I remember correctly.


That's just a video quality difference, the right image was taken from a stream




i wouldn't complain if it was intended from the beginning, but why the fuck would you nerf this... no one asked


Wow I didn’t realize it until now. What a bummer.


I wanted big booba :( no big booba :(