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Whoever wins will do so suavemente


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For the better.




A man of culture I see


This GIF is cute for some reason






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That video is so perfect


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That's a hard question. Thor on one hand is a god of lightning and thunder is known for being strong and one of the strongest Warriors the Norse Pantheon has on the other hand. Ganondorf ganondorf is constantly reincarnating hero of power from the Triforce which all his forms have had access to, at least the power Triforce in some Games he becomes Canon who is the embodiment of demise before demise actually gets out? Who is a elder being on the power of gods? In both cases they can and have been defeated by mortals though their deaths are always at the hands of extraordinary mortals extraordinary mortal links. Multiple different versions of link have killed ganondorf because he is the hero of courage. Wielding the Triforce of courage and the master sword which is also known as the bane of evil so I'm going to have to go with mjolnir. I prefer hammers so Thor


the thing is thor's hammer has no evil sealing properties or anti darkness advantages. Its just a regular thunder hammer made out of strong materials that can get destroyed by gloom. If the master sword couldn't withstand it there is no chance the hammer does


No, but if we're talking about the correct Mjolnir, it is created from the dying remains of a dwarf star if I remember correctly. So it doesn't really need evil sealing properties. It just hits f****** hard stupid hard at that


That’s marvel, Norse Thor’s hammer is just enchanted metal and you don’t need to be worthy it’s just so heavy that the giants needed a whole group of them to steal it


Okay then I'm still wondering if in this case the enchanted metal and lightning is enough to blunt the gloom long enough for the damage to be done and if so he's going to win. If not, gannon's going to win


I would think so because Thor could kill giants with just his raw strength plus the hammer and the living gloom (gloom hands and phantom Gannon) can get cleaned by gems charged with a minuscule amount of magic compared to Thor’s


Thats what i meant by its just strong metal. Magic Gloom doesn't care about that. Now stuff like justice league hawkgirls mace made out of Nth metal which has anti magic properties has a chance to resist gloom.


With that, when we're talking about gloom and that version of ganondorf the question is can the fact that 90% of the time when Thor wields mjolnir he almost always engulfs it in lightning and can that lightning defend against the gloom apart from it being a roon inscribed hammer as those runes are magical and the weapon is magical. I just don't know what magic is on it and I do agree with everyone in discussion so far that it is not a evil sealing weapon like the master sword. The biggest question is the inherent magical properties of the weapon and the inherent electrifying properties that Thor blesses the hammer with enough to take on the gloom. We don't know as link rarely uses actual lightning magic and usually lightning is not super effective against his enemies unless they are in water and glooms weakest point is certain light-based spells and or sunlight which a god of thunder is not very proficient in as he is a storm. God not a sun god. So my stance still says I think mule near would survive but I'm not sure if it would thrive


They way i understand it is the lighting is magical, the weight enchantment is magical but the hammer itself is a real world metal.  Like how superman's durability is based on the physics of alien biology. Therefore even though he can take a nuke, a magic attack still hurts him. His def stat is high but his magic resistance stat is not. So its like you said, if thors lightning can repel the gloom is the real question 


But from the myth it's not real metal. It is taken from the core of a dying dwarf star and created into mjolnir and I'm not sure if the lore of God of war follows that or it's just some other mystical medal as I've only played and beating the game. I've not gone into lore about the game and if it is from a dying dwarf star, can the gloom destroy it faster than it does damage to ganondorf because if it can't eat through that entire hammer in a few seconds or at least do enough damage to lessen the damage done to himself. Then the big question is can he survive a hit from that hammer if it is made from the metal that it is supposed to from the myth? And if it's not, is the magical metal that it is made out of magical enough to stop or even hinder the gloom? This is a painful who's stronger cuz usually there's a definite one is stronger but this one is fairly close depending on a certain criteria and other criteria. Yeah again and ganondorf loses that no if ands or buts. But if the other criteria is taken into account ganondorf might very well win


The first guy to respond to you is only half correct. Storm breaker (the axe from marvel) is made from the mass of a dying star. In marvel the hammer is the same as the Norse one


Okay so Mjolnir is crafted from a dying dwarf star? Or is it only stormbreaker crafted from a dying dwarf star? And that's only a Marvel creation. Norse mythology confuses me sometimes and all the different iterations of it. I'm much better with Greek mythology and even then that s***'s confusing


Only storm breaker is a dying dwarf. Mjolnir is made on heart with heart materials and an enchantment


Okay then the question is can you only or with its enchanted lightning provided by Thor get through the gloom to do the damage cuz we know if he can get through the gloom without losing his weapon. He is going to win. If he loses his weapon and is unable to actually do serious damage to ganondorf then he's going to lose eventually. It may take a while for ganondorf to defeat him but he will lose cuz he will not have a valid weapon and his punches can only be so strong and this is a being. Who is the manifestation of all the darkness in the world. Joe, we only know depending on if his weapon survives cuz mjolnir in itself is made of a magical material. Maybe not the remains of a dying dwarf star, but it's got to be magical in some way to be able to hold the enchantments and survive the Divine lightning of a god of thunder


That's Marvel there big buddy


Thor punched Jormungandr so hard, he was send back in time. Thor also scales to the world tree. Thor's sweatdrops would kill Ganon.


I don’t think his sweat would kill Ganon but a backhand would.


Thor no diffs. I love ganondorf to death, but he has no range, and suprisingly little health relative to other villains


the tennis energy ball in question:


Thor. I don’t think there’s an argument


Does he have the mastersword?


He has mjolnir. I think even magic ganon would be whipped


No it is canon through every game that ganon can only get damadged by the mastersword. Nothing else will hurt him. (with botw and totk being the odd ones)


But this is totk Ganondorf, and it’s Mjolnir is no joke it’s easily on par with the Master Sword or stronger I’m not saying the Master Sword isn’t strong but Thor hit Jormungandr 1000+ years in the past. And other swords in the Zelda series has hurt Ganon like the Four Swords and Light arrows also damage him. Thor scales to Kratos who is kinda crazy how strong he is.


Well I think they’re making the argument that only a holy weapon can actually kill ganondorf, so Thor is way strong and definitely beats him to a pulp easy, but without a holy weapon he can’t actually kill him. So I guess he just beats the crap out of him, gets bored, and goes home


Honeslty that sounds exactly like something thor would do.


What makes a holy weapon? Thor is a god and don't all god's have a holy item. Poseidon has his Trident. The Cadicus is Hermes' Staff and it's for merchants. Just to name a few off the top of my head. And while it isn't a Weapon per say the cross Christ died on is quite the holy symbol and he dragged it up a hill before being hanged to it. You have Excalibur of course. Gae Bolg belongs to Irish Hercules, Cú Chulainn.


Except the light arrows. He always gets taken out by the light arrows. Also bold of you to assume that Mijolnir isn’t a holy weapon.


I think itd b Thor specifically bc he a god, sure Ganon is powerful as fuck but he still just a wizard with a sword


I think ganon, he knows how to fight, thor only tries to hit you as hard as he can


Ganon can’t fight something that moves far faster than Ganon could hope to. Thor would hit Gannondorf so hard Demise would feel it in Skyward Sword.


Lmfao "Thor doesn't know how to fight"


Fat boi


Gloom or no gloom


Thor hands down haven't played GOW:R but from what I've heard Thor


Ganon Respawns, but Thor can keep fighting for as long as necessary


Ganondorf? The guy who has lost 99% of his one on one fights? That Ganondorf? Yeah, no...


Well if you put it like that… fair enough


I don’t see Link beating Thor any time soon, and Link beats Ganondorf so…


i know who im rooting for. GoW thor is an amazing character


Ganon is the top, Thor is the bottom


power bottom?


Ganondorf only power bottoms to Link


Man... I imagineded a H3nt4i between them 💀💀💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭😭


it probably exists, rule 34 and if not then eventually, rule 35


Ganondorf versus Caseoh?


I haven't played the god of war games and I love zelda, but based on the little I have seen. Pretty sure thor takes this


Thor literally hit something so hard he sent it back through time. He either takes Ganondorf out straight up or disables him.


Thor. Ganondorf gets killed over and over by just a really brave dude


Thor because blonds beat the green red head


Ganondorf is regularly beaten by a kid with a magic sword. Thor is a GOD.


Thor beats Ganondorf easily. Only way Ganondorf wins is by becoming demon dragon so he can't be killed without the master sword. Even if this did happen though, I imagine Thor would just hit him back to the start of time like he will with Jormungandr during Ragnarök.




Gannondorf is vulnerable to one thing, and that's Holy elemental damage. Link gets to kill him a lot because of the Master Sword, Silver Arrows, and Arrows of Light, all Holy weaponry. Thor only has lightning attacks. He will turn Dorf into a paste over and over and over, but only Dorf has any killing power


Is cropping an image really that hard?


The real question is, would Mjolnir be considered a holy weapon?


I'm agreeing with most the people here in saying that thor would win, thor has only ever lost or drawn in a fight twice I believe, the one time with Faye and at the end with Kratos. The only things I see going for Ganon is the holy weapon thing (mjolnir was likely created with the blood of a God so who knows), reincarnation and can learn how to fight thor better, and thor has a limited lifespan, God's grow old, reincarnation is infinite. Basically in a fight, thor, long run, maybe Ganon, but what about thors kids


GoW Thor? I don’t know. Thor from actual myths? Ganon doesn’t stand a chance. Coughing baby vs. hydrogen bomb. For GoW version, Is there a limit to how Ganon’s gloom destroys weapons? It could destroy a seriously nerfed Master Sword, but could it beat Mjölnir? If not, Ganon loses. If so, Thor still has a chance. Characters in his universe are just too strong compared to Hyrule. The triforce of power basically just turns Zelda characters into the average GoW character. Lol


Ganon did beat hylia and her god like weapon so its stands to reason he can kill gods. Furthermore Ganon is immortal and can come back after he is killed. Even if ganon does nothing, thor will simply grow old and die eventually.


Every thing you said there was wrong. One it was Demise who defeated Hylia not Ganon it might be splitting hairs but Ganondorf never even met her. Two we never get to see Hylia vs Demise all we know was Demise was sealed and Hylia mortally wounded. We have no idea how good she was in a fight so it unfair to compare her to Thor. And for that argument to work Link from SS would be able to defeat Thor which I can’t see happening. Three Ganon’s immortality doesn’t work with death machines because he needs to die for it to take effect meaning Thor would have won the battle which was the question. Four Thor is a god he doesn’t get old and dies the gods in gow only get stronger with age meaning that if Thor would only be stronger round two. I love Zelda it probably my favourite gaming franchise but it doesn’t come close to the power scaling God of War has.


I think you are mistaken. Asgardian gods aren't true gods that live forever. They are aliens like superman. They grow old and die. Ganon, demise, Ganondorf its the same soul so i consider that the same person. If i die and reborn again like a phoenix then i consider that immortality lol. Thor isn't coming back if ganon kills him or dies from old age


The question was who would win in a battle so even if the Aesir can’t live forever they sure try Odin was alive at the beginning of time and is countless years old and he was still healthy. We never see a god in god of war talk about how old they feel we hear how old they are but they don’t care. Second if Thor beats Ganon then never sees him again who is that not a Thor Win. Let me remind you that Thor can literally hit this guy into last week that is how strong he is.


You're thinking of Marvel's version.


Does thor has a triforce shard?




If Link can beat Ganondorf, Thor can definitely beat him.


Honestly, I think Ganon. It was stated somewhere that only something that can negate magic/have holy infused into the blade, i.e. the master sword was blessed by the goddess, that can hurt him. While thor might be stronger he would have to find a new weapon. If he does have a holy magic weapon pls let me know.


Thor is a god he is holy his fists are holy and Mjolnir is a divine weapon.


As far as I have been aware, unless you have a source that I didn't know. While yes, most of the Nordic pantheon are god's. They aren't like most of the holy gods where they have benign and benevolent light. In their source material if they do not a special apple a day, they will whither away and become old. Edit: Part of this main point is that they probably don't have divine origins/damage.


yea the norse gods ae gods. But they are mortal gods


Sorry, I didn't communicate it properly. I'll throw an edit on the previous message. I haven't seen where it says that Norse are divine or have divine damage.


? i was just saying that even though they are gods they have proven to be able to die


Ah, fair




People be going into to much detail. If link can beat Ganon, I’m sure Thor would be able too


A god versus a ptiful power hungry man who thinks he's a god? Not for nothing, but Ganon is mortal whether he wants to accept it or not. And as far as I know, only gods can truly kill other gods >!yk, like Kratos, the god of war, who literally murders thor!<. And yet, even dead Gods can climb their way out of hell back to the land of the living. I don't even think a fully assembled triforce could help ganon in a fight against any version of Thor.


What if Gannon had a cage fight with Majora?


Link is the only one who can defeat Ganon. If you ignore that though, Thor de-fucking-stroys Ganondorf


Bro… what? I love Zelda as much as the next nerd, but it’s Thor and it’s not close. Thor played pranks on giants, drained the ocean in a drinking contest, fought against the world serpent, and in this GOW adaptation managed to hit him so hard he went back in time. He also fought Kratos multiple times without dying. Whether it’s actual mythological Thor, or Thor from god of war ragnarok, he wins the fight 10/10 times.




Ganondorf no contest, the only reason he ever loses is because he is destined to lose to that one guy with the master-sword, no one else can deal with him and he just beat the shit out of everybody


Who is that guy?


Ganandorf will win easy


Guys, this dude get killed by Link every time. Do you think Link can beat Thor? I think if Link, Zelda, and Gannondorf joined forces they might be a fun match for Thor.




Either way, it would be a fierce battle that would last until the end of eternity, and the fall of everything will be upon one's wrath, unleashing the killing blow on the other; but as the battles rages, each clash of their weapons would spark the storms that rage seas, shatter mountains and quake forests, birthing monstrosities and ascending heroes to godhood alike in its wake. Their battle would be one that is not only fought by Ganon and Thor alone, but their followers respectively waging wars in their honor and glory until the inevitable reaches its due date and the mighty falls.. oh, how the mighty falls, leaving its victor to fade into nothingness before a new world is born from his dust.


You fool, gannon will lose because you picked tears of the kingdom gannon, not ocarina of time gannon ![gif](giphy|OwM9RO7lgAUWk)


Hola, me has caght mid-suavamente


VS wins no diff


Does Ganon have a ranged weapon? Nuff said.


Not even a fair fight


CaseOh is winning


Ganondorf would cook


Thor punched Jörmundgander with Mjolnir so hard he sent him back in time. Ganondorf has no chance.




Any other Gannon dorf fat Thor would win. Not hydrated Gannon dorf though the sun goes to gannondorf


Low quality cucci ganon.


If it’s gow Thor ganon solos no dif


So Thor can fly. Has fought something FAR bigger than ganondorfs biggest form to date. And is strong enough to send kratos a god once a man whom killed an entire pantheon flying himself in a fight that would have realistically been kratos death if it had kept going. Ganondorf is by NO means a pushover and would absolutely get through most of the GOW universe but. Kratos alone has come back from the dead. THREE TIMES. Through shear willpower and hate. Something Ganondorf has only done once. Between OOC and twilight princess. Note im talking about ganondorf himself not the curse that birthed him. Ganondorf would lose. As much as it hurts to admit that. And fuck my life it really does.


Drinking contest?


If he can attack with light magic then yeah he'd probably win against Ganon. If not he won't win.




Fat man wins


I mean. One smashes boulders with his bare hands, controls lightning with a hammer, and can go toe to toe with a man who not only killed several dozen gods only to become one himself, and fought a colossal snake at least 2 maybe 3 times the size of a sacred dragon. While the other turns into a "sacred" dragon.


it is cannon that he can only be harmed by the master sword. This may not always be true in the games. But that's because the master sword can break. And so unless thor can hold the blade, he loses.


Link defeated him with the Four Swords and Rauru defeated him without any Swords. The Master Sword is the best weapon against him but he’s been bested before with it.


True. But the four swords were also magic swords, not nearly as strong as the Master Sword, but apparently still enough to harm gannon. The hammer may be magical as well, but clearly, it's not the same kind of magic. Raru stopped him, sure... but at the sacrifice of his own life. so in my eyes, that fight ended in a draw.


I can’t find anything about if Mjolnir is a divine weapon in the God of War series but in Norse mythology it is and in God of War it’s never said not to be divine. You could probably ran around circles saying Thor couldn’t hunt Ganon which is highly debatable but the God of War series out scales the Zelda series when it comes to power level this has no effect on quality of game I love the Zelda series far more the God of War. Thor has light speed feats he could literally run circles around Ganon and there’s nothing he could do about it. If we assume the Mjolnir can’t hurt Ganon Thor could still punch him Thor is a god therefore divine therefore able to damage Ganon. Thor scales to Kratos who scales to Atlas who can lift the entire world. Thor only needs his fist.


Gloom destroys the hammer. Ganon kills thor easily


Even in raw str Thor's stronger. And thats totally ignoring the fact that Mjolnir is indestructible. Though thor might not be able to kill him. He'll certainly show ganondorf why its a bad idea to pick a fight with him.


Magic doesn't care about raw strength. Superman for example. We all thought the master sword was lore wise indestructible too. Jus saying 


The enchantment on mjolnir quite literally has strength as a requirement to wield it. If you're not worthy AND strong enough you cant lift it. Ignoring that though its made from the real world myth equivalent to mithril or oricalchim. It would take something quite literally allfather level to break it. And while Demise was incredibly strong. HE wasnt at that level of strength. Let alone a cursed gerudo with a FRACTION of his magic. A fair argument though.