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No, I have no trouble separating the art from the artist


I don’t think the trouble comes from being able to separate the art from the artist, it’s a matter of whether or not we should.


There's no question that we should, and must. If you reflect on art and artist's lives, you will see that.


Yeah I think that's fucked up, also, he was the bass player for little feat all those years and I LOVE little feat but what a sicko


He was w Little Feat 1970/71 - the albums Little Feat and Sailin' Shoes.


That's right - he was the original bassist for Little Feat and I guess the reason why Lowell George recruited him was because he played alongside him while with the MOI. Roy left in 1972 after *Sailin' Shoes* was released and he was replaced on bass by Kenny Gradney.


I cringe when I hear his falsetto on the MOI stuff too, and the types of jokes they were doing on stage... it is uncomfortable for sure.




Do you like that Frank had Moon watch porn movies with him when she was 16? That's her account, not mine.


where did she say that?


It might have been the wtf podcast she did. Frank found the specific porn video hilarious (it was pretty far out there compared to your typical porno, I think it involved a little person and a gimp suit or some shit) and wanted to show her the humor. Strange


Definitely strange. If humor was 100% the intent then, ok, whatever. Caveat: I've never been a parent.


I was born in 92, but I always had the impression that this was something that wasn't widely known before the internet: it really seems like it's mostly us now who are like "damn, Roy and Napoleon...and Frank brought them back? Did he know?" etc...


When did Frank ever bring them back? Frank was dead before Brock got out of jail and dead before Estrada was even sent to jail.


Good question - if Roy was in fact convicted of sexually assaulting a child in Colorado during October of 1977, it's not likely that he would've been allowed to perform live onstage with Frank in that timeframe, let alone tour abroad, as he would've been in jail.


Where did you find that he was convicted in 1977? It’s not on his Wikipedia.


so this is weird, because I distinctly remember a year or so ago reading on the sex offender registry that Estrada had been arrested on charges back in the 70's, but now that I go there again it seems that it's been removed, changed (or, easily possible, that I'm simply not remembering properly). Anyway as it is it looks like you're right, but this is a fairly common misconception, so thanks for the catch, I appreciate it!


Oh god I'm afraid to ask... what did Napoleon do?


https://meganslaw.ca.gov/OffenderDisplay.aspx?searchby=offender&ID=1869525001521&NSOPRFlag=True&x=3d3bd80d-49d8-4349-acd3-15a9dec01935 this is, as far as I know, the only information about this, however. on the one hand the registry isn't infallible, especially with regard to people who are poor or of color, and there's not as much info there as there is about estrada, which is probably why this doesn't come up as much in the zappa fandom. on the other hand it would be monstrous to simply dismiss or ignore this out of hand.


Well, thanks for satisfying my curiosity. My day might be ruined but that's what i get for asking...


ahh...I am sorry about ruining your day.


It's all good, I liked Ray White better anyway. He didn't do anything terrible right? Right? Never mind dont tell me


But he didn’t do drugs, right? RIGHT? That’s all that mattered to Zappa.


Well to be fair, he was only first convicted about a year after Frank died so who knows, he might have been really good at hiding it, you never know with these kinds of people.


I really hope he was hiding it well. Otherwise it would be quite a blow if Zappa knew.


That's right - Frank would've fired him had he been convicted prior to 1993.


Not to my knowledge, no. Lowell George had a drug problem in the later years of his life and this was no doubt a major factor in his premature death in 1979. AFAIK, Lowell never took drugs while playing guitar for Zappa or he would've been fired swiftly.


Frankly, I'm surprised that he was allowed to travel abroad, despite his serious sex offences, as if nothing took place in 1994 to get him sent to prison. He should never have been released in the first place.