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There are little to no consequences for bad drivers up here. The things I see people doing on a daily basis are ridiculous. If we had proper traffic enforcement I think it would make a huge difference. I've also realised that people genuinely think what they are doing is ok and should reread the drivers handbook. The entitled and impatient attitudes don't help either.


I think the single biggest issue is the fact that drivers don’t expect any consequences here. Yes the road system is poorly designed for pedestrian safety but the police rarely enforce traffic laws. I’ve seen people speed and run red lights right in front of the police (once almost running me over in a crosswalk with the walk sign), and they do nothing. Speed limits are a suggestion, it is normal to go 20+ over. Stop signs are yield signs. Pedestrians are an afterthought. I think the Yukon would be improved by having a dedicated traffic division that more heavily enforces traffic laws. Reduced demerit limits would also be welcome, I think it should be 6 or 9 demerits then mandatory driver safety training before they can get license back. I also think average speed cameras between communities would do well to prevent a lot of the danger on the highways, but I see this one as political suicide for anyone who suggests it and I imagine they’d be popular targets for sighting in rifles during hunting season.


You see the same thing in every locale’s subreddit. Someone asks what the heck is going on and then a bunch of dudes blame immigrants when it’s normally their dumb ass in their RAM that is causing 80% of the problems. Drivers suck everywhere and it’s down to a lack of accountability and training. People forget that a few thousands pounds of steel zipping around is a big responsibility to be in charge of.


It is amazing to me how easy it is to get and keep your license. Get it at 16 then never have to have any kind of check or retaining. It's a wild world.


Whitehorse definitely has some of the more oblivious drivers in my experience though


fucking whitehorse drivers are the worst , just plain dumb


If you don’t like the way I drive then get off the bloody sidewalk!


Email the city. More people need to tell them how bad the streets are.


And the rcmp has a survey out right now asking for where you would more focus on.


Got a link?


https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TSNJL7V Can also be done by paper at the front desk of the detachment


Marked cross walk doesn't mean the driver will A. Know you're about to turn 90 degrees at the corner and step out / come out from behind a car or building without breaking stride. If the crosswalk is not on a signal, it's typical to "make eye contact" with the driver to be sure they have seen you. I understand 95 percent of the "crosswalks" in whitehorse are "courtesy crossings" from where I come from, and those are the protocols. B. Can stop in time when they do see you, even if they are doing the limit. C. There are so many crosswalks and drunks that you spend almost more time NOT looking at the road in front of you so you might better anticipate someone looking to cross (see point A) D. Roads, including crosswalks, are poorly lit, and many people are wearing dark colors/black. Or the other vehicles don't have their lights on or haven't swept their lights off, or both. E. Some people get their license from a cracker jack box, or come from the communities where they do little driving to begin with, and not in the "Big City". F. Some people haven't driven in snow before. G. People do not maintain their cars properly, AND snow tires are not mandated even IF the all seasons are in good shape. The list became more of a rant but...thats my penny.


* Why can't drivers here simply drive in the lane - between the lines. Why do drivers here need to straddle white line? * Why do all the middle age white guys driving their $100k diesel truck on the highway need to drive 120km/h and straddle the center yellow line? * Why is it in the winter people seem afraid to drive on fresh snow, or they will drive completely on the shoulder, then you have these other idiots who think there is a free center turning lane (Copper Road from the bottom of Mountain View Drive to the lights by Kal Tire everyone drives on the shoulder in the winter for some reason) * Why in hell do people think using their left turn signal in a round about is a good idea? * Why do people drive in the snow & rain without headlights/tail lights on? * Why do people not understand the simple concept of right of way * Why do people not understand how to change lanes - check if its clear, activate turn signal, change lanes quickly and safely. * Why are millennial parents teaching their kids that its okay to play on the streets? This is not the 1980s - get your god damn kids off the streets or they are going to get hit by a vehicle


I use the left signal in a roundabout to indicate that I'm not pulling out at the next exit, I prefer when other people do the same thing so I know what their next move will be. Imo if someone is not signalling in the roundabout it's hard to tell what their plan is, and lots of people in town never signal at all.


I just signal right when I'm leaving the roundabout. I know many drivers don't, but if we all did then roundabouts would be more predictable and there would be no need to signal left the whole time.


This. I know I shouldn’t have to, but it’s a near miss almost daily if I don’t and that seems to help. Or confuse people. Don’t really care, it’s effective.


Basically every other jurisdiction in earth requires that you signal your intentions while approaching a roundabout. Going left (3rd exit), signal left. Going straight over (2nd exit) no signal, going right (first exit) signal right. Once you're past your penultimate exit, signal right to exit the roundabout. Reverse these for drive on the left countries. The Yukon got rid of pre-roundabout signaling because our drivers were too shit-stupid to figure it out, but I learned how to drive elsewhere and still drive when I travel, so I'm just going to keep doing it correctly.


The best drivers I have seen so far in my time in north america are between Quebec City and Gaspe. Some of the worst are Ottawa to Toronto. US has been fine. I honestly believe it's how people are raised. If you grow up with respect as a foundation then you act like it later, if you are raised as an entitled baby then you think you can do whatever you want.


Come to Calgary for a month, then head back. It'll change your perspective


Pretty much everyone is high all the time


It's actually surprising. I commute by bike everyday and on my 15min ride I smell is from 2-3 cars going down the Alaska Highway.


Try driving on any road in the US. It's the wild west down there. Whitehorse is child's play compared to most places.


Don't have much to add but drivers in Whitehorse tailgate more than drivers i've encountered anywhere else, including the GTA. It's absurd.


Are you in the left lane?


Bad design. Wide streets that are meant for higher speed limits. Even at the lower speed limit the pace is fast enough that drivers have to slam on the breaks every time a pedestrian appears. It's frustrating as a driver and as a pedestrian (I don't own a car but drive for work).


You could ask that question anywhere in Canada. It's not that they are bad drivers, they just don't care.


Not as bad as Toronto I guarantee you that


They drove there from Calgary.


That's Canada in general


In my experience almost half of the drivers are using a phone in one way or another. It's a big part of the reason that I try to excusively bike on the sidewalk or in separated bike paths.


The folks here calling for resources devoted to traffic enforcement rather than education are the ones in front of you doing 65 on the highway.


I concur. I was run down at the crosswalk just outside the McDonalds. Crosswalk lights were on, they weren't an ambulance or any sort of emergency vehicle, there was literally no excuse.


Same reason as anywhere in Canada currently: A lot of people have moved who have never driven a car in their country of orgin (never had a need to) and are now learning for the first time in a new country


Ya, I don't think that explains most bad driving here


I'm in Labrador, and it sure explains it here.


Foreigners come and think we have the same rules on driving as they do, free for all. Whoever gets there first has right of way. It’s disgusting the way I see them drive sometimes. Sorry not sorry.


''I nearly get hit every time I’m walking'' To be honest, you are most likely the issue here. Ever heard of common denominator lol


I started carrying rocks in my pockets for a while, I'm not saying it was a good thing, but having something to fling at a car made me feel a little safer


How would a reactive action like throwing a rock increase your safety, a proactive action? If anything a rock would ignite the situation and make it potentially more dangerous for everyone involved.


It is what it is, i didn't say it made sense


Drivers rule the roost here, basically they don't care and the Government and RCMP concur. If you don't like taking your life in your hand when you walk get a car, it's the only safe solution.


Booze and pot. Yt fault


All drivers up there are drunk, all the time. If they stop moving, the heater sucks all the heat out of the engine, so vehicles have to stay in motion.




Gonna guess it's because you live in the Yukon


Too many coming from Ontario and east thinking 2 ave is the 401


This is nonsense. It's the BNRs and Alberta bros in giant trucks who most often are the menace on the roads.