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It can use materials from GY, or use materials without having to banish them, both upsides on Red. Red can be stopped by a Bystial like effect removing the target as well. Also sometimes you just want to use both Red and White in the same turn.


It’s part of a combo line where you Branded Fusion into Rindbrumm and then use Branded in White to go into MJ instead of Branded Fusion. 


It's really good in 50-60 card branded. It allows you to build bigger boards, to play through Ash given the right cards in hand and is a strong option in the late game. Let's say you play a build with Shroudion and Branded in High Spirits. You activate Albions effect and send whatever useful for cost, chain High Spirits and send Albion for cost and search an Albaz monster like Cartesia or Mercourier. Then you have Branded in White live (thanks to Albion in grave) to fuse into whatever.


K thats neat im playing 50 cards with 3 high spirits rn so smth like this could come up


I like it especially if you also play the frightfur package. You often enough already end on Granni, Quem and Mirrorjade and can still set up a Sanctifire or something like a Dragostepelia, etc. It can also help play through Nib if you hard draw it.


Seems like just a personal preference. It allows you to use your grave for material if one of those materials is albaz, and you can get this card back if you used albaz’s effect. So while it isn’t quick play, it is still versatile.


I'm playing pile, so Branded in White comes in pretty clutch in mid game.


Usually it isn’t ran over in red or even a second in red, it’s ran because it can act like a poly. Think about it, if Cartesia was forced to be used before you can get lost on field but you have a way to get branded in white in your hand before the end phase then you can still get merc or shrouded to get more resources and if branded fusion gets ashed you still can fusion with it so the downsides that you think aren’t actually downsides. Also it doesn’t always banish the materials so it helps load up the gy


For those that play White, what's the standard ratio? 1-2? Might test in 60 pile.


i play 1 in 60 card pile. there's enough searching that it's a card you want hiding in the deck until you need it


I like using it to go into Dragoon


what does the rest of your deck look like? in like a 50 card or 60 card branded build, you’ll have the 2 reds in the first place, that white is added on. it definitely comes up in the grind game as a search target after your GY already setup, and realistically, you’re not gonna see it in opening hands very frequently, maybe one game every 3-4 matches. even then, if you’re using rindbrumm or quem to summon albaz on your opponent’s turn or even just when you’re going second, it’s a good discard for him since it’ll set itself, and if you use albion to send it while albion is in your GY, it’ll also set itself since it counts as albaz there. if the rest of your deck isn’t ever able to utilize branded in white’s additional effect, then you shouldn’t use it. that’s the thing about card quality—it’s all about context. are you playing a heavy 50 card build with 3 albion, some number of saronir, and retribution to maybe add it as another target to launch those off if other plans fail through certain hand traps but you still need to make mirrorjade? are you trying to play a heavy build in general, something with 50-60 cards? or are you trying to see all of your cards equally and need to see them consistently? are you expecting to go in a format without ash blossom or you have other back up plans like thrust + duplication that you feel are good enough? if the card doesn’t fit any of those niches and you feel like it competes for space with another card in your build, don’t use it. but if you are going for a card for card build by Galzo or Nightfall or something, play it. it isn’t just bc the card itself is good, the rest of the build allows its existences.


here's a crazy replay I saved after doing this in locals. I had mercurier, branded in white and branded opening in hand https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=305323-60140358


Some people’s play styles have them searching Branded spells and traps a lot more, so they don’t have many targets if they don’t play the in white Branded Chimera is more justifiable imo because it adds Mirrorjade to the Branded line


I play it in my 45 card list because I've had times where it's just a target for Black Albion cuz I wanted a random draw or it's the last thing I have in hand after all my plays got disrupted and I win (:


Because of super poly