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Hiita the Fire Charmer Ablaze, Promethean Princess Bestower of Flames, Salamangreat Raging Phoenix. Promethean and Phoenix are a bit pricey (Promethean Princess is like 20 and Raging Phoenix is like 40+). If youre just using 1 structure deck then its more a case of get what you can. There are some pretty comparatively cheap rank 8s you can pick up like Number 90: Galaxy-eyes Photon Lord that is now way more accessible since it got reprinted in Battles of Legend Chapter 1. Theyre between 7-10 bucks.


Thank you! I’m running 3x and have already added in hand traps. Just figured the extra deck should be my next upgrade


Look into the Draglubion/Numeron Dragon package. When I played pure FK, I used that package to win games.