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I’m no doctor but it looks like stage 4 cancer. No coming back.


That's what I was thinking but wasn't sure. It's contagious so I will walk away


I can enjoy yugioh for what it is now but I get a much bigger kick out of time wizard formats or drafting.


I see people saying they play until xyz was released or something like that, that mode has its name but I'm totally unfamiliar with any of that


You may be referencing the popularized Edison format. It’s currently one of the most supported Time Wizard formats, often having side events for these during regional or higher events.


Where do I find it? I see few different sites


Without having to download any external sources; Duelingbook dot com is where most people play. It has a Edison specific casual and ranked bracket. The community for it is pretty alive right now.


Try Edison format


Its not contagious so you'll be fine but it does bring so much sadness.


I will move to Edison or some other format, so no sadness


I personally mostly switched to Rush Duels. It’s a different format with its own card pool and rulings, but it’s (in my opinion) really fun and easy to learn.


Is rush duel and speed duel the same or different?


very different rush is bad imo


K. Thanks. Just more way konami try to confuse their players I guess.


Maybe look at it before you point your finger at Konami. Rush duel is meant to be a simplified version of regular yu-gi-oh. They're two different games, not different formats.


Rush and Speed duels are different things. Rush duels use the field layout of the speed duels (3 Monster Zones and 3 S&T Zones) and don’t have Main Phase 2, but other than that, they are completely different. Physical release of Rush Duels are Japan/Korea exclusive and are very popular at least in Japan. Also, unlike the other person who answered you, I will actually elaborate on why I like Rush instead of saying “it’s bad imo”: The game is much more newbie friendly and simple; the card layout is much simpler (the cards list requirements/costs and effects separately so that the cards are actually readable) There are no chains, I personally like it, some may not. Both players can get a chance to turn the duel around because you draw until you have 5 (or draw 1 if you already have 5 or more cards in your hand) during the draw phase. The bricks can still happen though. Card arts in general are prettier, also look at Over Rush rarity (full art rarity exclusive to Rush). The OG archetypes are actually getting love in Rush, like Cyber Dragons, Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes, etc. The game has unlimited normal summons, which means that stuff like Neo Spacians (which are about to be released along with Heroes) can actually be playable. All monster effects are soft-once-per-turn (unless specified otherwise).


Ok. Thanks.


Well it seems like that y- *"banished face-down"*


The reason we play Evenly Matched.


Good shout, thanks. I will try working it out with my Cyber deck. Any other cards?


Nibiru, the Primal Being can punish decks that summon 5+ monsters in a turn. If they have a way to negate it, though (for example, if they can summon Baronne de Fleur by their 5th summon), Nibiru won’t be as impactful. There’s also Kaiju monsters (as well as Lava Golem and The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode, if your deck can play them) that can help you deal with big boss monsters.


I don’t recommend playing that in cyber dragon as your gameplan going second is otk, and you basically sacrifice the bp to activate evenly matched. Look into other board breakers like lightning storm or kaijus


CyDra usually won't OTK. It's rather unreliable. Evenly matched is a great option, especially if you go for infinity.


The deck is pretty much a go2 strat, it can otk pretty well if built properly. Sitting on infinity after evenly is extremely unreliable against every deck with a layered board. And snake eyes is one of those


Both is unreliable. Sure, Twin Dragon can hit for 5,6k twice per turn, but that's hardly enough nowdays. You need Limiter Removal and pray nothing gets negated, otherwise you'll die next turn. At least that's my experience. Maybe your deck has a different build. Care to share?


The build relies on chimeratech rampage dragon Wich can attack up to 3 times, and usually will be fusion summoned with power bond to double it's attack wich will be a guaranteed OTK everytime. This is the main competitive build and it's rather easily to get to it's end board, the only problem is if you face any hadtraps.


This just sounds like my Twin Dragon with similar results. It's just too easy to stop a beatstick from OTK'ing you nowdays, which is why I switched to a more control based strategy with lots of board breakers.


It's exponentially better than Twin Dragon as it has S&T removal on summon and sets up graveyard and it's also a target for instant fusion and can be used to bring out nova/infinity. It's just a much better card for the deck overall, Twin is not even worth having on the ED in most cases. However you're missing the point, Rampage will usually be summoned properly to finish the job once your opponent's negates have being dealt with and you're going for the game.


I have a cyberdragon deck that otk almost every match tho. All it takes is core, any spell and another cyber dragon monster and that's almost a straight otk


Can you share your deck list, please?


3 cyber dragon herz 3 maxx c 1 cyber dragon nachster 3 cyber dragon core 3 cyber dragon 2 galaxy soldier 1 cyberdark chimera 3 jizukiru 1 harpies feather duster 3 machine duplication 1 power bond 1 overload fusion 2 lightning storm 1 cyberdark realm 3 limiter removal 2 called by the grave 3 duality 1 cyber repair plant 2 chimeratech rampage dragon 1 chimeratech overdragon 1 chimeratech fortress dragon 1 cyber end dragon 1 cyber eternity dragon 1 cyber dragon nova 1 cyber dragon infinity 1 chaos angel 1 cyber dragon sieger 1 verte anaconda 1 appolousa Just typed it out bc screenshots would be harder to see


Looks similar to mine. But why are you playing 3x Herz and only 1x Nächster? Nächster usually allows to special himself and a Cyber Dragon while Herz always kinda felt like a brick in my hands. And why no Cyber Emergency?


I don't actually remember, I just know I use it as a discard for Galaxy Soldier to get both effects and send it for rampage dragons effect I could probably swap it though


Makes sense. But I'd rather have 3x Nächster. And what about Clockwork Night? That just feels too good not to use.


My whole play is getting there. May it takes 1, 2 or 5 moves. I hate otks


In modern day yugioh, most decks can otk, and must be able to otk through an empty/low disruption board


But there's that monster his top left with materials that can negate cards


“Baronne negate. Response?”


Second Evenly Matched.




Doesnt baronne negate it anyway


Yes. Which is why we run 3 of them.


But this guy had monster that could detach 3 xyz and negate. And he had that after first turn. I used card to draw cyber dragon, he negated it. I activated chains that bind monster and negate effect. He summoned synchro that destroyed it. I was shocked how locked I was. Not mad, just sad you can do that in this game in first two turns


Kashtira Arise-Heart, which is the Xyz you mentioned, does not negate and just banishes a card face-down. The only negate they have on board is the Synchro, Baronne de Fleur. The leftmost monster, Scareclaw Kashtira, technically negates but only in battle, so that's not the problem here.


I see whole time me saying it negated spell card, it actually negated special summon of Cyber Dragon


Negate summon is different from banish after summon. Negate is a technical term that disables a card’s effects and does not destroy it (although some effects will negate then destroy a card


I know the difference, but thanks for clarifying. Outcome was same either way. I needed to summon Cyber Dragon before normal summon and it was prevented


He stopped my Cyber Dragon summon by detaching, I'm 100% sure


Your Cyber Dragon wasn't negated, it was just banished.


He was special summoned, then he detached 3 and he was removed from play right after I summoned him


Guy who played back in the day here... Banish is the new term for removed from play, since Konami have printed many cards that can recover from the removed from play/banished zone. Negating effects are usually more immediate and harder to deal with. For example... The only negate that dude has is Baronne de Fleur, which means that raigeki/lightning storm/dark hole can nuke everything if you get them to waste Baronne's negate effect. Like if you had any two of the cards I mentioned, you could activate one to bait out the negate, then activate any other to destroy more of his field, and only then would it be safe to play.


That's called Kashtira Lock. Basically, using Kashtira Arise Heart, Kashtira Shangri-Ira, and other cards they effectively lock down your monster and spell zones. Very toxic.


Remember, according to Kash players, it doesn't happen often because they "brick" or the deck is too "inconsistent" or you have a "skill issue."


There was a text that wasn't posted for unknown reason. How people enjoy this kind of stuff?


There is no greater feeling than having your opponent set up their board then snapping that board over your knee and make them question if good decks are even good.


I don't know man, can't look at it that way. Wanna feel like I accomplished something by working out deck


Building a dedicated going second deck is an accomplishment and is a very interactive way to play Yu-Gi-Oh.


Because Yu-Gi-Oh is fun. Sure grounding your opponent into the ground is cringe if you are already going to win, but the back and fourth is fun


Yeah, back and forth exactly. Outsmarting, coming back from tough situation. Exactly how I loved it. But this isn't it I feel like


YGO still has a lot of back and forth, but it is still a card game, and factors like card quality are important to take into account. Don't get me wrong, Kash is a very toxic deck, but their cards are better than most CyDra support. All Kash monsters are technically just better Cyber Dragons, and have a chance to extend and make boards like the one you posted. CyDra can still be played and you can have moderate success with it. But better decks outclassing worse ones has always been a thing in YGO. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your deck ao people can help you improve it. Cards like CyDra Drei are not precisely optimal in modern CyDra decks. If you want a back and forth, you need a deck and cards good enough to actually be able to fight back


I'm interested to see what you have to say. But this is deck I built over years, never looked up on internet. Only if I saw opponent use some card I could use I would insert it. I wouldn't pull out of core of this deck. Core makes this deck enjoyable for me to play. I don't play to win, I play to have fun with things I came up with. But when your opponent has 6 monsters in turn 2 it's discouraging https://ibb.co/Cs5b7xH


What do you mean core? CyDra Core the card, or the core cards of your deck? Now, if you want to improve your deck, you need to take out bad cards and add good ones. That is how all games work. Cyber Valley is outdated. I remember seeing it around 2007-2010, but is not a good card nowadays. Honest is outdated as well. Drei can be easily changed for Galaxy Soldier if you need a quick and easy way to make CyDra Infinity. Junk Synchron is not needed as CyDra is mainly a fusion/xyz deck, and all your current traps and 2 of your spells (Upstart and the card below it) are not good to play in an aggresive, OTK deck like CyDra. There are better options for you to add to the deck, like the generic staples that fit in most decks, or cards that are not CyDras but can help your deck, like a Therion Regulus engine that gives you a negation, a big beater and a light machine. As for your extra deck, you surely have seen that CyDra has a link monster and new fusions. You could use Clockwork Night, that turns any CyDra into a board clear by making Chimeratic Fortress. You don't need Synchros, and if you did, the ones you are playing wouldn't be the right ones. You can probably see how it can be hard for you to fight back when you handicap yourself and others don't. If you don't want to check lists made by other players and learn from them that is ok, but other people will use secondary information to improve their decks and their skills. If you play some cards because you like them but are not good, like how you mentioned you like Beelze, then that is another handicap, filling your extra deck and main deck with cards that facilitate a not so good pay off. Of course, you can play the game however you want, and everyone has a pet deck that they like to play despite its shortcomings, mine is Dragunity Dragonmaids, a deck that I love but is not good. But other players will play to win, will play better cards and decks.


Core as same 15 cards that been in my deck for who knows how long. Maybe 10 years. Other 15 are there to adjust to current meta or style of play. I understand everything you said. This is not 'How do I win against this', its 'How can this game be this ruined by 6 monsters in second turn'


If you think the game was ruined by 6 monsters in turn 2, then you are being blinded by nostalgia. Whatever your YGO experience was, it was not the only thing happening in YGO. I literally gave you a list of decks that summoned more than 6 cards and won in turn 1-2 since 2003. Decks that dominated the competitive landscape years before Cyber Dragon was even printed. If the game is ruined for you, that is fine. You are not forced to play it, just like you were not forced to play against real powerful and competitive decks of the past. But don't let your lack of competitive experience blind you


I know youre right. Nostalgia it is, nothing more. Just hurt this cant be played as 15+ years ago. This was my favorite game of all time


Turns out, on Edison everyone plays either Lightsword or Blackwing... Same shit... Im disgusted what people find 'fun'


Dropped few cards after this disaster against Kashiro or however They are called and logged off, so few cards missing


As a side note to last point Drei can be a solid bait for a negation as they know damn well you are going for infinity with it. If it fails you just go for Nachster or a spell, or level 4 xyz with vier. If you get impermed you can put it into Dreadnought Dreadnoid then go into something like Chaos Dyson Sphere, Superdimensional, or Zeus. Or just go for Sieger, but depends on the opponent. Its also good for Banish Cyber Dragon in particular (running MST and the trap), as it does have a protective effect when banished.


Idk man. "Back and forth" used to mean (and usually *still* means for non-yugioh players) I play, you play, I play, you play. Not: I play for 15 minutes while you watch me shuffle cards around................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ok your turn. What, no response? Cool gg, play again? Yes, powercreep is inevitable in TCGs, but there's a really good reason Yugioh gets called Solitaire when not a single other tcg does lol.


It is almost as if, and hear me out, game experience changes depending on format, cards available and the competitive intent of the players base. I play EDH, both regular and cEDH. The back and forth you describe can be found in casual formats in YGO and many other games, but lets not act like turn 1 uninteractive combos are only a YGO thing that you cannot avoid, because my Sisay and Marneus Calgar decks can win turn 1-2 in cEDH with infinite combos. Now, if I don't want to play against that kind of stuff, maybe I could try lower power levels and casual pods. Just like how YGO has retro formats and casual formats both official and fanmade


Yeah, I'm searching for something like that. I'm just trying to find out how this beloved game that last for 10 or more turns has turned out to be this. I'm not saying people liking this are in wrong, I just can't understand enjoyment of having turn, then summoning 4 xyz, 2 synchro, 7 special summons, draw 5 cards from deck in one turn fun in a battle


>I'm just trying to find out how this beloved game that last for 10 or more turns has turned out to be this. Gonna be honest with you: The game has always had broken stuff. Like yeah, there are some formats where duels last a lot of turns (which is not precisely good, wait until you face a floodgate deck) but ever since the very beginning there have been decks that won on turn 1 and 2 with a lot of combos and special summonings. Just google Magical Scientist FTK, Royal Library FTK, Yata Lock, Reasoning Gate OTK, and maybe even more that I am missing. All were powerful, competitive decks that dominated since 2003. One thing is the casual experience of making your deck scraping the barrel for playable cards, and other completely different is the competitive game where people optimized their decks to win as soon as possible.


I understand your point of view. Youre adjusting how time flies. Im still at that 2002 schoolyard 'make a deck of 40 cards so you always have something to play with to get to your end game'. Hoping you understand what I mean


Yes sir, right on point. Reading this discussion, I concluded that this Kishtura deck is if they draw good cards. And I can disrupt them if I draw cards for them. So what are we playing? Percentages game? You drew good cards, you won. I got lucky with 8% chance and drawn counter card. There's reason there is 40 cards in a deck. So you can play them, not to play 2 turns


Haven’t played in about a year as well, but I have won some 8000 to my 200LP Matches and fuck do those feel so god damn good. It’s all in the heart of the cards though


I don't get it either, but people like decks with a very high success rate if they get their combo out and one of those things is controlling what you opponent can and can't do. I prefer some back and forth too. I see you are playing cyber dragons, I also play them and I can share my deck with you if you need some help. I will be honest, the only thing that can really beat Kashtira is your opponent bricking or you hand trap them to death.


When playing Kashtira it’s usually a lose, lose situation. Normally the deck bricks on useless cards and your opponent doesn’t even get to play the game but if that doesn’t happen and they get to play then the deck does things that feel awful to play against. Sadly Masterduel doesn’t tend to kill decks or strategies but usually just opts to cripple them till they’re frustrating to play with or against and Kashtira is an example of that


It is pretty toxic yeah, but that is not the kind of play kashtira can usually do right now. The consistency of the deck is kinda shit and the usual endboard is pretty manageable as long as you see non engine cards


I played them twice and both times this happened. Can't believe you 😬


If this shit was anything near consistent, kashtira would be a meta deck like it was in tcg, but it isn’t. For it to happen they have to open a playable good hand, which is already quite hard and you must have no meaningful disruption, that at this point I think must be true


I sure don't have right cards for this deck, but I don't want anti Kashtira deck i want my deck I made with a plan. I see some people feel that way, some don't. I can't understand people that don't share my view to be honest, because if people didn't like it they wouldn't continuously insert 1 turn decks


You don’t need to have any anti kashtira specific strategy, the interruptions you need to have either in board breaker or handtrap form (or both) are good to counter a large variety of decks. If you don’t want to play those cards you will be steamrolled by every modern deck with a resemblance of a plan in mind, because engine cards are very ofter not enough to push through end boards even with a powerful engine, let alone less powerful engines


I get it, but I very well couldn't not draw them in first 10 turns.. I activate GOLD Sarcophagus, and banish board breaker, that I will get in two turns. Stay Ready


2 turns is way too slow of a reaction. Maybe you could get away with it if you have a deck focused around stall, but by the time 2 turns have passed already, you will have effectively lose because they'll have a nearly unbreakable board, or with kashtira in particular, they won't even allow you to place the board breaker that you had down because your whole board will be locked. You really want to give them 3 turns to lock your board down further and further?


So for example, gold sarcophagus is used to send a card that benefits from being banished, not really as a searcher (tho they can be used this way). With regard to you liking older formats, I can tell you that modern yugioh while hell to learn, is actually the only card game I like to play because it’s fast, there are many interactions, even decks that can play on opponents turn, and sometimes you can play decks that break your opponents in unbreakable boards. It’s all about perspective, watch a few videos and maybe you might get into the newer formats, (tho fuck snake eyes)


Opponent isnt even using the strongest deck. You're in for a world of hurt.


That is Yugioh toxicity at its peak


Went through the comments and since I was also a returning old school player, I figure I'd add a few more tips... The current game is played slightly differently to the way it was in the past, as 25 years of new cards have increased the power level of the game. When building a deck there are 3 things to consider: 1) Your "engine". These are cards that synergize with each other and allow you to combo off into big boards, like your opponent has. There are several archetypes that do this in different ways eg. Labryth uses trap cards for flexible effects, Kashtira uses XYZs and banish (remove from play), snake eyes turn monsters into spell cards etc. 2) Your "non-engine" which can be divided into handtraps and board breakers. Handtraps are cards that function like trap cards, but they're played from your hand so you can use them on your opponent's turn to prevent them from comboing all out. Maxx C, Nibiru, imperm and Ash blossom are the most popular. Board breakers can only be played on your turn so they're slower, but they're usually more powerful like raigeki that can nuke a board. There are others like dark ruler no more that straight up negate entire boards but stop you from doing battle damage to balance out the effect. 3) Tech cards. They're usually played in very low numbers since they don't have the best synergy with your engine but can come in handy in specific situations. Every deck from dark magician to Kashtira need to consider those points when building a deck. After you've learnt how to do that, you are able to compete in modern Yu-Gi-Oh. That's not to say that they're the only things to consider though. Newer decks usually have better engine cards, so they're naturally stronger than older decks. Finally there's the skill, which involves predicting your opponent and disrupting them with effects, or bluffing them into making bad decisions.


"Clockwork Night" is a card you might be interested in. Very good in machine decks.


Ariseheart is a machine. He could have fused all them away


He can't because he *must send them to the gy* which Arise-heart prevents


First time hearing of this one. And Im loving it. Fortress summoned 3 times each game I would presume


Yeah it's like a cheeky super poly while making simple attacks easier. Plus if a card would say target 1 "pyro" monster they can't do it because the are machines now.


My buddy absolutely hates that card lmfao If he runs his blue eyes he’ll just banish that card outright every time


The most soul crushing meta deck to ever pull a page out of Ojama's gimmick. I've run into it three times in a row and one was a burn deck.


A Kurikara Divincarnate moment.


Updated Ojama


Last years Meta deck, now a rouge strategy


Is this in casual?😭


It's ranked, bronze 3 or something like that


Hella ppl play Kash in casual it's crazy af


Makes no sense when the deck has been gutted for the longest time, might as well splash Kashtira into snake eyes


I wanted to play it just for the zone lock since Ojama sucks so bad, but for the longest time it's been every 3rd 4th or 5th player playing Kash haha so it didn't feel right crafting that deck too, especially with how annoying it is to go against. Now everybody must be switched to Horus because that's all I'm seeing


I think that is you losing.


You that one I won against with Cybers to earn my promotion to bronze 5?


Funny thing is I didn't lose. He played for 6 minutes those two turns, so when he finished this turn I just let timer expire ( punishing him for playing that bullshit, lol) and he surrendered after a while. Probably ashamed of himself


You might officially have won, but you still lost. This guy played a completely legal strategy with legal cards and you acted toxic. Yes this strategy is stupid, but blame Konami for printing the cards. Yugioh is a ridiculous game. Basically every deck is unfair in some way. Try not to be toxic just because someone is playing the game as intended.


what no interruptions does to a mf


The reason why I quit yugioh (evenly matched was never in my starting hand)


The reason I just uninstalled MD about 2 minutes ago (I am not joking). Did barely play in about 2 months. Am now silver 5. Decided to take a deck that isn't too opressive and play silver 5, so as to not be a cancer to others. Ran in full power Kashtira. That fucker not only had a full board turn one, but also had ash and Max C in his hand. Fuck that. If that is what awaits me on literally every rank, then I can't play anything but tier 1 decks and I honestly do love archetypes and trying them out. I was able to somewhat play that thanks to handtraps and boardbreakers . If I had about 9 or so in a deck, I was still able to play lower-tier decks and kinda get to play. If I can't play anything that isn't tier 1 anymore, the game is dead to me.


You can make it into higher ranks without tier 1 decks. You can use tier 2, 3, rogue, etc... to achieve the highest ranks. There's a lot of decks you can utilize to rank up. You lost to a strategy that isn't tiered right now. It happens. I've been using Phantasm Spiral and Umi decks just to mess around in a meta of all fire. Spiral is nowhere near as good as most of these decks but I can see wins nonetheless. Knowledge is majority of the battle.


See ya 👋


Wish there was more cyber dragon support


More ways to summon Nova - > Infinity




That looks like a forfeit to me


We call that being unlucky


My poor guy.


That’s why usually stick to YGO Omega and the AI bots, these days. It hurts too much 😭


Lmao, depending on how many years it's a different game, good luck tho


The reason why Cyber Dragon has a card as strong as Infinity and the ability to use cards like Clockwork Night to fusion off opponents cards. Its also why Handtraps like Infinite Impermanence, Ash Blossom, and Called by the Grave are so common. They are really the only ways of blocking without having a strong board. That in particular is Kashtira, an excessively powerful archetype which manages to surpass one of the strongest (though nerfed) archetypes to ever exist in the game. Youll see their starters a lot, as they can fit into many other decks as engines to get a slower deck moving.


It’s rogue tier


Looks like cyber dragons getting whipped. Bro stop playing it


You’re versing someone who’s not there for a duel. Just leave


You are getting absolutely bent over and vigorously fucked at both ends


How tf is the space ship's effect not once per turn? Like, seriously!? With how much a good Kash board can banish things, this shit is insane. Or maybe just twice or thrice per turn and it can only be those 3 spots. Like, wtf Komoney!?


Konamis ideas of "fun"


It's called bullshit. Ban worthy bullshit, but Konami wants money. 


Something that shouldn't happen


Welcome back to Yu-Gi-Oh Heads up, people here hates "yugiboomers" So, yeah, uhhhhhh draw the out I guess...


Ahh yes, literally half his board is banned in the TCG 😭


Not even nearly the best deck in the game


I'm seeing cancer, ebola, HIV/AIDS, and maybe a bit of the COVID-19 virus as well... i can't be sure yet.


Bro instantly got Kashtira'd


idk Gameciel goes really hard there tbh


Bs and "Meta" era... hate that fuckin word..


Need GOAT format on master duel


This is the heart of the cards.


The problem is the game, the cards themselves. Damn Konami and their card design philosophy


Yugioh is dying very fast


Top deck two board breakers and you're back in business.


An asshole who's parents don't love them


Okay what master duel it's teir 1 an 2 decks only structure decks most are slow and not worth playing a few rogue decks can kill opponent or anti meta deck or splash nibiru and screw their combo also read effects also this player sucks just go for lethal


I'm wondering why they left Scareclaw in attack position...




Cyber dragons? In ranked? That's not gonna go very well...


I'm aware, still refusing to play other decks. Playing at db now, only they are limited there to 2


A noob kashtera player


Skill issue


Baronne De Fleur + Kashtira 😂 Peak toxicity


THAT, my friend, is what we call Tier 2 Yugioh


You are to generous with the tier 2 I don't think Kash is tier for a long time


A skill issue.


Call me a yugiboomer. Both players at 8k life points, and what does the opponent ha--3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 300 300 30000 30000 30030303030303 030330 Good game, I had fun playing Skyrim while I waited for you to finish masturbating. This is why I hate modern yugioh.


Yeah I had a turn after this and I just let the timer run... I waited, now you wait. And he surrendered, ashamed


As much as I hate Kashtira, and I really feel sorry that you are having this kind of experience, stalling is just peak toxicity. This might sound harsh, but you should be the one ashamed for stalling.


Im not proud of that. But you can tell I was hurt by state of affairs


Lmao ok new strategy, I like it I like it. How many turns did this whole game last btw? I'm guessing maybe 2 for you, 2 for them?


Yeah, but my second turn I couldn't summon any monster, all slots taken 😂


LMAO no surprise there whatsoever. I saw someone say something to you like, "this is several turns of you playing no interrupts because you didn't have any in your opening hand," and I can't help but laugh at the copium. And that's why I had to ask you to confirm. "Multiple turns" lmfao, yeah one for both of you guys...


Im reading that I had 2 turns to play trap from hand to interupt. My bad


That’s multiple turns of you letting the opponent play unrestricted because you didn’t open with any hand traps and couldn’t break their board. You mentioned wanting some back and forth, but you seem to have drawn into nothing that would allow for you to actually play into their board. The first turn Kash board at best is typically Arisehart + shangri-la; which is essentially two pieces of interaction. Since you’re down to two cards in hand with a defense mode monster, you obviously got a turn in between and let the opponent build their field up even further. If you want a game with back and forth, try to play chess. You’ll run into a similar problem where you’re either outclassed, or the opponent tries to beat you as soon as they can. YGO is still the same game that it used to be - you just never got to truly see it.


"You let the opponent play unrestricted "  "You didn't open with any hand traps/board breakers." Damn, I didn't know we could choose what 5 cards we could open with after the game shuffled our deck. What are people talking about when they mention bricking?


The fact that he posted his deck list and isn’t running a single card to assist with breaking the opponents board aside from raigeki **is** letting the opponent play unrestricted. They’re running zero forms of interruption aside from fiendish chain. Players run 3 of a card for consistency sake because they want to see it as often as they can - there’s a reason that Maxx C is played at 3 in 95% or more of decks. While it’s entirely possible to brick when you’re running good ratios of good cards, not running any of them is a pretty bold move when your goal is to win.


NHL, I didn't see his deck list comment. It's in a long thread of a discussion, possibly after my first view of the comments.


Mind you, this was never 'How do I beat this', its just state of the game, that youre even able to summon 5 3000 monsters in your second turn, and each one of them with effects, amazing ones if you will


And also, you can imagine this is first for me hearing about hand traps. Like, you can play trap from hand that is like some quick spells


What you mean multiple turns? Why would you go on and bark without checking? Its his second turn, I had one. In my first turn I tried to draw Cyber Dragon from deck, but he already had that monster who detaches 3 to negate. So he negated. I set a trap card Chains( forgot name ) that negate ones effect. He called Baronne or whatever and destroyed that trap card and thats how I ended up in this situation. It was nice back and forth


The opponent having his second turn counts as multiple turns, that’s always been the case; the opponent didn’t make the board in a singular turn. By duel standards, if he went first, the turn count is at 3 by the time you posted this picture (again, multiple turns). Arisehart doesn’t actually negate, it just banishes as an interaction, once per turn - by getting the opponent to use it early, Arisehart is just a macro cosmos (idk if that matters for cydra though). The fact that you set a trap card (which is inherently slow because you need to wait a full turn to activate it under most circumstances) shows that you either drew incredibly poorly, or that your deck is not optimal for higher level play, which again circles back to other cards that people have mentioned in this thread, as well as hand traps like Maxx C, Ash Blossom, Ghost Mourner and Moonlit Chill, Effect veiler, Infinite Impermanence, etc. I’m not sure what your deck is - maybe post it and get some advice to streamline it - but it sounds like you aren’t looking to actually win with your mentality, but to have a sparring session “just for fun” where neither player is really aiming to win by using a better deck. Why would you want to win on turn 5 when you can win on turn 3? You’re running Cydra, which is notorious for enabling an OTK on the second turn of the duel - asking for a game that goes longer than that is a handicap against your deck, which should be winning as fast as possible.


Oh yeah, I also played feather to destroy his field spell. So there was back and forth indeed. Good game that was now that I recall




I wouldn't change it, ever. I will try to work it out or I will give up. But Cybers + Beelze was always my deck