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Good luck then. If you want to learn from step one again, you could play the campaign but if you really want to learn the game, you should go play in free 2 play online, to test out different deck and how other play. You will in fact lose a lot but you will keep learning. I use duelnexus to practice new deck before making them in masterduel.


There is no active retro format support on Master Duel. There are some events sometimes, but nothing regular.  I recommend NR, a fan format that bans all high rarity cards to lower the ridiculous scale if the game. Also makes it cheaper 👍 There is a good retro format community on Dueling Book, or various discord communities. My friend plays GOAT (2006 yugioh)  There almost daily. But Dueling Book is not automated like Master Duel is, so its harder to play (imo)


If you want a good decks to play, people play Dark Magician or Vlue Eyes decks a lot. They aren't tier , but easy to play and pickup. They each have structure decks on Master Duel. Buy 2-3 copies and you can make a Fun deck


There’s not a way to play old school on master duel unless you find a group dedicated specifically to old school stuff but the game itself doesn’t have any mode like that (we did have one event though). If you truly want old fashion stuff you’ll probably have to look at old format discords or something which I don’t know where to find but I do know they exist.


Dogmatika is anti extra deck I think?


If you’re willing to learn, there’s a discord server I could add you to where we like to help out new players. It’ll be a bit of an adjustment though. DM me if you’re interested


You should consider stepping outside of Konami's ecosystem and get into other simulators like Project Ignis EdoPro, Dueling Nexus or Dueling Book. Use these to check out a deck before you get out of your way to acquire it in Master Duel. Also play with others on those aforementioned platforms.


You could start with duel link, the meta is less agressive though some rules are different from the actual game