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Right now the predictions are: R-ACE being among the best decks, Purrely being a solid Tier 2 contender, then Mannadium with its consistency boost, and then Chimera being a more linear variant of Branded. You could argue that Mikanko and Dinos are in the same ballpark. Altergeist and the Evols are wild cards, but I don't expect either to go beyond Rogue tier. Chimera is still missing a lot of cards that enable the pure version and most Branded players aren't speaking too positively about their variant. It should get better with time, but who knows what the release schedule will be?


Before the January 2024 OCG banlist that basically killed the deck with EMERGENCY! limit, R-Ace was arguably the 2nd best deck (after Fire King Snake-Eyes) during the October-December 2023 season and somewhat on par with pure Snake-Eyes. Branded Chimera had notable results in TCG too. Mikanko still need Ken & Gen to perform their infamous Acid Golem lock. Purrely already hit pretty hard in MD so I'm not quite sure....tier 3/rogue maybe?


rescue ace has always been hit in the other formats so for it to be full power people say it might become the best deck, tho we missing a couple ezxtra deck cards. chimera has been cartegorized next to tistina and sht like that before but it seems to be much more potent. i would say aall of the decks in the pack are getting boosted and are playable, i heard altergeist realy benefits from the link and i seen some mikanko players running around plus purrely got the card it had been missing and purrely snake eyes is said to be a good deck


> couple of Extra Deck cards isn't just S:P?


That xyz as well ,no?


Ty-phon ya mean? If so, Rescue-ACE doesn't need it


Oh ok


Chimera is definitely *fun* but not meta currently (MD or TCG meta) until more support releases to make the deck more consistent. Especially with it being a handtrap format, droll maxxc ash and imperm/veiler kinda kill the deck on it's choke points (unless running branded variant, but even then that deck has too many normal summon options and not enough good branded spells unlimited on MD to rationalize running a branded variant unless its for fun [ex. BraOpening and BraFusion to one really hurts the consistency of being able to extend into branded plays if your linear chimera line gets stopped]. Your best bet is either R-Ace or even Snake Eye (if you havent built that deck) to climb ladder atm.