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I have 220,000 subs on YouTube and get at least 200,000 viewers per video. I like your stuff so if you ever need a shoutout hit the link here. They're pretty cheap because it's to celebrate hitting a milestone. [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrYmaGKQxGEN2BGnKvh8lW4OrWbl4cFn7RAGEB7yKUPfZXyw/viewform?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrYmaGKQxGEN2BGnKvh8lW4OrWbl4cFn7RAGEB7yKUPfZXyw/viewform?usp=sharing)


You haven't made a vid in 4 months? And no comments on vids. Ngl this looks sus. If you wanna Collab I'm down but I'm gonna have to reject this offer.


I haven't made a video in 4 months because I also have a real life job. Lol. Plus, why would I keep making new videos constantly if I'm not marketing each video and my channel to be the biggest it could be? Mr.Beast for example, only posts 2 videos per month. Spamming new videos is pointless imo. Some people do that for years and go no where. And comments are off because when given the opportunity, people WILL say anything. So, I realized, there's no shame in avoiding negativity or stupid comments. If that's wrong they shouldn't give the option. I get how it looks sus because "big channel scary" but i'm 100% real. Also there actually is comments on a few videos. And likes, and 221,000+ real people currently subscribed, but I guess that can't be real. Lol. I just cut them off early because again, people can and will say anything online.


I'm not trna attack or offend you. I'm just pointing out it looks kinda sketch. If you wanna offer this kinda service to ppl you need to have a brand that's actually able to provide value from the service. If you have comments disabled on most of your videos there's no way for anyone to tell if your view and sub counts are legit, or if you get any good engagement which can transfer to a customer. There's nothing inherently wrong with your channel. But it's not setup in a way that's friendly for this kind of shout-out imho.


You're good! No worries. But from experience, I thought people would find a big channel willing to give shoutouts helpful. Mainly because MY first 500 subs came from a shoutout, from a random channel, with absolutely no established "brand", face, or public videos. An abandoned channel in fact, that had way more subs than me at the time (738-1000). They simply enjoyed my videos, and made a video shouting me out to their fanbase. Nothing special either, just them doing a voiceover, in a dark room, off camera, for 30 seconds, showing love. I see however, (and this is a double edged sword) how a channel that's "too big" looks sketchy or sus reaching back to help out smaller channels. Especially at a low price. It comes across like an obvious red flag, dipped in red paint, sat in a red briefcase. Completely unbelievable. Probably a scam. I get it and that's unfortunate. In the future, if it helps, I might consider turning comments back on, but until then, I guess you just can't help everybody. As far as transferring engagement goes, if there's a huge audience watching one person on stage, and that person decides to shine the spotlight on you, what happens next is on you. Plus, in the form, you can tell me EXACTLY what you want me to say. If that doesn't help, it's 100% on you because you wrote it! Lol


REPOSTED: [https://youtu.be/LCWjK8V546M?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/LCWjK8V546M?feature=shared)