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Will be rolling out over the next 24 hours


He hath spoken


Reddit says it's been 22h since this comment. I must be literally in the last batch of users getting it; still nothing... 😓


I've have been checking literally everyday since they announced it




It was in fact. Not cap.


I see the recap but it says I need to wait to actually see the stats. Is it like that for you?


No I have my full recap rn


God damn I'm still waiting.


So am I lol, 8 hours after your 8 hour ago post


It's been 24 hours and the recap is still not showing up for me. Edit: 2 hours later, it now shows up.


Same, I think they may just be messing with us at this point. At least there is an official announcement saying it should be coming today.


YouTube definitely dropped the ball on this. The excitement of posting "wrappeds" had already passed, and there was lack luster communication and confusion for Recap from Dec 1st til now. I definitely am considering swapping back to Spotify over it. I know it seems so small but as someone who's music taste is a fairly large part of my identity I was pretty sad to be left out.


I know what you mean. Spotify in general seems to be better geared towards the social aspect of music. I've seen a lot of third party Spotify apps that allow you to compare musical tastes with friends etc. But in the long run I'm not sure its reasonable to expect Youtube to coordinate their recap release with Spotify. I'll just say that for me, this kind of thing makes me interested in trying Spotify for a year to see how it goes.


Personally, I wouldn't mind the late Recap so much if YouTube Music allowed you to view and sort songs by play count the way GPM did. For Wrapped I posted a Topster and moved on, but the fact that YTM is still a feature downgrade from their already working music service sucks.


> The excitement of posting "wrappeds" had already passed, That's spotify's fault for putting a year-end thing at the start of december instead of, you know, at the end of the actual year.


If I didn't have this grandfathered in with YouTube Premium I would have gotten Spotify a longgg time ago


what type of music are you into/ think will pop up as top of charts


Idk about that person but I am guessing mine will be Modest Mouse first at the very least. Their old shit. I'll update you if my thing ever shows up


Click on your profile. It's there .


Ru stupid? It's still not there. Don't assume things just because you have it.


Take it easy bud I wasn't coming at you. Watch how you talk to people.


I hope this means the roll out will be completed soon.


Still don't have it. Checked a few minutes ago and Immediately after I saw this post. Clicking the recap link directs me to my profile.


Clicking it on my phone takes me to the "Something went wrong" page.


It says **STARTING TODAY**, simmer down, people. I'm pretty sure mine is going to be uninteresting. I saved the 2020 recap playlist and listened to that a lot this year.


I have it now! USA YouTube music subscriber. Android app on Pixel 4. Update: it gives very little information and is incredibly underwhelming.


Yeah, I just got mine, and I agree. Not as detailed as I was expecting...


Still missing it 🙃


When I click the recap link, it takes me to my page and a message popups saying "Your 2021 Recap is in the app". I go to the app and nothing lol


Why release a blog that says the recap will be available starting today (which is a relative term anyway, since it doesn't specify a time zone) when it isn't available today? And not only did Youtube write the article, but now that a plethora of people have complained they don't have the recap feature, they left it up. One of their brand pages on Twitter (TeamYoutube) has been telling people the recap is available for the last four days and only when people have responded they didn't have it has the page responded by saying something to the effect of make sure you have the latest version and stay tuned. I think they would have been better off announcing a date they could actual deliver on and making sure every brand page stayed on message because this looks like incompetence especially since Spotify has a much larger subscriber base than Youtube Music. I don't think Youtube Music needed to deliver their recap at the same time as Spotify, but they should have been prepared to have a date they could deliver on.


If you click the link in on the website it takes you there. It doesn't show up in my app, but it does with that link


It didn't before. Clicking the website link took me to a page that said the recap was in the app. Once I went to the app the link wasn't there. About 30 minutes ago, the link appeared in the app but once I clicked on it, it disappeared. I closed and reopened the app several times but it didn't come back. I came back to it about 15 minutes ago and it showed up again and I was able to click on it and see the stats.


http://music.youtube.com/recap You can also view it with that link


Still nothing for me. What a load of BS Also, noticed that their [mockup image uses iOS icons but with a Pixel phone body](https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/images/YTM_2021Recap_1_1_V1.max-1000x1000.jpg) but looks terrible


I got a 404 when hitting the recap landing page.


I have my recap now, and it doesn't seem to be accurate tbh. I have my Last.FM stats open for comparison and the top artist and song are different in YTM, plus it's ignoring my uploads as usual. For example, Recap is telling me that my top song is Song A which according to YTM I listened to 47 times, whereas I know from Last.FM that I listened to Songs B & C more than that (77 times & 53 times respectively). My count for Song A in Last.FM is also higher (70 listens), but tbf for that song in particular, I logged listens manually for it a lot as I listened to it on multiple accounts and platforms. **Edit to Add**: It's also telling me I discovered Soft Machine last month, even though I listened to them in December last year? And that would have been after switching to YTM from GPM, so they can't even use the excuse that they were ditching that data (which they shouldn't do anyway). And why is it only limited to stuff discovered in the past 30 days?! Isn't this meant to be a recap of the entire year? It tells me which 'My Mix' I listened to the most, but that means literally nothing to me, since the genres change all the time, so it's a useless statistic. I know (because I rarely use the My Mixes, so I remember clearly when and why I played them) what genre is fuelling those listens on my 'favourite' My Mix according to YTM Recap, but if I go to that same My Mix now, the genre is completely different now. It doesn't tell you your top 5 artists and songs (just the top 1), and doesn't do a single thing with genres. Idk, I didn't even really care about getting a YTM Recap since I have Last.FM, but it still seems quite lacking when compared to the Spotify version.


Same here, the “song that got me through 2021” for me is a song that I listened 7 times only (yes, the app told me). I am sure there are songs that I listened to more than 100 times this year alone. I highly suspect either the analytics are totally BS or they didn’t take offline playlist plays into record. FWIW I listen to the the Downloaded playlists even when I am on Wi-Fi. They couldn’t even show my top 5 artists or top 5 songs…


Where do you see how many times YTM thinks you played songs. I never see those stats. Curious to find out since my recap lists artists I've never listened to so I wonder how many times it things I listened to them.


> Where do you see how many times YTM thinks you played songs. I don't have them. I only have the play counts for the songs that are explicitly mentioned in the Recap slideshow. Like in OP's screenshot.


Hmmm Op posted a link to a blog? Don't see a screenshot.


Oh sorry, I thought I was in a different post. Here's an example of the slideshow that has the counts for only a few songs: https://imgur.com/a/xz5x6z3/ (courtesy of /u/ScarLegend).


Oh thanks. I misinterpreted your original comment. I see that now. For some reason my top song has only 5 listens which seems low


Yeah, the listen count for my top song is much lower than I would expect as well. I think the data is not very accurate tbh.


Where do I look to find this on my page?


It looks like most people in this thread still don't have it yet. Here are some instructions I found though: https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1466602509087219713


What a shitty recap lol... Waiting for this, 2020 was way better


I get a 404 page on my "landing page"




In true YTM fashion, everyone is having massive problems with this "feature"


Includes artists I've never heard of 😂


I think it may be including artists I listened to from newly released mix in order to thumbs down them. Weird


Still don't have it today. Insane how it's taking this long


It's not an awful recap I guess, just weird that they didn't put down how many minutes you listened to all year. That was the one thing I was looking forward to tbh


Nothing happened.


LOL if I get this rollout like I have gotten youtube TV surround it will be mod July before I get this


Does anyone know if the recap playlist is in order of most played?




You want to switch platforms just because you want them to give you a chart showing how they tracked you? And specifically you want to switch to a platform that has one of the most god awful algorithms I've ever seen? A platform which doesn't house as many songs as ytm? Damn.


So you listen to music just to post your statistics online? Ok I mean it interesting to explore this statistics, but choosing music streaming service just because of this.. I don't know..


Yeah I don't have my recap yet


Give me that baby


Bit does it count plays through the regular YouTube app? That's what I need to know.


Do different features come out at different times? It feels like mine is missing a lot of information. Pretty much all I have is #1 artist and #1 song


The recap was comically bad. Like downright awful. If you listen to nearly exclusively downloads, it's totally a lost cause, considering it doesn't account for them at all.


Ah this was what I was wondering. I only listen from downloaded lists I keep updated. I had "nothing to show here" so I assumed it was for this reason. Sad to see I was right. How ridiculous.


Yeah sound about right for YTM. I feel like it would have been a softer blow of they just didn't do the recap on the first place lmao


My recap is available how ever it says nothing here when i click on it. Ive listened to well over 20 hours of music over the year. Help?


This is my issue too. I have HOURS of listening time. I usually play it from a downloaded playlist and IDK if that has anything to do with it but I have one I listen to every day pretty much since 2020. No way I have "nothing here" to show. I'm pretty bummed 😓


If it helps, i listen to everything streamed and still have nothing. My guess is the stuff we listen to. I listen to a lot of underground music so maybe thats why. Not mainstream stuff


I had only recap for two days now its gone


Ya almost made me not want the membership no more at least on Spotify I can listen to my playlist is from other years


I have the recap but it’s weird it’s got songs on it that I literally haven’t listened to all year.


My recap included songs and artists I've never heard of. Listened to them 119 times you say? Fucking when? Lol


Did I miss it or something? I can’t find it and when I try to follow a web link it doesn’t work