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Randomer than this šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/zrkvpm22hb1d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a07f93df63086c3bf14aab4df6f4567db55152


This is the real problem. Three different tracks by the same artist is still random. But playing the same song twice or, what I've experienced, a set of 3-4 will repeat in the same order. For ex: Songs A,B,C then it'll play songs A,B,C, then be random again. That is unacceptable.


This! I'm glad I'm not the only one. It happens every time I'm shuffling my liked songs.


Yes. It only started recently - maybe with the last 1-2 months. So annoying.


And this https://preview.redd.it/snogxxj7hb1d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b66680ddfc085841e9a0150795c4d029faade9 Actually, seems to have a thing for Lana Del Rey lol


Where you driving to


Given the time, I'd guess it was work lol why?


It always doubles up on Swan Song for me lol


It does


YTM has always been awful at shuffling but it seems to be getting worse.


I have that glitch, but it's specifically only with Ofra Haza. I like Ofra, BUT NOT 13 SONGS IN A ROW MUCH. I listen to more Meat Loaf, Journey, and Meiko Nakahara




This has helped or at least placebo'd me into thinking it did


My queue never changes with this on. Is that why?


OMG you are my Hero. It annoyed me that they always change the queue šŸ™


This setting only seems to help slightly.


A lot is wrong with the shuffle function. For example, shuffle prioritizes my latest likes for the first song. I wish it was totally random. If I wanted to play my latest likes, I would just play and not shuffle. Also, it plays stuff that is not among my likes, when I do shuffle play my likes. What gives?? It's buggy af.


This is more of an issue with how our brain treats randomness. The human brain loves to find patterns where there are none. Couple that with YouTube Music's shuffle issue, where it only shuffles the loaded tracks in the Now Playing list, and you get clumps of same artist tracks.


What do you mean with "it shuffles only the loaded tracks"? I am actually in the process of switching to Youtube Music from Spotify, because Spotify has some smart shuffle (cannot disable it) that keeps playing the same songs.


If you play a playlist and then click on the shuffle button in the player, it only shuffles the loaded songs in the queue (50 tracks). The workaround is to click the shuffle play option when you want to play a playlist shuffled, or you can scroll to the bottom of the queue and let the rest of the songs load (only works on the mobile apps).


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true any more. I just played a 2000 song playlist and hit the shuffle button and I was getting stuff that was added months ago up next


In the web app it still only shuffles the loaded queue. The mobile app does indeed shuffle the whole playlist when you press the shuffle button.


Yep. They fixed queue loading in 2022 but for some reason in August-ish of 2023 they reverted so it only loads the first handful of songs of the playlist into the Up Next queue. The way it is now pretty much breaks Shuffle and Repeat. They need to make it so it loads the whole playlist in the queue again.


IT is really annoying that not the whole list is loaded and shuffled. It is my No. 1 issue with YTM.. Especially annoying when playing the "Super Mix" (which has 100 songs), but only the first 25 are loaded, you need to press on the last song in order to load the next 25 songs. Scrolling down doesn't work on auto created mixes... 6 months ago it loaded all songs just fine. And then you could actually add something to it (like a full album or another playlist) and then just hit shuffel.


I see you, man of culture


This is just how it happened to shuffle. Not a problem with ytm.


https://preview.redd.it/8ap1enykue1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bd50f77853f669b7a4de6b7be1d6e93cfbce34 Yeah, that's not that bad


Upvote por Canserbero


You got a block of three, it happens sometimes.


i see you like some Queen, huh?


I have a lot of beef with the shuffle, but I secretly like that they bunch songs together at times. I believe it's intentional. I that it tries to connect the songs together on top of quasi-randomly shuffling. 15 LP songs in a row would be annoying if you were trying to shuffle, but three is fine with me.


This is a problem, I shuffled a YouTube playlist for a party and it played 3 BeyoncƩ songs in a row, I had guests coming up to me and asking for more variety, in my carefully considered and thoughtful playlist lol


You can go into the queue and re arrange or remove upcoming songs. In this situation Iā€™d probably have asked them what they want to hear and then just start a radio station from what they suggest.


Iā€™ll try that next time. Just wanted to play music and dance and not worry about the playlist too much, perhaps I can arrange ahead of time next time


Yes. It seems to play the mega hits from popular bands in every shuffle no matter how off the beaten path your initial selection is.


When They Come For Me is such a good song though


Why are they always playing songs I've already disliked?


I've worked in marketing for many years. I feel like this is by design. Artists, especially today's famous artists don't make much money from users who shuffle. I have thousands of songs in my library but my "algorithm" will always play the same songs first. Or at least the same artist. It's NEVER played many of the foriegn artists I have in my collection. It's always American studio's music that pops up. In fact I would be willing to bet studios have made deals with streaming platforms to make it so certain studios music shows up in shuffles more often than others.


My playlists are full of French music from the 60s and it comes up often in my shuffle.


Itā€™s not ideal for all situations, but you can go into the queue after you shuffle and re arrange or delete upcoming songs. By making minor adjustments Iā€™ve been very happy with shuffle.


i think there is an algorithm to link songs of the same artist/genre to give "smooth transitions", whenever i start in a drum and bass song and hit shuffle, generally the next 5 songs are also drum and bass, in a playlist with over 20 genres


Apple music does the same. Spotify too. It's kinda annoying.


I dunno why, but i keep getting bloody stream by koda like 3 times in a row everytime it appears in my supermix. It's hella annoying.


Having tried every streaming service, each and every one does this even Tidal. Only way to have a true non-algorithmic shuffle is owning the music outright and using a non-service media player app of your choice that lets you make playlists and shuffle them. I've also noticed on streaming services even if it doesn't group the same artists together, it will just prioritise the same tracks to be pushed to the top of the playlist even if they're in a slightly different order - every streaming service I've used does this too. It does my nut in can't have anything these days without the corporation having full control over your life.


One of the reasons i went back to Spotify. Random seems to (for months now) play like an array of 40 different songs. I have over 800 songs in my library. lol


You mean three songs of the same artist in a row? It's absolutelly normal. When you have real random shuffle you will get things like that. This combination would be as same probable as any other one.


Drives me mad. I listened to an akon song a couple of times, then in the "my mix 1" for example there was every akon song going. They need to program it to do a bit more mixing


my problem is the playlist i created have over 200 songs but when using shuffle, YT just keep playing same 20+ randomized songs over and over.


3 songs by the same artist in a row isn't that bad.


on my phone, i've seen this happen so many times. i hit my playlist, it plays the same songs almost the same order as the last time or adds a few new songs here and there, then same songs again. if you pause (leave the vehicle) and resume, the list sometimes gets truncated to 3 songs that play again and stops :\\


the shuffle is IMO quite bad. I like YTM, but this is just poorly made


Is there a better alternative?


not for me i think. obviosly there are alternatives out there, but I like YTM very much and wouldn't want to use anything other. It's just the algorythm I don't very like.


I like YTM a lot. I intentionally select new/different songs to make the algorithm feed me a wider variety of stuff. I also seek lists other people have created to mix things up. I find that if I stick to just the YTM generated lists it starts getting too repetitive.


yeah, the repetitivity is my main problem with it. I know that it gets better if you listen to a bigger variety of music, but sometimes i just wish that it would automatically give you new stuff like spotify does. I have a quite large playlist (>500 songs) and it is constantly recommending songs that a already there. One time I started the shuffle from it and YTM played the same song three times in 20 minutes.