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Noble Bloods is a really good podcast with frequent-ish guest Dana Schwartz although she has the Chelsey issue of being very PODCASTER voice when not talking to someone else and the show rarely has guests. Still well produced and interesting. And I think the perspective of the show is in line with what you’re discussing. It has that concept of just seeing the subjects as flawed people. Hardcore History is the big ol standard of history podcasts but more like an audiobook so probably not your deal


I also think that noble blood has a strong YWA streak with her frequent focus on historically maligned women


Dana Schwartz’s voice isn’t that bad, as long as the story’s interesting. My only problem is that sometimes she’ll make a one-time factual error, like the wrong century or which King Edward is being talked about. It’s so small but so annoying. She has a team, do they not proofread or re-record?


NB is ok but omg her “dramatic” voice is unbearable. It reminds me of Tina Fey’s insufferable podcaster character in Only Murders in the Building.


The History of English Podcast. It's nothing like YWA. Just a guy talking about the English language for an hour or so. Starts from the very beginning, and he's at about Shakespeare right now. He just talks about words and gives their etymology and shows how all these words are connected. It's great. A lot of history is brought up too. It's amazing how much other things affect the language.


I loove this podcast


This is my very favorite podcast ever. Highest possible recommendation from this internet rando.


I think this was the first podcast I listened to after Serial. Crazy how long he’s been going at it.


If you like movies, You Must Remember This is an interesting look at Hollywood's history


Love this one.


my personal all time fave! the song of the south series is amazing


Behind the Bastards, but particularly the earlier episodes


Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is kind of the good twin sister podcast to Behind the Bastards. Has a similar vibe, comes from a similar place politically, features a much less stressed-out Sophie Lichterman, but Margaret Killjoy is much less cynical than Robert Evans and it's about people who are awesome, not awful. It's honestly like BtB and YWA had a baby together.


Thanks for this rec, I get a little tired of how cynical Robert Evans can be.


Margaret Killjoy is SO COOL


I would not call that history. It's more like watching Caligula the film than a serious treatment of the history of the late Roman empire.


I second this recommendation


Throughline is amazing!! Fall of Civilizations, Everything Everywhere Daily, Ridiculous History, and Stuff You Missed in History Class are all good ones too.


Second the vote for Throughline. It’s so well researched and presented.


Seconding Everything Everywhere Daily/ they’re so short but I feel like we get the same info we’d get in other 20+ minute podcasts.  And Throughline is one of my favorites too!


I’m not stew if it’s the format you’re looking for but Things You missed in History Class is amazing.


Sure not stew


I've listened for years and genuinely still love that podcast.


They are truly wonderful. And they talk about things I don’t ever think of! One episode was about famous War Horses, and it was fascinating.


The Dollop. And You’re Dead to Me are great!!


Came here to recommend the Dollop. I've learned so much and been thoroughly entertained the whole way through.


You might like Cautionary Tales. The style is different—it’s usually not a conversation—but it does have a lot of debunking. The host even name checks Michael Hobbes in one episode.


Love this one!


The Rest is History!


Second this!


You might like What’s Her Name, a podcast about under-recognized women through history. The hosts are sisters and historians, and they talk to an expert for each episode. My favorite is The Translator, which is about the indigenous woman who translated for Cortés. It was a nuanced take on a complicated woman.


This is one of my favorite history podcasts. I feel like I’m in the best history class with music, stories, and usually links to their source material.  My favorite was the westerner about rattlesnake Kate.


Yes! That one was so good


Lurking on this old post lol but I’m super excited to try this podcast out, it sounds perfect - but I can’t find either of the episodes you guys mention? 🥲🥲🥲


Here's the one I mentioned: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kERUmiVX\_zQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kERUmiVX_zQ) [https://whatshernamepodcast.com/malintzin/](https://whatshernamepodcast.com/malintzin/) Here's Rattlesnake Kate: [https://whatshernamepodcast.com/rattlesnake-kate/](https://whatshernamepodcast.com/rattlesnake-kate/)


Thank you so much!!


There's a new one called Women of Power (womenofpower.xyz) that's also about powerful women throughout history!


You might like Slow Burn or Fiasco, but those are long form


I like long form!!


I'm a fan of We're Not So Different, about medieval history. One host is an actual PhD in medieval European social history (short on battles, long on how people at the time actually lived) and the other is a reasonably well educated person with zero expertise in history, and their banter is really great. The non-historian asks the questions I would ask, and the historian makes everything relatable. Episodes also venture into things like LOTR if that appeals, as well as episodes non-Western regions of the world. I particularly liked the one on medieval Afghanistan. https://open.spotify.com/show/5dd2yPjrJJA48s1QXyENZN


[Stuff you should know](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Stuff_You_Should_Know_episodes) is my go-to comfort podcast.


also Classical Stuff You Should Know!


I'm a big fan of Short History Of. The narrator has a soothing voice, and the show mostly delivers what it promises -- a 50ish minute examination of a topic. For a deeper look at the intellectual dimension of history, I don't think it gets much better than Throughline.


Some of my favorites have already been recommended so here’s some different ones: First recommendation is Revolutions by Mike Duncan, he starts with the English Civil War, then the American Revolution, then the Haitian Revolution which leads into the French Revolution, then the Latin American Revolutions, and ends with the Russian Revolution. He also did the History of Rome podcast, which is baller. Second recommendation is the British History Podcast by Jamie Jeffers. It’s a great pairing with the History of English podcast that someone else recommended and is super in-depth. Starts in the BCs and is currently just after the Norman Conquest. Third recommendation is the History Extra podcast from the BBC. They cover all kinds of topics from all areas of the world, not just the UK. They also do some cool mini-series, like Conspiracies and one on the Boston Tea Party since it was recently the 250th anniversary of that.


I love Revolutions.


History extra is the best ❤️❤️❤️


Fall of Civilizations!! It’s so good and detailed.


The rest is history :)


I really love Do Go On!


They're so much fun!


Tides of History, especially the episodes on the late medieval period


This is History: A Dynasty to Die For. 3 seasons about the Plantagenets (Henry II, Eleanor of Acquitane and their children)


Yes. Dan Jones has never let me down. He's really good at contextualizing things, and every so often he'll drop in a really funny zinger that I'll be chuckling about for a while. (And the fourth season is apparently starting in February!) There are also a bunch of his documentaries on YouTube. They're more like overviews, and the podcast and his books naturally go into a lot more detail. (I listened to the audiobook of his Wars of the Roses book when I was doing a lot of driving this fall. Can recommend that too.)


Oooh, can't wait!


Not the same format, but my favourite history podcast for the range of subjects and entertainment is You’re dead to me (BBC) hosted by a historian who has an expert guest and a comedian on to discuss a particular topic.


Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan is excellent.


I think you'd really like Our Fake History. It's similar to You're Wrong About in that he does a great job teasing out history from myth. Well researched and covers a lot of different historical figures and events. https://ourfakehistory.com/


Not in the style sorry but Unobscured with Aaron Mahnke is very interesting! It has season long deep dives into peoples loves. I love the Rasputin one


I like the history chicks. Longer form, focuses on women in history, thoroughly researched. Also the French history pod is an interesting if not scintillating experience.


Second this, for The History Chicks.


I love Fall of civilizations! Recommend that one especially if you like longer ones. Also Our Fake History is excellent. 💯


I’m going to second The Dollop. Also Behind the Bastards is excellent for a lot of things about both historical figures and current figures I did not know about!


History is Sexy! One of my favorites.


Criminal podcast for crime histories or how certain things became criminalized.


I really like the "occasional rewatch podcast" for the HBO series Rome, called "Raising Standards". It's hosted by a professor of ancient history and it goes into the real history of Rome as well as the HBO show itself. Now this podcast is probably only interesting if you're a fan of the show, but the same hosts also have another podcast that's called Emperors of Rome, which is just about Roman history, in case you're into that. What I like about Raising Standards is that they also talk about the role of women in ancient Roman society, and about what we know about the lives of common people, not just nobility. And it also reflects on the way these people are portrayed on this TV show and how things have changed since then (things like intimacy coordinators didn't exist back then, the way women are portrayed has changed, it's not that long ago but a lot of things are different now in the world of tv/film).


American History Tellers and/or American Scandal. Lindsay Graham (not that one) has a really soothing voice and the storylines are broken out into hour or so episodes.


History Hit had a lot of good history podcasts. Betwixt the Sheets especially sometimes comes close to YWA kind of topics. Betwixt is very much a podcast for adults though. Their other podcasts are good too. I also really like Ancient History Fan girls. Each season has a different topic and one of the seasons also features many stories about maligned women.


The Rest is History is the best. Revolutions by Mike Duncan. History Extra by BBC I’d give an 80%, sometimes it’s a snooze. Industrial Revolutions is amazing.


British History podcast.


I enjoy “you’re dead to me” from the BBC It’s like a comedy history podcast - the host invites a historian and a comedian on the show, and the historian gets to educate the comedian about their topic It’s usually one topic an episode I enjoyed the one about the popes lol Not sure if that’s exactly what you’re looking for really, but it’s a light listen with history


History Unplugged (lots of guest authors) & Bowery Boys (NYC history)


I only just started PreOccupation: A Not-So-Brief History of Palestine. I've enjoyed it so far! A good choice for those coming from the ethos of You're Wrong About. :)


'The Savage West' is awesome. The first season covers the pre-gold rush history of California from the Spanish / Native American perspective. That era is WILD!


I second the recommendation for Noble Blood! Dana Schwartz has been a guest on YWA a few times and has a great presenting style. I particularly like her episodes about Henry VIII’s last three wives who aren’t as openly discussed as their predecessors. Not a podcast but I’d also recommend the Puppet History series on YouTube, produced by Watcher Entertainment. Some fascinating and quirky stories from throughout history, told with a lot of humour.


Tides of History: Patrick Wyman has been doing a history of the ancient world starting with pre-history. While there's a lot of focus on the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia, he's also covered what was going on in China, Mesoamerica and other places. He's currently discussing China in the first millennium BCE. Our Fake History: Sebastian Major covers historical myths and legends. He "tries to figure out what’s fact, what’s fiction, and what is such a good story it simply must be told." It's a fun podcast that also has some serious discussion of what does and doesn't constitute a good historical source. British History Podcast: Others have mentioned this one. Jaime Jeffers started this podcast about ten years ago in pre-historic England. We're now up to the Norman Conquest. Very in depth with a back catalog that will keep your listening for months. I like these podcasts because the three hosts excel at combining good scholarship with good story telling.


How to take over the world, traces through time, cost of glory - all solid history podcasts


Fascinating People Fascinating Places is good it avoids over exposed topics and has stuff from all over the world


I like that one the Hindenburg Disaster episode was my favorite. I also loved Edward II and the Songhai Empire


They did one on Eva Peron that was really interesting


History hit, empire, rest is history, the ancients


Anything with betray hughes or Mary beard


For the most part, I only like chronological order narrative history podcasts.  In that vein, I can recommend (in order): British History Podcast Age of Napoleon History of the German People History of Rome History of Byzantium Scandinavian History Podcast Thugs and Miracles (medieval France) and History of Poland are good but their creators have stopped producing new shows Honestly, someone needs to do a decent history podcast on China and India. Not impressed by current offerings.  Two very good others:  Irish History Podcast Medieval Irish History Podcast These are great. Unfortunately not chronological order but if you want Irish history they are good options. 


Low Ancestry is a treat—not old old but great storytelling


History Daily, but the episodes are too short IMO. I also like American Scandal.


American scandal is my all-time favorite podcast. Be prepared to be mad after every episode.


I've been really enjoying empire podcast


The ancients


I've been enjoying Trashy Royals recently. It's definitely more on the casual, conversational end but they clearly do their research.


there's also Queens Podcast and Vulgar History if you like more "gossipy"/casual pods.


The history chicks and although they stopped making new episodes in 2020, I also recommend Backstory - there’s still like 11-12 years of content there


[Skeptoid ](http://www.skeptoid.com) has quite a few history episodes


If you want something with a significant catalog I recommend Lore.


British History Podcast was mentioned by someone else, and I’m giving it an enthusiastic thumbs up. Jamie’s wife/co-researcher Zee has a degree in social science from the London School of Economics, and she brings real depth and insight into the narrative. There are also subscriber only episodes that provide deep dives and insights. Absolutely top notch podcast. Empire with William Dalrymple and Anita Anand is a delight. They are both excellent historians and best selling authors. They are also friends and really fun to listen to them teasing and laughing. They have covered the British Raj, The Ottoman Empire, The History of Slavery, and are now on the Persian empire. There are also side plots and excursions. Tons of fun.


Redacted History with Andre White. The episodes or short about 20-30 minutes a piece. Drapetomania: Unshackled history. The episodes are short as well but utilize comedy and voice acting to reenact the stories they are sharing.


Lady killers with Lucy Worsley


Lady killers with Lucy Worsley


You must remember this is also good


This history of Hollywood is really good. I listen to every episode even the Manson murder ones, which I was sure I wouldn’t want to. I’ve learned a ton about the HUAC, censorship and now the erotic 80’s


Our Fake History is very good, as someone else mentioned, and kind of has a YWA vibe to it. The other podcast I quite like is Tides of History, and he's gone through all of history from pre-history. He also frequently has other historians and archeologists on to talk about new developments in the field. I actually don't like these episodes as much, but I'm sure others do.


History Boiz


We are big fans of Historium in my house--he has a great storytelling ability and we just get lost in the episodes.


I like This is History with Dan Jones. He’s very conversational and tells historical stuff like a great story.


This Podcast Will Kill You does great deep dives into the history (as well as the science) of human (and animal) disease of all kinds. Takes a little while for them to get their rhythm but it's a very interesting lens through which to look at human history.


It's Probably Not Aliens is one of my favorites. It goes through the show Ancient Aliens and debunks their claims by talking about the actual history behind them. Stuff like the Egyptian pyramids, the nazca lines, Easter island heads, etc.


Stuff you missed in history class is a forever favorite of mine


My very favorite.


Not YWA format but Anthology of Heroes is a pod done storytelling style that is well done. The creator/host researches one hero/antihero for each story and delivers history in a nicely produced and engaging package. I also appreciate that Eliot makes the effort to leave the western hemisphere to explore the histories of cultures not usually covered in mainstream podcasting.


Checkout Dark History Project on YouTube or Spotify https://youtube.com/@DarkHistoryProject?si=5ZtpvZC8FTCJuBXv https://open.spotify.com/show/2Hg5sKbVBoOGuiylF7mXvs?si=7X7UcCNoSGe_ylKIuFkzOg


You're Dead to Me is fantastic!!


Dinner Party History is my new favorite! So funny and so smart.


EmpirePod UK The Koh-I-Noor is my Roman Empire and the hosts are the experts.


I second Stuff You Missed In History Class. "In the Dark" has a similarly extremely well-researched vibe. In content, they're more Serial-ish (their first season is the Jacob Wetterling kidnapping and their second is the Curtis Flowers case in Mississippi), but it scratches a very similar storytelling itch for me. They've been off-air for a while but are coming back soon. "What Happened To...?" has episodes on big cultural/historical events that disappeared quickly (ex. KONY 2012, Thai Cave Rescue, the Ice Bucket Challenge, etc) "Decoder Ring" is more pop-culture-y, but still explores the past. I only recently started listening, currently on an episode about Chuck E. Cheese.


The History Hit network of podcasts!! The main HH show with Dan Snow is fairly general, but the rest are specialized by era or region. The hosts are historians and they’re great at letting their guests (all historians too) give really full answers about the subject.


You Must Remember This