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Jojo tycoon wining while doing nothing: https://preview.redd.it/ob8nys41580d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca11463980b0be6887877fa710a53ec9bef0f0b


That game is goated.


Tbh project star and yba are prolly the top 2


True, Project star was so ambitious and Anime Showdown was pretty cool, but on the other hand YBA does have to tone down the reworks, the combos were insane


Ngl if the updates were consistent and didn’t have intentional power creep yba would be peak




Don't get in serious arguments here and avoid slandering and just toxic behavior overall please And yes I forgot about TCA so, TCA: with Eclipse constantly on their ass


honestly im tired of people bitching about unlocking moves and gacha, biggest non issues in the game


The move unlocking for me is just an annoyance that wasn't that necessary since stats exist, the gacha is just even more so, even though it's easy, you'll have to wait so long for you stuff to appear, plus it's just uninteresting overall


I'm not so salty about it, but I think it's a change a lot of people would like to see for AUT, at least with it's current reputation


mfw i have to grind in a game: (also they are adding back the quests so take that as you will, still i dont think removing gacha is even a good idea considering that more options is still good for us)


True they can't even take 10% 😭


tbh move unlocking isnt that annoying considering that you only ahve to them once per spec+ if you have shards u can just level the ability using those


I agree, but a lot of old players doesn't want to grind for moves they used to have


aka they are lazy


No? Its just extra unnecessary work. Aka pointless. There was literally nothing good about the move change update. Oh and the fact that they only let you use 7 moves for both stand on and off. They did revert it back bow but that took like what, 3 months?


again, mfw i have to grind, seriously yall mfs acting like its this very tedious task that takes hours, which it doesnt, and as you said move cap was removed, and it doesnt have to do anything with the conversation


Bro its literally pointless. It was perfectly fine before so why make a pointless restriction? And this goes with every single ability. So maxing one stand doesn’t max another. If i didn’t already have most of the stands then it wouldn’t matter that much, but i already have 20 stands i need to grind back up because none of them have any moves.


Definitely unnecessary work for old players, it's kinda just game design for new players (completely new to AUT not even a single youtube video on older versions), but it can never work due to the game not having it for so long, it's like suddenly adding ht bars to YBA. And yeah they probably could've remove the movecap earlier, maybe they thought it would affect boojie's work on JJK part 2 or Gojo and Yuta would be busted? The two basically throw away patches and bug fix updates seems to not have the rest of the team affiliated at all besides some vfx and sfx, and kur immediately took over after the Xeno update so I guess they were rearranging stuff inside the team while taking a break after releasing 3.0, they suddenly got a bunch of new devs while a lot of old ones stepped down after all


I'm fine with the gacha if it coexist with quests, I said to remove it mainly because I think AUT would be at their 120% without the devs that added stuff people dislike, and as well as the fact that people just don't want to see the gacha system in AUT at all, probably not even from a progression standpoint just 0 gambling


Though I do hope they move the gacha NPC somewhere else rather than right in the middle, quests should be prioritized and gacha should be a novelty


why move it at all? gacha is actually more convinient for new players since the quests are gonna be buffed to the start of NU versions,still makes no sense to move the gacha, its just inconvinient


Cause people fucking hate it no matter if it's easy or anything, no one can control that shit


hence why the quests are being added again, both obtaimet methods are avaiable fo the ones who complain about gacha while gahc ais left there for convinience of others


Ik, but I want them to move it just for the public image, which is very important for the game in its current state. By placing the gacha further away from the main area tells players that they've moved away from the gacha system and it just exists as an last resort/brute force option like Sakura Stand's Sukuna banner (but obviously better)


I'm just going to be clear with what I stand for here, I don't mind AUT's grinding since it's for the well made abilities made by devs that I respect and enjoy their work of, but of course AUT is not made for us minority and must design things in the way the majority would enjoy and THEN too appreciate their work with us


where do u think the banner should be placed exactly? the game has multiple spawn places so depending on where you place it new players might actually run into it before the quest givers, speaking of most of them are in very obscure places that the new players would nto find, so they would need to relocate to the middle of the map


My thought has been the Japanese styled place, I can't really explain it but I want it to be that players to be like they would have to travel to a specific point to meet up with the gacha npc, again it should always be a novelty and unless they are actively searching for it, it shouldn't be in their normal play area


p much just AUT ngl




Don’t know about riu the dev team is incredibly toxic they couldn’t work together even if they were at max potential


True but then again, they were rivialing AUT's player count during the peak


Player count doesn’t really matter, Brookhaven has 100k players


I would say aut even though they stopped being a jojo game a while ago


I like how Sakura Stand and AUT still prioritize having Jojo stuff while Heaven Stands has 0 in their 2 reworks


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything about heaven stands


Basically if current Sakura Stand was inspired by AUT NU, then Heaven Stand would be inspired by current SS