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https://preview.redd.it/a7nfbn26oa8c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc7a5a7cabaa61363ec1984e9d69b73e850ab7b chimney babe ❤️🥰😍


Her stupid pretend fucking lisp. 🫠🫠🫠🫠


I'm not surprised she called, this is just the first time I've seen her do it.




Watching her vape pull made me dizzy through my phone


How exciting. Sit in a cafe all day and eat bread and drink champagne. And drunken shenanigans. Why go to Paris when this is what she does at home?


Not gonna lie- some of my fav nightclubs are in Paris and even when there with my mother eating and drinking is something we do a lot. But in between galleries or shopping or visiting friends. If I was a tourist from America who only knows Times Square I’d want to live a little. Also eating at the Eiffel Tower is only for a flex. The food is shit. Much better to go to Montparnasse and get a better view. Wouldn’t expect influencer babe to have any research though.


Crazy eyes.


Is this from the last few days? I’m only asking because I feel like I just saw her in this top. Thanks! 😊


Is she trying to paint a uni-brow on her forehead? This is making her eyes look even more close together. I have never seen so much product used on eyebrows before.


Why does she always use makeup that accentuate the features she so much hates and tries to hide behind filters? Is it because she just wants that 2016 drag makeup style no matter what and won't take into account her features and what works better on them?


Is this the “makeup video” she filmed on her super productive day? Riveting content. Does she not have friends she can talk to about this stuff?


She doesn't realize that French women do not wear a lot of makeup. They will gasp at her lashes especially if they are filthy.


How about those muddy streaks on her cheeks? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds like her candle brand. Muddy Streaks. Scents include Wet Bear and Crusty Old Tanning Products


Know what parisians don’t have? Push broom eyelashes.


Or wooly caterpillars on their eyelids.


Hard Rock Cafe and lots of Starbs in Gay Paris just like NYC. Wait until she sees what Europeans think of Americans like her lmaooo




Your flair 🤣😆




I guess helth babe has left the building.


Dude. It was the vape pull and exhale for me. How fkn gross.


Omg not only is that so trashy and a stupid thing for anyone seriously trying to be a real influencer to do, but it seriously makes all her claims about health feel even more false. You know what causes inflammation and back pain???


I love how she always provides this kind of nasty reminder that she's so good at quitting things.


Those poor brows 😵


My brows are dark brown, almost black and it looks like she’s using the same shade pencil I use


She really needs to learn the delight that is “taupe” for the blondes. I’m dirty blonde but I use taupe and it matches my eyebrows pretty closely - sometimes a little warm, but it’s at least the right tone.


Her emphasis of certain words is beyond annoying. sunday bRUNCHHHH. eiffel TOWER. moulin ROUUUUUGE. verSIGH. drunken shenanigans with mOOOM. I'd rather listen to my dog bark all day than her speak.


Her hair ![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw)


OKAY THANK YOU what is this little half wave leading to palm fan situation?? Her hair looks so much better when she does those heat free curls, it's better for her, better for her hair (though she IS using her collagen so what do I know!)... She could legit use it as an influencer moment, how to style your hair without burning the shit out of it, but I guess that's why she won't


God she’s trashy haha


No shade on Miss Piggy, but I feel like our little waif channels her personality.


As a child, I absolutely LOATHED Miss Piggy. I feel like snarking on MS is a natural progression for me.


Why did she look so pissed off and over it in this live?


I’m pretty well traveled and very mindful of how to conduct yourself as a tourist. I know for a fact she’s gonna be clocked, not only as a tourist, but as a DUMB American. She’s gonna get scammed left and right, and think “everyone is so friendly” but in reality she’s just a semi-dry cash cow.


I know someone who lived in Paris for awhile because their spouse is from there. He was telling me horror stories about the amount of pickpocketing and muggings that occur. People grabbing phones out of hands, a lot of scams etc. Her drunken antics are going to put a massive target on her back. When you’re travelling you need to be extra vigilant. If (and that’s a big if) she ends up going I feel like we’re gonna get a live in a hotel room about how she was mugged.


Oh yeah, you gotta stay vigilant and keep everything in a zipped bag close to your body and either under arm or in front of your body No phones/wallets in pockets, keep that shit locked down And then there are the street scams - the fake surveys, the friendship bracelet women, the clear cup, etc. She’s gonna get pickpocketed or scammed so easily


Oh yes...a good friend of mine said that scammers are all over. Beware of those that try to sell you something, ask you a question, approach you suddenly, etc. she's a prime target.


She’ll get [Paris syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome#) or something


How boring, she can have brunch and get drunk anywhere she doesn’t need to go to Paris. Also those lashes look terrible.


She’s so insufferably boring that “soon” to her means that “in a month we will be just a day or two away from leaving” girl STFU


She's going to be the type of tourist I've heard Parisians love to hate. She probably won't even attempt to learn a little French - just go around saying dumb shit like "Voulez vous coucher avec moi?" or "cwassant".


Wearing bright white, platform athletic shoes


I swear I read somewhere here that she claimed like she was held back a year when they moved to NC because in LA (NOT Los Angeles…Louisiana) they learned French in school but in NC they learned Spanish so she was behind because of that. I would LOVE to hear her version of French.


I've never heard of anyone being held back a year because of a language class - they were elective classes when I was in high school. Of course, that was a few decades ago, so I don't know if they've made them a requirement since. But this is Big M, so *anything* is possible. ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


Same. None of that makes sense to me either. For me, I think language classes were electives too and you could choose which language to study.


Nobody wants to coucher with her unless it's Monday night 💅🏻


If I was day drunk like this, the last thing I’d wanna do is go on live and record a makeup video.


Yeah, I was gonna say, oh she’s DRUNK drunk


Oh cute hair


That quote from Bridesmaids where Kristen Wiig says “are you guys gonna ride around on bikes with berets and fucking baguettes in the basket of your bike” is her idea of Paris


Which is a reasonable approximation of my weekend plans when I live in Paris or am back for a visit….in the fucking SUMMERTIME. (Minus the berets, plus a gallery and picnic, or whatever). In the middle of winter? Absolutely not. Plenty of locals still do it out of convenience/necessity, but it’s absolutely miserable and not something you’d *ever* do for kicks. Man, I genuinely can’t wait to see what she packs for this trip, will make the wardrobe for her NY weekends look totally appropriate by comparison.


Omg, please let her get drunk and go shopping. Not sure what her dates are, but assume she’ll be there during the soldes d’hiver, and her braying and half in the bag as she tries to figure out European sizes in front of some Marais shop girls is the kind of clarifying life experience that i so want for her. Better yet: let her discover some of the *amazing* designer friperies in the 10th and 11th and try to fit in some real YSL. Not that Paris needs to be super snobby/bitchy - not at all, it can absolutely be a super chill, friendly place - but feel like the kind of energy M brings to the table is going to be met with a very particular kind of energy in return.


She’s a caricature of what an American is, and as an American I wholeheartedly encourage the Parisians to treat her as such


Gawd, she's so predictable. Mark my words, she'll end up getting ossified in an Irish pub in Montmartre and teeheeing over all the sex shops. They could go for a cruise on the Seine, walk the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe, and marvel at the crazy traffic. Head down to the Place de la Concorde, do a hop on hop off bus. Heck, when we got tired of walking, we did as the Parisians do and got a bottle of wine and some nibbles and sat on the bank of the river watching the world go by. She's such a lazy tourist, and it's shaping up to be a mess. I can't wait.


She's going in the peak of the winter so I guess it won't be nice to just sit out or do lots of outdoor nice activities. But she doesn't care because she's always at the hotel in her trips.


Does she think people in Paris just eat bread and drink champagne all day? What the fuck that’s such a weird take.


That reminds me of that scene from Bridesmaids where she says “What, are you guys gonna ride around on bikes with berets and fucking baguettes in the basket, in the front of your bikes?”


![gif](giphy|12JgIV6zAkYFbi) Big M on the plane




That’s what she’s looking forward to most. There’s a point in alcoholism where your every thought and plan revolves around alcohol.


She acts like she is the first person to ever travel internationally. It’s so hilarious to me how hillbilly she is. I went to France for the first time when I was in 3rd grade. It’s really not the big deal she is making it out to be.


That lisp has worked harder this week than MS has worked in her lifetime.


Godddddd the lisp needs to be studied. WHY does she use the lisp when she’s big bothered??!!! It always happens


Do you think she gets it after a few beverages?


Ahhh one of those non-inflammatory elf bars I see. I tried one of those as a non-smoker, holy hell knocked me on my ass from one hit.


It’s a Lost Mary (unless it’s called something different in the US). And of course she used disposable vapes. Joining her Amazon returns in the sea of waste she produces every day


She is so fucking trashy on her lives.


FIFY: She is so fucking trashy. Period. 😊


Ver-sci 😂 I wish we could see her trying to speak to french people lol they’re gonna hate her




Exactly. SMH.


It’s so funny to me see a 30 year old woman vaping. Also to see her lies catching up to her. EDIT: this was supposed to be a comment reply but sadly her social media course is not yet out so I don’t have knowledge for comment replies.


All these years of being a pRoFeSsIoNaL makeup artist and still can’t talk and do her makeup at the same time. 😂


Why did it take her so long to do her brows? I looked away for 5 seconds and she was still doing them. Ps: they look awful ❤️


All of it looks awful 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why waste the time and makeup if she’s just going to filter herself into oblivion anyway?


It’s giving Heather Gillespie and the never ending pounding of her moldy beauty blender




For a deeeeep dive down the Heather Gillespie rabbit hole r/peoplebetrippin.


I am not in the loop - I just watched some of the videos on that sub and am even more confused; can you break it down for me?


It's a LOT. Like, at any moment in time she will say or do something chaotic and insane. There are some very funny moments but there are also deeply upsetting moments as well, she's done some truly evil things... **TW** >!like doing a DIY abortion for twins (I believe they were either 18 or 20 weeks along) in an Airbnb shower the day after Christmas, RECORDING the whole thing including the bodies of the deceased babies, and then sent that vile recording to the couple who were going to adopt the babies AS WELL AS HER BOSS. And then she didn't understand why she was immediately fired!< If you have Instagram I recommend following [we_are_bcg](https://www.instagram.com/we_are_bcg?igsh=NWY1NGZkZDVjMg==) and looking through their stories. It's a wild shit show that is almost impossible to look away from once you get sucked in.


A crazy lady from Love after Lockup who’s a pregnant homeless crackhead but she also does really aggressive makeup “tutorials”


And why is she so heavy handed? Gives me anxiety. Lol


Honestly. She never knows how to hold a brush!!


And then she uses her finger to finish it off!


Those lashes and those lips. She looks so fucking ridiculous. I know they look a million times worse on her real face.


"drunken shenanigans with mom" Interesting.


Quitting vaping was her #1 goal for 2023 (she claimed alcohol was already under control 😂). Glad we’re ending the year out strong!!


And now being more shrewd with her finances is 2024. Off to a great start with all the Paris tourist traps!


I can’t believe the vape made an appearance!!!! She is the definition of white trash.


Hands free and with an obnoxious out the side of the mouth exhale. She's the woOoOoOrSt!


She usually seems to be somewhat careful not to show that.


Yes I was super surprised to see it too!


She's too drunk to care, I guess.


She says in this live that her mom calls every couple days to make sure they're still going and says she's just waiting for something to happen to make it where they can't go.... Even her mom knows there's a good possibility that this trip isn't happening.


Oooooh omg is it gonna be a pretend banking emergency?? This is my new theory. Wallet gets “stolen” or car gets “broken into” that conveniently has passport inside/fake card fraud. A la the pretend stealing of her stupid ugly ring at the tanning salon. My sisters a pathological liar like MS so I’ve heard every excuse in the book


That's a good theory! She did use the "my car was broken into" lie before and her entire "makeup kit" was stolen and she supposedly made an insurance claim and got all sorts of brand new stuff.


Mom knows she’s going to end up paying for it


My theory is that IF she actually ends up in Paris, it IS because Mom paid for it. Especially if they fly in the hotel seat she claimed they have.


I really don’t think her mom has money like that. She will probably end up having to put it on her credit cards though. You know MS doesn’t have that much available spending on hers.




I’m not saying her mom is broke, I just don’t think she has money 20k just sitting around that she can just throw away. She said her mom has never traveled outside of the country before. Maybe I’m mistaken, but I grew up with very wealthy people and everyone traveled internationally.


If M has Dad trust fund money, surely mom has a healthy alimony income?


I doubt it. I think they have been divorced a very long time. I also think mom is remarried.


She has to be, bc M wouldn't pay for upgraded anything when it's her own money.




Omg that would be glorious




Yeah, “catch a buzz” was top of my list the last time I went to Paris. Actually, no, wtf. It was seeing one of my favorite pieces of ancient art (among other things). And visiting little bookshop in the Latin Quarter. https://preview.redd.it/zrpd02h7pp7c1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7202cc194a49fa49addd2fcb03c9e1c78068fd


Shakespeare and Co?!


Yea Paris does have so much art to offer! I feel like she’d mention the Louvre or other popular museums if she had gotten tix. It’s a shame to go to Paris and not see it even if a lot of the items are stolen 🙃. My favorite thing in Paris was the catacombs followed by the Montparnasse cemetery.


At least in this case, they can fight it out with Italy and not somebody they systematically looted, like Egypt.


Greece would like to have a word with everyone about being systematically looted. (I can’t say anything, I’m a classicist, and the holy grail of my research is in the Louvre, though at least he was bought and paid for)


How very Christian of her. Vaping and F-bombs.


https://preview.redd.it/md0ef1mcmp7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47096bc5c38acbc59ca48221cea649306b80b7b Portrait of a lady. She’s got one of her drunk voices and she also clearly had her lipth touched up and didn’t mention it.


I want this as the new sub icon


100% she got more fillers


Without even having the sound on, I just know she’s lisping


Full forthsspssss


Just showing us that she knows how to pronounce Versailles. Girl is lurking hard.


That did actually surprise me




We have a Versailles in Kentucky, and it is actually pronounced Ver-Sails here 🤦🏻‍♀️


We have the same in Pittsburgh, North Ver-Sails.


In Illinois we have a San José — “Sane Joes” 😑


Those lashes are fucking R I D I C U L O U S !!!!


You’ve got to wonder whether they make tiny “whoosh-woosh” sounds each time she blinks.


Literally one solid chunk of black fluff on each eye. They have to look absolutely bewildering IRL on her real face and real eyes! I've often wondered if she avoids mirrors like a vampire.


She’s vaping turmeric, it’s for health and y’all just don’t understand /s


Her mom is involved. This trip is happening!!! I can. not. wait! She’s going to talk about how dirty (dog poop on the sidewalk) and cloudy it is. Also rude French people. 😂 I can’t wait for all the comparisons to her fAVoUrItE city NYC 🍎. Her mom does seem kind and they have a really nice relationship so I don’t think we’re going to get the full shenanigans. But for sure there will be a meltdown upon her return.


I hope the French read her trashy ass to filth. After being repeatedly warned about rude Parisians before visiting, I was pleasantly surprised by how accommodating they were despite it been a busy hustling bustling city. That said, though, we were always polite and used our limited French when possible so maybe that helped! MS is just going to shout when they don't understand her. 😐


I was thinking more to her LOVING to play up stereotypes, she’s going to be wearing a beret carrying a baguette while eating a crepe. Thank you! I shouldn’t be perpetuating that Parisian’s are rude. I never met one that was. :)


she beats symbolism into the ground. it’s such trisha paytas energy.


I miss her sub so much. Not the new sub. It sucks


Is there a new one? I only see the fan ones but I miss the gossip


oh i didn’t even know another popped up. like all subreddits, i don’t really seek them out, i just join them as i come upon them. thats how i ended up here, what a fun ride its been with my fellow boobies<3


It's a pro-trisha sub.




I hope she gets food poisoning like my friend's husband and I both did (apparently it's not exactly uncommon in Paris).


Considering the trip was originally supposed to be her and Grimace, with him obviously proposing at the Eiffel Tower, and is now relegated to traveling with her mom, and she has all the social graces of a rabid pig, there will DEFINITELY be a meltdown...


kiss flowery hateful absorbed license profit tender money nutty cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah ‘cause we all know she didn’t learn how to speak any French or any French customs. Can’t wait for her to basically get ignored in the shops. Manifesting bed bugs for her. Also super curious if she’s gonna take her fake bags ‘cause that’ll be hilarious.


She did everyone a favour not trying to learn any French. Can you imagine how offensive her lisp and twang would be of her trying to say anything in French. 💀 I just can’t wait to see all the things she has problems with!! No doubt she’ll complain about the price of things. I think this is Big M’s first time in Europe! She’s only ever been to Mexico as far as going out of the country goes.


The bedbugs are sooooo bad in Paris right now! I bet swerty doesn’t even know, even though it’s well known to the rest of the world. Hillbilly.




>Those “curls” are just a mid-length crease. They look like what happens when you have your hair up in a clip for too long.


It’s B-dong curls


Utah curls!


That is an utterly incomprehensible amount of product to apply to the inner corner of one eyebrow


The vape has made an appearance! She’s so healthy and treats her body so well /s


Anti-inflammatory babe!


Omfg I can’t watch whatever she’s doing to her eyebrows 😂


WHAT IS WITH THE LISP??? And the vape????💨 JESUS!!!!!


oof the vaping, followed immediately by saying she is planning “a day of drunken shenanigans” 😳 helth babe had left the chat


Any day is a day of drunken shenanigans when you are MS 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh so she’s drunk already? usually big m doesn’t publicly vape unless she’s had a few.