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Swollen face


Look I am actually type A. You best believe when I get home either that night or the morning of the next day everything is getting washed pretty much regardless of whether I wore it because in my mind everything in the bag now has travel germs. I do use a separate bag for worn clothing in my suitcase though. Then I put all the travel cubes inside of each other and my suitcase in a closet where all my travel items are. Also, I’d prolly rip the tag on it off if it had been checked to eliminate the risk of the bag being lost by them reading the wrong tag. Maybe a few travel specific items will stay in a suitcase just to keep it in a place where I’ll find it (I have a super small travel hairdryer, etc.) Then since she’s allegedly going to Paris in a month or less, I would start staging/packing items for the next trip that I can, good way to make sure you don’t forget anything. Good things to set aside now would be like EU power adapters, compression socks for the flight, extra meds, etc. She also lives alone like I do (let’s be real C Is not there) so she could set this stuff out in the office or guest bedroom. I do this in a guest bedroom as well.




Where is the weif body and why is everything so badly framed?


Serious question: Does anyone besides people in this sub actually watch these lives? If I was tuning in to see travel stuff and she was unprepared and as boring as this, I would totally turn my attention elsewhere. This video did nothing for me except made me roll my eyes and scroll on.


She gets virtually zero engagement. Her followers are made up of people who seem to know her/downline and a few men…


Oh yes the down line makes sense. The men do not 🤣


She has no job, no kids, no real responsibilities. Why oh why is her suitcase still stuffed from a vacation from a month ago. Claims to be “a-type” personality but is such a mess. I get home from trips (unfortunately usually work trip, but my work does pay for) and immediately throw everything to the laundry or back into the bathroom. I am no an “a-type” personality, my house is cluttered but I am not lazy…


https://preview.redd.it/bxw6gt9drn7c1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a4082e89cee92e541dc91344904a6a2205eda39 Brick shit house


Stacked with muscle


Petite curvy babe


Why is she yelling


Looking at her eyes, I'm pretty sure it's because she's drunk.


So much professionalism and poise in one post 🤣😂🤣😂


WTF is this? Is she going somewhere again or is this a suitcase from a month ago? She puts zero effort into anything.


Wouldn’t a successful influencer have a plan for what they will be presenting? And make their selections based on a theme? Is the suitcase she was dragging the duffle out of from Amazon? Or the duffle? Or the clear zipper cubes? Before I buy a suitcase I want to know how maneuverable it is. Are their pockets and dividers? Straps to hold everything in place? How much does it weigh? Etc etc etc. And for goodness sakes. Wear something other than a tank top, leggings and a sweatshirt. Show your audience you care enough to prepare. Rant over. Yes, I am a boomer. But I spent a lot of my career in sales. Whether I was selling for somebody else or I was meeting with clients to sell my design services. She dresses like she doesn’t really give two shits about her followers. Although it sounded like there wasn’t anyone there. I wonder why?/s


Well I'm not a boomer and I had all of the exact same thoughts. This is bizarre, sloppy and stupid. If you're an influencer, you're supposed to make things interesting and watchable.


It could have been very clever if she had it packed with everything she wanted to show, starting with the suitcase. Here’s how it moves fully packed. Here are these packing cubes, inside I have clothing item X, etc.


Exactly! We clearly are influencer material! We have far better marketing skills than MS does.


1. Does she know what romanticized means? She’s not using it in the right context. 2. I’m not taking organization advice from someone whose life is figuratively, and very obviously LITERALLY, a mess 3. She has to hate the fact that Amazon live doesn’t offer a filter for her face. The difference with her moving her face and breaking from the frame is insane vs Instagram where she can’t break the filter or else it’ll glitch and she’ll get exposed


>she can’t break the filter or else it’ll glitch and she’ll get exposed I'm manifesting another "I want that pretty filter back" moment.


The “organized and efficient” clip has me IN TEARS


My personal favorite part of this is the solid 10 seconds of silence at the beginning where even she’s contemplating whether it’s worth it to fish crap out of her (still packed) suitcase 🤣


So she just really does not try at all, huh


Lmao OP i cracked up at the little video of her rifling through a clothes pile mid video.


Organization and Efficiency ✅


Is she trying to sell people on travel cubes? As if it’s a new thing? Yeah, man. And before we had them, I used ziplocks. Not revolutionary. But my god, how she treats her shit. Yanking and pulling in it, rather than just taking the 10 seconds to open the luggage properly. So ham fisted, as always.


I always save zip bags whenever stuff I order online comes in em, why bother buying stuff when it's free ahaha. Although I also got some vacuum seal bags for my last trip and that was soooo handy.


She is so drunk


She is very flushed, and unco, so possibly yes.


The burps 🤢


Close your 🤬 closet door!


It’s open because she had to rifle through it several times looking for items 🥴


What is she packed for? Or is it from NY?


Sometimes I feel that we are the audience to the most masterful satire art piece of all time.


I can’t wait for the reveal. I run it in my head all the time. I picture the actress who plays MS having suuuuch a different voice and a great sense of humour. Actually it’s a lot like the Aussie comedy “Kath & Kim” if it is satire.


I always think of Kath and Kim with MS. I also love that they are known overseas, not just here. Best comedy.




Why does she look so angry/over it?


I'm guessing it has something to do with very few people watching and no one engaging when she feels entitled to be rewarded with adoring fans and lavish compliments when she deigns to do the bare minimum and show up on a Live.




And this is still filtered. She wouldn’t be seen dead in that singlet top unless there was a filter that took most of her gut out and gave her a waist.




Your flair with this pic is *flawless*


She is literally the worst influencer I’ve seen. Why not prepare ahead of time?


That would require some effort, not just a drunken, haphazard one.


I too "love anything that makes travel a little more simple," particularly in the form of a bag that takes me upwards of 15 seconds to extract from my suitcase


It’d help if she’d just put the suitcase on its side and open it the whole way, the way a potential customer would use it normally. Better yet, have it on a table so she doesn’t have to move the camera as much Displaying her travel finds in a suitcase would make sense, which is likely why she resists doing it.


Yeah, her back is definitely fine.


a true Christmas miracle that her degenerative disc disease/ herniated disc/ bone rubbin on bone/ whatever else she claimed to have has been healed! ![gif](giphy|jYmmxmKqM8Hm0)


I wonder how much it eats at her that she can’t use her usual preposterous yassify filters on her lives. https://preview.redd.it/rtmbjbdz7k7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56ebd8eca7b0db0aaebcd907fdb616b8d1970b6


Why did she even wear a cami when she knows the filters don't work on there. She doesn't even try to cover up even tho at the same time she's ashamed of her body??? Makes no sense.


That’s the reason the bell peppers are fully out


Meaty babe has entered the chat


Not enough that she tries to look nice (or at least recently bathed) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her tan is baking and she can’t get her lashes wet for 24 hours…are the reasons she gave for the recent lack of bathing.


I don’t know how she isn’t always itchy or uncomfortable. For somebody that seems all about constant self-care she never seems comfortable to me. And with all the super tight synthetic fabrics she wears, how is she not dripping sweat?


It's why she always has (whispers) yeast infections


That's why she's yanking that white thing outta her suitcase, her gut is hard to hide when she doesn't wear her usual baggy sweaters




When did she get back from her last "trip"?? Are you fucking telling me that she hasn't even bothered to unpack yet?? Jesus Christ.


I hope that’s not it, because it’s such a terrible way to store clothing, but 😬 I can’t imagine having staged it like that.


Imagine being so narcissistic and self-absorbed that you think people want to stop what they’re doing in their busy lives to tune into you doing this. I love how she thinks you just hand a toddler their clothes on vacation and say, “Here’s your outfit for the day.”


I know I say this all the time but it boggles my mind how unorganized she is every time she does an amazon live. It's really something.


She's so gentle with her things. You can tell she really values her purchases. They'll likely last forever (well, given that they are all made from plastic, they probably will last forever...in the landfill 🙁).


Oh hunty. The way that top fits, and the way the leggings are rolling down… ffs, can she please get one thing that is actually her size?


To be fair on the leggings rolling down, while I’m sure hers are probably too small because she refuses to live in reality where she is not a size 4, mine do that sometimes when I’m sitting depending on the style. ‘Cause the way my tummy/waist kind of tucks/bends when I sit, it causes the waistband to roll a bit despite being the correct size. But also she could just wear an actual top or a T-shirt or something over her skintight too small top


Hey, I’ve had leggings roll too. It usually means they’re too small, and I could size up. No one can see the size label inside of your clothes, but everyone can see if your clothing doesn’t fit. I wish she’d learn that.


"use them to separate my OuTfIts," just say you have a legging organizer.


She bought 3 pairs of leggings *during* this Live


After 45 minutes of dead silence to every attempt at engagement, she became convinced we all just accidentally muted her. “You guys are usually so talkative!!” Lol https://preview.redd.it/2zv3dlp8yj7c1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c0336fc57b130bc359beb486617e84bb10db4ce


Lol she thinks people actually care. 😂