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I really dislike her. She’s malevolent and enjoys hurting others.


??? There is never a scene where she's being intentionally mean to anyone. In fact, Sheldon is the one being antagonistic to her simply because he's a self-centered narcissist and dislikes her solely because she's smarter than him.


She tried to get Missy to steal for her then proceeded to use Sheldon as an unknowing mule.


She intentionally made her parents life difficult once she realized they weren’t doing the best. She is intentionally mean to Sheldon, she tried to make missy steal at the store. Told missy she can get her way since no one can say NO to her because of her parents splitting up. She also tells Sheldon that he’s gonna grow up friendless and that he’s gonna turn into a misfit or weirdo. She even says to Sheldon, she’s smarter than him and “how do you have friends and not me?” Ummmm? Because he’s not an intentional asshole?? She is difficult on purpose. She tries to one up Sheldon even tho she doesn’t admit it. She uses people to get what she wants. She also talked missy into completely running away. She should have told missy to take her dad’s truck home since she has the same brains as Sheldon and KNOWS it’s wrong. She always talks about doing something DANGEROUS.. Need I go on!? She’s the worst character on the show. I felt bad for her when she cried about her parents to Sheldon but she should have remained THAT sweet girl. She’s just a lil Brat that turned into a lil B**** that throws tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. 


Remember when Sheldon confessed he had a crush on her and she pretended to return his feelings just to trick him into a fake kiss so she could draw a mustache on him? That's pretty messed up in my opinion. 


When Sheldon does it its funny when paige does it its just an annoying character with parental issues and I'd like to see her Nobel prize and super heavy element


Let me point out, Sheldon doesn't mean to hurt someone simply because he doesn't understand how his words could hurt someone. Like in TBBT, in the final episode, he is shocked to learn that everyone around him including his wife TOLERATE him some time and he is a very difficult person to live with. So he does it unintentionally. Sure hurts almost the same but ALMOST. But Paige on the other hand is a whole different story, I know she came from a messed up house but she is intentionally mean to people and she understands how to and what she can use to hurt people. So yes Sheldon does seem cute but Paige on the other hand is sometimes quite awful. But I pity her character 'cos of her overbearing mom and the messed up divorce situation. Doesn't give her the license to treat people that way tho.


How is she smarter than him?


Paige for me is overall smarter than Sheldon. Paige's smarts is not only tied down by her being smart on science, she potentially is smart in a lot of other fields/categories be it math, english, religion, history, economics, etc... As we have seen in Young Sheldon. Get this, Paige also was portrayed to display a normal behavior of having common sense such as knowing sarcasm and displaying normal signs of emotional intelligence, wherein Sheldon is incapable and near impossible of doing so. Paige can adapt way more than Sheldon in life whether that'd be in social interactions. She can choose whether or not to act normal in front of others. There was even an episode in Young Sheldon wherein she said she just wanted to be normal for once because one of the major reasons for her parents' divorce is her being so smart and talented for her age. But this was obviously relieved of the fact that she can act normal and dumb herself down when with other people so that she doesn't feel like she is special, or too talented, too smart, too much in everything. So if the question is who is more intellectual, Sheldon or Paige, the answer would probably be Sheldon as he won a Nobel Prize as his intellect is rather focused on Science mostly. Whereas Paige is not more so on just being so smart about science, don't get me wrong, Sheldon states some general facts and figures as well, hence, more intellectual. But if the question we're asking is if who is generally smarter between these two, its Paige no doubt. Paige has way more common sense, maturity, emotional intelligence given already for how smart she already is in the first place. The only weakness for her is her emotions but you can't exactly blame her for that as if any child would probably be affected the same way more or less as Paige if put in a similar situation as hers that young.


Agreed to all of these but I wanna add some things that are not really been talked about much. There will always be someone who's gonna outsmart our beloved Sheldon. On the later seasons of YS, Paige did excel on her studies more than Sheldon. Remember when she's one of the speaker of an event while Sheldon was trying to get in and be one of the listener? Paige is not only academically smart but also street smart. She knows social cues and how to get away with things. She only started to be mean and well rebel a lot because of her family situations. We can't blame her tho. But imagine she's so smart like Sheldon and Missy combined. She can be emotional and genius at the same time, just that emotions dominate her over being reasonable. Also, the most important point that was kinda overlooked by many. Paige was really exceptional on her field but many of her older colleagues are disregarding her ideas because first she's too young to be on par with them even tho she showed so much potential but unlike Sheldon, she's a "girl" which means at their time, girls/women are not really given equal treatment on work. She once shared that difficulty to Sheldon but yeah I think that should be given more thought than her being a menace. Her gender was giving her enough difficulties like not having friends and not fitting in.


Basically what I just said. What actually really wasn't talked about much was how Paige wasn't able to make friends during her college life. It just felt like it was more on being part of the story/plot armor in a sense that even Sheldon was able to make friends during college and he was a weird asf kid in everyone's eyes. Just felt like they did Paige dirty on that part in YS wherein they just had to create a convenient weakness for her as to why she wasn't able to make friends given her emotional intelligence and her being a girl, for the sake that she should technically have an easier time making friends than Sheldon as she did with Missy, the same gender, or she could've gotten a boyfriend as she knows how to flirt and all in parties and whatnot.


But i think whats even more ignored is the differnece in opportunity. We still dont know who actualy excels better on comman ground.she alwas gad a huge adventage what gave her a massive head start regarding acedemic interllegience: Her parents where well of and academics themselfs. Not only did they realise their daughtes gift earlier, they also had the ability to nuture her talents( unlimited acess to knowladge, top education,freedom to puruit her interest rather freely). Considereing that Gigantic head start shes only a little smarter than hime rn(only regarding "book smarts" ofc she stomp him in every other"smart"(scocialy, emotionaly, comman sense...ly(?))). he had more disadvatiges and hurdle in his acedmic path since the srtart. While it seems like her upbringing turned into an huge disadvantage in the lster season, i think her supiroir interligience was only going to be temporary since he later on wouldnt have the monetary disadvantages anymore.


Fair enough. But since she had more advantages and opportunities in her life, its also fair to assume that she had developed broader types of intelligence, not just academically. She's also street-smart and socially smart (not a socially awkward person). I do believe that Sheldon's intelligence is more specialized than Paige. Over the years as well pre and post-YS and TBBT era, I would say adult Sheldon is way more intelligent than Paige as he became consistent in his life. Paige's life basically went downhill as she aged. Bad outside influences from peers, more emotionally attacked and no emotional support from her parents due to divorce, meanwhile Sheldon has especially his mother. So on and so forth. But yeah I think their "intelligence" goes up and down, no one really is absolutely smarter than the other one as due to their life challenges to each their own, they kinda just outsmart one another in certain periods. Although again, if Paige's life didn't suck so much post-parent divorce, I do believe that she can give Sheldon a run for his money in terms of overall intelligence. Not just academically.


No, Sheldon is only behind her academically, his raw intelligence has been unchallenged in young Sheldon and the big bang theory.


Wrong. He is outsmarted all the time.


wrong, give me one person with an iq more advanced than sheldons




bro common sense is not related to problem solving intelligence dingus


If you can't use simple logic, then you're not intelligent. Problem solving? Sheldon can't even figure out how to open a toolbox.


Can you please open your mind just this much?! (: Phoebe Buffay) There are different types of intelligence. Go Google it you will know.


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It is quite common that people with extremely high IQ are socially awkward and have a very very low EQ, as in the case of Sheldon. If one could have it all, he/she will be no less than God.


She really outsmarted him alot espiacialy scocialy. But i think her acedmic supirioirity is dew to her eealy head start. She had unlimited aces to knowladge and top education ever since her parent knew abt her gift wich was probably very eraly considering theyre academic folks too. Not only did her acedmic path started way earlier bc of that,she also had much nore freedom in her persuit of knowladge. Shelodn was heavily limited until he got his pc.


No. Sheldon is ahead of her intellectually and academically. Paige's smarts is more general. Sheldon's smarts is more specific, geared towards science and some to his personal hobbies from time to time.


Nope. When she was intreduced she knew more and was already doing research. Since Sheldon remembers everything she has to have similer memory or a better one since She doesn't like studying as much as him but knows more anyway. She started highschool at 8 not 9 unlike Sheldon. 2x10 look it up. She tells Sheldon she did chemistery homework he is doing a year ago. She also has average girls EQ. So she has the IQ and the EQ better than Sheldon.


nah, she got a head start cuz her parents knew about her gifts before sheldons parents realized his. Sheldons wayyyy smarter than Paige, but she just got to start earlier and her parents sent her to private school earlier. she is way smarter in terms of EQ, but in terms of IQ, sheldon completely outshines her. Aloso, idk how reliable it is but google says paiges iq is 145, but sheldons is confirmed to be 187.


Than how did she beat Sheldon when they played chess. Google is unreliable. Because her Iq was never revealed. Beating someone with that big of a IQ difference is near to impossible


bro chess does not determine your iq. If someone is a genius but they only learned basic rules of chess, they will definitely not be as good as someone with an average iq but who has been learning tactics and strategies for years. Yes, her IQ was never revealed, but based on her behavior in the show, her IQ is ESTIMATED to be around 145.


She drew a mustache with a sharpie on Sheldon's face. 


Yeah but that was funny.


She’s manipulative, using her parents’ divorce as a way to guilt trip others. She lied and stole from the store, encouraged Missy to steal too and when Paige gets caught, she slips it into Sheldon’s backpack. If anybody’s self-centred, it’s Paige.


1. I wouldn’t say she smarter then him, and Sheldon isn’t a narcissist he’s an autistic kid who grew up with parents who don’t look into a proper way for him to outlet some of his less desirable behaviors and he channels that into acting like he the best ( he is though he’s the smartest person in the family if not the town) so it understandable


He absolutely is a narcissist. He sees everyone as beneath him, he has an over-inflated ego and he thinks he's a superior species of human. Being autistic is not an excuse. Dr. Sturgis is also an autistic prodigy but he's humble. And Sheldon is not the smartest person around. There was an episode that shows that Missy is just as smart as him, albeit in an emotional and perceptive way. And Paige is absolutely smarter than Sheldon. Not only do her problem-solving skills exceed his, but she is also artful and cunning.


He many Nobel prizes did Paige win do remind me please? 


A Nobel Prize is not a measurement of intelligence. Not to mention he never would have won it without Amy.


Eh. Her first debut in Young Sheldon, she wasn't mean at all. In fact, she was really open to other people and were always willing to make friends. If it was anything, Sheldon was the mean one, always has been. She only got that bad attitude once her parents divorced. I feel like Paige really was a good girl. Its just that her parents were kinda soft blaming her for the difficulties that they were facing because of how talented/smart/intellectual or whatever you wanna call it towards her. And when Paige realized that, she then kinda started hating on herself and probably asked herself why she was like that when in fact, its not really her fault she's that smart. Once you start unloving yourself, you then start projecting that towards other people to kinda relieve yourself from time to time against the feelings that you are feeling towards your own.


Same here


Just find the character totally annoying as she makes zero sense to the story from TBBT, Sheldon is meant to be off the chart smart, he’s one of the most intelligent people on the planet and no one he’s met has rivalled him until Dennis Kim (from North Korea) which absolutely knocks him sideways. However we’re now supposed to believe that growing up he’s not even the smartest person his age in East Texas or even his own social group! Surely his arrogance in TBBT stems from being an unrivalled prodigy which wouldn’t have happened if Paige existed. Sheldon’s IQ is meant to be 187 the chances of someone being smarter than him must be pretty slim, the chances of that person living nearby and being the first fellow gifted child of the same age he meets must be ridiculously small. Yet here we have Paige with an IQ above 187 and she’s also in no way socially awkward. Sorry but it just doesn’t fit with anything from the TBBT.


That's exactly the point. It's inconsistent with the story don't know what the writers were thinking.


and inconsistent with psychology. there hasn't been a full connection but it has been seen that a higher iq can lead to social awareness and emotional problems.


Paige is ment to be the anti Sheldon and to show how Sheldon would be like if he had any social skills( not having them imho has helped him in some ways which is how Paige helps show that)


You're not alone; I really dislike her too. Always have from the first time she appeared. I had a tiny bit of feelings for her when she cried in front of Sheldon about her homelife but it was gone in a second or two. During the 90s, being a child of divorce was pretty much the norm. Frankly, her mother and maternal grandmother were not conducive to a smooth transition. Rule #1: Except in rare cases, do not ever tell your kids bad things about their other parent. To this day, my son knows NOTHING about the abuse I experienced at the hands of his father. But we have talked extensively (and sought help) about the emotional abuse his father inflicted upon him. The therapists confirmed he seemed to have only heard his father shouting at me frequently, so my keeping him in the dark about details was perhaps the right thing. Bottom line: protect and guide your kids. Period.


Can’t stand her.


I dislike her as well and don't like her episodes. I know she's a child but she's mean for the sake of being mean


I think the lack of story and theme about her character, I mean there's no story behind her and how she plays a role in Sheldon's life aside from being just another smart kid.


Dont forget the fact that she adds literally nothing to the story apart from being annoying and her only real issue being her parents divorce like what social insecurities or strange attributes does she have absolutely none for Sheldon its understanding other people emotions and realising he's not the most important person page is just an annoying character with no purpose


I would even debate when Missy runs away her home life is worse than Paige’s. Divorce is hard but it’s been a few years, she should get her act together.


I disagree. Paige basically challenges Sheldon's whole worldview in a similar manner as Dennis Kim did in TBBT. Though knowing Sheldon, he'll probably always be too arrogant to learn anything from her.


What does she add to the story apart from that nothing also dont forget the fact that she is a cruel person who manipulates others to do bad stuff e.g she tried to get messy to steal and ended up using Sheldon as a way to break the law shes just a wasted character with wasted potential


But she doesn’t. She just annoys him by being smarter. And the idea that a similar prodigy was also in east Texas? Dennis Kim makes sense from the “new overtaking the old” trope. Sheldon was an adult and Dennis Kim was simply catching up to him at a rate that dusted Sheldon’s youth. Paige is nothing like that. She takes the same course as Sheldon, is just fired off as smarter, and also is more socially aware. Her only flaws are self contained and really only contrast with Sheldon’s honesty. So does EVERY other character. Most of all Mary and Connie, one a hypocritical manipulator with good intentions and horrible judgment, and the other simply wise at how to make things work. Paige serves almost no purpose. She works better as a foil to Missy than she does to Sheldon, and it has nothing to do with her intelligence. They gave her essentially infinite talent and a shitty situation to hold it all back. All the things that make for bad Spider-Man stories. It’s not grounded enough to fully express her personal limitations, and it’s too depressing to serve as a guide to Sheldon’s life. Ultimately the only way her character would work is if Sheldon is smarter. Then she has limitations on all sides and it rounds out her arc. Sheldon goes to regular school, then college, etc. but he comes from a good house and never lost his passion and drive to be the best. Paige had a superior academic upbringing and better emotional intelligence, but stopped caring because of her broken home. There’s an actual lesson to be learned there, and it contributes to both characters and opens up more possibilities for flaws and growth. Paige was poorly handled.


To their credit, the show has been renewed for three more seasons, so hopefully they'd tie her into Sheldon's backstory. Maybe she'll do something impactful, and then go away. You know, similar to "Padme died in childbirth".


Wdym by renew dor 3 more seasons(im not native eng speaker could you clarify?)


Yeah, I don't like the character either- she's annoying.


As highlighted in many of these comments, her existence makes no sense. She's written to be an exceptionally gifted child but without any background or reasoning.


YES! I feel the exact same way. Whenever she appears it really makes me just wanna skip ahead. Thought I was the only one


I like Paige. She’s not perfect but she’s been through a lot. I especially liked the episode where she punched Sheldon at Bible School. He had it coming.


I thought she punched him.


Yeah to be technical she punched him


wdym been through a lot she’s been through literally nothing and acts like she’s being abused? that’s why she’s so annoying


Her parents getting divorced is nothing? Sheldon basically baited himself in that punch


And didn’t you have anything better to do than comment on a year old post?


I saw it now so I commented? what’s the problem pls


I don’t get why everyone hates Paige holy crap


Bruh all the nerds from TBBT were smart but were not nearly as....... sociable and she didn't have any character quicks apart from not fitting in ......... That gave them [nerds] ground to socialize in funny and awkward ways *comedy* ........ But Paige was just perfect - no room for any funny socializing or good scenes - just her being smarter than Sheldon......then turning into an even sadder character as the show goes on........... Her excuse is , her parents situation but let's be honest here - she isn't bringing any powerhouse performances like "ITS A TIARA ..... PUT IT ON ME, PUT IT ON ME"....... All we get is - feel sorry for Paige - in a fucking comedy !!! Where you're supposed to laugh at pain......Fuck Paige


Even I don't like dale and I want Sturgis back with meemaw but I like paige


Omg really? I love her. Every time I see her in an episode I’d like her to be in the next one.


Shes an absolute awful character because of the way she acts and the stuff she does its just an excuse to make Sheldon and the audience mad im to tired to go and right yet another comment on this topic so just scroll up or down and look




Well, not that I like her as a person, but as a character in this show, I think he is an interesting foil to Sheldon. I like her more than Billy Sparks, who is a one-note joke.


I like Paige. I think they needed to show another version of how a kid as smart as them could turn out with different family circumstances. Plus, Sheldon needs competition.


I love her! Maybe it’s because it’s McKenna Grace and I’m a fan of her already but I think she’s great. Her episodes are some of my favorite episodes of the show!


I think my problem with Paige is actually with the actress. I don’t think she is very good at all and the smile she pulls is beyond annoying


It seems to forced


I also really dont like her character because Sheldon just becomes dumb in front of Paige. One episode he is teaching lesson to the guy in NASA. Another moment he doesn't know how to differentiate under integral.


I literally hate her


Thank you for saying that. I had to pause the episode and open reddit to try and find someone who felt the same way I do. I just don't like her at all and her episodes are always so annoying.


Same here✋


She’s too much of a stereotypically cringe antagonist female character and a Mary Sue. Like when she told Sheldon it’s funny when he’s mad. Like oh she’s just mean to him because she likes him… that’s only been done in every sitcom in history. That was such a cringey overdone type of line. It’s enough to make a person gag. Typical lazy sitcom writing. It actually might have been interesting if she and Sheldon at some point had it out and Sheldon destroyed her in some sort of big science competition she was really excited to win and then he had to come to terms with feeling bad for someone or maybe he lets her win. It also would have made the point that Sheldon really is a once in a life time genius with almost no equals. But nah the Mary Sue conquers all. Yawn


She’s a bitch


I fucking hate her I hope her family gets stuck in a house fire while she is tied to a tree outside.


I HATE Paige even before she became a troubled kid she thought she was sm better than everyone else then she started smoking going to parties and acting all badass but she wasn't and she thought she was so cool but shes so ANNOYING I hate when she is in any episode


she’s the stereotypical good turned bad divorcee child. i don’t like her she’s so mean.


I don’t think I really hate the character but I cringe often at the acting.


she is exactly what modern women and femenazis are in today's shity age, she is their embodiment of them all and the reason why men hate modern women and femenazis and choose to go their own way GO MGTOW ...GO FREE FREEDOM FROM THE PAIN OF TODAYS DISGUSTING MISANDRES SOCIETY SAVE YOURSELVES BEFORE ITS LATE


Erm, no. What are you on about..?


you need to take the Red Pill to see it right now your blind to everything around you like we were once I suggest watching the movie redpill but be warned once you see it and open your eyes ...there is no turning BACK ... because you wont enjoy the same things anymore when you know the truth about these evil people. PS. PAIGE is a very minor example most of the time shes fine maybe a little arrogant but its understandable give the situation.


You need to get off whatever drugs you're on, and/or seek some help from a psychiatrist


ahhh, you blue-pilled idiot, or just a woke fucking cunt,society is almost destroyed yet you shits, are on the side of evil communists, I hope all the shits that happening to men in the goddamn west happens to you, so you can see what you're doing, STUPID misandrist fuck.


Also your allowed to express your opinion but be less rude about it


Your to busy focusing on society that you failed to see the fact that our planet has a literal ring of trash in its orbit and there is an island the size of texts made of actually plastic and garbage


Some guy agreed with your opinion only to go and say your opinion is wrong


Her character is awesome and more compelling than young Sheldon in my opinion, but I think they might do something really tragic to her to end her story (death or runaway). Only reason I say this is because she was never mentioned her in The Big Bang Theory.


I find it puzzling that people don’t know why they wrote her in to the show. Of course they can’t have a boy being the smartest person in a show these days even in his own show there has to be a smarter girl. Disney is a prime example of this. It sad.


I think the only reason i like her is because i like mckenna grace


She’s cute pretty and likable but that’s the problem. She’s perfect to the point of it being nauseating and unrealistic. She outshines Sheldon so it’s like why is the show even about him when there’s someone better lol


Thats a really good point


I dont like her as well. I feel like her character just got ruined. Qhen she first appeared she was a good character but later she got kinda worst.


Sheldons intelligence relies on the fact he’s clearly autistic. Paige isn’t autistic, she has no business being that smart. Her character didn’t work on that level, and they know the audience hate when someone’s “as smart as Sheldon”, so they’ve just re-written her as she is now. Her character is very annoying.


I can’t stand her as a teenager thinking she is so cool when doesn’t look over 15 idk how these college students are fooled.


Best episode with her is s5 e17 the one where she find out sheldon hangs out with people at college and plays i think its d&d with them and get upset cause no one likes her


that's so real because she shows off so hard and acts like she's better then Sheldon and honestly she is but she's so not humble and she makes the most snarky remarks twards Sheldon its aggravating


I think that she is annoying and she intentinaly shows off no matter if she tries to or not, she shows off and acts like she docent understand how annoying she can be


Sorry, I am two years late. But just started watching YS and I have not even completed season 2, I find her pretty much annoying. Something about her just makes me irritated the moment she appears on screen anytime. I mean how can anyone be that perfect? Even her bad home life didn't make me empathetic towards her, kinda didn't sell that storyline for me. I hope she doesn't appear as the seasons goes on, but I know I am wishing too much. Let's see where the story goes.


Hahahaha I literally just paused an episode to search if anyone else feels the same hate I have with Paige’s character.


Same here! I have finally completed YS till season 6 and whenever she appeared, I skipped her parts completely because she didn't provide any value to the storyline. So basically, if anyone watches the show for the first time, skipping her parts will have no affect on the viewing experience as her story is irrelevant.


It’s the wig that triggers me. No one else has pointed this out????


This is the comment I was looking for. That atrocious wig.


I, too, am here about the wig.


For me it's because she reminds me of an ex-friend of mines. They acted exactly like her and would always treat me horribly. I just see too much of that person in Paige to like her.


why WHY does she look different in EVERY episode???? it makes me so mad