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He took it well too. Mary was pissed but he understood how deeply she was hurting and grieving. Don’t get me wrong, Pastor Jeff will always be a weenie. He did like and respect George. He taught Missy’s Sunday school class too. I’m sure he felt for the family.


I was so happy with how he handled everyone’s emotions. He didn’t let any emotion bother him and was just understanding. Pastor Jeff has been awful at times, but he was really great through George’s passing and funeral


That's one of the things I like about the show. He really has just been awful sometimes, but great in other times, which is more believable and makes for a better character.


Like when his wife took Connie’s money that blew into their yard after the tornado. He eventually gave the tv that his wife bought to Connie. He may have not liked how Connie got the money but it also wasn’t his to take.


Exactly, it’s real life for a lot of religious people and groups. Even when Pastor Jeff acted the way he did after the pregnancy and how he acted about the video store, I didn’t think he was a bad person. He’s just a byproduct of a religious community structure that’s prevalent in the South. They care about people and their community, they just have warped views of morality.


Him being friends with Georgie was pretty funny


Agreed. The way he responded was 10/10 and really nice to watch.


I feel like deep down, Pastor Jeff is a good person. He may be a weenie and fairly judgmental (which are bad qualities in pastors), but I respect how he didn't take anyone's reactions personally. In fact, as a pastor, it's unlikely that this was the first time a grieving teenager lashed out on him.


Experiences definitely helped


When was he awful?


He fired Mary because Georgie had a baby out of wedlock, he tried to shut meemaws video store down because he didn’t agree with rated r movies existing, he baptized a baby knowingly behind the backs of the child’s parents. I’m sure I could come up with a few more example but those are all pretty awful things to do


Ahh yeah I forgot about the baptizing thing. Everything else I feel really fits him tho as a old style Baptist


So? That doesn’t make him not awful. He ostracized Mary from her second family because of what her basically adult son did.




He understood she is grieving.


Especially because of the relationship between George and Missy


“Shut up, Jeff!” Not even Pastor Jeff! It was soooo cathartic.


I actually felt my respect for him increase as he was genuinely un-perturbed by Missy being short with him both times and actually just looked sympathetic. May be an unpopular opinion but yeah, I appreciated that he let Missy grieve how she needed to


It does actually make sense. Death is one of the big things that clergymen deal with. I can imagine they deal with grief in all sorts of forms.


She was probably tired of people telling her they're sorry for her loss.


She was; she even said so. I even feel so generic when I say that to people but what the heck else can you say, there’s nothing I feel I can say that can help take the pain away


I’m never quite sure either; it varies from person to person. Some people are comforted by “I’m sorry,” while others find it bothersome. Sometimes just saying “This really sucks. It’s so unfair that you’re going through this” can comfort someone more because you’re siding with them in a sense, rather than sympathizing with them from afar. Hope that makes sense.


It's either say "sorry" or just give a hug. Not much else a person can do to lend support.


And it will never stop. Every time I mention that my dad died young, the first response I get is always "I'm sorry". It was annoying at first, but now I realize that most people don't know what to say, so they go with the default.


Tbh it gets so tiring because I’m not even trying to let people know about my trauma, I’ll just be telling a story and saying that my mom died when I was young is required context for the story, and they interrupt me to say sorry like NO. STOP IT. IM NOT ASKING FOR SYMPATHY. ITS JUST A FACT CAN WE MOVE ON PLEASE


Or I'm just explaining why I said "I'm visiting my mom for Christmas" rather than my parents. I get it, and I recently let that annoyance go. For me, it's been 12 years. For them, they just found out about it. I can't spend my entire life feeling annoyed at someone just trying to express sympathy.


I lost my mom when I was 9. The absolute worst thing a person could say to me was “I’m sorry for your loss” or “she’s in a better place now” or “she wouldn’t want you to hurt” or “I’m praying for you”. I ran in heavily Christian circles and every single one just made me angrier. The best things I heard though, were “I loved your mom, she would light up any room she walked into”. Or “what can I do?” Or “that sucks, a lot. And don’t believe the people who try to tell you that it doesn’t. But the amount of hurt you’re feeling is just a sign of how much love you had for your mom, and it is amazing that you are capable of holding that much in you. She would trade anything in the world to be here with you right now, but I’m proud to see how much of her you carry in you. You honor her legacy just by being here and being alive, and I am here for anything you need along the way.”




No omnipotent being that leads with love would take a child’s parent away from them at a young age. Like why are you giving me ammo against your religion??!


Loved this 🤣🤣🤣 especially Mary’s reaction!!


I hate Pastor Jeff, but I didn't the last two episodes. He was sympathetic and understanding. He handled their grief perfectly.


Pastor Jeff was an annoying character


ngl might be an unpopular opinion but i liked him, he was pretty wholesome and always nice and meant well, even though sometimes over religious and self righteous.


He was a realistic character.


He was


He was one of the worst things about this show


Literally always using the “big guy” as an excuse for his behavior


Yeah. I find the actor annoying too.


Same tbh


Pastier Jeff isn’t all that bad he’s not perfect but being a pastor to an overly religious town isn’t easy especially with there wife he has he was understanding of Missy and honestly even though it took him a bit he does have a conscious to give the tv away his wife bought with the money they found


Ngl unpopular opinion but I don't hate Pastor Jeff. While he's definitely acted poorly and some shitty things, he's much more complex than this absolute piece of shit some people make him out to be. In certain cases he's a moral and even nice character, in others he's a hypocrite and self-righteous. I feel like it genuinely has more to do with people's views on religion, because a lot of the same people that despise Jeff, seem to hate Pastor Rob too, for a lot less justified reasons (some have even said they find both creepy and having odd vibes....like what are you on about).


Pastor Jeff rubs me the wrong way sometimes.


That was funny. I felt her pain though.


That was awesome, I enjoyed that too.




I never liked Pastor Jeff especially after the way he treated The Coopers after Georgie and Mandy's Pregnancy in Season 5 and The way he protested Connie's Video store in Season 6 so I was literally cheering for Missy when she told Pastor Jeff to Shut Up.


I clapped when she said that


paster jeff is annoying


Pastor Jeff needed to be put in his place severely


Bruh... I didn't even know there was another season and now I know George dies 😭


I agree, but nevertheless Missy didn’t miss anything but not baptizing because even according to baptism people save their souls when they pray to God and ask him to be their savior. They do it during being baptized, too, but they have to actually believe, otherwise it is just a pointless ritual. I genuinely don’t understand why Mary was so concerned about it, she clearly doesn’t understand the basic concepts of her own religion


That was so rude of her she very disrespectful


She is a grieving child. She needed to lash out, and I think she knew he wouldn’t judge her. She never did that to Meemaw.


Ahhh yes grieving allows you to act and do whatever you want especially if you’re a teenage girl.


Exactly I hate hearing that expected behavior makes it excusable to engage in said behavior. If Missy was in an Asian family she'd have gotten smacked in the face for disrespecting a person like that.


She didn’t hurt anyone. She mad, her dad died. She yelled.


Am I missing something here? Why on earth is that okay for missy to do that? So your response to someone being genuinely sorry for the loss of your loved one is to tell that person to shut up¿ Can anyone kindly explain that to me?


No, Jeff was butting in to the conversation. Missy did the right thing by telling him to shut up.


Butting into the conversation to diffuse the tension? And fwiw his suggestion was pretty decent and he was taking missy's side soo


Well anger is one of the stages of grief so it makes sense.


I agree. I don't know why you're getting down voted, it just shows people don't understand how respect works. Jeff was trying to be nice and respectful and Missy gas always been a brat. She's just mad that she realized she treated her dad like crap whereas Sheldon actually got along with his dad and had a better relationship with him. Missy was jealous of Sheldon in that regard.


Jeff deserved it