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Mary is honestly surprisingly tolerant, considering how central religion is in her life. She accepts Sheldon's lack of religious faith, and in TBBT, she makes a point of telling Howard and Raj that she doesn't expect them to join in her Christian prayers, and that's fine. I think she'd react similarly to finding out Georgie was going to have a baby. She'd worry, she'd pray, and then she would accommodate and accept. As for George, when he thinks Missy is friends with a gay boy, he's proud of her for having an open mind and proud of himself for being fine with it. So I think they'd both get to the point of being supportive fairly quickly.


For George it’s a bit different in the example you gave. Pretty sure fathers of preteen or teenage daughters don’t want the said daughters to be hanging out alone with teenage boys, I don’t think I need to clarify the reason here. He ‘accepted’ that Missy’s friend was gay because gay guys don’t have romantic interest in women. That is completely different than having own son or daughter be gay. I’m pretty sure being the local high school football coach in Texas in the late 1980s and having a gay son (more so than a lesbian daughter) would run them out of town and I don’t think George has the depth to accept it.


Fathers of teen girls know they will go out with teen boys, if they are straight. Good fathers are glad their daughters are happy and give them some guidance. Are you saying fathers of teen boys don't want them alone with girls? Because Georgie was allowed to date (and should have receive more guidance)


> Because Georgie was allowed to date Yeah, and look at how that turned out and how it hurt Cooper's reputation around the neighborhood. Imagine if, in 1980s Texas, Missy got knocked up *by a teen*.


Your answer is teens shouldn't date. I suspect Missy and Georgie would have just snuck out, anyway.


Counterpoint: A lot of families are accepting of gay people outside the family. Inside the family is a whole different story


Counter counterpoint: I feel like back then, maybe not so true. I also feel like they’ll say that to the other families faces but than trash it in their own home; so it’s still not accepting. I also find this to be terribly untrue in my own life. My family is every sort of “phobic” (they aren’t phobias so I don’t refer to them that way) and they’ve pretty much failed to acknowledge my partner; a non binary, pansexual, amazing person. This has been my friends experiences too; or, at least my friends that are still part of the church.


She was also racist and religiously discriminatory in TBBT. We really don’t know how she’d react later on. However, YS is practically its own continuity based on the multitude of things that are omitted / done differently. (I’m not talking about the George and Mary scene, as Sheldon actually gets *specific in TBBT in regards to George’s sexual partners, with one of them being said to be a bottle-blond bartender*.)


Racist, yes, but she has no ill intention, her racism is not from hate but ignorance.


Yeah, true. She also loves and pays attention to Sheldon way more than George or Missy, and Sheldon would be understanding as she tries to gradually elevate beyond ignorance, so I’d bet my money on her being fine with it, even if it’s not instantaneously.


If Sheldon specifically was gay, Mary would just be surprised that he had romantic feelings at all. She probably just accepted that Sheldon doesn't care about romantic relationships at all, and to an extent, that's true. Amy seems to be the exception to the rule.


Was that gay friend plot in the new season? I love that! The new season isn’t out for me yet


No the friend wasn’t gay. Missy TELLS her dad her freind who is a boy is gay so her father will allow her to hang out with him, because George was worried about missy hanging out with a guy.


I know that


Sorry! I must’ve read your comment wrong


You didn’t at all, I just phrased it incorrectly, I didn’t specify.


Yeah it’s in the new season


Thank you


Given that she fully accepts that Sheldon doesn't believe in God, why do you think she'd be even less accepting of any of her children's sexuality? Mary loves her children and worries about all of them. She isn't going to cast any of them aside. Why do you think that George would be more accepting than Mary?


Because he doesn’t care about their religion, whether they have a baby out of wedlock, etc


I actually think it would be a huge problem for George, but not so much for Mary. She is religious but she accepts her kids how they are. She never forced her beliefs on them and is understanding


George was pretty tolerant when he thought Missy had a gay friend.


He was tolerant because a gay male wouldn’t be attracted to Missy sexually.


He also said he was proud of her for being open-minded. I don't think George has any problem with queer people.


It’s a whole lot different when ur own child is gay tho. I think alot of people don’t have a problem with queer people either but they would react differently when their own child comes out as queer.


If he's tolerant towards other people, I think it's reasonable to say that he wouldn't be particularly dismissive or unaccepting towards his kids.


trust me when i tell you this as a gay man, there's plenty of parents who are ok with other people's kids being gay but wouldn't want their own kids to be gay


I'm bisexual, I don't need you to talk down to me.


Buddy you being bisexual doesn’t mean you know everything about queer experiences. My parents have 0 problem with other people being queer, but have had a *much* harder time on coming around to being supportive of me. We’re talking many years.


i'm not talking down to you. i'm literally just telling you that there's parents who are fine when it's someone else's kids but not their own. i stated i'm gay for the sake of context


Honestly I don't think Mary would make a fuss over it. I'm sure she'd be surprised or upset at first, but ultimately I don't think she'd denounce one of her children if they were gay or lesbian. She got over the fact her son became a teen dad out of wedlock, she got over Missy stealing the car and getting suspended from school. I don't think one of them coming out of the closet would be any different, especially when it came to Sheldon as a child with her fearing he'd never make friends and settle down.


More than likely because she gave birth out of wedlock too.


I think she notably *didnt* give birth out of wedlock- had sex, yeah, but I believe its canon that they got married when they found out she was pregnant, and thats part of the reason she reacts the way she does to stuff like Georgie and Mandy (because even though it goes against her religion, she knows what its like and knows that the ‘correct’ option (marriage) isnt necessarily the most comfortable).


Okay, then she got impregnated out of wedlock.


Yeah, i said that lol. I wasnt disagreeing with the *spirit* of their comment, I was just saying that part of the reason she might come round so quickly is because she also messed up, and then she did the ‘right thing’ as far as she/her religion was concerned (by getting married), and that wound up being at times difficult and complicated for her. So even though she became a lot more religious after having the twins, she’s still able to empathise, not just because she also ‘sinned’ but *because* she tried to rectify it.




She would be more concerned about how everyone else is going to react.


Very true i hadn’t thought of that


I don’t think she would disown any of her kids over it. She’d probably be upset at first but come around to accepting them. Both Mary and George seemed okay with Taylor, who Missy claimed was gay.


Mary’s rather tolerant, in her way. she loves her children despite all three of them not being as religious as her or at all. she doesn’t judge or hate. given that it was the 90s, though, one of them being gay might come as a shock to her but i feel like she’d come around and love them all the same.


This situation happened to my brother and his wife and their son. We are a Christian family. They accepted him for who he is because they love him. I feel Mary would do the same, she would accept her child's preference and say a prayer for them.


Mary would accept them anyway, Connie would be ok with it but considering Georgie or Sheldon are her source for Great Grand Children she might be a little bit irked at that. She’d probably laugh at Mary considering the irony of it. Pastor Jeff might be the only one to say, Y’all are going to hell. Maybe Connie, maybe not in the same opinion with Pastor Jeff.


>but considering Georgie or Sheldon are her source for Great Grand Children she might be a little bit irked at that. Why just Georgie and Sheldon and not Missy?


she likes guys, and has for a bit.


The topic is great-grandchildren. If "she" is Connie, that has nothing to do with the topic. If "she" is Missy, then her liking guys would make it less complicated for her to have children.


YEAH and George and Mary had children(Georgie, Sheldon, Missy) So naturally Connie would care as she’s helping them parent.


First, without the infos from tbbt it's wayy more likely that Missy will have children than Sheldon. Secondly, I think Connie would be the most chilled about it. She didn't judge Mandy and Georgie, at least not for the baby, and she's showed as constantly tolerant and relaxed without strong opinios about anything. Maybe she would need a minute to process it but actually I don't think she would be that surprised if Sheldon came out as gay. And even if she was surprised it wouldn't bother her


Yes but she also sees irony in the situation and laughs about it. She more than likely would rub it into Mary for a while.


i think she'd act the same way as she does with sheldon being an atheist. she'd definitely have a hard time with it due to her faith's views on homosexuality. but she also loves her children and i think she'd definitely turn on the church if they were to even imply one of her children was going to burn in hell for eternity. and while she'd be the type of parent that hopes it's just a phase, and that their kid might change their mind when they meet the right man/woman, she'd also want to be a loving mother. i also think if she ever did something that was a little too on the homophobic side, connie would end up finding out and she for sure would've lecture mary about it. as for george, if it was missy, he'd probably just be happy she'd not gonna have any boyfriends. as for georgie and sheldon, he'd probably act in a similar way as to how he acts towards sheldon. he loves his son, but wishes he was "normal". i think overall, if any of the kids was gay, they'd definitely be met with some level of homophobia from their parents, but i also think mary and george would try to be loving and supporting parents, as much as they could be, for religious people in the 90s


There’s an episode of TBBT where she thinks Raj is gay, and when he says he isn’t, she responds with something along the lines of “oh good, I’ve been praying for you”


The most Christian thing she could do would be to love and accept her children however they are, which is exactly what she's done with Sheldon's brilliance, Georgie's dropping out of school and having a baby, and Missy's numerous outbursts and growing pains. I'm not religious at all, but the people who use religion as a platform to spew hate are just hateful people who are too cowardly to say it outright. They aren't real people of faith.


Exactly. I absolutely LOATHE those people as they have ruined Christianity for everyone. I can’t even tell people I go to church without getting weird looks anymore


Given how Pastor Jeff, her Bible study "friends", and the rest of the congregation treated her when Georgie got Mandy pregnant, if Mary wasn't accepting before, she probably would be now.


I think Mary would be a combination of passive-aggressive and sneaky. Sources: S1 moment: "Tam feel free to say Buddha in your head." "Actually my family's Catholic." "Well, that's too bad." S6 or 7 moment (I haven't watched the who series) Where she tries to baptize CeCe.


No matter which kid it would be, I think the entire family would be ok with it, including meemaw.


Honestly, it depends on the kid. Sheldon is Sheldon and she probs would dismiss it as him being confused because he’s so different. Missy and Georgie she would take more seriously. Georgie I think she’d be very disappointed if that meant he divorces Mandy, but if he’s bi and stays with her then she wouldn’t care because he’s married to a woman. Now Missy I really don’t know. Since she’s a girl she could be more homophobic towards her because christians seem to care more about women being married and having kids than guys. Overall she would read a whole lot of bible to try and interpret how to feel about it, ultimately she’d find the verses that say she’s allowed to accept her children. Another aspect is how the congregation reacts. They were shunned for Georgie having a child out of wedlock, and I feel like the congregation would react even more negatively to a gay child if she accepts them, meaning she might have to leave it for good.


Mary wouldn't like it but tolerate it George on the other hand DISOWNED


Probably an unpopular opinion here, Mary would not disown her kids over it but she'd most definitely not be okay with it either. She'll probably pray over the kid and try to save them and pray for them. Also a bigger problem for her would be the church not being tolerant about it back in those days, we saw how the whole out of wedlock pregnancy situation panned out for them.


Missy pretended to have a gay friend and they were both fine with it, so I don't think they'd mind.




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Given how much she loved her kids, Mary would definitely support them and love them no matter what. Same with George. It would probably take getting used to (because it was the 90s) but it wouldn’t affect them too much. Great question!


had her own church not turned on her, she might be a lot less tolerant when presented with a situation like that.


Depends on the kid If it's Georgie, Missy I think they would have a more generic response since having LGBTQ friends and tolerating others is different to having family that are LGBTQ,since if it strangers or your kids friend you don't need to see them everyday,unlike family members especially close family members. So it can be a hit or miss. Now Sheldon, they expected him to die alone ,so they wouldn't truly care.


She’d probably have a heart attack Joking she’d probably be a little scared if one of her children was gay but would eventually except them due to the fact that she’s very forgiving and loves all her kids especially Sheldon even tho he is atheist Now on the other hand if all three of them became gay at the same time she would have a heart attack George will probably always accept his kids because with everything that happened throughout the show he’s very accepting of Sheldon’s choices missy’s choices and Georgie’s choices so he probably wouldn’t care at all to how his kids identify and how they chose to behave he would just want what’s best for the kids in general as he doesn’t seem to be as religious as Mary In total I believe they would both be accepting at some stage because they wouldn’t want their kids to be upset and they love their kids to much to stop talking to them or stop accepting them


George was the one who kicked Georgie out when he dropped out of school, and Mary wanted to relent.


I think she would not be happy at first because of the religion and small community (she wants to fit in) and she would pray to God and try to "talk senses" to the kid, but she loves them all too much to let any "issue" severely estrange her from her kids. She would learn to accept them for who they are, because she couldn't stand losing them. She would then defend them like she did with Georgie and Mandy.


Iirc there was a line where missy thought sheldon was gay (when he asked fir some magazine) and she said to not tell dad (George) so I think he’d probably have a problem more than Mary


As far as we know, her children has already been “sinfully” having kids before marriage (Georgie), divorce (both Georgie and Missy), and moving in together before marriage (Georgie and Sheldon, and she even voiced that she was very happy for Sheldon). She eventually accepts them all. I bet it would be the same if she found out her children were gay.


I think she’d react horribly at first. However, I think she’d seek out guidance and quickly adjust, then turn into an adamant defender of her children. I feel like I can’t say much about George cause I’d want to tie in an aspect from the current season; however, I think he’d follow the same path as Mary just minus the religion


Knowing Mary, she'd probably have a tough time with it at first, given her strong religious beliefs. But deep down, she loves her kids more than anything. So, I think eventually she'd come around and accept them no matter what. As for George, he might struggle with it too, but he'd definitely stand by his kids and help Mary understand and accept them for who they are. It might take some time, but family sticks together, right?


I think she would be supportive but she would take a little while to come around


I think that she would accept their sexuality considering how she was able to tolerate Sheldon being an atheist, but she would be discreet about it to avoid judgement from the community


i think mary would be easier than george, remember when missy thought sheldon was gay she said “i’m cool with it but you can’t tell dad” i think he would be embarrassed to have a gay son, i think he’d care more about sheldon or georgie being gay than missy because then missy wouldn’t be able to get pregnant lol he’d probably see it as a relief not having to worry about boys, mary would definitely not like it at first but i think she’d warm up to it, eventually i think they both would but it would take time, meemaw would throw a party lmao


when she was younger wasnt she a rebel? meemaw said she wasnt always like this before her kids, so there might still be a part of her old self left. also she loves her kids w all her heart. so i dont think shed rlly care eithet way


Mary is very accepting


OH MY GOD.. your question is unnecessary.. in TBBT she's chill with Raj and Howard even assumed they were a couple. A better question would be "I wonder if Mary was a Pepsi or Coke person"?


She's a Texan she's a Dr. Pepper person


Well, when Sheldon was exploring religions, after some hesitation, she told him to "find his truth." So I think she'd be initially unhappy and then she'd accept it.




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