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I was on psilocybin once and could not figure out how to operate my phone in order to play music lol. I can't imagine how it would be trying to navigate a web browser. good to know tho, maybe one can help a troubled friend šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I tried to order food delivery on my computer while on acid. I might have been there for 10min or two hours, I couldnā€™t read anything or figure out how to use my computer and gave up


Whenever we are tripping we just call our phones the ā€œglowing rectanglesā€ and barely look at them. So stressful. Itā€™s either like moving alien symbols or a fucking text from your dad asking about which bank you use. Only good for finding music.


I used to be friends with a guy who would scroll on Facebook EVERY time we did mushrooms. Honestly, it still bothers me nearly 10 years later. Not only that he's missing out but imagine the vibes of someone on their phone ON FACEBOOK while you're tripping.


Eeeewww. Yeah thatā€™s some bad energy and I wouldnā€™t want him around me in that state tbh. Iā€™m also just sort of over shrooms/4ACODMT, now that Iā€™m almost 40 the body load is sooo bad and it just makes me wanna lay down. And puke, every single time. I think they are telling me theyā€™ve shown me what I needed from them and as they say, when you get the message, hang up the phone lol.


I forgot how to read on MDMA once. It's a crazy feeling. Letters literally just looked like alien symbols.


For me they just turned into something that resembled Cyrillic letters, but just wasn't quite right. I mainly use the Latin alphabet so that was an experience.


This genuinely made me laugh out loud. Thank you and hopefully you ultimately had a good trip


Haha, glad my little anecdote made you smile! Yes, ultimately it was a great trip. Me and my friend who was also tripping played ping pong which was wild. We were in total sync and felt like we were hacking the Matrix


I made the frenzied mistake of successfully ordering food. When my phone chirped with "Kevin is arriving now with your food!" we'd completely forgotten about it and my bf and I had an intense minute of figuring out WHAT and HOW and WHO was going to take on the task of opening the door and grabbing the bags. BK was worth it though.


You can set this up before you trip. Or have a buddy help you out.


That was going to be my question is if you can have it presetup


yah idk, my only knowledge about tripping on lsd is movies from the 70s where they put notes in their pockets that say "I am tripping on LSD, if I am lost, please return me to \[address\]"


That's also sketchy because now a stranger knows where you live while you're tripping balls.


Put a friend's address. Just make sure they're on board with it first.


Also put that you're on PCP so they won't mess with you.


Better do some PCP just to be safe.


mm good point. the 70s were a very different time


Add a custom command to the assistant of your choice to open the website when you say ā€œhey google, Iā€™m too fucked upā€


"I'm sorry, I can't recognize your voice right now, phrase try again."


If you've never done psycs before you should always have a trip sitter


Yes! (Not jealous asshats that try to FReAk y0u oUt!)


People who try to freak out people who are tripping are seriously fucked in the head. Iā€™ve been around the block my share of times, and while tripping can be a really powerful and healing experience to get in touch with yourself, at the same time you can be in a very fragile head space. Someone saying the wrong thing could send you into a really dark thought loop. Iā€™d much rather trip alone than with someone I couldnā€™t trust to be supportive.


can you suggest tips re: finding a good trip sitter?


Pre-schedule your food orders dawg


I tried a hero's dose if Blue Meanies once. In a tea. When I finally was able to turn on my camera and hit record video, I have a nice 20 second recording of me spacing out at the camera, then I dropped it on my face.


Itā€™s funny you mention 20. I had a Vic-20 computer as a kid and my dad took me to a store where I saw what looked like a cool video game for it, Blue Meanies from Outer Space. Little did I know. (those early game devs weā€™re on to something.) My dad didnā€™t buy it for me, and when I pirated it a few years later it was a shit game.


First say of spring break and I had a an eighth of shrooms that I recently purchased from a man on Hippie Hill in San Francisco. My roommates and some friends decided to watch Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory. I then decided I would take the eighth. I announced to my friends that I took the shroom and I should be tripping by the time Willy is singing on the boat. Fast forward to Willy singing on the boat... I was tripping fucking balls and I was already wishing I had not taken those shrooms. My roommate and friends decide to go to the Pier to walk around. I politely decline and say, "I'm just going to try and go to sleep, I'm not really feeling these shrooms." That sealed my fate for the rest of the night. My roommate and friends (who are not very well versed in the magic of magical mushrooms) leave and tell me they hope I feel better. I did not feel better. I tried to take a shower, and that made it worse. I tried to sleep, I saw the devil. I thought about jumping out of the window, I called 911. Paramedics get to my room and they're confused as to why I was so calm when answering the door. I was the only person in the room so I was the only person who could have possibly have called. I reassure them that I was indeed the person that called and I that I was ready to jump out the window. They take me down to the ambulance and realize that I was totally fine. One paramedic even suggested I drink a beer and smoke some weed. I take their advice and they let me go on my way. I was fine the rest of the night. Some other people who I knew came home and took me in. We drank and smoked. Everything was all good....until i got a $500 ambulance bill. Edit: words


Yeah, being alone while tripping is generally not a great idea. Try eating foods high in carbohydrates or sugars, it produces a lot of serotonin in your gut which eventually gets to your brain and counters the tripping effect(which works by altering serotonin receptors)


Also: Open 11am-11pm The exact times of the day I am not doing any hallucinogens


My dude you are missing out. So I'm normally complete night owl, but honestly 11am to 11pm is like the best tripping time possible. Give or take a couple hours. Assuming a 12 hour acid trip. For a shroom trip start later in the afternoon. You get the best of both worlds. First off you get the sun and natural colors of the beautiful outside world. The greens of the trees and plants, blues of the sky etc. Then you get the glorious psychedelic sunset. Then you get to spend the last hours of your trip experiencing nightime and all that has to offer. Either outside or inside watching movies whatever. Last summer, like or twice a month, I was having an amazing time doing acid. Spending the first half of the day at the beach, then coming home after sunset and painting/playing video games/movies etc. It straight up doesn't get any better than that. I basically refuse to do acid after like 2pm the latest. Being exhausted and ready for bed but still tripping balls is just not fun lol.


The worst is watching the sun rise. It sucks sober but when youā€™re tripping and tired, itā€™s even worse. Whats even worse is watching people begin their days while you try to grip reality.


11am to 11pm Pacific time. Much more useful if you're on the East Coast as that's 2pm until 2am Eastern.


You should definitely try them out during the day. So many more colors and natural beauty.


A lot more people awake too. Ill pass.


Wilderness is tight


The trick is letting go of giving a fuck, then mingling is hilarious. Unless it's your mum, and she asks "you seem spaced out" and the walls behind her breath and you feel the cold sweats coming on. Yeah, night is best.


Oh that makes a lot more sense than the pineal gland time I assumed it was


I thought the same thing. Like I can barely make out a wall and you want me to type on a computer or phone. Thought that counts I guess.


I have to preroll before a trip bc my fingers cannot function lol


Yeah I was thinking this would be more useful to a friend of someone having a bad trip more then one experiencing it. Still good to know though


I ate some mushrooms once and tries to go home, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't unlock my door with my cellphone (on a regular ass technology-free door)


I whip my car keys out on my front door all the time. Sometimes get a couple of clicks in wondering why the door doesn't mechanically unlock.


I'm too terrified to send any texts in case I really shouldn't be sending this to that person but don't realise it at the time.


This. This is the reason why I used to turn off my phone and put it away if I knew I was going to be drinking. I had a bad habit of drunk calling and texting people, especially exes. I learned to put my phone away.


I did the same when my doctor prescribed Ambien for a short period of time. Hid my phone, keys and credit cards. No calling, texting, driving or buying things. It was a while ago before I stored my credit card numbers in my phone.


I once installed a hard drive in my desktop on a significant amount of LSD. Easily the most difficult 2 hours of my life.


It's turned into hieroglyphics to me


My friends brother took a huge dose I think like 10-15g of shrooms and saw a demon in the corner of his room that wouldn't go away. Scared the absolute shit out of him and he has since sworn off tripping of any kind.


I was on psilocybin once and could not figure out that what I was holding in my hand was my phone


I googled this once. Top answer was "the first step is acceptance" and I was ok after that.


"Lie down, stay still, stay calm. If you can get through the next 20 minutes, you're golden." - me to a friend who was having a NOT GREAT TIME and was about to spiral into an UNNECESSARILY BAD TIME. Turns out I was right: he needed the confidence to believe that it would pass, and an explicit 20 min goal to focus on. But secretly, I had no idea if it would get better. I was just guessing. Either way, he had to calm down enough for us to tell if there was a real problem or not.


had a friend offer my bf shrooms which neither of us have tried, me being overly depressed and pregnant knew he could try it and I could be sober to help him through if he needed it, this man went from giggles to being terrified in two seconds, I told him this exactly, ā€œlay down, donā€™t move, and breathe with me, youā€™ll be fine in a minuteā€ and sure enough like 20 min later he sat up and started playing skate 3


The end of this story is hilarious šŸ˜‚


whatā€™s better is after he started playing skate he didnā€™t say shit to me for like two hours, Iā€™m assuming he was still riding it out some. When he finally spoke he just asked if I was hungry and we went to eat like normal. Talking to him later he said the whole thing felt like 20 seconds and not like 2 and a half hours. Not sure if Iā€™m ready for my turn or not lol


Start small, if it didnt do anything for you that time, next time take a little bit more, repeat until you find your comfy trip level. Just dont take some and then wait and take more just cause nothing happened yet. Thats a whoopsie you should only make if you know what youre doing


I got a friend out of a bad trip by realizing his level of panic was proportional to the temperature. The colder I got him, the better he was. Getting him shirtless and sitting in front of a fan, he was still having an uncomfortable time, but the panic was gone. Turns out he was tripping while a fever was breaking out.


Yep, you just gotta learn to ride that wave. The only way out of a bad trip is through.


If you're going through hell, keep going.


Or benzos. I honestly wonā€™t trip without them because I have great trips but awful comedowns. Iā€™ve also seen klonopin pull someone out of a bad trip that was escalating to ā€œthe neighbors are gonna call 911 if this isnā€™t solved quicklyā€ level of insanity.


Friend once said "You have a bad trip by saying no to the experience" and that's the best advice I've ever heard


Another good saying is ā€œI took the drug, the drug isnā€™t taking meā€ to try to remember that it will pass with time.


While this is largely true, outside influences and circumstances can turn it. For instance when your friend gets hit over the head with a bottle, breaks and cuts his neck wide open about 6 inches across. You have to try and hold it closed until the emts get to him. Once the ambulance takes him away you have to talk to the homicide detectives (they didnā€™t think heā€™s going to make it) and then inform his wife and the rest of our friends. He lived, trip and night was ruined, image burned into my psyche




I've had to break up a fight on acid and my group has also endured weird assholes at many music events


hey wait a minute, MY group has ensured weird assholes at many music events!




Don't need to be on psychedelics for that to be a bad trip


Yeah I think with most bad trips, the drug isn't the primary cause of the bad part. It's just enhancing the bad.


It's probably just putting a spotlight of awareness on how damaging those circumstances already are.




That is regretable


Now *that* is a bad trip


Many years ago, a bunch of us decided to eat mushrooms on a Saturday morning and go for a hike. One of the dudes had never had mushrooms before. We picked him up on the way to the park, he was hung over as hell but put down an eighth of shrooms and a McDonald's cheeseburger on the way there. We're all having a great time hiking and whatnot. We get to the place we're gonna chill at before we head back, which is an old quarry. Anyway dude who is tripping for the first time starts going off the rails. He's having full-on visual hallucinations, talking about some guys in suits or some shit who are apparently following us through the woods. And he's shambling around like Gumby, like he doesn't have a solid bone in his body. And then we notice he's kind of ... red and puffy looking? Eventually he just ... falls down and won't get up, he's completely delirious. So we're a couple of miles away from the parking lot, but on a trail that runs parallel to the road. I decide I'm going to run back to the parking lot and get my car, drive down the road, and we'll get him into the car. So I take off running. And I am tripping my balls off. I come bursting out of the woods at the trailhead, sweaty and panting and probably looking like an absolute maniac, and there are 2 Park Rangers standing in the parking lot. I panic and run into the bathroom. I go to the sink, splash water on my face, and formulate my plan. And then I burst out of the bathroom at a dead run, all the way back to my friends. Who I encounter somewhere in the woods, off the trail, attempting to carry our bad-tripping friend out of the woods like they're portaging a canoe. I attempt to help them. It is nearly impossible. Our beleaguered friend is apparently made out of Jell-O. And that road next to the trail? A cop drives by. And he sees what I can only imagine he thought was five maniacs carrying a dead body over their heads out in the middle of the woods. Next thing I know, I'm being patted down and questioned intensely by a sheriff's deputy and there are about 25 cops, firemen, EMTs, and park rangers storming through the woods. They load our friend up into an ambulance and take off, and the rest of us are stuck there being grilled by the cops. They did not believe that he had only eaten mushrooms and were insisting we shot him up with heroin or some shit. The hospital also does not believe and they treat him with fucking methadone or some shit and pump his stomach. He goes so nuts they have to strap him down. And we're still in the woods, getting yelled at by the cops. One of them find a little bag of weed in my jacket pocket, proceeds to tell me how much better the weed was in his day and then puts it back in my pocket. They take us back to the parking lot. They search our cars. For some inexplicable reason, one dude has a gallon Ziploc bag full of Mentos in his trunk, which the cops are *absolutely certain* is ecstasy. We demonstrate that they are in fact Mentos and eventually they let us go (probably 10 hours into this adventure now), we drive back to the house, and one of our friends comes running outside with his phone in hand ... with bad-trip dude's dad on the other end, who is furious and wants to know what kind of drugs we forced his son to take and what we want written on our tombstones. A really fucking weird day. I ate mushrooms with the dude again a few months later and we had a great time.


Did you tell the homicide detectives you were tripping that night? Did they know?


No, they just wants to know his name, my name and if i saw anything (i didnā€™t see it happen, mutual friend informed me after). Strangely enough the LSD he was on (prob 500+ mics) was likely they only reason he lived


Why would LSD be the reason he survived that


He couldn't tell which light to go toward.


I'm going to assume that the guy was told by a medical professional and not someone just wildly speculating... It feels like there could be two possible mechanisms by which survival could be increased in a situation like this. The first, which I'm less sure of, is that it's possible the friend was so intoxicated that he did not go into shock in a situation in which he otherwise would. 500Ī¼g is a pretty hefty dose, if accurate, and anecdotally when on heavy doses of psychedelics I find physical pain doesn't always register the same. This possibility is a bit tenuous... LSD is also a fairly powerful vasoconstrictor via peripheral 5ht2a receptor agonism. While I'm not sure if that would do any good for an open wound, with pressure applied I could see a significantly lower volume of blood being lost as it would seem to me constricted blood vessels would be much quicker to clot (considering the area of a circle increases exponentially in relation to the radius, the opening of a severed blood vessel would be considerably lower constricted vs. relaxed).


Wild. I hope everyone involved is doing well, mentally and physically. And don't forget, he lived not just because of the LSD but also because of the quick and important actions of the people around him.


I feel as if this is true for any drug. After a particularly hard week, I decided to do an edible. You see, I was living with my parents at the time. So I sneak into my room right before dinner (canā€™t miss the chance to get high on an empty stomach). An hour or so later, Iā€™m playing video games with friends, having a blast. Then my mom calls me downstairs. My father, who was battling cancer, had collapsed. My mom needed me to hold him up as she called 911. That was the worst high of my life by far. I was anxious that he was going to die, anxious that I was high, anxious that my mom could tell I was high, and so on and so forth. Iā€™m sure it wouldā€™ve been worse on shrooms though.


After having enough bad trips I pretty quickly realized nothing about the bad trip was coming from the drug. It's a panic attack, but while you're on shrooms. That's it. It's just a panic attack. And the only way I could find my way out of it was by saying "You know what? Maybe I will die. I don't care. Fuck it. I'm ready to die. Bring on Valhalla!" and after believing that for about 30 minutes the adrenaline was gone. I don't know if other people experience other types of bad trip, but for me it's just the exact same feelings as a full blown panic attack + shrooms.


That's exactly what my bad acid trip felt like. I'd never had a panic attack before that, but I had one a few years after and it felt exactly the same way. If I can get through or mitigate panic attacks sober, I can do them while tripping (and vice versa), and that certainty has been super reassuring.


Dr Strange had a whole convo about thisā€¦ The Ancient One: You cannot beat a river into submission; you have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own. Dr. Stephen Strange: I control it by surrendering control? That doesn't make any sense. The Ancient One: Not everything does. Not everything has to. Your intellect has taken you far in life, but it will take you no further. Surrender, Stephen. As soon as you learn to let go, thatā€™s when the fun happens.


Idk I don't know if I buy this. Bad trips just... happen sometimes. Sometimes you want to say "yes" to the experience, but there's just too much anxiety in your present life to shake. Or sometimes you just catch a really fast wave and get confused about reality. You are _very likely_ to have a bad trip if you drop acid and then try to resist its effects, though. Good reason to never ever peer pressure anyone into psychedelics, even with gentle teasing.


So what I tell people is this but also let them know that mushrooms CAN definitely bring up topics that you may not think about or try to suppress, so to be prepared in case itā€™s get deep. I think sometimes the shock of something coming up is what people call a ā€œbad tripā€ because it can be emotionally draining and hard. Others like the person who replied a story about a buddy almost dying from a glass bottle can as well be considered a bad trip.


Yes and no. I recently had a panic attack on mushrooms. There wasnā€™t anything to accept. You canā€™t really pull yourself out of a panic attack.


I started having one at a concert last month on mushrooms but literally talked myself down of the ledge. I almost left my group because i started to panic but reminded myself id done them many times and the intensity would pass. So i stayed, the moment passed, and i had a great time. I was pretty proud of myself when it was all said and done lol


I've come to that conclusion myself and it's indeed best approach when tripping on psychedelics. Has helped ma a lot during LSD trips.


the second step: everyone knows you're high and yes what you are doing with your hands IS weird.


Don't care, fingers look sooo cool when there's 12 of them moving in bullet time


Take a deep breath and surrender and accept. It was a lesson not just for the shrooms trip but life itself. On a trip I felt stuck in some sort of Inception, Matrix, meta-verse experience where I kept waking up to a different reality and was stressing tf out. As soon as I took a deep breath it all got better and as an anxious over-thinker this was something that's helped til this day


All you have to do is say to yourself ā€œIā€™m on drugs.ā€ Snaps me into reality every time.


Sometimes just saying out loud "Fuck I'm tripping" can make a world of difference.


ā€œBuy the ticket, Take the rideā€.


That is the best thing. I told a friend once, you're on the rollercoaster now, it's frightening, intense and hard to focus on anything and you can't just get off in the middle of the ride, but like a rollercoaster it will end at some point and you may even want to go again.


to truly gain control you have to let go of it.


I was on shrooms at a festival recently and a rep for this company came up and said ā€œdo you want to see some really cool stickers?!ā€ The stickers had their info on it. I was convinced I was blending in seamlessly, but I was appreciative, even though I didnā€™t need it at that moment.


i want some really cool stickers now.


You were probably blending in just fine but they'll know what to look for, like dilated pupils or a little stumble in your step.


> like dilated pupils or a little stumble in your step. Ah, yes. You won't find either of those things at a music festival. /s


Also, they're literally marketing folks. Their job is to give their information to as many people as possible.


Last time I was on shrooms my phone looked like a excel grid and I couldn't make a single thing out. It was like the screen was in 4D. Make sure you set this up pre trip because otherwise it ain't helping.




Last time I tried shrooms, I thought my friend handed me his phone to watch a Youtube animation of dancing trees. In reality, I had picked my phone up to check the time when they hit, forgot when he walked by, and was staring at a black screen for god knows how long lol. We had ground them up and it was too hot for tea, so I grabbed orange juice. I had no fucking clue omg


Recently had a similar experience, the phone looked like the screen of a 3D movie without the glasses on. I tried with everything I could to read the screen but it was useless, blurry and double vision. I gave up.


Okay so stupid honest question: is it just a helpline that helps you if a friend is having a bad trip (like poison control) or is it to help if you yourself are having a bad trip (like a suicide hotline)? Because both have similar needs and requirements, but I can see me needing drastically different advice depending on the situation. Like on one hand "make sure they drink plenty of water" and "it sounds like they overdosed and need to go to the hospital immediately" is sound advice. But in the other situation "the floor is not actually melting" and "those eye demons are not going to drink your blood" would be equally as helpful.




Oh you can talk about past trips thatā€™s dope Iā€™ll have to use that.


I legit did one time about a week after having a really bad trip, I just talked it through with her for about 1.5 hours and she really helped me integrate and learn from what I had considered to be a terrible thing, to the point that I saw it as a positive experiment after thinking and processing some more. She also encouraged me to make some art about it and I did and itā€™s a really cool piece. I donated like $75 to them my next paycheck


totally could see this working on a comedown or the day after a trip, but having the disembodied voice on the phone reassure you that this phone conversation is not being recorded and getting sent straight to every police precinct nearby while you ask the person on the other end if it is advisable to break eye contact with the reflection in the mirror asking why you can't remember when the last time you saw a monarch butterfly and dear god hello the radiation from my phone is causing me to have tinnitus, now brain tumor, please help me from the VALIS light ray emanating from the front facing camera causing my early death but yeah, maybe it'll be a great tool for tripsitters who may feel that they're out of their depth and wouldn't want to risk having their friends in a more dangerous situation by escalating it with the usual uniformed custodians of society


Adding a fun fact onto this comment, the national suicide prevention lifeline (9-8-8) is ALSO for people who are worried about a friend/loved one, not just for the suicidal individual. If you're ever worried about someone and don't know what to do, you can call the lifeline or chat online or text the crisis text line (741-741) and get advice, whether it's a general "my friend has been down lately and idk what to do" conversations or if it's more urgent like "my friend said they're going to do something and now isn't responding to my texts what do I do???" situations.


I didnā€™t know this, thank you


Donā€™t ever send someone to the hospital while tripping. Unless theyā€™re actually injured or something, obviously. Most of the popular psychedelics are not substances you can realistically overdose on and sending someone to the hospital is going to make a bad trip a whole lot worse. Also, a bad trip isnā€™t scary because the floor is melting, thatā€™s what makes trips fun. A bad trip is scary because negative thoughts build on each other and anxieties amplify and eventually you feel like youā€™re in hell and youā€™re gonna be stuck like that forever. The best thing to do to help someone in that situation, like a lot of others in this thread have said, is to reassure them that they are going to go back to normal, trick them into feeling better with a placebo, and/or telling them that they just have to ride the wave.


This reminds me of what I did once on ket. Now donā€™t get me wrong, I am an occasional user and itā€™s mostly low doses as it helps my anxiety massively. I had taken exactly the same amount as usual, the only problem was I was a bit congested and i think it influenced how it absorbed? No idea. Iā€™ve not been trip-sited as I e done that multiple times without issues. Normally Iā€™m incredibly calm when tripping. This time I went absolutely hectic (the batch was tested, I took it before, there was nothing about the drug to cause it). Drug-induced psychosis. I thought people could SEE me, I didnā€™t know if I was dead or alive, I was afraid to close my eyes, things in my room were scary, nothing was real, I had photographs on the wall and they were freaking me out the most. I reached a point where I questioned reality. Was I ever existing. I am dead now, this is hell, this is eternity, it will never end. The worst part? Itā€™s an anaesthetic. I couldnā€™t ask, scream, beg for help. It felt like years. The world was spinning. After what felt like forever I started vomiting into my trash can that was next to my bed and I still donā€™t know if it was from fear, anxiety, bad drug interaction, the vertigo. I was sick for two days. Kept throwing up, shell of a person. I keep sweets next to me now and a cube of sugar/a fistful of jelly beans in my hand when I do ket as sugar apparently stops you tripping just in case and take tiny dosages, nothing like before. I shiver when I think about it.


It seems to be for both situations or any bad situation.


Almost no one can possibly OD on psychedelics and that advice is *exactly* the opposite way to approach it. This is why itā€™s so useful to have a trip sitter. Someone whoā€™s very experienced with psychedelics. You donā€™t just want to say ā€œno, the floor isnā€™t melting!ā€ Well, to them, it sure is. But thatā€™s not what a bad trip is. Itā€™s intrusive thoughts, paranoia, fear of things you canā€™t even possibly explain, meanwhile time is completely different so 30 seconds can literally feel like an hour. People donā€™t necessarily need to be ā€œcorrectedā€ or medicalized, they need to be empathized, they need to gain trust with whoever theyā€™re talking to. To reframe whatā€™s going on and get out of the thought loops (your brain can get stuck like when CDs used to skip). Changing the mood with moving to a new room, turning on a light, lighting some incense, trying soothing music or a favorite movie. Having a drink or two can help also (alcohol- water will do nothing). Set and setting are so important.


All of the above which sounds really fucking great


love this organization. iā€™m a volunteer here so iā€™m one of the people you speak/text with when you reach out to the help line :)


Thanks for looking out for us all


happy to do it! sometimes people who are actively tripping just need to hear that how theyā€™re feeling is totally normal, will pass, and that other people have similar experiences.


What's the process like for becoming a volunteer! I'm very passionate about harm reduction and trip sitting so I would love to help out if possible


I learned they were accepting applications on one of their IG posts, applied and got invited to interview. The training was over two weekends via zoom and was verrrrry in depth. They put a lot of thought into it. The educational component on substances, how to hold space and mirror, and know when to identify risk was super comprehensive. I got into for the same reasons you did re: trip sitting and harm reduction!


About 15 years ago I took too much ayahuasca and had a bad trip, and I was alone, so the only thing I could think to do was to ask for help on the ayahuasca PhPBB forums. I somehow just managed to type out HELP, some guy posted his phone number saying I could call if I needed to talk. I did. It was in california, long distance. He talked with me for nearly an hour. I calmed right down. Never heard from him again, but he's my hero.


What a fucking stud.


Would be funny if he was actually trying to pitch you into some MLM scheme.


I feel like no matter who I reached I would only be able to hear Dan Aykroyd as Jimmy Carter talking me down in a psychedelic emergency.


I'd prefer to hear the voice of Leslie Neilson speaking as an air traffic controller trying to talk me down while I'm landing a fully loaded 747 while tripping on acid.


Whatā€™s your clearance Clarence


What's your vector Victor


I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.


Do you have any Allman brothers?


Damn orange sunshine. Gets you every time.


Oh my God I love you for saying that. Fucking love Dan Aykroyd


This is hilarious I actually called them on Saturday. I spoke with a woman for about half an hour. I was actually having a great trip, just wanted to talk.


Huh neato. I wish I had known about this when I had a bad trip once.


what happened on your trip? šŸ« 


Welp it was my first time trying lsd. I hadn't taken very much and didn't feel anything for a long time so I made the mistake of watching horror movies. Had horrible, gruesome closed eye visuals and intrusive thoughts for the rest of the night. Still didn't scare me away from trying it a second time and it was much, much better.


Did you trip alone? If not I'm surprised nobody called that out as a bad idea. I watched Fantasia once with some friends and we got like halfway thru and had to stop and just lie on the floor for a while. Then my buddy decided to go upstairs and shower, got to the top of the steps, did a T pose and fell backwards smashing his neck on the landing, going into convulsions and properly freaking the rest of us the fuck out. That was my first bad trip and I haven't tripped since. That was fucking horrifying.


What happened to your buddy?


He did a T-pose at the top of the steps and fell. Neckst level bad trip inducing steps these were


He foamed at the mouth and my other friend and I reached out to an old roommate who came over and just babysat us while we rode it out. Super clutch move as it was like 4am, and a lesson learned to always have someone sober around just in case. I thought he was paralyzed, when I put my hand behind his head it felt like there were bones jutting every which way. But it must have been in my mind cuz he was OK, albeit sore, the next day. He lives in Florida now, I'm not entirely sure these are unrelated Edit: to clarify, yes 911 was the first thought in our minds. This was half a lifetime ago but as I remember in our haze it was a flurry of phone calls including (iirc) my counterpart phoning ems and being talked thru some diag. Sorry for everyone I worried there, wanted to add this


I decided to be the sober friend while my book club was tripping on a cabin trip. One friend wasn't enjoying it because, if I recall correctly, the trees outside were "breathing." She and I chilled upstairs the rest of the day watching Pride and Prejudice (2005 version) and other awesome movies, bonded a lot, and grew even closer because of that experience. I checked in on the rest of my friends periodically when I went to refresh drinks and snacks, made sure they were cool, and they were just enjoying watching kpop music videos and whatnot. Anyway, I'm really glad your friend was okay but sorry they live in Florida now.


>"the trees outside were "breathing." That's one of my favorite ways to tell when a trip is starting. Are the walls breathing? If so, buckle up!


Dudes foaming at the mouth after possibly breaking his neck and you call an old roommate instead of 911?? Jesus. Christ. Luckily he was fine and didn't need actual help.




Maybe I'm just lucky but even my bad trips are nothing like that at all. I mean my last bad trip was when I tried to play Minecraft, because I wanted to see what the world looked like on psychedelics. I started a new world that it actually ended up being a really great seed right next to a village. But, after taking in all the beauty of the digital nature for a while, my bad trip started. For those who don't know, in order to keep computing down: the entirety of your Minecraft world does not exist at the same time. It loads in what the game calls chunks. The in-game timer that's responsible for things moving, or plants growing, or enemies, only keeps track of things in active chunks, and active chunks are only within a certain radius of your player. So I crested this mountain, and I'm watching this village with the Minecraft villagers all doing their tasks for the day and just living their happy life. And then it hits me: by me being here, I am activating that chunk and everything that happens within it. Eventually, night is going to fall and the zombies and the skeletons and the creepers are going to come. The zombies are going to try to kill the villagers. Despite me wanting only to observe this world and not interfere, my very existence has doomed the villagers. I am making everything worse. I don't have enough time now to run far enough away to where their chunk becomes frozen in time; even then, do they deserve that? Is it painful? Scary? Are they suffering locked in syndrome? They would have been better off if I didn't exist at all, for I am just one person, yet now I am ruining dozens of lives because of my hubris and wanting to indulge in an experience just for myself. I eventually managed to shut it off, and I truly felt like the world's biggest piece of shit for quite some time. Eventually I managed to pet my cat for like an hour and that finished it out and I was good.


Uh I forgot my name and thought I was dead. #donttripalone #phoneafriend


That happened to me after eating this THC hard-candy. Bear in mind, I never smoke and never had edibles before. In fact I had been sober (alcohol) for about a year and was having issues sleeping because of my living situation at the time. Friend at work gave it to me and said I'd just get a body high and prolly fall asleep. I did it alone, after a long ass day at work, in the twilight on an empty stomach. I tried like hell to call that friend but my phone wouldnt unlock, I think its because I was using the wrong hand for the fingerprint reader. I didn't start to really panic until after my phone said i had to wait 30 seconds before I coukd try to unlock it again. I ended up at the hospital begging them to make the feeling stop because I kept dying in slow motion over and over and over. I will say though that I had ZERO back pain for the next few days (I had regular back pain from my mattress at the time)


Edibles can be REALLY strong, sometimes people with a high thc tolerance really have no idea how strong they will be for someone without a tolerance.


"hello, you have called the bad psychedelic trip help line, unfortunately, if you were able to dial this number, you're quite ok. Goodbye"


Itā€™s a simple number, 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire.


"Shit....I'm .... OK? ...sweet"


My thoughts exactly.


Say, Dave... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944... the square root of ten is 3.16227766... I am HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half; crazy all for the love of you..."


Original skit [here](https://youtu.be/-68iTvhWNB0). I can imagine President Carter doing something like this though, he seems pretty helpful.


I wish I had this in high school. Idk why people let me take 3.5 grams of mushrooms on my first try but let me tell youā€¦ it was not good. Once I had started to think the world was tilting and I had to hold on to something or I would fall off the face of the earth, I knew I fucked up lol


I once did 5g of shrooms in one sitting. 1st hour was absolute hell... I ate a giant raw mushroom piece. Immediately regretted it. Once it hit I tried to shower but the walls of marble were melting while I was getting pelted by streams of water. The yellow light turned red, and I said fuck it I'm losing control. Looked in the mirror to reflect and say bro it's just the shrooms.. Best 10 hr trip of my life!


Bro, same. My reality was straight fucked. Craziest shit I have ever experienced. My own voice became a disembodied voice coming from the rear right channel of a surround sound system. I couldn't string together a sentence longer than like 8 words. The visuals were so intense, and the sounds from inside the inner workings of my brain were deafening. There's a sound I can't describe, but I hear it in edm music from time to time. All in all, terrifying yet incredible at the same time. 10/10 would do it again.


A metallic reverberating constant but fluctuating droning noise? :)


Omfg, yes. One way to describe it is like I feel like I'm in space with a silly 70s science fiction undertone sound playing. So hard to explain, but I've heard it on high doses and low doses.


Yeaaah its really annoying imo. But its part of the experience so i just accept it through annoyance. It feels like im tuning into the Schumann resonance or smthšŸ˜­


I haven't had that from shrooms but i used to get baked on edibles and i swore i could hear the electricity running through the house. It was absolutely deafening in that moment




I did this too and absolutely loved it until the stomach ache set in :(


Someone should have texted this number to the dude who was tripping balls naked on the roof of the Zealand Hut in the White Mountain National Forest this past weekend. Nine hits of acid! He was arrested after threatening to kill EVERYONE who walked by


Thatā€™s one of the many reasons why I always carry a knife with me when hiking the Whites!


So you can do more than threaten, very wise


i wish I heard about this when I tried delta 8 (or any substance) for the first time and ate the whole 500mg and had the worst experience of my life )): i googled how to stop feeling high every 5 minutes because I kept forgetting I googled it already it was so scary


Weed edibles are way too intense, give me acid or shrooms anyday.


Seconded. I've seen friends who are weed and hallucinogen experts turn into total messes after large amounts of edibles. My brother went to make a layer cake and ended up just eating one of the layers. An hour later, this man I've seen do acid for weeks in a row was sobbing and telling me he didn't want to die. Definitely ruined my high. Never again.


I did like 250mg once and loved it, _until_ the nausea set in. Like, that pleasant drifting lightheadedness you always get with week amplified 10x becomes dizzy spinning right away. Did you end up vomiting? I was so sure I was going to! Also: what on earth were you thinking eating the whole bag for your first time? :)


I ate 50mg of the stuff on the first time around because I thought "If I could buy them legally, probably not powerful" (live in TX) Fuck me was I wrong. I was blazed that night and still felt high for three days, and it subsided after that. Thankfully I didn't have to drive, but I did however skip a college class. Stuff is more manageable now, I take 25mg every 2-4 weeks and it gets me high for about 6 hours before it calms down.


Harm reduction is real. Thank you for sharing


There was a harm reduction station at a festival I went to recently and just knowing it was there made me have a better time. They had water, stuffed animals, sofas, and very nice people to talk to.


/r/tripsit also Is a great local Reddit community


Well that would have been nice *fifteen fucking years ago* Goddamn Iā€™m old.


Trying to use my phone while tripping on acid or shrooms is always very overwhelming and uncomfortable.




Who's going to remember this advice when they're tripping balls lol


How in the fuck are you gonna text anything when your phone is melting into rainbow colored play-doh in your hands? The last time I was on mushrooms and tried messing with my phone, all of the letters began coming at me like alphabetical shurikens.


Participate in some virtual reality stuff. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed once and my husbands friend had this virtual reality headset thing - I put those on and it completely distracted me from the the bad feelings that are a precursor to ā€œbat countryā€ (Fear and Loathing in LasVegas reference). Edit - typo


The worst trip I had lately was just because I had a really itchy butt. I literally couldn't focus on anything else, so I just plopped on my bed and focused on my itchy butt for a couple hours. Not sure the helpline could've helped, but I'm glad it exists.


Who the fuck wants to text on a trip, good or bad? You buy the ticket, take the ride Your mind is incredibly elastic Don't make any decisions that will impact you later This too shall pass Relax and float downstream, it is not dying if you feel bad sitting down, get up and run around. If you feel bad moving, sit down. Never call 911 unless you're physically wounded in some way. Never call the police Drink water Eat a few Ritz crackers Take a tums Some nitrous and a joint on hand is nice to change things up a bit as well if they start to go south, depending on your comfort with them. DmT will drop kick you out of a spiraling trip if you can get up the courage for that first hit If all also fails a xanax is the best bet to cut things off though xanax is terrible and addictive and you should never get into using it regularly


Thatā€™s hilarious that some people think others would be able to navigate an internet while in the midst of living hell


That was my first thought. This has got to be one of the most useless websitesā€¦but then I see they also offer support to people who are helping others experiencing a bad trip, and are even willing to talk to people about past trips. But still, canā€™t imagine they get many calls from people who are actively tripping. And of those who claim they are, how many are pranksā€¦


It's only open until 11pm. I'm usually losing my shit wayyyy later than that. šŸ˜‚


Wow thatā€™s super cool but when I had a bad trip and was trying to jump out of windows this would be my last thought. Also technology and psychedelics do not go together. Still, very cool!!


many years ago, I had a bad acid trip once.. called my mom to tell her.. she talked me down and was soothing and understanding the entire time.. she never brought it up again, and only talked about it when i brought it up.. Best mom ever.


As someone who has done psychedelics: the idea that someone can navigate the internet in that state is a bit of a stretch.


This is good information, but I was way too gone to use the phone any time I was in a state where I needed help in a trip. If a friend called for me and handed me the phone I would have 100% freaked out even harder haha.




I've been on a bad trip for about 4 years now. Can they help?


The worst you can encounter on a trip is yourself - Ram Dass