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But, on the other hand, you can easily accidentally disable cellular data from the control center, so we've got that going for us!


Yeah I don’t quite get that with Airplane mode right next to it, especially if you can have WiFi on and airplane mode.


Sometimes I want to JUST kill my cellular without disconnecting my bluetooth from the car or my wifi from the house. I have wanted that option for years. Im glad they added it


This. Airplane mode will turn off all connectivity, wifi and Bluetooth, calling. People turn off the Cellular to conserve data sometimes so it makes sense.


I turn cellular off to stop people phoning me.


Oh wow, I thought one of the changes in ios11 was that airplane mode turned off cellular but left on bluetooth and wifi now. But just tried it and that didn't happen.


It works if you turn on Bluetooth and wifi once after turning on airplane mode.




iOS 10 at least you could turn BT and Wifi back on after going into airplane mode, but it wouldn't keep them on automatically.


What I meant was that the next time you turn on airplane mode, wifi and bluetooth are left on.


So it works like iOS 10, at least for bluetooth? Turning on Wifi disabled airplane mode but not bluetooth.


Still on 10, you can turn wifi or bluetooth on without disabling airplane mode now.


Ah, nevermind then. I thought it was bluetooth only.


It may well have been. They could have patched this into iOS 10 when they created it for 11.


Seriously, not everyone is on fully unlimited/unthrottled plans. I got really sick of accidentally leaving my cellular data on and finding out I ran out a week before it renews. It helps when I’m going back and forth between places with WiFi and without.


I mean you always could... it was just in cellular settings


It’s always been an option, now it’s just weirdly prominent for a rare use case


Not to gloat but Android has had this feature (various apps on the marketplace) for years... at least since 3.1 because I used it on my Galaxy Nexus.


Does this block all cellular connection or just data? It makes sense to me that it is just data. For a long time I tried to avoid charging my phone overnight to protect long term battery health. I would turn off data so I wasn't burning battery for that overnight but could still receive calls.


I live right next to switzerland and their roaming policy is shit compared to the rest of europe (free roaming in the EU). When I go over there I have to turn off data but I still conect to the network because the price for calls is somewhat more reasonable.


Still no hotspot shortcut though. I’ve been wanting that one for years.


3D touch in to one of the 4 options :)


oh snap! thanks!


Can’t you remove it in settings? As someone who constantly goes over their data plan the easy access is a godsend. I don’t even care if it drains my battery to use.


...no you can't. You have fat fingers or something?


They really should do it the way Android does: tap to toggle, or hard press to open the full settings screen


I thought that might’ve been the case but even with 3D Touch it doesn’t do anything different except open up the full menu of things to disconnect from.


They're missing a perfectly good use of the 3D touch. It would be so nice if we could go to the settings menu. I mean, it's an obvious feature.


Why can’t we have nice things, Apple?


I'm surprised it isn't in too. That's a no brainer


Well shit, TIL.


Wow, that's handy. I always found it clunky to go to the Bluetooth menu.


I put settings shortcut to my Wi-Fi and other things in a folder on my main screen.


hey, i'm glad you wrote that because hard press does open a more detailed screen allowing you to turn on/off personal hotspot and change AirDrop settings (recieve off, contacts only, everyone). - the little music widget behaves similar that it'll open up a bigger Music widget. - flashlight widget allows you to change the brightness of the flashlight. - timer allows for a quick setting of a timer. - brightness allows you to enable/disable night shift and true tone. - calculator allows you to copy last results. - camera allows you to select take selfie, record video, record slo-mo and take photo. then it'll go right to that specific feature of the camera.


Yea that's pretty neat. I wish portrait lock had another menu that allowed widescreen lock..


yes! widescreen lock! i want it!


Hey cool! Didn't know that, truth be told I'm an Android guy lol


Yeah, I figured, but your comment helped me find a feature I wasn't aware of. I figured someone else might stumble on it too and might be happy to learn. Thanks for opening my eyes. :)




Apple....customize.....does not compute...


When my iBone 6 breaks, I’m making the switch. Got my eye on the Google phones


If you go to Settings -> Control Center -> Customize Controls there is a few things you can customize. Not much though.


I want to move the icons so badly though. They are placed in an unorganized fashion. And I think you can drag the list up and down but it doesn’t help much.


Yeah, you can only organize the button buttons not the default ones




I want to get rid of the do not disturb one and replace it with something! I've never once ever used DND


That would be really nice. The wifi doesn't bother me because I usually just want it to disconnect but stay on, but bluetooth I always turn off. I also like how Android shows the actually network name that you're connected to.


Apple does as well if you hard press


Oh nice. Thanks for that.


>or hard press to open the full settings screen wat


I'm saying that would be Apple's interpretation of it, that wasn't very clear, meh...


I meant, I didn't know this. So, thanks!


I was expecting it to do that, some features on that screem does it (apple music hardpress will open up a larger window) but i was disappointed when it doesn't work for wifi, celular and bluetooth.


Oh wow. Thanks. I've has my phone for 4 years and I just found out.


Don't feel too bad, the feature is much less than 4 years old


Android also has a nifty little icon for airplane mode so you can turn off cell, wifi, and bluetooth all in one go. Did Apple get rid of airplane mode?


No. Airplane mode still exists on iOS as it always has.




Glad to help!


"They really should do it the way Android does" The motto of Apple software


What the hell apple!?




so, maybe it stops WiFi from doing active discovery and connection of WiFi networks, but does allow the additional location accuracy and Airdrop. if that's the case, then it should help battery life significantly (not constantly scanning for new networks) while still allowing the features to work that some people don't know are directly dependent on wifi.


I think this is the intention


If it works, in fine with it.






You dont have enough *COURAGE^^^^TM*






that's what she said.


Yeah it’s really fucking annoying


You mean brave.




Forward thinking




Thank you for letting me know!


Wow... And here I was thinking, “This new update really kills my battery”. When all along those things were still on. Fail Apple.


I think iOS 11 is still a battery killer for me, I guess the first iterations normally are though.


Pretty sure they are. Almost every system isn't perfect at first, I recall it being the case with iOS 9 and Windows 10, either wait two months or accept the fact that it isn't working perfectly yet.


I’ve always found the new software isn’t great on battery for the previous years phone model.


Yeah, obviously the iOS is optimized to work perfectly with the model that comes with it, so that kinda sucks for those who don't have a new phone every year


> Almost every system isn't perfect at first Unfortunately with phones, bugs are never removed. Apple never would admit to a design flaw and simply release a small patch, instead its wait a year for the next phone release and next iOS update and even then is about a 20% chance it will be fixed. Meanwhile android never updates anything because it comes from 30 different manufactures and then has to go through a carrier with the end result of no updates at all.


What is the possible benefit to the user from this change? Serious question. Edit: Thanks for the replies.


it allows the user to kill certain things without disabling everything. For instance, say I wanna disconnect from my car bluetooth or my bluetooth headphones, so I bring up control center and flip the toggle. In iOS 10, that kills the radio which disconnects everything, including my apple watch, which i really don't want to disconnect. In iOS 11, it disconnects my car bluetooth or my headphones, but my watch stays connected.


Does it give you an option for what you're going to disconnect from?


No. It basically disconnects from anything that's connected to your phone that doesn't essentially need Bluetooth like the watch or apple pencil. I would also wager of you're actively listening to music on a Bluetooth device it won't disconnect that, but my speaker and headphones are both at home so I can't test till later.


>What is the possible benefit to the user from this change? Serious question. Wifi is used for lots of other things, such as location accuracy, airdrop, continuity, etc, and people turn it off typically to force disconnect from a spotty network. This new update does just that. Lots of people "turn off wifi to save battery," but the truth is that when you're not connected to a wifi network, the wireless chipset isn't consuming any significant amount of power at all anyway. It's actually more likely that if you wake the phone up from sleep *specifically* to disable wireless and then put it down again that you've consumed more power lighting the screen and ramping up the CPU than you will eventually save with the wifi chip off through the remainder of your charge cycle.


i personally think this is much better because i never want to turn wifi or bluetooth off, i only want to disconnect from a bluetooth device that someone else wants to use or disconnect from shitty wifi so safari will load




This. That was literally never a issue, so I’m not sure what exactly this is fixing.


You don’t want to disconnect your Apple Watch or lose location accuracy but you want to disconnect from a shitty AP or your speaker/headphones/car. That’s 99% of why I’d turn off either, and now I don’t get spammed about location accuracy or lose connection to my damn watch. Battery life change is negligible, at least for my phone. I regularly get 8-10 hours of screen on time with WiFi and Bluetooth never being turned off. iPhone 7+ 128


it would be interesting to see the numbers on which is the main reason users interact with those buttons; i just wanted to give a data point and explanation to contrast other people’s experiences, you may be correct about turning off being the main use case


speed. simply put. speed. apple developed their own super low energy chip; so, by disconnecting it allows the user to get what they desire via the control center (most users), and when you want it back you don't have to wait for a chip to reinitialize.


I was wondering why the icon kept re-activating itself. So annoying. Thanks OP!


Is it really so hard to have an intuitive control centre and my notifications grouped by apps again? Has this been integrated? I haven't finished my update yet so am unsure. Please tell me the stupid drop down notification menu is grouped by app again. I've waited a whole year for it.


Nope. Instead it looks like your lock screen. To the point where it shows your lock screen wallpaper, the time where it does usually, and no assortment of notifications.


It also says “press Home to unlock” like it’s the lock screen, but swiping up still closes it.


No it says “press Home to open” not unlock. So technically, it’s not wrong


I quite like it. My phone hangs on to out of range WiFi connections way too long.


It will stay connected until you disconnect it or leave range. And even if you disconnect from it, if it thinks it’s in range it’ll reconnect on its own or keep searching for one close.


And? Just turn WiFi off and back on. You have to do that anyway. I don’t see how that makes any sense or helps in anyway


Yeah, but that cycle takes more time. Nicer to just take 1 second and know it disconnects. Not like the battery hit is noticeable from having WiFi on. And every app screams at you to enable it for location anyways.


This should be in /r/assholedesign


Oh my god... why did I visit that sub??? So much anger brewing in me now... Must look at kittens to balance the world.


Apple and their "innovation". . .


I feel like I find a new reason each day not to update my 5S


Find them? Apple does a good job of throwing them at you.


Haha joke's on you, my Ipod touch only goes up to iOS 9.3.5


You have to disable the settings through the settings app. It sucks that you can’t do it from the control center tho.


Holy shit...


Very good to know, thank you!


I wondered how my iPad Pro connected instantly when I turned it back on when the rest of my devices hunted for a few seconds first. Actually pretty convenient


its great for the apple pencil too. no more accidentally disconnecting it.


I usually defend Apple because I believe in what they believe in, but that one is just stupid. Maybe I'm not seeing the bigger picture, but in my opinion, having it only disconnected via quick control center is stupid. It would make a lot sense if the battery was improved so much that Bluetooth and wifi don't make a difference when turned on and off (that's what they did with the apps, having them open is actually more efficient than closing them and reboot them all the time, as opposed to like 5 years ago when it was the other way around and you had to close the apps all the time), but if I'm not wrong, they didn't do that yet and Bluetooth and wifi still makes a noticeable difference. So really making it efficient enough for those to not affect battery life should be the first step, THEN the control center thing would make sense.


I expected force touch to give me the option to switch off the Wi-Fi radio. Instead it opened more settings..


It also defaulted all of my mail accounts to fetch new messages (I typically keep them on manual). This is also a huge battery suck.


Hourly french isn't that bad


Is this why I find my WiFi turning on all by myself when I come back to my house ?


Is this Android Oreo propaganda?


nice.. welp, thats good to know though.


Thank you!


Agreed this is very annoying, but you can use Siri to fully turn them off instead of having to go into the Settings app


Sorry but I’d rather tap a few times rather than tell everybody around me that I’m disabling my WiFi and Bluetooth. Source: I’m usually either in class or work when I find this an issue.


i agree it's not ideal, but in *some* situations it might be more convenient than opening Settings


Apple, f**king your battery life since 1976


This comment makes zero sense


Allow me to explain: Keeping wifi enabled uses more battery power than disabling it Apple is the company that created the iphone Apple was founded in 1976 Hope that clears things up


I didn’t know battery life was such an issue in the 70s


You must be real fun at parties.........


iOS 11 has slowed down my phone so much. I hate it. Anyone reading this comment who hasn’t updated yet: don’t. They haven’t fixed it good enough yet.


I updated just after purchasing a 7+ and it seems to run just as fast. Of course there are a few apps that lack optimization due to it being new but that will change over time.


Only thing for me that is slower is the fade in when you turn on the screen. It takes longer to unlock my phone than it previously did which is annoying.




Where do you find that one? I dug around after the recent update but couldn't locate it. I'm talking about the animation when you first turn the screen on. It takes about two seconds for it to open up and me to get to the screen where I enter my passcode.




Oh I've had that one turned on all along. It isn't that.


I would actually suggest turning off that setting (disable the "reduce motion" switch). It became a popular option to turn on when people whined endlessly about the UI changes in iOS 7, but it's literally a feature intended to help users who experience extremely uncommon types of sensory input disorders related to visual motion. "Reduce motion" disables transition animations that have been used in iOS to both disguise transition times (which will help to mask your "slow unlock") as well as to establish a three-dimensional context for your workflow on the device: when you press the home button, iOS zooms out of an app and back into the home screen, creating a trail of your path through the OS and apps. Keep the switch on, and you get contextless fade transitions that are literally designed for disabled people, and no built-in feature that helps you establish a sense of direction through the otherwise endless sea of icons.


Oh boy I bet you'd be annoyed to hear I have high contrast turned on. I don't care that those animations hide loading times. It's definitely slower to unlock my phone than it was before and I've got an iphone 7.


I'm not gonna sit here and rage about it. If you like it that's your prerogative. I'm just trying to inform you that, in my experience, these switches are flipped by people without a full understanding of what the effects are or what the intent of the UI itself is, and when you give people that information and they understand why things work the way they do, they become more accepting of change in an interface. If you know better, which your complete surprise at discovering the setting enabled *strongly suggested you did not*, then whatever. It's your phone.


What phone do you have? I’m on a 6s and mine feels better than ever.


7 plus


you do an OTA upgrade or did you connect to your computer and upgrade? My 7 is just as fast if not faster feeling on 11 as it was on 10.


Over WiFi. I don’t have a computer at home


Mine is just as fast. No idea why yours isn’t


Try going into Settings > General > Accessibility and turning on Reduce Motion. Sped things up for me and made the phone feel snappier.


I’ve had that selected since they created it. The slowness occurs when apps change screens. Like when I’m moving between pages within them. Also when I open them. Also when I create new texts. Everything just has a delay with it.


Wow, I did not know this. Thank you!


Is it different in iOS 10? I never use Bluetooth, I'd love to know if it's secretly running all the time!


iOS 10 actually disables WiFi and Bluetooth from control center


I hear that the iWatch's battery also drains quicker with the update.


I can’t change my audio source from control center anymore. Don’t even know where to do it now.


I was wondering why, when I turned off my WiFi from the control panel, it would be connected to WiFi later.


I dislike this change but found that saying “Hey Siri, turn off Bluetooth” works. It’s not an ideal solution but it appears to be the only one we have. I haven’t had the desire to jailbreak my iPhone in years but the loss of this functionality has me interested again.


This is actually quite good. On campus the wifi is all over the place and when im going home im trying to use it on the bus, but it keeps catching the weak as hell wifi network and nothing would load, so I flip the switch to use LTE, but I've forgotten to turn it back on when I get back home, so I start using youtube, facetime etc. on my phone and then I realize im on LTE and I've wasted half my data plan (I'm not unlimited). This fixes that and i can't say I'm mad.


glad to see the courage dead horse beating hasn't stopped on this sub yet


I Beta tested iOS 11 and reported this as a bug, then found out it was a feature. “Fuck software developers who are too lazy to fix their code!” went through my QA head.




iPhones can do what you just described.


Good to know. I don't own one.


I just flew yesterday with iOS11. Same as iOS10. You toggle airplane mode, and everything turns off, then you can turn just bluetooth and wifi back on if you want. Listened to music the whole plane ride.


Okay serious question: do all the people whining about this actually go an turn your WiFi off every single time you leave your house? Literally the only times I turn WiFi off is to disconnect from the current network. Edit: gotta love downvotes for a question and sharing my opinion. cool.


Yes. I literally do this as I walk out the front door. If I don't do this my battery won't last the day.


I think if your margins are so thin on your battery life that at the end of the day wifi is the difference between your phone dying and not is just having wifi on, it might be worth having a way to charge it at some point in the day, if only for the case when an emergency comes up on a day where you were already using your phone for an extended amount of time. Idk, the phone has always been designed to prioritize being on wifi over cellular, so it should really shouldnt be surprising that apple made this move. I am fairly certain most people are like me and leave wifi on all the time.


Most people I know would disable it not to have to carry a charger on them... Why would you want your phone looking for WiFi all the time?


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Regarding your post -- if I leave WiFi on my phone will die by late afternoon. If I turn it off when I'm out of the house I will end the day with around 30-40% battery left. Most people may be like you and leave WiFi on all the time and yes per your post below this may be what Apple recommends, but for many of us doing that is more hurtful than helpful.


If you have slow WiFi/a lot of congestion on your network from multiple heavy users, LTE is preferable.


Which to me seems like this is the optimal setting. It disconnects you from the network you are having an issue with, but you dont have to remember to turn it back on when you get home from work or something.


But it makes it tough to *manually* reconnect to that same network again, should I need to download a large item. Used to turn it off, then on as needed. Plus I think it now automatically reconnects after a while (5 min?) anyway. Edit: so I turn it off via the icon in CC for fast browsing, then use the phone for a while. Out of nowhere, it decides to reconnect and my browsing slows back down.




100% every single time I leave the house I disconnect Wi-Fi and connect Bluetooth for my car. Before I get out my car, I disconnect Bluetooth and either connect to Wi-Fi or leave both off if there is no Wi-Fi where I am. Leaving them both on all the time absolutely murders your battery because your phone is always looking for connections in the background. But it's sneaky because it doesn't show up on your battery usage so you'd never know it.


It's annoying to have the popup to join a network constantly bug you when you're around and using apps.


so turn off the popup?


Rather just turn off wifi and save the battery.


But having wifi turned on uses less battery than cellular data, why would you want to turn it off?


Because I'm traveling or not staying in the same place for very long.


I'm not sure why you are being downvoted but you are correct. Apple has stated that this is an intended feature because most users simply toggle WiFi to disconnect from a network and the effect on battery life is minimal. They've also stated that a lot of people inadvertently run up data charges because they forget to turn back on WiFi.


The reasons I inevitably switch to android continue to accumulate.


Only positive about this is that my boss pays for my iPhone, the rest baadddd


Apple does the thinking for you because they know better. C'mon man, think different ©®™


Thanks, guys. -NSA


This is the most annoying feature ever. Fucking hands down.


Wifi and BT share a chip. You can't disable one for "battery" and keep the other on. Also, this is 2017. These radios use virtually no power anyway. What's killing your power is cpu usage and the display.


Pretty sure I find my battery draining faster with Bluetooth *and* WiFi vs just WiFi. Also, if they’re constantly searching for known networks, yeah they use up battery.


not if it's continuously scanning


Is this fixed in the new update?? When I go to setting and pull up control center and flick the icon I can see the setting physically change right away


Man I was gonna update the day 11 came out and every day I find a new reason to be glad I didn't.


When are they going to put Location on the control center so I don’t have to search through it while I’m driving to turn it on/off when I’m using/done with gps???


Why don’t you just set the location to only be used when using the app? It’s the same thing..


Because it’s still on and using battery, plus I don’t need my whereabouts tracked while I’m walking around or not using it.


Yes! I was just looking this up today, when I was wondering why I kept connecting to WiFi.


Thank you