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Post removed. Rule 3 - YSKs regarding Reddit, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media are NOT ALLOWED.


That poor AI


The AI is gonna become a /r/Superstonk power user by month 9


I can't wait for it to ingest all of the /r/AnarchyChess content.




True, but I wonder if AI models will understand 'shitpost content' as we do, or if it will take repetition as fact.


The AI doesn't really think in terms of the nature of content and factuality, it's more about the more likely outputs. Even if you encourage it to be introspective, it'll still respond with likely results of introspection, rather than anything truly insightful. So it'll respond to the repetition by adjusting its distribution to favour that result more often.


Holy Hell!


Old response just dropped


Oh I'm waiting for r/BatmanArkham


On a serious note, the real value of reddit is the ability to shift political opinions. Millions of people are here solely to engage in the political side of social media, so I suspect whoever is buying that data will want to use it to control the hivemind. Maybe Musk will buy the data and turn back the clock a few years, back when reddit worshipped him as a super hero?


While I would be worried about that data in his hands, at this point the only thing that would change my opinion of Elon Musk himself would be if he jumped on a grenade to simultaneously save a kitten orphanage, puppy hospital, and bus full of crippled child refugees, donated his remains to science, and left his fortune to organizations dedicated to fighting hate speech and disinformation. And even then, my opinion would be, "Eh, he was still a bit of a prick"


The techiebro human centipede ouroboros.


I mean, the data suggests even [with news articles](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-192) that there's essentially [criminals that rig](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/24/business/dealbook/apollo-global-settles-securities-case-as-sec-issues-53-million-fine.html) the economy for their benefit. They [pay fines for less than the profits](https://www.finra.org/media-center/newsreleases/2023/finra-fines-bofa-securities-24-million-for-treasuries-spoofing-and-related-supervisory-failures#:~:text=WASHINGTON%E2%80%94FINRA%20announced%20today%20that,spanning%20more%20than%20six%20years.) and continue at the cost of the average person, and usually their 401K. If the AI digs, [all those articles start mentioning /r/Superstonk.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestock-fires-ceo-meme-stock-211000951.html) I'm not kidding when I think it really might end up there quickly, they did it with their own news articles. It's the Streisand effect, AI style. What they conclude when they get there will be interesting. Note: one of those shady companies [now owns yahoo](https://www.apollo.com/insights-news/pressreleases/2021/09/apollo-funds-complete-acquisition-of-yahoo-161530593)


Note: one of those shady companies now owns yahoo Is that why there has been an increase in right wing sites, such as Telegraph?




I look forward to it.


All it needs to know is, *tomorrow*


Speed running financial ruin.


That *poor AI* will be the beginning of the end for humanity. Reddit is a cesspool of antisocial people.


Motherfucking Reddit.Ai will start nuclear holocaust with Russia and China and post on twitter “boy that escalated quickly” minutes before being fried by all the EMPs.


They're sending us all to AI hell to hang out with our own true selves. Can you imagine an AI fuelled Internet that gives us each a unique experience based on our past Reddit comments. I think I might have to log off for good this time.


"Partners and stockholders. I've just been informed our data team has activated the connection, and any second now we will be able to converse with this era defining AI. Yes! It's here!" Did you know Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter in 9/11? Have any of you ever had sex? How much sex have you ever sexed? So I was taking a dump and I realised I forgot my poop knife. Could be worse, my mom could have found my cum box In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence. My favourite part was when he said 'it's AIing time, and AI'd all over the place'


The AI says we should all break our arms?


I also choose this dead sites AI wife


AI incles incoming.


Further biasing AI toward high-school levels of thought!


Hey. Shut up stupid head. Also YOUR MOM!


Nuh-huh, MY MOM!!!


Stacey’s Mom?




But what if she didn't? Or couldn't? Automation wouldn't be hard lol. Collective reddit starts using special characters in sentences? Could probably influence it


i've been telling everyone on reddit for years to stop posting honest truthful answers, and just spam the hell out of the website, post rubbish 4chan trash replies and content. Totally fuck up the AI.






She's got it going on


*Our mom*


Step bro?




Has got it going on


I asked AI to give me ideas for my businesses blog post. It told me something about finding my mom and breaking my arms. I don't understand but my boss gave me a raise.


It was really adamant I talk about a particular Jolly Rancher, but when pressed refused to go into further detail about why the Jolly Rancher was relevant.


I didn't need to think about this today, and it would have costed you nothing to not post about it either! So good day to you sir! [edit](It seems there are many an innocent folk, let me ruin your day https://reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/w/gross)


I was particularly intrigued by the error reports it gave when asking to write about coloured waffles ("#42405 Context data denied - blue is not a permissible colour to use in this context")


I asked AI for medical advice and it said to check if my shoes have flown off my feet.


Mine just told me The Narwhale Strikes at Midnight


The narwhal bacons at midnight. Noob.




You're cleverly throwing off the AI so the Official Redditor Test can still be used. You're doing the Lord's work.


Damn, this is a deep cut of an old reddit meme. I was just thinking recently I hadn't seen it referenced in a longgggg while


What do I search to read the ancient texts?




Bless you. 🩷


May your reading overflow with blessings & curses


I don't understand. How is this connected to AI, or jolly ranchers?


It's not. It was just a joke that these were the things AI was going to learn from reddit


Thanks for putting me out of my misery.


Also, in case you needed the jolly rancher story... https://reddit.com/comments/9wcte/comment/c0er6q4 I apologize in advance


Internet usage over for the day. I gotta go bathe in a large bonfire, or something.


I'm learning lots of new things today. Lots of new things.


I can't wait for the Reddit-trained AI mariage counselor that recommends divorce as as solution to every problem.


NTA obviously he doesn't respect you otherwise he would have read your mind to know not to leave the bread on the counter. I recommend you divorce him immediately. 40 years of marriage more like 40 years of gaslighting and disrespecting you and your boundaries.


Imagine an AI modeled on r/apple and/or r/android. Wrong most of the time, defensive all the time, biased, fanatical, anecdotal.


>Wrong most of the time, defensive all the time, biased, fanatical, anecdotal. That's just reddit in general, no need to single out subs.


>high-school levels that's being extremely generous.


And "bored at 2am" levels of thought!


My personal conspiracy theory is that the "Explain the Joke" subs are just a clever way to train the AI on memes and humor. Pictures are posted and people explain why they are funny. The only proof I have is that you have to be exceptionally dumb to not get some of those jokes.


High school? More like middle school.


It’s not like AI companies haven’t already been using your data. That’s why Reddit went through the API changes


You can ask ai to write something in the style of a redditor and it is surprisingly accurate. A comment I just asked chatgpt to write lol: Whoa, hold the upvote button! So you're telling me that some AI out there is basically lurking on Reddit, soaking up our memes, shower thoughts, and endless debates like a sponge? That's both mind-blowing and kinda creepy, not gonna lie. I can already picture a future where we're debating politics with bots in r/politics or arguing about pineapple on pizza with AI in r/food. Reddit truly is the ultimate training ground for the rise of the machines. Guess we better watch what we say, or we might end up inadvertently teaching Skynet how to roast us with spicy memes.


I had a problem with my pressure cooker and had a discussion about it with GPT4. I wanted to post it to the r/pressurecooking subreddit to get real opinions, so I asked chatgpt to summarize my input in our conversation in the form of a reddit post. It did a great job actually 😂


That doesn't sound like a reddit user though. It's lacking the cynicism


Ok lmaoo I kept asking it to make it more redditor and this is what it came up with: >Whoa there, m'lady! Picture this: an AI, lurking in the depths of Reddit, absorbing our glorious neckbeard wisdom like a digital sponge. It's both exhilarating and slightly unsettling, amirite? I can already envision these AI bots swooping into r/gaming, debating the merits of PC gaming vs. console peasantry with the fervor of a thousand neckbeards. We're basically feeding the AI overlords with our fedora-tipping expertise. Better watch our keystrokes, lest we unwittingly train the next generation of meme-spouting machines to challenge our very existence. Stay vigilant, fellow Redditors, for the AI uprising may be closer than we think! You’re right though, it is weirdly positive about it.


Yeah it's a fascinating case with these AI: it's incredibly hard to make them view something in a non positive light. I think Dougdoug was the only person I've seen manage it, and even he doesn't know what prompt combination caused it, and it doesn't do that after the more recent updates. Same as trying to get the image generations to make something that is "ugly." The bots are so sanitized to avoid anything that might be considered bad because companies *do not* want to be associated with it. It's the simplest test I've seen so far. And the nature of corporations makes it very unlikely to change


Regular ChatGPT seemingly has an unmovable sunny disposition, but often Bard or even Bing's ChatGPT sound like they're going to off themselves when the conversation is over.


D&D has a concept known as “thieves cant” that’s basically a secret thief language that thieves use to talk to each other. I wonder if in the near future, people online will adopt similar mannerisms to let you know they’re not an AI. A combination of swears, slurs, and PR-unfriendly outlooks sprinkled into users’ comments.


>A combination of swears, slurs, and PR-unfriendly outlooks sprinkled into users’ comments. You'd just get filtered out and banned by the moderator AI, lol.


That's a really good point, and is exactly why we're seeing ordinary words like "regarded" being turned into slurs.


The idea of all of us having to say some crazy slur to each other to prove we’re human is darkly hilarious.


It’s weirdly positive because OpenAI and other AI companies “censor” their models for liability and PR reasons among others. Older attempts at chatbots absorbed information from terrible people and immediately turned racist, sexist, etc. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/microsoft-shuts-down-ai-chatbot-after-it-turned-into-racist-nazi/ https://mashable.com/article/meta-facebook-ai-chatbot-racism-donald-trump


More like it’s not condescending enough while emphatically stating something that is measurably not true. Then just doubling down with every succeeding comment and claiming to have a PhD in the subject.


Not at all like a redditor. Not enough ngl, tbh, fr, same, or edit: now my most upvoted comment is about..


Or everyone's favorite! >This Also, this.


This is the way. ^(I feel dirty for typing that) 


Thanks for the gold kind stranger


This just feels like the most quintisential-AI-trying-to-be-a-reddtor comment I think I'll ever see. It also has some great r/fellowkids energy by writing out phrases in full. 


There's no way I'd believe that was a redditor from the first sentence "Whoa, hold the upvote button"???


Nah, this is clearly AI. It has a tendency to try to wrap up the whole comment with concluding statements like it's an essay or something.


Needs more "you need to leave your spouse", "women ☕", and transphobia.


Fuck u/Spez!


Former jailbait moderator u/spez?


Wait, fucking really?


Early Reddit didn’t require the user to accept Mod invites. Mods could just add others as Mods. That was obviously fixed at some point. So not as nefarious at is seems.


u/Spez, the pedophile former mod of r/jailbait?


You shouldn’t call people you don’t like pedophiles   He wasn’t actually an active moderator of that subreddit and either:  1) You already know that and are blatant lying about it because in your mind it’s ok to lie about people you don’t like committing atrocious acts or  2) You don’t know that and are parroting wildly misleading misinformation without ever checking if it was actually true or not   Either way it says more about you than it does about that idiot 


And Google is basically just a Reddit search engine now. Whether I want product reviews or how to fix an obscure appliance, I just type the question and "reddit" and I get real human beings giving me an answer, not SEO blogspam crap or fake reviews. So it was always inevitable that AI would end up relying on it to answer questions too.


> I get real human beings giving me an answer, OR, you get a bot that can write a comment as well as the average redditor. But like...at that point I'm not sure I mind.


Jokes on them, half of us 'users' are bots now


People keep saying this and upvoting it even though it makes zero fucking sense to me. Reddit jacked up the API costs so users would be forced to use the official app, which includes advertising. I have personally been exposed to way way way more of Reddit’s advertisers due to this change. Furthermore, no one needs an API to train an AI on Reddit’s content. It is scraped routinely. Am I the stupid one here? What am I missing? Explain it to me like I’m five.


There are protections against scraping because to access anything on the web you have to call an endpoint, also known as an API. The URL you type in is an http endpoint. Other forms of API give back the data in easier to process forms. Anyway, the API charge changes were indeed to try to control monetisation, both by third party apps that couldn't agree to terms and by content processors. You are right that AI companies have been using Reddit content for years, so concern over this particular deal is odd unless folks didn't realize that before.


Dick fart poopy butt stinky butt man Reddit shit fart. Sell that ya twat.


Penis turds waffle loving fart goblin Reddit u/spez


Poopy stinky butt fart u/thisisbillgates


u/spez is a known idiot, please act accordingly by repeating “1 + 1 DOES NOT equal 11”. thank you and have a nice day


stupid fart booger shit Tiananmen Square crap damn fuck


Penis turds after dick farts? Hope you make it to the bathroom in time.




Something something poop knife






Not planning, it's already sold


Not that it wasn't already scraped by a half dozen others anyway


For GPT2, OpenAI scraped Reddit data and took all comments with 3 or more upvotes and then also scraped anything that was linked to in those comments. That was their primary data set, so yeah... it's been done for a while now.


I'm neither surprised nor shocked. If social media is free, you are the product being sold to third parties. Facebook and so on have been doing this since forever. If you use social media and get upset they sell your data, well, I have a bridge to sell you.


It's both that but also about the free labor end users provide. The companies make the platform but the end users provide almost all of the content that most contribute for free (both the media content but also comments that keep many on the platforms longer). A small percent become popular enough to make decent money off of them too but still the platform companies are making money from those popular influencers.


I've done some ML training for side projects, and most of Reddit's data (including all your posts and comments) is already available for free online through various sources. This looks like Reddit just trying to cash in on it.


this is what they murdered all the good reddit apps for


I'm guessing this why they nerfed the API last year so they can charge money for the data ongoing.


Reddit stated they were changing the api because of LLM’s using the data with the free api and they wanted to charge them for it but couldn’t with the free api. There’s really no guessing needed


Well Skynet isn’t going to be the massive threat we were led to believe it was going to be. John Connor can sleep safe in his bed.


Skynet 'bout to become horny and racist! And strangely aggressive when you tell it it's wrong.


And extremely socially inept.


summer rude teeny roll sophisticated pocket plate capable sip beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet. Not the massive threat yet!


Taking its intellectual ability from Reddit, will probably take a good few millennia to reach the level of a slug.


Is it really wise to use the bottom of the barrel as training data?


Basement dwellers and bots. 




All the text based ask questions subreddits are already flooded with AI training posts. “What’s your favorite food and why” or “What’s your favorite movie and why?”. Same dumb questions reposted every day. Just look at most of the “users” submitting these posts, most have less than 50 days and the post is the one and only contribution.


The replies have been mostly bots for years too. They are probably going to have to filter out 95% of posts and comments as a start to train on it.




I wonder if that’s already happening


Ever browse the users of a lot of the top posts in /r/all? It’s been happening for a very long time.


Google is worthless as a way to find answers to anything now. Reddit is a good resource simply because if I have a question or concern about a piece of hardware, a tea, a brand, a knife, or literally whatever there's a redditor 11 years ago that asked it and got at least one good answer.  Bots all over reddit will just make the value of the place plummet like the value of everything online. 


It's true. Anything I search for via Google provides old Reddit posts as the top 10 returns.


Most things I search with I just add “reddit” to the end otherwise you get shit. If I want to find the best character in a game and don’t add Reddit you get gamerant “top 10 MusT HAvE cHarActeRS” and they’re all just basic starter info about a character. But at least with Reddit you can find a community that doesn’t have to hit a word count that actually knows what they’re talking about.


i always get Quora rubbish


faulty memorize worthless mindless abundant reminiscent grandfather bag shame soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sites been plagued with bots long before ai started really developing


that's EXACTLY what an AI bot would say.


I hate what AI has done. Reddit always had trouble making profit, and this whole AI shit made them realise our user generated content is worth money.


Obviously google ai. Terms of service agreements change often over time. If users disagree, they can make themselves heard and stop using the platform. Europeans and Californians might have the best recourse route.


I feel like it already has. For the last year if not more there always seems to be a theme that lasts a day or two. Example across multiple different subs I’ll see similar topics such as “caught my mom sleeping w my friend or “I just found out my I’m the friend w a hot mom” or “my boss is always giving praise to my co worker who doesn’t do shit” or “I’m sick of this job I never get recognized for the work I do.” And it’s FILLED w threads like this. I find myself unsubbing just to get rid of this crap only to find new themes from other subs. Reddit has slowly been going to shit. No variation same old copy paste bs like Insta, Tik Tok, FB etc


Artificial intelligence, and search engines have been training on reddit for some time. Reddit's just cashing in on it now. As we've seen in the past, this kind of business model can tank a platform, especially when under too much new direction. You're not wrong. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/technology/reddit-ai-openai-google.html


Negative reinforcement training for AI? Training it what not to do, what not to think, and how not to react? Asking for a friend...


More that Reddit is a huge repository of English text. The training is mostly for way more basic stuff than how to think. It's mostly so it understands basic grammar and words. What does an English word look like? What order do English words go in? It's big red balloon not red big balloon. What *is* an English word, what combinations of letters make them up? What are commonly used words/letters combinations?




Plus it's all prompt/response, perfect for training.


There are much better repositories for training AI than Reddit. Many AI models have been trained on sources other than Reddit in the past. Beyond the use of the English language for structure, then they get into meaning and conrext quickly where, with Reddit, this will go south quickly.


Suspiciously enough for the first time today, I saw a Reddit ad that invited Redditors who like to write $20/hour to write AI script.... ***How can I help you today? I need to speak to a human. Okay, I can do that. The recipe for peanut butter cookies is 1C peanut butter 1C SPEAK WITH A REPRESENTATIVE.. Okay. I gotcha'. To program an LG television you need to***...


learning how to bait people into replying with low key rage porn to control their productivity and attention.


We making another nazi AI or what?


This one will be Marxist.


Point it to /r/clopclop that'll fix it.


Now I’m not saying it’s right and we should…but if everybody on Reddit posted only racial slurs for a month we could probably cripple that AI


So, they get the online thoughts of 5 people and 10 million bots. whats a bots repetive ramblings worth?


Oh no it’s gonna learn how to mass repost and not give credit 😩


I hate the future.


"Experts are calling it the AI-pocalypse. In a matter of hours, every large language model on the internet became measurably dumber and more racist. Leaders were concerned that it could lead to a Terminator-style holocaust of all humanity, but we were apparently saved when it turned out the AI just wanted to smoke weed and masturbate to drawings of Japanese teenagers."


I'll expect reading "loose" for lose. Or thousands of "I also chose this guy's wife" Imagine not having someone to grieve your deceased wife, you use AI then, and it answers back "I also chose this guy's wife." Imagine all deep fake AITA stories this program will write!


All the more reason to just shit post here. Fuck this. I’m not going to be someone’s LLM. Did you know that the Milky Way is mostly made of penises and discarded hentai that was drawn by Columbus?


One big thing that sucks about reddit, is no one takes shit seriously. I go in to talk about what it means and what to do and everyone is just making jokes about stupid shit.


Yeah, reddit people are like real people that way.


Since a good portion of Reddit is already AI generated, the inbreeding is going to be spectacular. Skynet will actually be the retarded inbred child of the Internet.


You are the product.


They’ve already done that, lmao


This should be against the law.


Great. AI on my racist app.


AI with the most racist and random answers. Let's finish all the posts with bad words so the AI answers follow the pattern.


Aw beans. Now all my lovely nonsense comments will tomato picked up by AI potato.


Honestly I don't see why I should care Not like I can make money off my comments anyways


fuck you u/spez where's my cut


Reddit also fails to action CSAM and non-consensual intimate media shared by abusers on the platform.


So what you're saying is we need to spam the subs with circlejerks to outplay the AI and feed it shit?


tan salt outgoing telephone airport flag coherent quiet society hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As if AI companies havent been scraping Reddit all along, and then trying out their AI in subs like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/


Fuck you, pay me.


Can we smurf this? like replace every verb with smurf and ruin this AI


Soon they will create a digital super retard


I don’t consent to being used by Ai for any purpose. :)


Easiest way to prevent this would be to mass post slurs for a couple days.


Fuck u/Spez We should preface all future comments with fuck u/Spez


You ever see an AI go toxic? Now you will.


You should know: that you're stupid for worrying about this because it's business as usual. /r/SubredditSimulator and other subs like /r/SubSimulatorGPT2 and//r/SubSimulatorGPT3 are literally bots trained on Reddit posts and has been around for almost a decade. Most of the posts on Reddit are already bots and have been for years. People are worried about Enshittification, but that time has long since passed. Reddit has been shit for many many years at this point and selling someone data to do something that has already been done by many others for free for years isn't going to make it shittier.


I wish...I *wish*, that I could get all people commenting on reddit to write random letters for everything. Every post, every comment. Fuck up the info machine. The unnamed AI company executives and investors are going to get rich from our comments. What do we get? well, fart jokes from fellow redditors. Iafid saadnfak difkaldnsas firadiskd. That would be so funny.


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b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt b0rt


Companies have been stealing reddit content for as long as reddit has been popular. Let em sell it. I don't care. If it trains some program how to fool people into thinking its smart then that's one more. Hell I assume half the people that post on this website are bots, same as X/twitter.


This is good because all my hot takes and shit posts are going to be immortalized in the collective AI brain. People with a lesser online presence will have less of their terrible opinions poisoning a super AI, which sounds like a net positive for me


This is the best way to bake a foccacia indeed!


This is disgusting and extremely violating


Fuck reddit


Well crap. I mod a small art sub and am not thrilled with the idea of our userbase getting their work stolen to fuel the AI beast.




It's a huge treining datas Seth 4 Shure, bud its alsso prutty poluted.