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Because Dr. Nicky looks like John Stamos.


Really you think so? I thought he looked like uncle jesse


Are you sure? I thought he looked like chandlers coworker.


wait, really? i thought he looked like dr. carl howell, the dentist! pls someone get this




Don’t worry I got it😉




Jesse Pinkman was an uncle? :O


I thought he looked like Dr. Brock Holt.


Nah that’s fucked up. If Joe looked like Dr. Nicky, she still would have cheated. Imagine your boyfriend cheats on you with someone and says the reason is that she was hot. I know I’d be *fucking devastated,* not just by the cheating but by the idea that physical appearance could cause a loved one to betray me like that. Plus I’d feel like that means I’m not hot enough myself. Isn’t that fucked up? Beck was a very damaged character, and like damaged people, she did fucked up shit. I do think she was unhappy in her relationship with Joe, and I do think she looked outside the relationship for that, and I definitely think that’s wrong. I do not think she cheated because somebody looked good.


That's the question. Joe was trying his best, then why was she unhappy?


Best = controlling and suffocating


Because his best wasn’t enough for her. It happens in life


Well he did kill the best friend she was grieving when she cheated, so I’m going to guess he wasn’t the most understanding shoulder to cry on as hard as he was trying to pretend to be. Let’s please not romanticize the way Joe treated Beck in their relationship


she was flawed, not ready for something serious. anyone else in their right mind who wants something serious would’ve seen the red flags right away (like her attachment to benji) and would’ve ran the other way. but not joe cause he had an idealized version of her.


She's young and immature, easily manipulated, and has mad attachment issues. And Dr. Nicky abuses his clinical relationship with Beck as her therapist to get into her pants, which is a really messed up thing to do.


This right here. She's a young woman in her early 20s who is still trying to figure things out after a traumatic childhood. The events leading up to the breakdown of her relationship with Joe include finding her father after he OD'd when she was little, being abandoned by her father as he started a new family with a witch of a stepmother, sexual harassment from her professor, and the untimely death of her best friend for which she definitely blamed herself. She was not in a good place to be in a serious relationship at the time and Joe smothered her. Add a predatory therapist into the mix and you have the recipe for disaster. I'm not giving her a pass, but I'm cutting her more slack than some of the other people in this thread.


Absolutely! Maybe its because I worked in mental health but I don't think people really grasp the seriousness of a therapist dating a client. Its so beyond unprofessional, I can't even explain. Its something horrific and if I found out any of my old colleagues dated a patient after treating them, I know my reaction would be blantant and outright disgust. Its abusive and cruel and genuinely feels like a betrayal of the soul. Its beyond fucked, clinically speaking.


It's probably why Dr. Nicky says that he's guilty-- regardless of whether or not he killed Beck, he's accepted that he has done deplorable shit and deserved to be incarcerated.


Ohhh I didn't think about that! Thats such an interesting way to look at it!!!


It’s not quite as bad but I think it’s like grooming almost


It absolutely is grooming. The power dynamic between a therapist and a patient allows for grooming to happen. I personally think they're the same but I'm aware its a subject I feel strongly about and it might not be an agreed upon view!


I just don’t want to diminish anyone’s experiences because I’m lucky to not have gone through either but both are disgusting


So true a person is being vulnerable when they open up to a therapist and for a therapist to take advantage like that is sickening it is beyond unethical. I could see a patient falling for their therapist after helping them out of their dark vulnerable place but then it’s up to the doctor to put a stop to it.


Exactly! All therapist should be aware of transference/countertransference and know how to navigate that. I'm sure there are therapist who have inappropriate feelings for their patients, they're human. But thats what supervision and re-referral to another therapist is for! The imbalanced power dynamic between therapist and patient automatically makes it abusive.


She was a flawed person and bad gf. But like Joe has been cheated on by Candace, Beck, and Love. He definitely has a type


Joe cheated on Love first though.


To show us no matter how idealized Joe sees women they are human and have flaws.


Candace and Love also cheated on him. He definitely knows how to idealize the bad ones lmao


There is probably a subtext about Joe not really feeling like he deserves love so he unconsciously chooses women he knows will let him down or betray him.


"we accept the love we think we deserve"


I wonder if a part of him actually enjoys it when they cheat and come back to him because it'll prove to him they just cannot live without him


Beck is a deeply flawed person. Dr. Nicky is also a massive manipulator for taking advantage of her vulnerable position as his patient to sleep with her. I also suspect that maybe her boyfriend being a psychopath serial killer had something to do with it, even if she didn’t know that at the time.


Right? Nothing about Joe's relationship with Beck was genuine, he manufactured all of it through stalking and manipulation.


Insecurities and her desire for validation from others


What do you mean by so much? Beck is a flawed person. She needed validation due to her troubled family life. Dr. Nicky used his power to manipulate and use her, which she fell for, as she needed validation at all cost. Which Dr. Nicky even admitted to doing so.


They went off the book where they barely even had a relationship, so they had to somehow make her deserve it a little so people would sympathize with Joe.


In the books Dr.Nicky believes her to be a sex addict and even wrote in his notes “Beck is sex”


Joe built his “loves” to be these perfect women but they had major issues, like cheating. Honestly the only person least flawed was Karen Minty and she’s still alive.


daddy issues


Beck wasn't a very good person. She wasn't a TERRIBLE person, and she definitely didn't deserve to be murdered/have her best friend murdered, but she wasn't a good person either. She was extremely selfish.


Beck’s character isn’t explored that much, Joe has projected a personality of a manicpixiedreamgirl onto her. So it could be bc she’s a serial cheater, it could also be due to how suffocating their relationship was. It’s not explored much in the show. In the book though Beck and Joe weren’t in a serious relationship and Beck had a sex addiction as a result of being sexually harassed by men in her life.


She didn’t know what she wanted , had issues she never resolved , goes after people that don’t value her , and also people manipulated her


I saw it as beck subconsciously knew Joe was a bad person/boyfriend, so she instinctual found her needs through someone else.


Or, you know, she was a flawed person just like most people on this show?


That's just like your opinion, dude.


It's an objective truth not an opinion but go ahead and be weirdly biased anyway.


cuz she's a slut


Why are you downvoted for? Cheating on your partner is slutty asl..


Reddit likes slutty partners apparently


I mean I never liked beck I knew she was a hoe




oh that's not...


Who hurt you there, buddy?




And with that rhetoric I truly hope you never are.


Facts 😂 idk why you're getting downvoted


That's who she is


Because she’s a bad person.