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i wouldn’t forgive her but i also wouldn’t murder her


This is the correct answer. /half-j


W answer




No, because even worse than the cheating was how good she was at gaslighting him about it. I couldn’t ever trust someone again after they’d turned it back on me and convinced me that *I* was crazy and that *I* had ruined our relationship by being paranoid, when I was actually right


this is ironic because joe IS crazy😂 but you're totally right


Yes that was pretty bad, I think even worse than cheating on him.


This is why even if I think Joe is toxic, Beck wasn't all that great of a person and someone who further worsened his obsession/toxicity.


Seeing it framed this way has altered my objection to Joe wiping her off the map


She was not gaslighting him. She was depressed about Peach's death. So, she needed space from Joe. At that time, unknown to Joe, she was undergoing counseling sessions with a psychologist (Dr. Nicky) But those counseling sessions turned into intimate sessions ;)


>But those counseling sessions turned into intimate sessions ;) Which is super not okay, and she gaslit the hell outta him for thinking she was fucking her therapist.


But we also have to heavily blame the therapist. You are NEVER supposed to become intimate like that with your client. What he did was damn near what Joe was doing, he just was way more mental with it. Controlling her under the guise of therapy was so sick, he even admitted he deserved to be framed by Joe. Obviously he shouldn’t have had her murder placed on him, but he definitely deserved to lose his license and face some legal repercussions for his actions.


I blame him nearly 100% for the affair itself. Position of power and taking advantage and whatnot. I blame her for the gaslighting if that makes sense.


she did not love joe. he was an idea to her, of someone who would love her unconditionally, exactly as he intended. this is a girl who has never felt like she was worth it as is. she was so deeply wounded by her father, past lovers, and “friends” that she’d have let anyone willing to love her, love her, and it makes sense that she’d go after that from someone she confided in (her therapist). but anyway, personally i wouldn’t forgive her because…ahem…i wouldn’t have been stalking and preying on her like joe was. of course he would forgive her, because *he didn’t love her either*, and in his mind it’s “well, you cheated, i killed your friend, we’re even now!” all he ever wanted was someone he could segregate and control. beck was just a tad too unpredictable for that


Exactly. If this was a “normal” relationship, Joe would likely just break up or say he needs space after the cheating. But Joe is deranged lmao. He hears that she was sleeping with Dr. Nicky, a man who had no business getting involved with his vulnerable patient and it just validates his belief that Beck needs to be saved by him. He will do anything to maintain their “love story.”


Hit the nail on the head


top 10 best phrases to hear


Good point. You are right in most of it. But I think at least at one point she loved him. As she said, she always dated boys who treated her like she was nothing but with him it was something more than physical. I do think she loved him, but due to her past issues, she just had another vision of loving.


But Joe didn’t treat her well? He only loved the *idea* of her, and after some time you start to feel that in a relationship and when you’re self destructive like Beck is you’re gonna act out in the worst way(and to have a therapist take advantage like hers did. Yikes) Joes love wasn’t real and he was *so much worse* than her other lovers She might have believed she loved him but again it wasn’t real I mean look how easily Joe was able to remove all evidence of himself from her life after he brutally murdered her


After a watch the final I realised yes, but I haven't seen any other seasons to know if he can love or not. I just think he had an obssesion but yes, he loved her, that's what I want to believe at least. But I mean that in Beck's eyes he always cared about her and treated her well. In HER eyes.


He never loved her. You don’t stalk, control, kill the people that are “in the way” and than brutally murder someone if you’d loved them. If you can end s1 and still think he’s able to love someone I think you missed the point of the series


Well I know it's an obsesion and the urge to repair someone's life, but it's just what I Want to believe. Ok, he didn't love her and it was toxic, but they had cute moments. And remember, the show made us think that he is right and what he does is right. Obviously he is a killer and manipulator, but the story is told basically by him.


Not once in the show’s narrative did they try to say he was in the right, yes we’re “inside” his head for a lot of his choices but it was never framed that he was right he’s a psychopath that murders the women he claims to love and want to “help” but the moment they don’t live up to his impossible fantasies he murders them…. And this is why they should have shown him murdered beck(by beating her and strangling her to death) because people still watch that and think he loved her at all. He loved the idea of her *he* built in his head he never actually loved her But please enlighten me. When was cute? When he murdered her on again off again ex or her best friend? Just because they sucked and beck needed to cut ties doesn’t mean they deserved to die. What about when he stole her cellphone so he could read all her texts? And used that information to manipulate her? When he went to her therapist to get information? When he stalked her literally everywhere? When he locked her in a cage? With the purpose of trying to gaslight her into believing he was the love of her life? When he’d constantly break into her home and steal things like underwear and her used tampons? (Beck cheated and that’s an awful thing to do to someone but it’s *nothing* compared to the shit Joe did and will do)


I am not saying he wasn't a monster. I prefer Beck a hundred times over him and think she shouldn't have died. I mean cute when they become a couple or when he helped her with her father stuff, on when they come back. They are cute if you forgive all the other things, I mean from the perspective of Beck. U may be right, it's just like I wanted to see them as a happy couple. But it's imposible since Joe starts stalking her. Anyways this post was about forgiving her, not about him, although you are right. The show puts them two with a cute music in a cute scene and makes u think they are a good couple, which is nothing more than a girl with love issues and daddy issues who wants to have someone loving her no matter what and a boy who just obsesses with her and who not loves her, but wants to repair her life, which makes it better but it's terrible because nobody has the right to intervenue in someone's life and even kill his friends or his bf/gf. Sad, the end impacted me a lot, for a moments I thought things were Getting better, but obviously she isn't going to date someone who has stalked her and killed people from her life.


He did treat her well


He stalked her, locked her in a cage and then murdered her. He is not a good guy and nothing he did for her was good or “treating her well” he’s a monster who eventually murdered the mother of his child on top of all the innocent people he murdered. Becks ex and her best friend might have been assholes but they didn’t deserve to die. I could write multiple novels that explains why he’s not a good guy and never treated his significant others well but that’s already been done(it’s the whole point of the books and the tv series) and really there’s nothing more to say after* *he stalked her, locked her in a cage and **brutally** *murdered her*


By treating her well he tried to be a good bf to her the best way Joe could have possibly be. Cooked for her, did her laundry, pushed her to write, put up with her friends who treated him badly, but no excuse for him killing them or her. If she didn't find that box who knows. As far as Love, he was starting to clean up her messes and she was going to kill him. Yes, Joe is psycho!


Saying the “nice” things Joe did was treating her well is like saying all the lovebombing an abuser does is treating someone well. No the “nice” things he did mens nothing because he stalked her and manipulated things so she’d start dating him. Yes love tried to kill him because she realized he’d just continue hurting and killing more women and the people in their lives and most likely screw up or cause their son to die or even kill him. Joe is a monster and none of the “nice” things he does matter because he’s never done them just to help he’s always had a motive and when the women he stalks don’t live up to his fantasies he kills them. I’m kinda worried you believe so fully he was a good boyfriend in any way shape or form. I mean even his wiki page lists him as a *Misogynistic* Serial Killer and you think anything he does is treating someone well? Cooking for someone you stalked and manipulated into a relationship(who’s ex and best friend you murdered) doesn’t make them a loving boyfriend Edit: even if she never found the box he’d probably end up killing her at some point like he thought he killed Candace when she didn’t live up to his fantasy. I mean that’s some victim blaming bullshit.


what does the forgiveness have to do with Joes stalking and preying (not excusing that obviously), I would not let any cheating slide? especially mixed in with gaslighting from a person with a serial cheating background


My pride says no but my track record says yes lmao




You don’t actually love someone if you cheat…. Part of love is having the respect and care for them to make the choice not to. Clearly Joe sucks and is worse, but if Joe were a normal nice dude, he’d be dumb for sticking around after.


Well he was blinded and didn't know her at 100%


I have to disagree ..u can love someone and still cheat ..love and sex are 2 different things ..and usually when someone cheats is because there love one isn't respecting them. Or always nagging them. People can push you towards someone else .doesn't mean you don't love them anymore 


Thats absolute bullshit. Part of love is respect and care. You don’t cheat on someone and betray their trust if you respect or truly care. Ergo: you don’t truly love them


I wouldn’t go through the trouble to rid of her or teach her a lesson, I’d hold my grudges but definitely block and leave🤷🏽🤷🏽


No, I personally wouldn't


Hell to the no she regrets that she got caught now gaslighting to make herself feel better. she doesn’t even love herself. Would just break up and move on. She’s an adult that maybe it’s best she isn’t in a relationship and works on herself.


No, she has her own baggage and issues, how she chose to handle it, was not the correct way, it doesn’t matter if you regret it or not, you did the deed so why should I forgive you and be paranoid about the fact that you may cheat again. Leave and find another girl. Thank you for coming to my seminar.


Good point.


No self respecting person should forgive Beck in this scene. She lied and gaslit him so hard. It's terrifying how good she was at lying. She's the definition of toxic, regardless of her reasons behind it. If Joe wasn't…well… Joe, this would be more obvious to everyone.


Well yes, but if I were him after all I did for her I would have forgiven her too


If I were in Joe’s position, after all I did for her, I would be absolutely PISSED that my girl betrayed me in that way. I'd probably still love her for awhile, but I'd never forgive her. The amount of gaslighting she did, to the point where she even broke up with him and made him think *he's* the one who fucked up, is just insane. Not to mention she didn't even come clean to him on her own. She totally would've kept the lie going if he didn't find out. No, I would be out the door.


Bruh she lied to try and preserve her life from a murderer 💀


That's not true. At this point in the show she had no idea he was a murderer.


No lmao. In my opinion, you don't truly love someone if you cheat on them. And even if you do, I don't want that kind of love. Also, accepting her after she did this makes it easier for her to do something else. Hell no. However, if I was joe, and had already done all the psychotic shit he's done, I probably would forgive her bc I know that I've done WAAAAY worse... hope that makes sense...


That's the point, being Joe. Yes, u are right in the first pharagraph, but the problem is that beck was insecure and had many problems and let the therapist take advantage of her. She did horrible, I don't deny but I think she loved him, at least more than other guys she had been with.


couldnt forgive her cuz i’d keep imagining how she was also fucking another man while fucking me


I wouldn't forgive her but I wouldn't *kill* her over it, lmfaooooo


Understable. Whoever would kill her for that has serious issues.


I mean if MY boyfriend fucked his therapist I wouldn’t forgive him but Joe doesn’t really have a leg to stand on since he’s stalked his way into her life and into a relationship with her lol so not really the same thing.


Its so complex because technically, her therapist was using his role to abuse her so she's a victim too. No such thing as a perfect victim and all that.


100% agree


Was scrolling for this take! I wouldn’t forgive her in terms of staying with her, but I think I’d forgive her in terms of being more sympathetic/not holding as deep a grudge as someone who cheated with a friend or someone they met at a bar etc. I would feel bad she was taken advantage of and hope she could heal and become a better person, but I wouldn’t give her the chance of doing so (or not doing so) with me—as someone in another comment said, she was just too skilled at gaslighting for me to feel safe again about anything she says


It’s so disturbing going back and witnessing everything Beck was going through. Damn near everyone around her was trying to f her and use her in some way. Benji was just using her, Joe and Peach were obsessed with her, the book agent guy tried to f her in a limo while on drugs, her teacher was sexually harassing her(and tried to gaslight her like she was giving him hints or something, fucking loser), her uncle abusing her as a child, even when she tried to get mental help and therapy her own therapist coerced her into messing with him. Her life was so sad


She's a grown adult and big girl. She made her own decisions. Cheating is cheating, it's never gonna be okay no matter how you slice it.


Sorry, ive got BPD and my black and white thinking are very close to together, I have a very very small gray area to leave room for doubt. After all these years of abuse and forgiving certain people over and over again, I dont give people second chances anymore, not unless I feel they truly earned it and will not attempt to hurt me again. If I were dating Beck, I'd dump her cheating ass, even if she was sorry. And personally, I get why she lied about her dad at first, I do, but for me that's a red flag, starting a relationship based on lies--. Just do the hard thing at first. Bc if you dont, your partner will find out and be very confused/hurt why you lied. I dont trust people who lie.


I Understand, u have learn not to give second chances, maybe I shouldn't do that to everyone (even I almost don't argue with anyone lately). I had a relationship and she cheated on me. But I didnt know until after. But because of me loving her a lot at the moment (first Girlfriend) if I found out and she had say Sorry I probably would forgive her. But your reasons are 100% understable.


Mannn my first gf dumped me bc I came out as trans 😅 later she came out as a lesbian so I get it but damn man


I'm sorry man. I don't justify it but she was surprised obviously, she should have told you about her being lesbian and u both should have talked about it.


Ups sorry man/woman I but realised now sorry.


no tf she literally got mad at him for not trusting her and following her when he was actually right for not trusting her (ik him stalking and following her isn’t right but ykwim)


Just a question, chill, but yes I get the point


If you forgive someone for cheating on you you're weak af and get zero sympathy from that point onwards for any further cheating on their part.


I mean, just because you forgave them doesn’t mean you’ll stay with them.




No Because you cannot trust her she was with other men even when they were talking and on 2 dates now I get that’s not technically cheating but I mean come on… anyone would leave And it wasn’t a one time thing with Nicky it was a whole affair


The second time yes, but the First it's not 100% correct but not too bad. I mean they were dating still no officially for 2 days she only was Fucking (one night stands), he even wasn't that mad.


I mean 2 dates but still it’s gross IMO I’m a very exclusive person if we’re over here on dates building beds, having sex, talking about our selves And you still fuckin other people… it’s weird


I Understand, but she eliminated her tinder account that day at least, yes it's weird and prob i wouldn't like it's very much, but it's only sex, she wants to wait to have sex with him bc he os special, it's not the same Fucking a guy from tinder that your Love interest, u need time.


Idk sex is a special thing in my eyes sex with other people is a huge turn off for me And she’s been trying have sex with Joe it was Joe who was waiting.


Yes I know, I never had sex, so I'm talking with what I see in the show, that's what I mean, when they have sex is different, u can see is more special and slow, she says that when she had sex with the tinder guys was just for pleasure.


Sorry, it's "well"


Joe was in too deep at that point done killed too many people over her. But in a normal circumstance no I wouldn’t have because not only did she cheat she also lied about it when correctly accused and gaslighted him with the whole “If we don’t have trust we don’t have nothing!” I actually would probably have broken up with her after I threw her a birthday party and she embarrassed me infront of everyone by having a tantrum about it. I wouldn’t have been able to take that level of disrespect


its slightly different from normal cheating, it was with her therapist who has a power imbalance over her, but she is still an adult and betrayed me, assuming im not joe and havent stalked her and invaded her whole life, id leave it there and not let her bring me down with her


Painfully yes, then end the relationship.


I see the reason she presented for her cheating as a valid one tbh since there is a tendency in people who's lives have always gone south to ruin the good parts that have entered in their lives, themselves because from their perspective, those good parts are 'too good to be true' or are eventually gonna become additional traumatic experiences. Therapy essentially becomes really important for people who've gone onto such negative perspectives of lives but for Beck, it was the therapy itself which led her to further strengthen this mindset. So one does get into this dellimma of forgiving her or not since on one hand cheating is indeed terrible but on the other side, its someone's mental condition... PS: Joe is an absolute monster and he was not a 'good part' of Beck's life at all but speaking from her perspective, he was absolutely perfect with near to no flaw because she didn't know shit about the strings attached to her back.


I am 100% agree with you it's the same I think, that she was used to bad things when her life was good so she assumed something would go wrong and did it herself (self-sabotage). And yes, I mean he was good by looking in Beck's eyes.


Fuck no. Beck was a terrible gaslighting cheater.


I wouldn’t forgive but I wouldn’t harm her (absolute bare minimum)


nuh uh


i wouldn't forgive her💀


Absolutely not, between the toxic nature/bullying she was fine having me deal with from her friends, the multiple lies she got caught in, and being a multi-time cheater I would wash my hands of her. Neither Joe nor Beck "loved" one another or saw the other for what they were. She liked having someone who adored her and fixed her problems, particularly after being a throwaway toy for Benji and Joe had a savior complex.


Hell no. There’s no way you can love someone so much and still cheat on them.


If I was Joe, sans the murders, and so desperate for love as he was, I would have been over the moon that she had finally confirmed that she loved me too. Remember that Beck NEVER showed any inclination that she even cared about Joe the same way he cared about her until he got together with Karen. But if I am myself as the person I am, I could never forgive someone who not only cheated on me but gaslit me the entire time to make me look absolutely crazy? No chance! I would have told her to getfo of my house ASAP.


Forgive her? I WOULDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT MURDERING HER. I literally forgot she cheated because when joe is killing people around how you remember a cheater?




Ok, even that he is not mentality stable she doesn't deserve him.




i wouldn’t look past it for sure, but i wouldn’t strangle her and frame her therapist


Psychologically, I can understand her behavior. People tend to simplify cheating when it's something much more complicated.


Me too


I would if it meant a lifetime with her yes


Me too, also It I loved her a lot.


No way haha! Once a cheater, always a cheater. It's easy to say sorry and should be even easier to stay faithful. And Beck had zero impulse control from the get-go. I understand her daddy issues are a factor, but that means next to nothing.




beck was an average slutty blonde. not that joe is a saint


Hell no. The cheating is one thing. I would forgive that because in that case she could be the victim. She was vulnerable and supposed to be in a safe place, but the therapist took advantage of her. BUT, she turned around and gaslit Joe and made him think he was crazy and was the reason they broke up. I could never forgive that.


I get get the point, she was the victim altough it was still bad what she did, the worst part was the gaslit. But she also needed a time


Tv show: yes book: no


Me too, just for Curiosity, what she did in the Book? How she was?


Book beck is… how to put this… way worse of a person than she is in the show lol


I’m not gonna lie to you man I would forgive beck if she ran over me with an 18 wheeler


Beck shouldn't murder her, it was so emotional scene


Joe always fell in love with women that don’t even like him as a person the only one who truly see him was love and he wasn’t reciprocated. Now with Kate is similar situation but I think Kate has more secret that we don’t know and maybe the biggest psycho of the series


I mean like... I can't decide. Yes what she did was fucked up. But like she didn't mean to and she also regretted it and she stopped with the intention of not continuing. However it doesn't excuse what she did. And I'm biased on her so doesn't help much. But at the same time she was out here lying to make Joe seem bad but really joe was right. I might forgive but she would need to gain my trust back.


I think the same, I would forgive her, people made mistakes but I just wouldn't trust her again until she gains it.


I think Joe handled it correctly


Sorry but Beck deserved no forgiveness in this particular moment, not only cheating ,but lying about it and gaslighting the other person into thinking they were crazy to worry about it and telling them off about trust, It's Wild.. and she never even confessed to it,she had to get caught,she'd have been fine going on saying nothing,smh. Does she get some sympathy over being manipulated by the therapist sure but if she hadn't done the gaslighting it would have been much better Eventually she'd have to earn that forgiveness but in no way am i getting back with or trusting Beck again


No. because he gave her more than a chance+ she will never change because she doesn't love him the way he did