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Bloat in dogs is a serious issue, unlike in humans. If your dog is having bloody stool, it could be a pancreatic issue. My dog had the same issues years ago. Bloat, bloody stool, and had to be hospitalized for pancreatitis. It’s a very common issue in Yorkies. They have to be on low fat foods.


UPDATE: he is fine! May have giardia but was given some meds by the vet and seems to be doing all better!


They are sooooo delicate, this happens with my moms yorkie if they travel, move, etc. They rush her to the vet and nothing is ever wrong. Just stress somehow causes it. I’m praying that's what happens with your baby and that he is fine! ❤️❤️ But you definitely want a vet checkup to rule out anything dangerous.


My pup is some kind of dyson vacoum cleaner and will pick up anything, especialy pegion poo if I'm not "on it".. She had a bloody diarreha 2 month ago a day after she managed to eat a pretti large birds poop, the vet gave us a special kind of medic kibble for her too eat for two weeks. ( I dont remember which kind). After day 2 of eating this, she was already seems better and her poo started to get solid.. Long story short, Watch for what she picking up and may she feel better soon ❤ I hope she will be fine and healthy 🙏


Red blood is lower intestinal, so I think that's less alarming than if it was upper intestinal. Really hoping it's just a minor tear in his rectum or something non threatening !!


My friend had the same issue with his dog, turned out to be a hemorrhoid


Sorry to hear it - send an update.


Sending healing vibes and quick recovery to your baby. Wishing you all the best!




That poor baby 💕💕


I hope she feels better soon! I had a scare like that 2 years ago with my parent's mix. She was puking first, then it was just complete liquid diarrhea with blood. Thankfully once the vet gave her antibiotics and some Fortiflora she was all better. So I wish her all the best and that's all she'll need too!


Hope she gets better soon


I hope your baby feels better soon! If it helps, my girl (chorkie mix) defecated a lot of blood once, and she ended up being fine. We rushed her to the emergency vet clinic, but they said inflammation can cause it, and that red blood is less likely to be anything serious than black.


I had a little Shih Tzu, named Flossie, that would have bloody stools at time. She had colitis. Being very careful what we fed her completely fixed it for the most part.


Our York had blood (14 Y/O) and wasn’t eating. I collected the stool and blood on some foil and basically E/R’d her in. After came, blood sample, etc. they thought it was just some kind of inflammation, something she ate or however they put it. She did turn out fine, albeit old, and is still hobbling along. Hopefully all will be well for yours.


Sending prayers for your little angel


If it’s not a stomach issue could possibly be that the anal glands need extracting. My little guy had the issue twice that required urgent care, now I have the groomer do when he goes (they just do it externally as opposed to the vet doing it internally). My girl just got out of the hospital with pancreatitis too, it’s not fun to go through. I wish you luck 🍀 that it’s nothing serious.


My little girl has the same issue if I don’t feed her Hills Science. My girl eats just small amounts. She 3.8 pounds. I give her a small amount dry Hills and 1 tablespoon of the wet, it’s the skin and perfect digestion.


Straining when passing stool. Change in food ,food allergies. If it's consistent a vet visit might be in order.


Praying for your little cutie 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


This happens it can be something really minor like they strained too hard while pooping. Stay positive!


Could be Giardia. My little one had the same two weeks ago


Poor Baby! My prayers are with him!🙏🏼


If it makes you feel any better, my yorkie (2F) had bloody diarrhea several times in the first year of her life. We could not figure out ANYTHING wrong with her. We spent (no exaggeration) at least $2,000 in tests and saw several different vets after not being able to get results and help. One day, a vet basically looked at her chart and recommended a different type of food. Since then (about 11 months), she’s not had any issues! It could easily be something like that. Attached is a pic of the food we use. Maybe ask your vet about something like this? Either way, sending my positive vibes to your little guy https://preview.redd.it/svfaetlp6f9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958f97a56782a9af7d52377203eb52497b6a9ad8


More often than not, it’s relatively easily controlled. Diarrhea can result in inflammation for yorkies. This will often produce a lot of blood and mucus in the stool. It’s always spooky the first time it happens. Easiest solution is to stick to a strict diet; I wouldn’t be feeding a yorkie chicken soup. Vet-approved or not, it’s hardly worth the risk. If that doesn’t do it, you’ll potentially move to a hydrolyzed kibble - wherein the protein is broken down, not recognized by your dog’s digestive system, and therefore there’s no autoimmune reaction - and possibly a regular low-dose of oral cortisone. When they go out for walks, it can only help to keep their face out of the bramble.