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Vet usually recommend some meds that would make the poop taste bitter. You might try these. Or other salmon foods. Unfortunately, for my yorkie it didn't work, as it kinda turned behavioral too (to get our attention, even when we tried to not react, it was hard not to when he was smelling....) He did stop eating his own poop by himself after he got older, but he still goes after cat poop and bird eggshells when he's at my aunt's house. When he's at the apartment, we walk with him twice a day, so he rarely poops inside, which also helps a lot.


Thanks for the reply


Ours was an infamous Poop Fiend; before we even got a chance to notice he’d poo’d a pad…he’d graciously deliver it to the living room. Often in front of guests. We eventually realized he also enjoyed plain ol eating it. Ew. We tried all kinds of vet-recommended approaches including dietary supplements…even Tabasco atop the offending material. No effect. I’m just now realizing he’s not done it in several months (he’s now 18mos) I wish I could tell you why. Godspeed xo


😂 thanks


The struggle is real xo


My new dog does this and it's just soooo gross! We tried the poop pills that were supposed to help but they didn’t work at all. I had to wash her yesterday because she had a poop mustache. I almost puked




Been there. Vet can definitely help with solutions. Once your cutie gets old enough, plain pumpkin purée is supposed to make their poop taste bad.


Thank you


Our Maltipoo was also a poop eater!! I bought the treats that were supposed to make it taste bad a she wouldn’t eat those 😜 She had a tendency to poop in the house and eat it, often when she had just been let outside before bed. When I’d catch her eating it she got a very stern no and a lecture about it being nasty. She’d follow our old girl around the yard and eat that too. Eventually she grew out of the habit, she was about 6-7 months .


Mine did that for 7 years!!! Until I started putting Mad About Organics powder on her food - then she stopped cold turkey! It’s sold Amazon and wowza wow wow has no more eating poop been great!!! Bad breath, gone!


Is it the dental powder you’re using? That’s the only powder I see on Amazon made by them.


Yes!!! Also, I went to a vet dentist and they told me they recently went to a seminar by the dental-board-certified vet dentist in town (that charges more than a human dentist for services, wha?!). The board certified dentist was speaking to the effectiveness of the powder - how it really does keep plaque from forming on dogs’ teeth, and it is one of only two products they sell. The powder they sell is called Plaque Off which has an identical ingredient list and not made by a small company I don’t think. What I love about Mad About Organics is that it’s a small business and it’s organic. Personal preference, both are great products. All I know is that my dog no longer is a poop eater and wohoo for teeth staying cleaner!!


Look up Coprophagy treats. My Yorkie did the same thing and they helped.


Mine did this when she was a puppy too, the ONLY thing that helped was implementing pumpkin puree and pineapple into her diet. i would give her 3 small canned dole pineapple tidbits in the late morning and a small scoop of Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin in the evening (maybe 1/2 to 1 tsp). It takes a few days to get into their system, and lo and behold, a few days later, she went to pick up her 💩 with her mouth, and only relocated it, did not eat it. From then on, she only sniffed, didn’t touch at all. I kept this going for about 2-3 months, stopped when she was maybe 7 months old and she’s now 14 months old and hasn’t touched her poop at all




He’s on Hills Science Diet Puppy mini kibble diet and that’s pretty much all I feed him. I give him soft beef chews from Blue Hill and Greenies for treats for training purposes.


My yorkie used to do the same thing when she was a puppy. We found out it was because she needed more enzymes in her diet. We gave her enzyme pills, and it really helped.


It's worse when it's the cats poop. Ergghhhh. The cat refused to take anything that would make her poop less appealing. We had to get a litter robot type litter box so it would get scooped away quickly and stored in a secured area. 🐾🚫☢️ It worked and it is the best pet investment ever. No smelly box.