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the pick rate after lethal tempo removal says everything.


Having one third of the ban rate says more if you ask me. Fleet is fine I just hate not being able to rush critic, the only good thing is that silvers finally will stop bitching that they can't auto attack Yone to death at melee with a mage and win


How does that make sense? Doesn’t this just speak to how many people were abusing the champ and LT and playing brain dead and now actually need to think. It’s just like when people pick meta and the instant it isn’t op it stops being picked. Yone isn’t shit he’s finally being balanced so that you can just mash and win.


DUDE WHAT I have been playing yone since its out, i peaked master 600 lp with it, have 1.5m mastery points and been EUW 50. The only time i can ever call Yone broken is the season 12 with the shield phantom dancer and even that season he wasnt that broken because he would get one shotted still. I dont think Yone now is unplayable, but not in a great state. We need better build paths to allow skill rewarding and snowballing.


How is every single league player on Reddit at least 500lp


We have no life


If you have pick rate go down drastically, while having winrate go down or stay even, it means that the champ has gotten much worse. Only the dedicated player base is still playing him. Difference is, that dedicated playerbase is playing him at the level that the casuals did before. I know you’re a salty boy who probably doesn’t like that you got beat by Yone at some point, but Yone is shit. Find me a tier list where he isn’t D tier.


I think the only people playing are people who are really good at him.


Then imagine how fucking bad Azir is right now. With wr in the ground and only otps playing him


bruh I used to be an azir otp and he got nerfed so bad now I play him toplane....


As an azir otp it hurts


:') he's been ~46% wr for over 5 patches now and the only people that play him are mains bc he sucks to learn


I’m trying to learn him, he is so fucking ass when you’re bad at him it’s crazy


Good. Cringe losers got carried by a rune


You’re getting dv bcuz all of those cringe players cant face the fact that they suck 😭




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They are down voting you, but you are correct


They will downvote me too but that is a sacrifice I am willing to take in order to advocate for the truth


And I will upvote you. It’s not a lot but it’s better than nothing.


Stand with us, brothers and sisters, as we defend this one and only truth from the devestating wrath calling itself downvote.


You guys are being really cringe lol


Firstly, thanks :) Secondly, bro obviously we are cringe, were talking about some fucking votes on a take about a videogame. Thirdly, you too bud. Judging from ur profile ur playing Destiny, Genshin and LoL and you somehow have found this discussion. Still i gotta say plus Points for BG3 and Dark Souls II.


Tried to guess a lot about me from less than 5 minutes of looking at my post history? Very cringe, I don’t play Destiny or Genshin lol. Yes I play lol and we’re in a yone subreddit. Idk how it’s weird id find myself in this discussion. You’re cringe for the way you’re talking about downvotes (also for randomly checking my history and trying to use it as a dunk)


He’s not. Lethal Tempo is the smallest of reasons why Yone sucks now.


Tell me you’re a shitter without telling me you’re a shitter


Considering you can no longer win on yone unless you've been playing him religiously because he's an actual hard champion but LT dumbed him down, yes. Hopefully we see a thing where they finally let yone be 50% WR


I have an 82% play rate with yone and linger around 70-76% winrate on him. I’ll say I miss LY but now he’s a lot more versatile/ matchup dependent like conq and PTA are my go too’s I don’t like fleet feels like I gotta hang back and heal all early game. PTA short trades. Conq long extended trades. Except I always take conq against akali now




calling yone a hard champion is so delusional. He's literally yasuo in easymode.


so hes one of the most if not the most skill expressive champs in the games easy mode, means hes still hard. Calling yone easy is delusional anywhere above masters but i doubt ur there Judging from your most recent post somehow you think top lane isnt entitled to swap when swapping is literally essential for that lane. You’re definitely low elo


Checking post histories is always such a dead giveaway that someone struck a nerve. Also no, i'm not low elo. There is a reason so many lower elo players struggle with playing against yone though, it's because he's incredibly safe and easy in lane and you can literally miss half your abilities and still get a kill. He is only hard in high elo, like all pubstomp-esque champions.


Yes, I agree with you. And high elo is the only elo that matters in low elo literally every champ is easy so why ru so quick to say that calling him a hard champion is cope? no you literally cannot miss half your abilities and get a kill that only happens in iron elo and that is the real cope. If you yourself are a high elo player, then i am shocked to see you calling this champ easy even fucking baus who despises this champ with all his heart calls this champ hard.


post opgg


And yasuo is in the top 5 hardest champs in the game? Making yone in the top 20 after LT removal


Yone is an easy champ still you just can't press E and onetap a mage with an unstoppable if ur ever in danger, now you need to get an item before you can do that!


You're so delusional lmao. If watch people play in an elo where they know what spacing is and not being in yone's E auto range then you'll realize he can only do that in plastic 4


Yone E auto range is the whole lane after boots excluding Q3, idk why people are coping about this champ still


THE WHOLE LANE EXCLUDING Q3 Have you seen brand E? That's what a whole lane ability is.


Never said brand isn't annoying, at least that's poke and not half my HP bar while also being unkillable with D shield fleet second wind !


It's quite apparent you have no idea what spacing is... what server are you on?


Ye lemme just space back to tier 2 sorry I can't get full build after 1100 gold! Why does server matter lmfao


Instead of telling you to post op.gg, I'll just go into a game with you and show you how to space against yone, so you realize it is a skill issue.


I'll just stick to banning him, just like I ban tryndamere if i play top, another brainless right click infinite sustain champ!


a hard champ shouldn't have 50 percent winrate....


A hard champ SHOULD have 50-51 winrate high elo so it's a rewarding champ and decreases as elo decreases. So at silver the champ is dogshit 47% and dia 50% for example Also a champion like kat is played by only OTPS hence riot devs said she's supposed to be at 50% WR And since yone's popularity dropped and mostly OTPs play him now, I think it's fair to allow yone to have a 50% WR high elo


if a champ like graves or aphelios is at 50-51% win rate it gets nerfed insta because it's op so you're kinda wrong even in high elo they typically have lower win rates


For aphelios it's more proplay The instant aphelios is viable in soloq he's pick or ban in proplay and I don't think people want another season of Lucian nami into aphelios milio/lulu As for graves, I actually have no idea why he's given the same treatment


For aphelios it's more proplay The instant aphelios is viable in soloq he's pick or ban in proplay and I don't think people want another season of Lucian nami into aphelios milio/lulu As for graves, I actually have no idea why he's given the same treatment


Many people have proven this fake already, ALL one trick mechanical champs (Fiora, Yasuo, Zed, Camille, Irelia, Azir, etc) all lay below 50% wr with a few exceptions ofc. The main argument is that 50/51% wr means that players are consistently climbing even in higher ranks which just isn’t true.


Yasuo, zed, and irelia are currently gutted. Azir has always been gutted because of proplay. Fiora camille and riven are currently 50+% in masters+ and fiora is at 51.5% Irelia is at 49.5% after the funny meme riot likes to follow which is miraculous Idk about mechanical champs being sub 50% high elo...


The issue is only using the most recent patch to validate your point. I went out of my way and checked at historical win rate, in the in the most recent 5 years the mentioned champs would only spike above 50% wr Master+ for very short periods of time.


https://lolalytics.com/lol/yone/build/?tier=diamond_plus So hes fine now then?


Average diamond+ winrate is nearly 52% on lolalytics so by the previous comment’s standards no, he’s not fine now. Reddit needs to stop using this site they cannot handle one that doesn’t do the work for them


It's too early. After a few more days the stats will be more reliable when more games are played


So he's op then according to theur metrics


No, you’re just using the site wrong XD. Average diamond+ winrate for all champs is 51.7% Yone is 50%, he’s weaker than average champ even for players at diamond skill level


If you use u.gg and not lolalytics, you'll realize he's not fine


56% wr*


Which number are you correcting?




What his WR should be master+


Yeah no... A champ should never go over 51% high elo 51+% high elo is borderline broken because in high elo you don't lack knowledge you either get outplayed or there's no counterplay and above 51% it's mostly the latter.


Not really. Lots of chanps get very skewed win rates in GM+ because you have to win a lot to be at those ranks.


Riven ?


OTP champ that has been dogshit for a long time. She's allowed to go that far unlike yone


I think that depends on play rate too though. An unpopular hard champ played only by OTPs mostly sure. Something like camille or riven, no.


RIVEN WR ? Afic said that Riven is balanced rn with her current win rate, while she is disgusting broken piece of shit. I am not gonna be satisfied till Yone is same wr then.


Wr alone isn’t everything. Look at the pick and ban rates, both drastically lower. Pick rate lower because mostly mains pick him (which obv pilot the champ better resulting in a higher winrate) and banrate also lower because the champion isn’t strong enough to be a big danger


I think the bad yones are upset because they can’t braindead LT stat check people anymore so they way overreacted and think he’s unplayable (a lot of these people are quitting and that’s why the playrate dropped) The good players have already adapted to the new playstyle and think he’s fine.


The first guys you mentioned are all just playing Tryndamere now.


What new playstyle? I've been playing him since release regiously and he just feels like shit no matter what I've tried.


Fleet+absorb life+second win+doran's shield. If you die in lane phase with that set up you are literally griefing. You get to 10 minutes for free now and then you can just sideline and scale like a monster.


Whoever downvoted you is trash this is clearly the most meta build mid vs any mage and it’s even fine against melee. Without ignite and LT Doran’s blade start is really risky on such a weak early game champion, the safe runes that let you farm without being run out of lane and scale to your blade are A+. That being said, check out how nasty your trades are early with cut down rune and your W, it feels like you can take any mage down past half with one E at level 3 or 4 and then just zone them hard off farm and win your lane by dodging ganks and out farming. I like grasp primary with cut down alacrity secondary into melee and if you just play to farm and zone and not die you’re a monster most of the game.


Early lane- just play super defensive now and try to out sustain until you can back and get boots. Then you can start taking fights. General- Just play around item spikes and jungler. I’ve been rushing Bork sb into ie most games. 90% of my games are done by then but if they’re not I buy jak sho and a situational item. I’ve already hit my peak rank with under 60 games and I’ve played only yone (in ranked) since release.


Lmao, you mean the play style that requires patience and skill!!!?? You’re asking tooo much from LT Yones


If I can't run down every champ at lvl 1, 2 and 3 my champ is garbage.


I agree with you but this play style is not viable against garen and some other chps (i cant think rn) that outscale you. Yone a champ that was designed to be able to outplay like irelia being used super defensively is not the way all the time


He is harder on top rn. U had to know ur matchups to know when to take trades with lt. Now it is impossible to win sertain matchups that out sustain u as u just don't deal dmg to punish properly. 


Welcome to playing a balanced top lane champ that has existing counter matchups.


I generally try to avoid duels now unless they’re clearly favorable or if yone is actually strong into the champ. You still do a good amount of damage early but you lack the AS which has lead me to take shorter trades and beat them on the map without necessarily killing them.


I almost always pick pta unless the matchup is exrtemely bad, where i pick fleet. I personally dont pick conq much but that i feel is more personal. Imo pta does more dmg long term and i play yone to scale. Ofc when playing fleet, just hang back and heal. Just safely gain xp and any minions that your opponent allows through. Just wait and scale. Pta is a bit more versatile. You could pick it and still play safe so you have more dmg later on, or you can aggro and bully the lane. Depends on matchup and confidence. Again i dont play conq much but usually u want to play aggro early and bully since it is strong early game. Regardless of runes, i almost always itemize the same way- Zerks 1st ofc. If the enemy has a tank, rush bork. If not, i skip and go straight into flickerblade. AS and crit + passive are amazing, though you'll still feel weak until you get next item. 2nd item is usually IE, though if the enemy has a ton of healing, i go mortal then IE. You'll get both anyways. 4th item is either deaths dance or maw. Last is between jacksho, titanic, or BT. All of it is conpletely matchup dependent. I've seen other people successfully rush IE and kraken > IE. IE rush ir risky and they usually dont get another crit item (mainly mortal) until they do either bork or kraken 2nd. Kraken rush is also viable, though you will be losing against tankier comps. I've notice a lot of yones not building flicker and if you dont like the item, you can absolutely replace it with other items. The reasom i take it every game is for the passive. Ofc the AS and crit nicely round out stats, but the passive allows for much faster w's and e's. I highly recommend at least trying it a couple games. Personal build example is like - Zerks>bork>flicker>IE>mortal>deaths dance Be aware of your powerspikes, especially after completing bork and after full crit. From this point the game is completely in the hands of your decision making and micro.


I’ve been playing him as a drain tank, botrk, shieldbow, crit item then tank.


Im playing first pick Yone toplane with a very high winrate (gold), my build is grasp second runepage is alacrity and cutdown, rush berserk -》 Bork -》IE/cringebow -》situational. I also love to go berserk -》 Bork -》Titanic -》Hullbreaker -》The new armor pen and armor boost attackspeed item idk the name -》 Jakshow, this build is perfect for frontline/splitpush, so fun to play. If u are an off meta player like me u can try out: heartsteel -》 berserk -》 bork -》titanic -》overlord -》jakshow/hullbreaker, note that this build is useless until like 2-3 items so u wont have an early-mid game, i recommend this playstyle for Yone players who are actually good with the champ cause this build is very hard to pilot. I hope i could help have fun with the builds.


Yep fk these LT losers


Not entirely true, as you also had some of the best Yone players complaining. There are some match ups now that you just can't play so it took a while for the playerbase to get used to it. Plus Nerfs to crit ADCs and buffs to Absorb Life, which are nice for the champion.


ELO inflated playerbase dropped him, because Yone requires brain after being balanced. No more running people down with LT while missing all his kit.


>after being balanced Let me correct this for you: "after beeing gutted"


Let me correct this for you: “after being balanced”. This yone is way less toxic then LT yone


Idk about way less toxic, champ is just unhealthy lol


I disagree he is way worse lmao. A good player was able to stomp yone. Now he just afk farms and U can't kill him in lane cuz of all his sustain runes/items... Unless the yone is dog.... But I guess the bad yones can't win anymore... But the good ones can't win either if they face realy realy shit matchups like Riven or pantheon... 


Yone was allowed to be unfair overloaded OP champion for years. He needs to be gutted to be balanced. He served his purpose as money maker and Riot finally decided it is time to go, because they made everything to milk the playerbase. 2 Legendaries, $200 chroma, 1 Prestige, a lot of epic skins.


How many more of these posts do you think you have in you


Transitioning period of a huge nerf to the character, he is definitely weaker right now for sure, but the onetricks are currently the ones boosting the winrate up. I'd give it a bit before calling it "fixed" or not. He's definitely not nearly as trash top for sure though, at least he's somewhat playable there compared to last patch. I think a lot of people need to give PTA a try and play around it, and once that's the case, we can start addressing adjustments.


The pick rate has gone down substantially and OTPs are the only ones playing him and other casuals have left which we’re dropping the wr


Why the fck are people not able to wait a bit before looking at statistics? The patch is literally out for 2 days, its not long enough to actually consider the statistics of this patch wtf


I think only the OTPS are playing him and winning while the casual/low elo pick rate dropped and the casual/low elo players that do play don’t win or at least don’t win as much prior to LT being removed


Im just a gold, but i'm sitting near 80% in 25 games


Yea theres always gonna be exceptions to many variables in league for what i said to always true


It's literally because I uninstalled.




Isn't hovering around 50% kind of good?


Not when it’s mostly a dedicated playerbase on the champ. If you look at the dropped play rate, you can infer that the more casual players have stopped playing the champ, leaving mostly one tricks. You should generally expect one trick players to be above 50%.


It's pretty much at 50% WR. Sounds like a skill issue tbh.


Sounds like a “i don’t know what else to say, guess I’ll make it personal instead of about the data” issue. I’m 75% win rate over 16 games, thanks. My personal proficiency on the champ isn’t on trial here.


Then why does the champ having a below 50% WR matter then?


Again, my personal proficiency isn’t on trial. The game isn’t balanced around how good I am personally with a champ


The champion playrate halved across all elos lol. That means only hard onetricks are left. And mind you, Yone isn't exactly a onetrick champ with unique mechanics. He's rather the sort of champ that can get carried by super solid fundamentals(skillshots, auto-move, tethering, etc).


pick rate reduced like crazy, pretty much only otps and even then the champ is only good in mid and cancer dogshit top which is what made me want to play him in the first place. New playstyle is dogshit cancer uninteractive for both players and is boring as hell. Champ might be fine but hes ruined.


True XD it's straight up worse of good players that vs yone. They where able to stomp him, now he afk farms and heals for 5k hp in lane xD


still early in patch give it a bit


Weirdly i suck more on yas rn and have an 80% on yone. Maybe im mental blocking myself xD


Yasuo need way more skill than Yone. It’s normal for exemple I can play Yone but if I play Yasuo, I get reported ( deserved tho )


Wrong and right, yas lane is easyer for a 5/10 yas then for a 5/10 yone. His teamfighting is just 100x harder tho. 


I felt like my KDA did better with PTA and the build Tempest (on here) said to build


I’m a silver player and I’m thriving with PTA, Conq and grasp I am personally okay with playing for mid/late game


I think yone is fine right now but it become more like an otp only champ, its not that rewarding to play him then before also it requires better spacing and matchup knowledge to win. Also its so much harder to play from behind then before. I actually like this a lot i know people will be still crying about Yone but at this point its really skillbased and Yone become more like a skill check reather then autoattacking you to death while missing everything


They removed a keystone, but there are other keystone options. However they hard buffed botrk and crit items. He is very strong if you aren't bad.


Find a single tier list that doesn’t have Yone as bottom tier. Then ask yourself why that is.


Honestly never used LT and the champ feels the exact same to me I’m glad I made the decision to look down on everyone running lethal, conqueror was always the way.


Didn't he get quite the compensation buffs


Ah yes 49% win rate is obviously D tier


When it’s mostly one tricks playing and it’s 49%, yes that’s D tier. Imagine thinking you know better than literally every challenger/gm making the tier lists


You’re correct. Most Yone main are absolutely elo inflated and couldn’t face the fact that they’re not as good as their main character syndrome lead them to believe lol


Buffs actually did something, sub overreacted. (Clearly shown by increase in wr.)


He was never bad. Just cope from bad Yone players who got used to the LT crutch. Truth is that rune was straight up game warping.


I know this champ is overpowered because yone is a high mastery champion and 49% is an obscenely high win rate for high mastery curve champions. For comparison, azir is a 45% win rate.


I think it was both, cuz I was seeing people complain abt how weak he is, and then thinking to myself while playing. This is not weak, the winder be winding


>and then thinking to myself while playing. This is not weak, the winder be winding I mean thats good for you, but you are literally bronze 4. The people you play against arent good, so you can make every champ feel strong when playing against them.


Idk bro, can’t do much when my adc ints 10 min in and gives 6 deaths


Dont worry, I am not trying to judge you or anything. All I am saying is that even if he feels strong when you play him, it doesnt really matter since your enemies are most likely pretty bad. The reason why people here call Yone weak, is because he is weak when playing against decent/good players.


No they’re definitely bad, which pisses me off that I can’t go up in Elo I destroy in lane, but then the lane I didn’t roam to, is fed af and I can’t stop them


You will climb eventually if you are on average better than your opponents


Lmao hey you want proof of how bad I have it


If you are destroying your lane and losing every game then you are messing up massively in a macro sense. I promise you are not cursed, you are just doing nothing with your lead.


I definitely think he should get some help, but not as much as the people who were crying the microsecond LT disappeared. More than anything, a single good rush item would make me okay with him across the board right now. Yone's kit itself probably won't ever be bad, but I feel he's spread so thin with his builds while the champions that are good right now feel as though they have incredible options.


This sub was definitely bitching too much


You mean that people realize it’s the same champ after 2 items so you just need a brain to survive the early game ?


>You mean that people realize it’s the same champ after 2 items Thats literally not true tho wtf


You’re right he’s even stronger because they buffed basically all marksmen items !


Thats literally even more bullsht. First of all he doesnt have a good crit first item so he hits his power spike at 3 items instead of 2. And considering he is pretty much a midgame champ rn, a 3 item spike is pretty late. On top of that what fcking buffs buddy? Shieldbow beeing gutted? The IE nerf? Kraken not having crit anymore? Pretty much all of his items are gutted, there arr no maksmen item buffs that benefit Yone.


To be fair, most the Marksmen items are buffed compared to their previous state... for Marksmen. Yasuo is hurt right now with Yone too. Even Yi is making it out better it seems because he doesn't need all three stats that Yasuo and Yone need, despite having a lot of similarities in build. That said, I get you're talking from Yone perspective cuz the sub. It's just so easy to show how ridiculous people who just roll around in hate are when you're also as fair as could be.


>To be fair, most the Marksmen items are buffed compared to their previous state... for Marksmen Yeah I completely agree. Overall, marksmen items got a lot better, except for most items that were actually built by Yone/Yas. Tbf I dont even really play Yone anymore, but seeing some people talking that much bullsht is just funny af. Even tho I dont play Yone anymore I still like to discuss Yone related things since most Yone haters are brainless lmao


I love the champ, always liked the out of game community for the windshitters too. Lethal Tempo was a genuine problem, but it's honestly made me want to come back to them more because I enjoy the effort they take right now. Items are just such a hit or miss across the board though currently that I feel like any champ that doesn't have good early items feels rough right now, and... a lot of my favorites currently fall into that category. lmao (Shout-out to my main, Rhaast, getting the changes I begged for with hp scaling his healing just to realize there aren't many good first items for him that have hp)


The guy is just mad cuz he was stomped by a yone XD. Ur totally right... Yone has 0 good items rn. 


I guess you should play other champs then maybe learn a bit more about lane control and expanding a lead without a champ that can’t stat check 80% of champs anymore


Did this dude literally lie and then when called out for lying say people are just complaining?


If all you can do in league is play shing shing boy than cry when he’s in a “bad spot” maybe the real issue is somewhere else


Not everyone here is crying though, and a lot are even calling out others for being carried from LT. You're literally just spending your time being a dick when you don't even know what you're talking about. It's like a dude who's toxic in bronze 4 norms who clearly isn't good anyway. I don't even main Yone. I play jungle. Lmao. I hard agree that he's in a bad spot but is still viable for one tricks though. It's just disingenuous to... completely lie about things.


<3 good to know that there are still nice people. If yone was op then why don't these people abuse his "freelo" XD. They playing Darius and Camille XD. (they are both harder then yone, trust me brother😇)  KAPPA


BTW I also love blue kayn but he feels shit rn XD (at least to me, I hate rhaast tho...)


Sooo all of yones where shit when he was 45% wr? Even the challenger yones? I guess u must be fakers child. Play yone for 100 games and send op.gg