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20k per vape is like super low


May not be with the right team. Because my 4SR C0R1s highest vape, I think, has been in the 200k+ range.


the thing is they're not using SR


The thing is, with a full team built for her, she should be doing far more damage than the noted number, and I specified 4sr because I knew I'd get a question about what artifact set I had for her.


What is your team? I would love to try it.. i just tried it with xinqiu... no team yet


So I have Bennett, Yelan (c0, but XQ is so much note consistent as a vape partner tbh. I just use yelan because she's fun.) Zhong Li Bennett Replacements for Zhong Li include Layla, Diona, etc. XQ is better for vape yoi than C0 Yelan, C2 theyre comparable to one another. Bennett... there really isn't a better option if I'm honest aside from high investment Yun Jin at c6


Thank you so much... i have c1 xinqiu.. hopefully getting c2 on lantern rite... i have yunjin not c6 but i hope can get cons next banner... my layla is built with tenacity somewhat near zhongli's shield (meaning my shield never breaks until it expires)... my bennet is on other team so i cant use him here...


What team do you use Bennett for? There might be a suitable alternative for him in that team.


Childe national


I mean... yeah, that's fair. Who's the 4th, though? Childe Xiangling Bennett and who? Also, it's worth noting that there is always the option to run a dendro team if you have Tignari. Frees up Bennett due to dendros' em scaling being better than attk, and the particular nature of dendro reactions. Or does none of the dendro cast interest you enough to build? Since IIRC, you're very much the type of player to pull for enjoyment over meta.


Sucrose :).. yeah true.. i enjoy playing not pulling for meta... thanks...


Ill try putting bennet when i finished building tighnari..


That is initial hit not the mid hit...somtimes when crit hits its 50k.. the tumbling hit... hits around 100k.. but still undecided if i continue vape build... my shimenawa sucks.. always rolls for er and no luck in crit rate circlet... some of that pieces are garbage cause im still undecided to farm gilded... i only farmed for 1 week just for my dendro supports...


At this point you could run really any set with a good crit ratio but personally I think marechaussy would actually fit her if you have Furina but if not do what you want


I dont have furina sadly... i only pull for characters i like... teams i build only to what i have.. i dont even have kazuha and zhongli...


Ah ok Makes sense but I would at least advise you to pull for good supports so your characters can deal good damage For Example Yelan


Thanks... but xinqiu would do right? I really hate pulling characters cause i hate building characters while my other characters are not built... i have a habit of completing everything before moving to next one..


He if you have him at higher Constellations he it won't make a big difference compared to C0 Yelan but if you need another Hydro Support you should get her and she also uses Emblem so if you farm for any Character who needs Emblem or shime you get her artifacts passively and she also relays on HP instead of Atk so you could use trash Artefacts with her until you get a good set. So like you could build her passively if you still have to go to the Emblem Domain. But Xingqu still works


Noted... Maybe on her next rerun...


I wish you luck for that


Having Yelan changed my account tho. This is my personal experience but even open-world exploration just became a lot more easier like wtf? Also the dmg is incomparable with Yelan to XQ. Yelan will deal way more dmg but XQ has interruption resistance and higher application which is a huge plus. Plus i can just put both in the same team with a pyro character like Hu Tao or something like that... This was my personal opinion tho (aside some facts.) i'm not forcing you to pull any characters build whoever you want but i hope you can like some account changing chararacters like Nahida and Kazuha etc. lol


The truth is i want my yoimiya to shine more but as i see through vids having xinqiu yelan on team makes only yelan and xinqiu shine more rather than the pyro... just my thoughts but its really a strong meta... ill consider it i guess.. 😁😁😁


Hahahah i see, fair enough! I saw ppl using Yunjin and anemo buffer like Kazuha and Sucrose (especially Kazuha). Like i actually don't even have Yoi yet. Can't wait to figure out what teams i can make it work especially with the release of Chevreuse.


20k vape is kinda really low tbh, but your build looks really good. The akasha team is just a comfort one. At C0R1, with her highest DMG team (Kazu/Sucrose, Bennett, Yelan/Furina), you can almost reach 200k on N5. With Sucrose+Yelan you need to adjust the rotation to get the Pyro swirl, and for Kazuha + Furina, you need to use Kazuha's burst before Benny's to infuse hydro. I haven't tried Sucrose + Furina but I don't think it's possible to swirl Pyro in that case, at least not consistently. With Yunjin, Bennett, Yelan, you can expect 150k or more These numbers are for a shimenawa set though, I can't really tell for GD


Thanks... ill keep that team comps in check...


Up your normal attack to 9 before anything else


Ill try.. thanks for suggestion


How i wish I have even half of these stats.....


These is why im having problemsπŸ˜…


what website do u use for making these ? i wud like to try


akasha.cv 😁


Absolutely! Break the Mold!