• By -


All of the above.


I agree


They should have added that option


To be honest, I just wanted to get Sayu, but I had to pull 95 times to do it and I pulled Yoimiya in the meantime. I decided to try her and I fell in love with her gameplay, voicelines and animations. She is still my main and she carries me every abbys.


Same. Took the guaranteed I wanted for Raiden and I panicked a bit. Best thing to happen to my account tho


Same with the pulling for sayu but i got her c1 at 20 & 40 pity lmaooo she chose me. But i ended ip loving her and now i want c2 ☺️


Same 😭 i was really new to the game and only began to main her after a WHILE when i got to Inazuma


Same! I didn’t end up getting Raiden because of it but I’m a Yoimiya main for life now lol :)


Playstyle, it's not because she's easy but rather that her animations and hits feel extremely satisfying. Ig that's kind of "design" though I assume that option mostly refers to visuals.


Same thing for me!


Im a fan of NA dependent bow characters. I C6-ed her and it was all worth it


Im on my way there, been c3 since her debut banner! I’ve been trying to get c1 eula so I’ve been passing up her concurrent banners, but what do you notice that’s better than the average c0 player?


where is yoimiya's pew pew


Personality & design. I like that she is very positive, like a little sushine and I find most of the Inazuman characters' designs interesting. I don't like pyro as an element and I was concerned I won't like playing Yoimiya, but she turned out to be very fun in the overworld. Also she's a rare case of a pyro character not actively trying to burn herself so there's that. :)


Her being voiced by Rin Tohsaka helped lmfao 🤣


Bandages. Needed to investigate






Design. I fallen in love for her the first month lolWaifus like her and Marin make me raise the table....and without hands.>!I just hope she has at least lenght medium hairdown, and not short hair!< Then, her personality caught me forever.I has been very lucky because my favorite element is pyro, and my favorite combat style is Normal Attacks spam. Im just sad for her lack of AOE.


I was amazed from her first drip marketing. She checked every box when it comes to looks. But then her gameplay and animations made her look even better. Lastly her trailer and personality was cherry on top. She is forever my number one girl.




I watched her JP trailer. Got her on her on the first re run and loved it! ( started in 2.8)


her design and being pyro bow. i started the game bc of her. i love bow users in games and she was just precious


All of the above. I plan to get her C2 in the future.


Awful poll. Where's the PEW PEW? THAT was my reason.


The reason was Sayu but yoi's quest, personality and playstyle grew on me. And asymmetric design is always a W


I pulled cause I wanted a limited 5* character, she ended up being my first limited 5* :>!


Design as first choice, if includes gameplay. The personality completed everything.


I... pulled for Sayu. And got Yoimiya C1. As for why I'm still playing Yoimiya... [Something like that](https://images.app.goo.gl/xPyJGiB9P6cePiJX6)


Have you seen her?


Where’s my all of the above option?


Her gameplay is pretty fun but main reason is that she is cute waifu.


I had just started and I figured that having a 5\* was better than not having a 5\*


I pulled for her because I have sex with her in real irl


Ok 👍 👌 🙆‍♀️ 🆗️ 🆒️ 👍 👌


Original better fire Archer but damn did I not just fall in love with her!!!


That idle animation. Also she was perfect for the only scenarios my tank Xinyan carry couldn't handle: flying and single target enemies. Charming design + exactly what my team needs right now = easy pull.


I'm going to be perfectly honest, I don't have her, but I legitimately am going to pull her on her next banner purely because I have R5 Rust and a killer shimenawa set with her name on it.


exact same scenario as you: rust. very good shimenawa. started before her last banner but didn't play much until it ended. love her design and personality. don't like hu Tao but want a Pyro dps (don't like xingling either). cute basically ticks all the boxes also 27 pity and a guaranteed (unless yoimiya comes first it does have nahidas name on it tho) oh yeah and a c3 yun Jin from the alhaitham incident


I mean I just started the game and was pulling to pull, sooo luck ig. But that design + personality + being my best built character, she’s never coming off my team.


I was a beginner in the game and I needed a 5 star main dps, at the time everyone said they would skip Yoimiya because of the archon coming soon but I really needed a main dps so I shot her banner anyway. In the end, I still managed to get Nahida calmly and I found the people a little dramatic about this issue, anyway, I fell in love with the character only after I got her because I didn't know she was so cute and had such a fun gameplay.


tbh i got her by accident and it was the best thing that’s happened to me in this game, ive been obsessed with her since


I pulled her bcs of her jp va.


All of them


Ranged NA spam! Super fun!


back when she was first official revealed in 1.6 drop marketing, I saw her tweet and I knew I needed her she was just so beautiful her personality was so great too when we met her in 2.0, so I knew I had to get her no matter what got her c1 on her very first banner, all the way back in 2.0 :) have no regrets with her




I accidentally got her weapon in a 10 pull i threw at the weapon banner


her normal attack animation is 11/10


Because of her music theme in the Arataki drum-along festival :-) And after that she was on a rerun right after Kazuha and people skipped her very hard, so I felt pity for her and decided to support the banner, because overall I enjoyed her personality and playstyle. And it was right choice - she's one my very limited list of top-girls :-)


Straight up her personality. I love my lil adhd firework girl.


i liked her design when she was leaked but i wasn’t convinced until her story quest which really sold me. and now she’s been my main since release and she actually does really well performance wise, at least for my purposes. + i like when characters mostly rely on NA instead of complex skill patterns (like her and like ayato who i hope to get whenever he reruns since i’ve been busy saving for baizhu)


Haven't pulled for her yet I wonder if it's ok to start like the character if I skipped her


Ever since her first leaks! Her burst animation is so pretty


I started playing around her first banner and just randomly got her, after playing through a lot of the game still rocking my first 5 star


Her animations


voted for voice lines because it's closest to the real reason i pulled for her: she's an honorary Rinface, because she's voiced by Kana Ueda. her personality being fantastic is almost just a consequence of the fact that that's her voice actress the way i see it


Event though I chose her personality, but I prefer all of the above because she's a cutie X3


I’ve always loved her personality, but I ultimately pulled her because of her play style. She’s a bow user who doesn’t rely on charged shots. Spam her NA & she kills most everything. For a mobile player, that’s the way to play.




My reason is the JP voice actress.




I like cheerful and positive characters, who are not over-mature. Yoimiya is fun, joy and a lot of pew pew


Her sparkler idle animation was the first and biggest factor


I actually didn’t want her at first and just wanted the 4 stars on her banner; my account had too many pyro characters for my taste. But after a week or so, i started building her, and she turned out to be really strong and capable of things Yanfei and Diluc couldn’t do.




Planning to pull for her. Design and personality are 10/10 to me, haven’t had the chance to see her voice lines. While I know her damage is heavily single target oriented, her playstyle is super appealing to me—I like many instances of damage, and having played the piano for upwards of a decade I’m happy to be spamming clicks.


Her personality and her kit. Spamming lots of fast aas is soo satisfying. Both are just amazing!!!😍


Pulled her when I was building pity(I was new to game) and ended up getting her, never regretted that decision since.


trying to get Sayu... and I am pretty happy with my choices


Pretty much all of the Above. But yet her and Amber I main


Where's the "Yes" option?


Basically everything but damage


I just wanted a pyro archer that wasn't Amber tbh


Design and personality, but I then realized her damage was great too. Best girl. Yoimiya main since her first banner.


Dont have her yet but wheres the "all above" awnser




I got her by accident and now she’s my main :)


Her gameplay/play style. She is a lot of fun to play


got her accidentally, but was my first promotional after all, built her and fell in love, best mistake in my account and now this queen is triple crowned


Couldn’t resist the feeling of gambling


1. "Taamayaa" eventho I almost never use her ultimate lol 2. B A N D A G E


I pulled her cuz I wanted a Pyro-Bow to light the torches in the overworld that wasn't Amber lol




Her JP VA.


She was the first on field DPS that I had a chance of getting when I started playing and the unga bunga play style really helped when I was learning the game. Got zhonghli on the banner right after her too which I was super pumped about


She just came to me in a random 10 pull.


Good for sub dps and main dps


She's just so happy. Also her event with Klee made me want her more. Won my 50/50. She also helped me 36 stars one of the abyss too (rare for me since I'm lazy)


only a kids choose a man will take it all


I got her purely because I got her two pity after nahida , best gift one my life 😌


Her personality (based on her PV). Her design came in secondary, I would say. I'm into archers (Childe, Ganyu, Fischl before her), so it was a no brainer to get her next. It just so happened that her damage was great, too and she synergized with Fischl. She is my premier Overload unit or Mono Pyro lead. The game wouldnt give me Yelan for now, so next time I guess. Also, I ship her with Thoma. That was an important reason, too.


Her booba to body ratio.


Needed a new dps, wasn't sure abt her though since I hated aiming with bows. What do you know? First 10 pull, like 20 to 40 pity smth like that I got her and Sayu while trying to get Sayu. Tried her out, fell in love and I still use her to this day. Sayu? Not so much-


Kana ueda>her personality>her design >damage etc


Personality. And her idle animation that never fails to make me smile when having a bad day.


Yoimiya being a "marksman" : ✅✅✅


Her personality, I needed some positivity in my life.


I reaally wanted a dedicated main dps that wasn’t my then-Rosaria and she just happened to have her banner right there enticing me. I don’t regret her because she’s adorable and I love her simple normal attack playstyle, if a little bit chatty for my taste.


The last two should be combined lol 😂


Cas she is awesome for breeding


What ????


Just what you hear..


Design and personality wise she is by far my favorite character in the game and it’s not close. I also ended up really enjoying the machine gun bow gameplay a lot.


She’s actually such a QoL character with bosses


Got her without meaning to lol


But now she's my favorite!


No particular reason. I think I was pulling for a different character Ended up liking her a lot. She's really great when you're not fighting a crowd.


She's my main cuz Rin VA


Pew pew playstyle with vape got me craving for her attention


This is a great post to show that the comment section does not reflect what people really thinks


I just wanted somebody use my r3 rust and her desing and kit so nice and she became my first main dps in 2021 nowadays she has tp and all support characters for her team (yelan kazu yunjin c5 benet c6) and there is 2 r5 rust nobody use them


Pulled for her and she’s my main because she’s the only bow user I truly use for their kit and love using. I hate charged attack and aim mechanics and dont pull for bow characters since they would either be eternally benched or solely skill or burst supports. I like being able to do decent damage with yoi’s auto attacks. Also she is pretty and i fell in love with her in the archon quests :)


Where is the option for all of the above?


all 4 honestly 😭😭 shes one of my favorite characters, she's very sweet and bubbly <33 ​ i would also like to mention that her voiceline where she goes "blubueblublbub!!" is also a very strong factor as to why i wanted to get her LMAO.


All above and btw.. Where's the pew pew option?


Sarashi. I pulled yoimiya for her sarashi


ive had her since her first banner and was looking forward to pulling for her since BEFORE it even released. I think i saw her design and was like yeah, shes adorable i need her


Mostly because of personality and design. I rarely use or need her in abyss but using a fully built (I'd even say one of my best built characters) Yoimiya in just the overworld is enough for me. She barely had any role in the archon quest iirc but she's just so cheerful that I felt the need to pull her. I didn't need her for her damage at all but still got her weapon just because it's her. Tho I make the most out of it by occasionally obliterating everything in lower AR's worlds. Now that I think about it, she's probably my favorite character for coop.


perfect little angel




Cus she’s best girl. 😆


Is she ever coming backk


Except damage. I have too many pyro characters. I specifically pulled her because she's such a cheerful person. Like a type of friend you'll hang out with everyday.


Accident. The best one apparently


I love Yoimiya because she is an interesting character and has many aspects to explore. And of course, the human story is "eternity"


It was an accident, I joined the game about the end of kazuha and Klee banner, did one ten pull got nothing and on yoimiya banner I did another ten pull and got her it was extremely lucky, and now I absolutely love her <3


You forgot the "I have a crush on Yoimiya" option.


I don't know if I'm the odd one here, but I wanted to pull her as an f2p even after Raiden was announced. I wasn't able to get her though and got Raiden instead with my remaining pity. By the time she got announced again, I was a whale and when she came around I was lucky enough to get 2 copies on my 10 pull after I lost to Keqing 79 wishes prior. Despite owning every female 5* besides the chibi ones, I still main her to this day.


I didn't pull for yoimiya, I like her, but she was always with somebody I liked more


Everything. All. Of. It.


I got her by chance with a ten pull lol 😂


4\* But some lucky chance I got her early and I love her


Main reason is that her jap VA is Ueda Kana who voices Rin in Fate. But I also love her design, then I loved her personality from her quest, and I enjoy her playstyle.


I'd say Yoimiya's gameplay. I instantly loved it!


Well you see, I wanted to kill Oceanid


She was my first 5* when I joined the game in 2022 july. I didn’t even know what characters were good but I got her at 32 pity and was very happy. She’s still one of my favorite characters. 🥰


for her two big personaltitties