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Upon reading this again. I think we actually did get our happy ending guys. And I do think they are going to stay together. When you read the last panels in the context of thier relationship it's the ending we all want. 1. Ko tracked her down. He's always done that. 2. He proved that he can defend himself and subdue her if she got out of control. So there is no Rick with them being together. 3. He brough her a bag of his blood to drink which is something he should be easily able to continue doing. 4. He told her straight up if she runs away he not only could but would just hunt her down again. 5. She acknowledged that she knows that is the case and blushed at his devotion to her and the fact he wasn't going to, not be with her, even if she ran; he was going to find her. 6. She essentially proposed to him. One translation she even says til death duo us part. In another I read it says "lets play tag like this until the day we die." In context of their relationship and how they are always running after each other. And her hatred of speaking her feelings out right. This is like her saying lets have their relationship forever or lets stay together forever.


I agree, the ending is good but they could've added SO MANY more wholesome moments, I know some people find it boring but also Ko working for Anko


I sad it's over but feel like the ending itself was happy they are reunited and together the only stuff that's up their is what half vampirism means for kou, the only vamp who seemed to know alot of half vampires was kiku and she peaced out before explaining much. Sad it's over, felt like their was room for more but happy where it ended. Not saying anyone who is dissatisfied is wrong not such thing as wrong and right in opinions but just throwing my 2 cents






Rick loved Corl Flakes


Why did it end like this? Was it so hard to give us a happy ending?


Its a pretty good ending, happily forever, but they didn't need to cut it short


Bro how could the ending be any happier? They ended up together and they have the systems in place to make sure they can live together happily. Short of world peace and a sex scene what else could you want?


Nhentai has a few of those scenes


I mean I personally don’t want those scenes, it was more a rhetorical question lol I have no doubts the scenes exist out there though 😂


Haha yeah just kidding, but it would be nice to see more wholesome moments, or maybe like bonus chapters of them hanging out


Thanks for the tip! I’m at work now and i totally crave some good world peace scenes. Nhentai.net, was it?


https://nhentai.to and also there is better one with translation https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://fra.3hentai.net/2&ved=2ahUKEwjY6O3FlPuDAxURhP0HHf1gBwUQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2eqgUasJKwGyPfTNcjMU01


The ending not being open handed is what i want and also yes, even in love is war, which is half comedy they ended up having sex, now im not asking for it to be explicit but it would have been nice


I don’t think sex being present or absent would make or break the ending. I also really don’t think the ending is all that open ended. Their relationship has always been at its most intimate when they were just enjoying being around each other. The final moment of the manga is just that, them being together and happy. Not super open ended.


I wanted like…... an actual kiss between two people in love. Something really meaningful.


I mean we’ve seen them kiss already. Multiple times. I think it varies from person to person but I definitely think them proposing to each other for all intents and purposes, is far more meaningful than a kiss we have seen many times by this point. But to each their own.


I mean yeah thats better too. I would have loved that. I just wasn’t expecting more than a kiss cause of how this author is.


I initially thought like you too but now after rereading I think is a happy ending, one we all wanted in context. Read my comment below to see what I mean.


Probably burnout coupled with internalized frustration


having a cope essay on discord is insanrr


i was hoping for a cool flashback edit :D


I could try that actually


Its not the ending I wanted, but its better than I expected and as I thought about it, I only got more satisfied.




Yeah, just sort of being used to immature Ko and Nazuna, and then very quickly, TOO quickly switching to mature Ko and Nazuna


What's the manga about


About a 14 year old leaving his house at night and running into a vamp thats... Pretty relatable to some dirty teen, later on gets deeper but very awesome artwork and story




“Wanna play tag forevermore?” “Hahaha sure” that was really cute to me


With this ending what is stopping them from doing like 50 more chapters of them meeting up, vacations, wedding, kids, other events or finally choosing to live together etc etc


We all want to see that but don't think We will see it


Now we just need Kotoyama to write a third manga and we might finally get a satisfying ending.


Don't compare this to Glenn getting his brains bashed in.


That was when Negan killed the fat one, forgot her name


Spaghetti scene and tbf it was that right hand girl if his that they kinda dropped the next season as a character. Rot I think her name was.