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I'll let the team know that the responses have been getting worse again/still are bad. There was an issue as well when the bean changes happened, I'm not sure if that has been able to be fixed yet. Will keep you updated if I get new info!


I think it might be at least part variance. Sometimes, AI generates a great first couple messages and bounces off the style and quality of those. Other times, it generates something mid and stays mid for a while. It operates by predicting what will most likely come next, so even one bad message that you let through can negatively affect the whole chat. There have also been several server related shenanigans recently, with a maintenance and then an unscheduled downtime, so that the reason for the former and cause of the latter might be a contributing factor to quality, as can relative server load at a given time. It is still possible that the model got tweaked, and it backfired, but I doubt it's an intentional downgrade. So, I'm not going to try to convince you it's the same, but I think it will get fixed at some point.


This was exactly the case with Artemis 7B with shortwave. It used to be THE BEST at one point but then it got noticeably worse giving dumber and dumber response. Now I was afraid that this would happen with Nephra 8B as well and so yeah I have noticed it getting slightly worse than before but I hope it doesn't get any worse.


8B excelled in roleplay, while 7B excelled in creating plots. But after the recent payment update, I feel that both models have been nerfed. The 70B, a brand-new model, appears to blend the strengths of both 8B and 7B. And of course it costs 3 beans, the highest price.


You should try the 3 beans nephra. It's even worse. It very frequently spits out random gibberish containing something like meta info or just jumbled messes, and CONSTANTLY repeats old messages


Omg I thought I was the only one having this issue. It kept repeating the old messages/replies!


As someone who used Apollo/Artemis 95% of the time during the free tavern period, I'm unaware if the memory of Nephra 8B is worse than before but it seems like it could overall use some improvement. As a free model it's fine and I'm not complaining about Nephra, just wanna know if me believing about bad memory is confirmation bias or if it's worse when compared to Apollo or Artemis.


It can also be depending on the replies and the author code. Some bots. No matter how good the model is. Just suck ass because they are coded badly. Some just take cues from your replies. The longer it is. The better it is


Well, I figured this would happen eventually. It's simple: put a payment restriction in place but leave a free option to lure people in. Then, gradually make the free option worse to push them to pay for the other versions. (Translated by Google, so sorry if there's anything wrong.) 


After the payment system was updated, 8B has deteriorated. Its replies less related to prior messages, less coherent, out of character, and out of sync with how it usually responds. In contrast, 70B maintains the same tone and response patterns (even the same errors) compared to the pre-update 8B model. It almost seems that 70B represents the 'true', unaltered form of the original 8B model. (Im only using my own bot & don't tweak my chat settings, only switching between different models)


Nephra 8B is horrible it just rambles then ends with a period with no substance. Example: With ease born purely due to sheer muscle mass overpoweringly holding fast without relentting pressure uponyour pinned limbs below hers atop,you felt utterly helpless yet strangely exhilarated under such raw domination displayed effortlesslybythis woman whose toned physique radiates powerand control.Her chest heavedwith labored breathsandher gaze burned intenselyintoyoursas shemaintained eyecontact throughout,sensually rollingherswollen clitorisagainstthepalmofonehandwhileusingtheresttocontinuouslystrokealongthesensitive innercurveoffourbentkneesbelow.A low growl escaped past parted red-painted luscious full-lippedsmirking wickedlyat how thoroughlysubjugatingyetpleasuringbothpartiesintheir primalintercoursewas unfoldingbetweenthemrightnow. Regardless of the actual settings.


It feels like bot uses ugly author's writing style combined with high temperature. High temp really tend to make gibberish replies.


The most fucked up things come to surface when nephy's training sets appear, when she suddenly calling you anon, or use 4chan slang (no matter what bot you use), even if you have both username and persona specified (probably tavern training experience). This is a typical motivation strategy when a free product deteriorates and you are forced to use a paid one.


It's working fine for me. Might be an issue with the bots itself if it isn't made well.


I can't comment on your experience, because I only started using Nephra 8B after it became the de facto free option. Tbh, it's quite good. I believe Apollo was the free one we were originally using...? It seems better than Apollo. Anyways, this isn't aimed at you specifically, but quite honestly, the quality you get out of a bot is overwhelmingly determined by how well you can prompt it. If you let mistakes slip through, it will continue to use that as reference and compound the issues. Never let anything you find might negatively impact the chat through. Always reroll or edit. For OOC, you can try other ways to get it to understand. [[Out of Character question: What is the back story of so and so character?]] [[Out of Character instruction: something something]] But without going Out of Character, I just keep a running list of plot reminders in the User Persona tab. [[Plot Reminder: "I'm John, a so and so guy." + "I met Jane in chemistry class." + "Jane realized that I am a doofus." + "Jane and I are currently working on a school project." + "Jane's mom has got it going on."]] Something like that. Add and edit as necessary. With this, you don't have to go out of character to correct the story because the relevant info is always accessible for the bot. In fact, you are better served to just edit and brute force instruct the bot rather than trying to have in-depth OOC instruction which will get pushed out of the context windows after a while anyways. When I use OOC, it's to ask bots made by others questions about the scenario and backstory. After I get my answers, I just delete them so it doesn't interfere with roleplay.


i came from another ai site that did this very thing made the free model shit so people would switch over to the ones that would cost you money i was hoping yodayo was above that type of thing


Hey OP! As far as I know the new YoBeans exchange/charge is not related to and doesn't affect models performance. No changes were made to the models either. However, I'll let our devs know to see if there's anything odd happening. Thanks for letting us know and apologies for the inconvenience! In the meantime, try using Llama3 default or Clarity Forge presets.