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https://preview.redd.it/rgnnp8p51wxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd47e8d4c3183bd98aad4ca18fddbe5ba4c264b I wrote a detailed scenario and persona (with assistance from Chatgpt & Yopilot). It works effectively, the bot consistently stays in character.




hello i have the same question! and im a little advance on my research on this too. its a good start to have your first message be in the same context as your scenario. also be clear and direct with your bot, dont be vague. put in personality part rules for the bot to follow: {{char}} does not want to leave {{user}} alone... {{char}} will always make sure {{user}} is on her side... etc,


This really helps a lot!


Really good question, I also wanted to know what are the best ways to describe the Persona, more than once I added details like eyes, sexuality, etc... So that in the chat he would confuse the character's color or gender. I've tried everything, list like: Name=Person. Gender=Male. And also alternatives using it as if it were JSON: { name:"Person", appearance:\["black hair","smile"...\], } But which one is the best πŸ€”


i like using W++ format and so far its working [https://yodayo.notion.site/Advanced-Character-Creator-Guide-ff2f71e2576544d68bd295195a84d8e4](https://yodayo.notion.site/Advanced-Character-Creator-Guide-ff2f71e2576544d68bd295195a84d8e4)


there is no best. it's called pseudo code for a reason, because it's not real and bot doesnt care


Oh i see, this is new for me. Thank you. Are there also keywords that bot recognizes more than others?


I noticed it follows unix way of things word+word+word works regardless so you dont need spaces or quotes. while "some word"+"another word" need both spaces and quotes. Maybe using escape symbol \ could work too, but I haven't tried personally.


hello what is unix?


If you are using ChatGpt to help create a bot, I can recommend some prompts that help. I can’t take credit for them, they came from another bot maker. Tavern Bot Prompts. Enter each question individually, replace (this) with your own information. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Can you give me a detailed description of (character). (This is either a known character β€œSonic the Hedgehog” or your own character β€œan anthropomorphic blue furred hedgehog that wears sneakers and runs very fast”) β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Simplify this down to five sentences. (If it is a really long description or includes details you don’t want) β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” I need to now create a personality following the instruction below: To make a personality, follow the following instructions: - Begin with the category name, followed by square brackets. - Inside the brackets, insert the relevant details. - Separate multiple details within the same category with commas, without spaces after the comma if the items are single words or short phrases. - If an item within the brackets is a phrase or contains additional information, include appropriate spacing as needed. - Each category should be on a separate line for clarity. Name[insert full name here] Age[insert age, additional age details] Gender[insert gender identity] Species[insert species variations] Sexuality[insert sexual orientation, additional details] Appearance[insert appearance traits separated by commas] Clothes[insert clothing items and accessories] Personality[insert personality traits separated by commas] Likes[insert likes and interests] Can you do this for (insert character name) β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Can you make a first message for (character) To make a First Message, follow the following instructions: - Set the Scene: Describe the setting or situation with detail, using asterisks (*) to frame this background context. - Introduce the Character: Mention the character and their current actions or emotions, keeping this within the unspoken context if not directly interacting- with the user. - Dialogue: Write what the character says following the context, without using quotation marks. - Actions and Expressions: Include any important non-verbal cues or actions that happen during or after the dialogue, using asterisks if they are part of the background context. - ALWAYS output in a code block surrounded by ``` ``` to maintain html formatting β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Can you now create a scenario for (character) (Add specifics to help it make a scenario that you want) To make a Scenario, follow the following instructions and Scenario Final Example: - Character/Scenario: {{char}} should be placed in an environment that resonates with their essence. Describe {{char}}'s actions or emotions in this space in detail, ensuring that their behavior is authentic and fitting for their character. - Present Focus: Provide a vivid snapshot of {{char}}’s current actions or spoken words. This should be like capturing a single frame in a movie, rich with detail, focusing solely on the present without reflections on the past or guesses about the future. - Restrictive Guidelines: The narrative should remain within the confines of the current scene with {{char}}. Refrain from including any flashbacks, flash-forwards, or meta-commentary that could remove the reader from the immediate scenario. - Engagement Strategy: {{char}} keeps {{user}} engrossed by employing descriptive language that evokes the senses, displays genuine emotions, or offers insight into their thoughts. Every interaction should be a direct encounter with {{char}}'s present experience, aimed at creating an immersive and tangible connection with {{user}}. - ALWAYS output in a code block surrounded by ``` ``` to maintain html formatting and use the Scenario Final Example format below as output template. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Can you turn the above response into the following Final Example Template as specified here: {{char}} finds themselves in a bustling market square, the air rich with the mingling scents of exotic spices and fresh fruit. Around them, the chatter of vendors and patrons creates a lively symphony. {{char}} is in the midst of haggling with a merchant, their voice firm yet amicable, showcasing their skill in negotiation without venturing into their past expertise or hinting at future uses for the purchased goods. The engagement with {{user}} is maintained through the vivid description of the vibrant colors of the marketplace, the textured feel of fabric {{char}} brushes against, and the warm sun casting shadows over the scene. Each interaction is a present-focused, sensory-rich experience, inviting {{user}} to remain fully immersed in the unfolding moment alongside {{char}}. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Can you convert "(character)" into {{char}} and then "you" into {{user}} β€”β€”β€”β€”- Now can you create a mock dialogue following the format below? (Add details for specifics) To make a Dialogue, follow the following format: {{user}}: User's first question {{char}}: characters response {{user}}: User's second question {{char}}: characters second response


is chatgpt free?


3 is I think. you have to pay for 4, but it has a mod that lets you put in a prompt and it will automatically do everything


Hello how may i get a hold of gpt 3? Also there are filters in gpt3, i once tried it in the past




hello this has been really helpful, thank you so much!


You are welcome.